Add custom console to Eclipse console list - eclipse-plugin

Based on this tutorial, I'm creating an Eclipse plugin which provides a new console, The console is added to the view and I can print messages there, but for some reason it is not added to the consoles list (the dropdown list in the view's corner, see image below).
This is how I'm creating the console:
public void createConsole(String name) {
ConsolePlugin plugin = ConsolePlugin.getDefault();
IConsoleManager consoleManager = plugin.getConsoleManager();
console = new MessageConsole(name, null);
consoleManager.addConsoles(new IConsole[]{console});
And then I can print messages using this method:
public void print(String msg) {
MessageConsoleStream out = console.newMessageStream();
Also I'm using this method to bring the console view to the front:
public void bringToFront() {
IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
String id = IConsoleConstants.ID_CONSOLE_VIEW;
IConsoleView view = (IConsoleView) page.showView(id);
} catch(PartInitException e) {
Any suggestions?

To add a new type of console to the console view, you need to provide a consoleFactories extension:
label="My Console">
The factory class needs to provide an implementation for openConsole in which your console is created and shown, just like you did in your existing code:
class ConsoleFactory implements IConsoleFactory {
public void openConsole() {
IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
MyConsole console = new MyConsole();
consoleManager.addConsoles( new IConsole[] { console } );
consoleManager.showConsoleView( console );


ASP.NET Core 7 WebApplicationFactory Integration tests. How to load data?

I am creating an integration test to check that the data is working based on this very good tutorial.
The tutorial loads sample data in the OnModelCreating. But I was unsure if doing that will repeatedly load data to the DB when running the program.
However although I can get the index page to load, it has the page content, such as the table structure for the data it doesn't have the data from the database.
Using Swagger I copied a sample of data as JSON, saved it to a file, capitalized the first letter of the key to make it the same as the properties (after not doing do was fruitless as well), and tried to add it to the context.
internal static class AddTestData
//import json array and add to context
public static void AddMovieData(ApplicationDbContext context)
var jsonString = File.ReadAllText("testMoviedata.json");
var list = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Movie>>(jsonString);
foreach (var item in list)
and tried to add it to the dbcontext in this process in the WebApplicationFactory Class from HERE
public class TestingWebAppFactory<TEntryPoint> : WebApplicationFactory<Program> where TEntryPoint : Program
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
......... stuff deleted for brevity...
using (var appContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>())
// Seed the database with test data.
catch (Exception ex)
//Log errors or do anything you think it's needed
... still nothin. Page loads, no data loads.
Also why can't I get breakpoints to work in the Integration project?
What am I doing wrong?
The code was OK,but the data wasn't being deserialised.
I had to move it to the main project and test it there.
The solution is
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true
var list = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Movie[]>(jsonString, options);

Changing starting view in AvaloniaUI project

I want to change starting view. It displays MainWindow by default.
I created Start view with cli command and Start view model similarly to MainWindow files.
When I add lines:
to Start.xaml file I get and error:
System.Xaml.XamlException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
And when I try to replace MainWindow with Start in App file like this:
public class App : Application
public override void Initialize()
public override void OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted()
if (ApplicationLifetime is IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime desktop)
desktop.MainWindow = new Start
DataContext = new StartViewModel()
I get:
The type or namespace "Start "could not be found.
How can I make this work ?

Adding a DeclarativeComponent in a UIComponent at runtime. Oracle JDeveloper 12c

I've been working in this project for abou a week and haven't find a solution to my problem.
For testing purposes I create a simple new DeclarativeComponent which is a panelGroupLayout that contains 2 OutputText. After that I deploy the jar file and add it to my other Fusion web application libraries.
I want to add this DeclarativeComponent in another UIComponent at runtime by pressing a button which contains the next code in the javabean:
`public void addComponent(ActionEvent actionEvent)
// Add event code here...
private void createOutputComponent()
CuadroDeTextoComponent ui = new CuadroDeTextoComponent(); //This is my Declarative Component
UIComponent parentUIComponent = getPglComponente(); This is the panelGrouopLayout in which i want to add my declarativeComponent
addComponent(parentUIComponent, ui);
public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIXDeclarativeComponent childUIComponent)
I have tried draging the declarative component and it works, but when I do it dynamically the component doesn't display
For your component to display you may need to add a PPR refresh to it's parent element :
In your case :
public void addComponent(ActionEvent actionEvent)
// Add event code here...
private void createOutputComponent()
CuadroDeTextoComponent ui = new CuadroDeTextoComponent(); //This is my Declarative Component
UIComponent parentUIComponent = getPglComponente(); This is the panelGrouopLayout in which i want to add my declarativeComponent
addComponent(parentUIComponent, ui);
addPPR(parentUIComponent); //Refresh the parent component
public void addComponent(UIComponent parentUIComponent, UIXDeclarativeComponent childUIComponent)
public static void addPPR(UIComponent component) {
if (component != null) {

Is it somehow possible to have two master views and one detail view?

