Looking for a MyBatis plugin for IntelliJ Idea 14 - intellij-idea

I'm looking for a current MyBatis plugin for IntelliJ Idea 14. I previously used one hosted by Seventh7 but that is no longer listed (and its git is a 404). The main thing I'm looking for is decent linking between my classes that extend SqlSessionDaoSupport (my DAO classes) and their matching xml files (not using annotation driven).
Any suggestions?

As far as I know the latest free version was v2.34 and it was applied to IDEA v141.177 till v141.179 (as described in file plugin.xml inside jar). That's why this plugin is no listed in IDEA. After this author released paid version and closes free access to the repo
But there is a free fork here:
https://github.com/phoenix/intellij-mybatis-plugin (I love github and open source :) )
Short instruction how to install it:
Download intellij-mybatis-plugin.jar from repo above or use direct link
In IDEA: File>Settings>Plugins, press button "Install plugin from disk" and select downloaded jar.
Restart IDEA
Note: For me navigation to and from xml files does not work until I disabled another iBatis plugin

In Intellij, Go to Settings-->Plugin-->Browse repositories
Search for mybatis plugin.
Install it and restart.

there is a plugin named MyBatisCodeHelperPro, you can search it in repositories.
or download via https://github.com/gejun123456/MyBatisCodeHelper-Pro/blob/master/README_EN.md


Can't find C/C++ IntelliJ IDEA Plugin

I'm trying to add a c/c++ plugin to IntelliJ IDEA, so I went to plugins and searched for it but couldn't find it.
Did they remove it and replace it with their new IDE cLion? Is it no longer supported or what?
Looks like the version of your IntelliJ IDEA is newer than what the C/C++ plugin supports. If you look at the plugin page you can see that builds from 139.1 until 142 are compatible. And if you look here you can see that build 141 is IntelliJ 14.1 and IntelliJ IDEA 15 is numbered 143. So my guess is you are using IntelliJ IDEA 15 or 16 EAP and therefore the plugin is not shown when you search for it.
Simply download the cpp plugin of the old 14 version located here:
Then edit the file CppTools/META-INF/plugin.xml and replace the "until-build" value in line 5 to something like until-build="170.0"
And this works perfectly :)
One should really note that the "C/C++" plugin available in the IntelliJ Plugin Repository is actually not developed by Jetbrains, but by a third party called AdvancedTools, and has long not been updated. I'm not sure if that is related to the release of CLion, e.g. IntelliJ bought out the plugin to serve as the foundation of CLion or whatnot.
As listed in the CLion FAQ page, there is currently no official standalone plugin for C/C++ editing available for IntelliJ IDEA. Just as with some other products such as Jetbrains AppCode, Jetbrains are currently keeping CLion as an exclusively paid product, without a free community edition, as indicated in this forum post.
The post also confirmed that a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA might be coming in the future, but is currently (Jan 2018) not a priority for JetBrains.
So yeah for now the only way to get decent C/C++ support within the IntelliJ ecosystem is to use/buy JetBrains CLion.
Download latest version of c/c++ extension from link: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1373-c-c-
then open that CppTools.zip inside META-INF folder open file plugin.xml modify line five until-build="" from your own intellij idea build. Go to Help --> About in Your Intellij idea.
plugin.xml file screenshot:
Now Go to File --> Settings --> Plugins --> Install plugins from Disk, browse ypur edited/ modified CppTools.zip.
I faced this problem before and i figure out that the software i install it was old and not update, so try to see the plugin version and see is that plugin version compatible with your intellij-idea, if not check update for the intelli-idea ,the developers fix many problems in every update ,then download it.
you can check compatibility from this page.
Click on Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories and search for it

Cannot add framework support in IntelliJ 14 Ultimate

I found a pretty old post with this question but unfortunately he didn't get any help. I hope someone can assist me.
I created a repo at GitHub. After cloning it to my computer I tried to add the following framework support: Maven, JSF, EJB, CDI, etc. I know I could add the files manually. But, I want to use what the IDE has to offer.
However, the only framework showing up is SQL, which is different from this post from stackoverflow and from their documentation.
Has anyone had this same problem and got it working?
Intellij reacts to changes in your Maven pom.xml file. Maven does not react to changes in your IntelliJ project module settings.
The steps that you should follow here are
Close IntelliJ
In a command shell, clone your Github repository.
Using an editor external to IntelliJ such as VI or Notepad, create a pom.xml in the root directory. Better yet, use a Maven Archetype to generate your pom.xml.
Now open IntelliJ. Choose File, New, Project From Existing Sources. Navigate to your pom.xml and follow the prompts.
I recommend checking Search for projects recursively and Import Maven projects automatically.
Finish the project creation.
Now, add dependencies to your pom.xml via the dependencies tag. See Maven Dependencies. Intellij will automatically react to dependencies that you add as long as it can see a Maven Repository on your local machine or on your network or on the Internet.
I know it is a little bit to late but I just post it because it is still an possible issue: You need to open YourProjectName.iml and make sure that the type (<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">) is JAVA_MODULE and not something else!(In my case it was WEB_MODULE)

Intellij plugin development, SDK source file content

I can't figure out how to add the Intellij SDK plugin development source files to be able to navigate the files.
Right now I am only getting a decompiled list. I'd like the comments as well.
Note, I know there is https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/platform/platform-impl/src/com/intellij/openapi/editor/actions/
But shouldn't these already be included?
Can someone explain how to add the sources? I tried from module settings but couldn't get that to work.
If you're developing a plugin, or viewing/modifying an existing one, I suggest you take a look at the IntelliJ SDK docs, especially the prerequisites section, which explains how to set up a proper development environment.
Basically, you should clone IntelliJ community using
git clone git://git.jetbrains.org/idea/community.git idea
Then configure an IntelliJ SDK, and in the Sourcepath tab, add the local git repo to attach the source code.

go lang plugin for Intellij IDEA 14.0.x

Is it possible to setup go language pluing for Intellij IDEA 14.0.3 version?
I tried to download the binary plugin (jar) from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/5047?pr=idea but the version listed here is old and does not recognize GOROOT and GOPATH.
I tried to build the latest plugin using sources from https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin using Intellij but failed to setup the SDK.
Is there a latest binary version of the go lang plugin available?
Update to IDEA 14.1+ or use the IntelliJ Community.
Original answer:
You can use the free version of IntelliJ Community with the latest version of the plugin and everything should work fine. Also, Android Studio for example is compatible with the plugin as well.
Unfortunately the plugin has some internal dependencies which makes it hard to port back and maintain for multiple IDEA versions. Hope this helps
It might be not the exact answer your are looking for but their is a separate IDE for go developer . it has some unique features you must try GOLAND First month is free.
I also faced up this problem couple days ago. You can download nightly version of go plugin from this link.
You must install this plugin via browse your download folder not repository

How to write an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin?

IDEA has many plugins to use. I.e. IDEtalk is one of them which I use. How can I code a simple plugin that just connects to Internet and shows a web page? (no need for an address bar but it is not a problem to be). I want my plugin's shortcut's button locate at my IDE as like IDEtalk, Commander, Maven Projects etc.
Any ideas?
Check the documentation and the source code of the other plug-ins available in the public git repository of the Community Edition.
There is a Creating Your First Plugin guide on JetBrains web site. It covers all the needed steps from plugin creation to deployment to the plugin repository.
You might also want take a look in the source code of a simple plugin like Twitter Integration Plugin which I recently implemented. Or check a more complex one like this one.