Access - Create Select Statement via Excel Template - vba

to export data from an Access 2010 Database I would like to use an Excel template as seen below.
In the first row I can define columns that are in the database. In the second line I can define exactly 1 filter which will be used in the "where" statement.
When pressing a button in Access, a query that is based on the defined columns and filters should be executed and the result will be exported to the Excel.
I am honest, I am not that skilled in VBA. What would be the best point to start from.

Your question is way too broad and as such it should not even be here, but let me give you some points to look at.
First you'll need to get your data from the Excel file. If you are not skilled with VBA, then the easiest way would be opening it through VBA using an Excel.Application object and Workbooks.Open method, and get your values from your Range.
Create an SQL Select statement from your values.
Do not use just a SELECT query, make it a SELECT INTO query (a "make table query" as Access likes to call it). That way your results will be inserted into a (new) table, making it easier to output.
Export your new table to Excel. There are several ways to do this, search for DoCmd.OutputTo or DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet.


Search SQL table using excel to return only matching values

I have a large table in my SQL database with a few million rows so I can't just load it into excel. I'd like to setup a data connection in Excel to the database which I can do now, but I want to be able to open the excel sheet, type my search parameter in a cell and then have the matching rows returned from the database table into the excel sheet.
Does anyone know if that's possible? I can't find a way to do it without manually adjusting the search term in the connection properties because I don't know how to pass along what I typed in the cell to be the search term.
Ok figured it out, microsoft has a great guide for it here:

Microsoft Access saving a query to a table in a macro setting

I'm using the dropdown menus to make macros in Microsoft Access, but I'm confused as to how to save a query into a table, overwriting it. The actions are as follows:
CopyObject([Example1],Table,[Example2]) #for the purpose of the query
But from there I don't know how to get the query saved into a table. SaveObject isn't what I'm looking for, I want it into a table, not saved as a quer Couldn't find any questions on here answering the problem, so I thought I'd ask. Basically, I want to copy-paste a query into a table, as I can do in regular Access, but due to the strict definitions of Access macros I don't think it'll work. I am familiar with SQL, but I'd like to not have to write SQL code as I am doing this multiple times with different names for each table.