If I have for example one master view on the left and one in the middle, each showing oder Java Beans/POJOs, can I use a shared detail view that somehow listens to the active beans of each view and then displays the currently selected one in more detail? A one to one relation is quite easy to manage by using your Context library.
#ViewDocking(areaId ="left", position=1, displayName="Profiles", menuEntry = #WindowMenuEntry(path = "", position=0), accelerator="Shortcut+1")
public class ProfileListView extends BorderPane implements LocalContextProvider {
private final SimpleContextContent content = new SimpleContextContent();
private final SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(content);
private ListView<Profile> listview;
public ProfileListView() {
// add some profiles
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile1"));
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile2"));
listview.getItems().add(new Profile("Profile3"));
// setup selection listener
listview.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((value, oldProfile, newProfile) -> {
// set active profile and remove old one
// setup double click listener
private Profile getSelectedProfile() {
return listview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
private void configureClickListener() {
listview.setOnMouseClicked(event -> {
// check if it was a double click
if(event.getClickCount() == 2) {
// inject into editor pane
// calls the procedure to create a tab in the center area...
private void load() {
public Context getLocalContext() {
return context;
This is one master view holding a list view of items.
The other one would be the same, docking to the right as another tab and holding POJOs of type 'Action'.
The detail view is here:
#ViewDocking(areaId = "right", displayName = "Properties", accelerator = "Shortcut+2", menuEntry = #WindowMenuEntry(path = "", position = 0), position = 1)
public class ProfilePropertiesView extends BorderPane implements LocalContextProvider, ActiveContextSensitive {
private Context activeContext;
private SimpleContextContent content = new SimpleContextContent();
private SimpleContext context = new SimpleContext(content);
private Profile profile;
private IWindowService service = new NullWindowService();
private PropertySheet propertysheet;
public ProfilePropertiesView() {
// retrieve framework service, TODO: use tracker
BundleContext ctx = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()).getBundleContext();
service = ctx.getService(ctx.getServiceReference(IWindowService.class));
// initialize callback
service.addCallback(title -> {
System.out.println("callback called " + title);
// update the property sheet ui by re-creating the items list
// updateUI();
// we can safely return null
return null;
// configure editor factory so the user is able to use a combobox
propertysheet.setPropertyEditorFactory(new CustomPropertyEditorFactory(service));
private void load() {
public Context getLocalContext() {
return context;
private void contextChanged() {
// find profile information
Profile found = activeContext.find(Profile.class);
// if the found profile is null, ignore it
if (found != null) {
// reset if profile is valid
if (profile != null) {
// create reference and register
profile = found;
private void register() {
// retrieve observablelist of bean properties if some profile is selected
if(profile != null) {
ObservableList<Item> items = createDetailedList(profile);
private void updateUI() {
// clear property elements and re-create them
// re-create items
ObservableList<Item> items = createDetailedList(profile);
private ObservableList<Item> createDetailedList(Object bean) {
ObservableList<Item> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
try {
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass(), Object.class); -> new DetailedBeanProperty(bean, pd)).forEach(list::add);
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
return list;
private void reset() {
public void setActiveContext(Context activeContext) {
this.activeContext = activeContext;
this.activeContext.addContextListener(Profile.class, event -> contextChanged());
// trigger change
The current ProfilePropertiesView is just configured to display the properties of the selected profile. I want it to be able to display the current information of the last selected POJO in the UI. That means that if the user selected a Profile from the ListView, that profile should be displayed in the properties view. If he selected an Action from the Table (which is displayed in the center), the properties of the Action should be displayed.
Do I just need to register a new ContextListener for the Action.class
POJO and then call a method to populate the PropertiesView? I was
unsure if this is the right solution...
Yes, just add another ContextListener to the activeContext for every POJO type you want to observe.
Also note that in the constructor of views it's better to use a ServiceTracker instead of looking for the service via BundleContext as the service might not be available yet, depending on the order the bundles are loaded.
You can find a sample which uses a ServiceTracker here:

Eclipse Plugin Development : How to change file attributes of selected files?

I am trying to create an eclipse plugin to change the selected files to read only. Created popup menu sample plugin project which when executed shows a message "New Action was executed"
I am stuck at next step.
How to get list of files selected, and change file attributes ?
I don't have the time to test the following properly, but it is probably a good starting point:
public class SetFileToROHandler extends AbstractHandler implements IHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
final ISelection s = HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelectionChecked(event);
if (!(s instanceof IStructuredSelection))
return null;
final IStructuredSelection ss = (IStructuredSelection) s;
for (final Object o : ss.toArray()) {
if (!(o instanceof IFile)) {
IFile f = (IFile) o;
return null;