Intellij idea: how to extend the Java editor - intellij-idea

I have managed to develop and run an intellij plugin. Would it be possible to create a plugin extending the java editor for instance by providing a custom code completion feature ?

Yes, this is possible. Please refer to the JavaDoc of the CompletionContributor class for details of implementing custom code completion.


Formatter for Kotlin on IntelliJ

I am developing an application using Kotlin and using IntelliJ IDEA as editor. But not sure how to set a pre commit hook to format the code automatically. Could you please guide me on this with some open source formatter and how to use it. Thanks in advance!
You have two aspects:
Commit hooks are here:
Verifiy the that the check box are checked.
Koltin format:

Is there a way to include JavaFX controlsFX in Intellij Scene Builder?

I was wondering if there is a way to include controlsfx into the Scene Builder inside JetBrains Intellij. I tried to google it but I did not find anything relevant or updated.
just add the controlsfx jar file to the project libraries. then you can use the controls in it in the built-in scene builder
If you create user control in your project intellij will allow you to use it directly in the built-in scene builder just as you use external controls.

Jetbrains Plugin Custom TextEditor Rendering

How does one go about extending the jetbrains texteditor in a plugin to replace the text/characters/tokens with images/sprites?
This is not possible in the current version of IntelliJ IDEA (2016.3). The only possibility is to use the EditorInlay API to insert custom-drawn fragments between characters in the editor.

Quick Helper Annotaion in Java Editor

I'm trying to develop a eclipse plugin, which displays a Quick help annotation in the Java Editor.
The Quick Help icon should appear at every place, a type statement is missing in the Java-Code.
I'm a total noob in Eclipse plugin development. I read a few things about it and understand the idea with Extension points but I don't get how to add a annotation in the Eclipse Java editor.
Are there any examples or tutorials available for this problem/topic?
I don't know how to start and appreciate any help or hints.
I finally made it by placing a Marker and specifying a markerResolution for him.
Howto add a Marker
Marker Customization ,
Adding a Quick Fix to a marker type

How to add shortcuts ("templates") to eclipse properties through my plugin?

I'm developing a plugin for visualization of objects by calling Doo.dle(Object o).
Now I'd like to automatically define a shortcut like sysout for System.out.println(), e.g. doodle.
I already know how to do it by hand:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates
Is there an extension point or something similar to do this automatically with my plugin?
I managed to do it on my own:
I had to define a javaCompletionProposalComputer extension and implement an ICompletionProposal.
It's not exactly what I intended, but it's working too.
I finally found it out:
The key is to define an extension for org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates. Patterns etc. can be cheated off predifined templates in eclipse properties (see question).