Choose AS400 query records directly from Excel

I've been searching the internet for hours trying to figure out if the following is even possible:
To choose the AS400 query records directly from Excel.
I haven't found any solution or description of how this could be achieved, which makes me guess that it's simply not possible. However, I haven't seen anyone confirm that it is impossible.
So my question is: Is this possible? And if it is, could you point me in the right direction in order for me to start learning how to do it?
I know its possible to run a query from Excel, and then adding parameters via SQL statements, but in my case, this presents several problems that could be avoided by choosing the records before the query is executed.
I have a query with a column (lets call it ColVal) that can hold the values 1 and/or 2. In the AS400 program under the menu "Work with queries" and then "Choose records" I can specify which records the query should contain when it has run based on the value in ColVal. This means i can get three different situations (A, B and C) when i run the query:
A) The query only contains records where the value in ColVal is 1
B) The query only contains records where the value in ColVal is 2
C) The query contains records where the value in ColVal is either 1 or 2
The goal is to be able to choose which situation I want from Excel in order to circumvent opening and using the AS400 program.
However, using situation C and then editing the query in Excel with an SQL statement to mimic situation A or B is not an option, as this means the query still contains undesired records.
This whole thing boils down to the following: Is it even possible to run the query from Excel essentially changing the data it contains and not just outputting it to excel? If this is possible, is it then possible to pass a parameter to the AS400 system and use it to create situation A, B or C?
I hope this example makes sense.
Edit - New example
Say i have different customers A and B. I can open the AS400 program and run a query in which i have specified that I only want data on customer A. I can then open Excel and use filters (as Hambone described) on the query to determine which records I want to output. However, if I want to work with data from customer B, I have to open the AS400 again and run the query with different parameters. I would like to be able to "change" my dataset from customer A to B from Excel, without having to include both in my recordset and then filter out one of them.
I imagined this is doable if you could pass a parameter to the AS400. The AS400 then runs the query using this parameter as the criteria for which records should be stored in the query. This means that if the parameter is Customer B, then there is no way to acces data from customer A, without running the query through AS400 again.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated :)
Follow up to my comment, here is a quick primer on how to run an ODBC query directly in MS Excel using Microsoft Query. This is very different than Power Query, which you referenced, in that MS Query is standard with Excel -- it's not a plug-in. This is relevant because it means everyone has it. If you are deploying a solution to others, that's an important consideration.
To start an MS Query in Excel, go to the data tab, select "From Other Sources" -> "Microsoft Query."
A list of your ODBC connections will come up. Pick the one that you want and select "OK."
It may or may not ask you for a login (depending on which ODBC connection you use and how its configured).
The next part is important. MS Query is going to try to have you use its builder to create the query. If you have the SQL, skip this part. It's horrible. Click "Cancel" on the query wizard, and then click the "SQL" button to enter your own SQL. If you can, make sure the result set is small (like use where 1 = 2 in the query).
When MS Query returns results, click the button next to the SQL Button to have it return the results to the spreadsheet. It looks like a little door.
From here, any time you want to refresh the query, you can simply right-click the data table in Excel and select "refresh." Alternatively you can go to the data tab on the ribbon and select "Refresh."
By the way if you have linked pivot tables and charts, the "Refresh All" option will refresh those as well, in the correct order.
To edit your query at any time, right-click on the table in Excel, go to Table-External Data Properties:
Then Click on the Connection Properties icon (highlighted below)
Click on the second tab (Definition) and edit the SQL Directly.
Parameters can be declared simply by inserting a bare "?" in place of your literal.
In other words, if your query looks like this:
select *
from users
where user_id = 'hambone'
Just change it to:
select *
from users
where user_id = ?
Excel will prompt you for a user id before it runs the query. From here, you also have the option of putting the parameter value in a cell within the spreadsheet and having the query read it from there. You'll see these when you right-click the table and go to the "Parameters" menu option.
Let me know if this helps or is unclear.
-- EDIT 7/23/2018 --
To follow up on your latest edit, it is possible to handle the scenario you describe, where you want to be able to filter on a value, or if none is given, then not have a filter. You see this a lot when you present multiple filter options to the user and you want a blank to mean "no filter," which is obviously counter to the way SQL works.
However, you can hack SQL to still make it work:
select * from activities
(activity = ? or ? is null) and
(energy = ? or ? is null)
In this example you have to declare four parameters instead of two, two for each.
You might also have to play with datatypes, depending on the RDBMS (for example for numerics you might have to say ? = 0 instead of ? is null or even ? = '' for text).
Here is a working example where a single filter was applied on the query above and you can clearly see the second one did not have an impact.
Yes it's possible. You need to use an ODBC driver to connect to the AS400 and retrieve the data. The driver and documentation are Here

VBA Userform Listbox into SQL temp table

I have userform in Excel VBA that contains two multiselect listboxes. Essentially its the add/remove concept where the box on the left gives me a lits of analysis names from SQL and you select the ones you want into the box on the right.
What I'm now trying to do is take the information in the list box that the user wants to use and put that into a temp table in SQL so that I can run a query that loops through the values in the temp table.
I was going to create a .csv file save if and then inser the temp table into SQL. However that seemed long winded and made me think there must be a more direct way, however this is beyhond my SQL/VBA skills.
Many Thanks

Using an Excel macro to query a spreadsheet

So I have some data in some spreadsheets and I've found that for all the macros and filtering and forumlas I've written to simplify it and narrow it down to what I want, it would have been much easier to just write some SQL against a few tables.
I guess I'm wondering: is it possible to have a macro in a workbook that queries data in some sheets and then populates another sheet with the result set? If so, how would I do it?
(It is Excel 2003)
No need for a macro for this.
Go to DATA-> Import External Data -> Import Data then basically follow the prompts. You may need to make a new data connection, (New Source at the bottom) but once connected you can write queries natively in Excel.
I'm guessing someone familiar with DBs would be able to figure it out pretty quickly. If not, here's a tutorial.
Why do you need to use a macro when you can simply query the excel file like this:
SELECT Column1, Cloumn2, Column3
FROM [SheetName$Range]
WHERE Condition
SELECT ProductID, Qty, Price
FROM [SheetName$A10:C21]
WHERE ProductID = 545