Hi , Google big query - bq fail load display file number how to get the file name - google-bigquery

I'm running the following bq command
bq load --source_format=CSV --skip_leading_rows=1 --max_bad_records=1000 --replace raw_data.order_20150131 gs://raw-data/order/order/2050131/* order.json
getting the following message when loading data into bq .
Waiting on bqjob_r4ca10491_0000014ce70963aa_1 ... (412s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job
'orders:bqjob_r4ca10491_0000014ce70963aa_1': Too few columns: expected
11 column(s) but got 1 column(s). For additional help: http://goo.gl/RWuPQ
Failure details:
- File: 844 / Line:1: Too few columns: expected 11 column(s) but got
1 column(s). For additional help: http://goo.gl/RWuPQ
The message display only the file number .
checked the files content most of them are good .
gsutil ls and the cloud console on the other hand display file names .
how can I know which file is it according to the file number?

There seems to be some weird spacing introduced in the question, but if the desired path to ingest is "/order.json" - that won't work: You can only use "" at the end of the path when ingesting data to BigQuery.


bq show command giving `BigQuery error in show operation: Not found:`

As per the Google Cloud BQ Documentation, bq show --job=true myproject:US.bquijob_123x456_123y123z123c command should return the status of a BQ Job. But in my case I am getting the following error :-
BigQuery error in show operation: Not found: Job my-project:US.bqjob_r4bc4365eb9z97aa8_000001855ca75006_1
What could be the reason behind this error ? Also, I checked that I do have all the necessary permissions namely :-

"Error while reading data" error received when uploading CSV file into BigQuery via console UI

I need to upload a CSV file to BigQuery via the UI, after I select the file from my local drive I specify BigQuery to automatically detect the Schema and run the job. It fails with the following message:
"Error while reading data, error message: CSV table encountered too
many errors, giving up. Rows: 2; errors: 1. Please look into the
errors[] collection for more details."
I have tried removing the comma in the last column, and tried changing options in the advanced section but it always results in the same error.
The error log is not helping me understand where the problem is, this is example of the error log entry:
019-04-03 23:03:50.261 CLST Bigquery jobcompleted
bquxjob_6b9eae1_169e6166db0 frank#xxxxxxxxx.nn INVALID_ARGUMENT
"Error while reading data, error message: CSV table encountered too
many errors, giving up. Rows: 2; errors: 1. Please look into the
errors[] collection for more details."
"Error while reading data, error message: Error detected while parsing
row starting at position: 46. Error: Data between close double quote
(") and field separator."
The strange thing is that the sample CSV data has NO double quote field separator!?
2019-01-02 00:00:00,326,1,,292,0,,294,0,,-28,0,,262,0,,109,0,,372,0,,453,0,,536,0,,136,0,,2609,0,,1450,0,,352,0,,-123,0,,17852,0,,8528,0
2019-01-02 00:02:29,289,1,,402,0,,165,0,,-218,0,,150,0,,90,0,,263,0,,327,0,,275,0,,67,0,,4863,0,,2808,0,,124,0,,454,0,,21880,0,,6410,0
2019-01-02 00:07:29,622,1,,135,0,,228,0,,-147,0,,130,0,,51,0,,381,0,,428,0,,276,0,,67,0,,2672,0,,1623,0,,346,0,,-140,0,,23962,0,,10759,0
2019-01-02 00:12:29,206,1,,118,0,,431,0,,106,0,,133,0,,50,0,,380,0,,426,0,,272,0,,63,0,,1224,0,,740,0,,371,0,,-127,0,,27758,0,,12187,0
2019-01-02 00:17:29,174,1,,119,0,,363,0,,59,0,,157,0,,67,0,,381,0,,426,0,,344,0,,161,0,,923,0,,595,0,,372,0,,-128,0,,22249,0,,9278,0
2019-01-02 00:22:29,175,1,,119,0,,301,0,,7,0,,124,0,,46,0,,382,0,,425,0,,431,0,,339,0,,1622,0,,1344,0,,379,0,,-126,0,,23888,0,,8963,0
I shared an example of a few lines of CSV data. I expect BigQuery to be able to detect the schema and load the data into a new table.
Using BigQuery new WebUI and your input data I did the following:
Select a dataset
Clicked on create a table
Filled the create table form as follow:
The table was created and I was able to SELECT 6 rows as expected
SELECT * FROM projectId.datasetId.SO LIMIT 1000

