I have images set into xib for an iPad app,On application launch the images disappear for iOS 7.It works fine for iOS 8 device but fails for iOS iPad for random attempts.
Below is the log printed by the app:
: ImageIO: CGImageReadCreateDataWithMappedFile 'open' failed '/var/mobile/Applications/7B81CFF6-44D4-4181-8051-7C6E38A9BA39/Photo Party.app/button_green_nul#2x.png'
error = 24 (Too many open files)
ImageIO: CGImageReadCreateDataWithMappedFile 'open' failed '/var/mobile/Applications/7B81CFF6-44D4-4181-8051-7C6E38A9BA39/Photo Party.app/default_bg.jpg'
: ImageIO: JPEG Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xff 0xd9
I am using Aurelia-esnext. After adding polyfills, It works fine on all browsers and devices. However in iPhone 6s, 6s Plus or any iPhone having iOS 9 it doesn't load.
iOS 9 safari throws below error. Any leads on this ? It works fine in iOS 8 and below
DEBUG [templating] importing resources for http://localhost:9000/wwwroot/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-templating-resources#1.0.0/compose.js []
DEBUG [templating] importing resources for http://localhost:9000/wwwroot/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-templating-router#1.0.0/router-view.js []
Unhandled rejection create#[native code]
My app crashes on some iPhone 5S device (only some) with the error:
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Unexpected error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "The operation couldn’t be
completed. (Cocoa error 4097.)" (connection to service named
com.apple.CoreAuthentication.daemon) UserInfo=0x174461dc0
{NSDebugDescription=connection to service named
The line which breaks the app is the following:
LAContext().canEvaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.DeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil)
Is this an Apple bug?
What am I doing wrong here?
It's an iOS bug. When an API returns a 4097 error, it usually means that the system daemon that was responsible for handling your request crashed. You can look for crash logs from the device and file a bug with Apple.
My app works fine on the iPhone simulator. However, when I launch the Android 2.2 simulator, the app loads (all the tabs appear) but then it crashes before my TableView appears. Here's the error:
E/TiJSError( 269): (main) [644,1030] ----- Titanium Javascript Runtime Error -----
E/TiJSError( 269): (main) [1,1031] - In ti:/titanium.js:178,19
E/TiJSError( 269): (main) [0,1031] - Message: Uncaught Error: Failed to load resource, Java exception was thrown.
E/TiJSError( 269): (main) [1,1032] - Source: source = assets.readAsset(assetPath);
E/V8Exception( 269): Exception occurred at ti:/titanium.js:178: Uncaught Error: Failed to load resource, Java exception was thrown.
Does this have anything to do with memory? How can I fix this?
I had a similar problem, and it turned out to be a memory issue.
Try inserting the following line into tiapp.xml:
<property name="ti.android.threadstacksize" type="int">32768</property>
Then clean the Android build folder and run the app again. I hope it works for you!
Not sure what this is about... dns.so?
(I only have this problem on the iPod device... but the simulator works fine.)
This WARNING(NSLog) shows on installing the app on the iPod:
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/4.2.1 (8C148)/Symbols/usr/lib/info/dns.so (file not found).
warning: No copy of dns.so found locally, reading from memory on remote device. This may slow down the debug session.
This ERROR(NSLog) shows up with the app running on the iPod:
2012-01-09 18:32:12.071 PlotData[868:307] Received memory warning. Level=1
2012-01-09 18:32:18.256 PlotData[868:307] Received memory warning. Level=2
Then the app crashes out... and sometimes locks the iPod entirely.
I'm working on an iPhone app that uses RSS.
When I scroll my UITableView, if I bounce it to the bottom too much, my app crashes and I get __TERMINATING_DUE_TO_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION__.
Here is my code:
Here is the error I get:
warning: Unable to read symbols for
"/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit" (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from
"UIKit" (not yet mapped into memory).
warning: Unable to read symbols for
"/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics" (file not found).
warning: Unable to read symbols from
"CoreGraphics" (not yet mapped into memory).
Program loaded.
sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Attaching to program: `/Users/abc329/Library/Application Support/
iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/
street-spotted.app/street-spotted', process 18528.