Bigquery load from Avro gives can not convert from long to int

I am trying to load the avro file from google storage to Big query tables but faced these issue.
Steps i have followed are as below.
Create a dataframe in spark.
Stored these data by writing it into avro.
Loaded these data into google storage.
Tried to load the data into google bigquery by using following command
bq --nosync load --autodetect --source_format AVRO datasettest.testtable gs://test/avrodebug/*.avro
This command leads to give this error.
Error while reading data, error message: The Apache Avro library failed to read data with the follwing error: Cannot resolve: "long" with "int"
So i even tried to use this command by specifying the schema.
bq --nosync load --source_format AVRO datasettest.testtable gs://test/avrodebug/*.avro C1:STRING, C2:STRING, C3:STRING, C4:STRING, C5:STRING, C6:INTEGER, C7:INTEGER, C8:INTEGER, C9:STRING, C10:STRING, C11:STRING
Here i have only C6,C7 and C8 are having integer values.
Even this also giving the same previous error.
Is there any reason why i am getting error for long to int instead of long to INTEGER
Please let me know is there any way to load these data by casting it.

Uploading job fails on the same file that was uploaded successfully before

I'm running regular uploading job to upload csv into BigQuery. The job runs every hour. According to recent fail log, it says:
Error: [REASON] invalid [MESSAGE] Invalid argument: service.geotab.com [LOCATION] File: 0 / Offset:268436098 / Line:218637 / Field:2
Error: [REASON] invalid [MESSAGE] Too many errors encountered. Limit is: 0. [LOCATION]
I went to line 218638 (the original csv has a headline, so I assume 218638 should be the actual failed line, let me know if I'm wrong) but it seems all right. I checked according table in BigQuery, it has that line too, which means I actually successfully uploaded this line before.
Then why does it causes failure recently?
project id: red-road-574
Job ID: Job_Upload-7EDCB180-2A2E-492B-9143-BEFFB36E5BB5
This indicates that there was a problem with the data in your file, where it didn't match the schema.
The error message says it occurred at File: 0 / Offset:268436098 / Line:218637 / Field:2. This means the first file (it looks like you just had one), and then the chunk of the file starting at 268436098 bytes from the beginning of the file, then the 218637th line from that file offset.
The reason for the offset portion is that bigquery processes large files in parallel in multiple workers. Each file worker starts at an offset from the beginning of the file. The offset that we include is the offset that the worker started from.
From the rest of the error message, it looks like the string service.geotab.com showed up in the second field, but the second field was a number, and service.geotab.com isn't a valid number. Perhaps there was a stray newline?
You can see what the lines looked like around the error by doing:
cat <yourfile> | tail -c +268436098 | tail -n +218636 | head -3
This will print out three lines... the one before the error (since I used -n +218636 instead of +218637), the one that had the error, and the next line as well.
Note that if this is just one line in the file that has a problem, you may be able to work around the issue by specifying maxBadRecords.

BigQuery bq command with asterisk (*) doesn't work in Compute Engine

I have a directory with a file named file1.txt
And I run the command:
bq query "SELECT * FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare] LIMIT 5"
In my local machine it works fine but in Compute Engine I receive this error:
Waiting on bqjob_r2aaecf624e10b8c5_0000014d0537316e_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in query operation: Error processing job 'my-project-id:bqjob_r2aaecf624e10b8c5_0000014d0537316e_1': Field 'file1.txt' not found.
If the directory is empty it works fine. I'm guessing the asterisk is expanding the file(s) into the query but I don't know why.
Apparently the bq command which is located at /usr/bin/bq has the following script:
exec /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq ${#}
which expands the asterisk.
As a current workaround I'm calling /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq directly.