IntelliJ IDEA Linux Mint Problems - intellij-idea

When I run IntelliJ on Linux Mint, I get an warning on the terminal screen.
/IDEA/idea-IU-141.178.9/bin $ ./
[ 47358] WARN - om.intellij.util.ProfilingUtil - Profiling agent is not enabled. Add -agentlib:yjpagent to idea.vmoptions if necessary to profile IDEA.
[ 63287] WARN - .ExternalResourceManagerExImpl - Cannot find standard resource. filename:/META-INF/tapestry_5_3.xsd class=class com.intellij.javaee.ResourceRegistrarImpl, classLoader:null
I'm using Java 8 64-bit. I thing that this error is leading to some CSS loading problem.
Does anyone know what's going on with this?

It's not an error, it's a warning.
You don't have the built-in profiler enabled so that you can get diagnostics like CPU and memory usage, which are useful for when IntelliJ becomes unresponsive or sluggish.
Don't worry about it; if you don't encounter a lot of startup pain, then it's not anything critical. If you do require the profiler enabled, then you can follow the instructions here to add the appropriate run time flags to your executable.

does Mint use the oraclejdk? or the openjdk? intellij recommends the use of oraclejdk for Idea. it fixed at least one problem i had with it under fedora (at the cost of some disk space).


What is the reason for intellij IDEA for not launching (Failed to load JVM DLL)?

On my computer (64 bit operating system, x64 based processor) I installed Amazon Correto JDK 11 (for 64 bit) and IntelliJ IDEA. it was working till today without any issues. But now I can not open my Intellij IDEA. In fact it is not even launching.
I checked the environment variables and path reference of Java. It is all set. But when I double click on Intellij IDEA it is showing loading sign for a moment but it is not launching. I tried to run the same by going to it's directory and by using cmd. But still it is not launching. When I try to open the 32-bit version I get an error, but I know it is obvious, because I am using a JDK version for 64 bit. I want to know why my Intellij IDEA is not launching. Even after downloading the appropriate Java version and setting up the path correctly. There were no issues till today. I tried reinstalling my Java and Intellij. Still the issue is there. If anyone can help, please let me know the reason.
You are trying to run 32-bit idea.exe while your default JDK points to 64-bit JDK, hence the problem. Please use idea64.exe instead that will run on the bundled JetBrains Runtime.
In case idea64.exe also fails, please run using idea.bat inside cmd.exe to see if there any errors logged in the console.
Perform the steps from this document if the issue is caused by some plug-in or corrupted options.

Issue when trying to run passenger on Apache

I am getting this issue when running
httpd -t
httpd: Syntax error on line 545 of /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /private/etc/apache2/other/passenger.conf: Cannot load /Users/sbaidon/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/passenger-5.3.5/b
uildout/apache2/ into server: dlopen(/Users/sbaidon/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/passenger-5.3.5/buildout/apache2/, 10): no suitable image found. Did find:\n\t/Users/sbaidon/.rv
m/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/passenger-5.3.5/buildout/apache2/ code signature in (/Users/sbaidon/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/passenger-5.3.5/buildout/apache2/ not valid for use in p
rocess using Library Validation: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.\n\t/Users/sbaidon/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.5/gems/passenger-5.3.5/buildout/apache2/mod_passen stat() failed with errno=22
Passenger installation is just fine.
I ran into this too: the issue is that the built-in httpd that comes with macOS Mojave has Library Validation turned on, which means any modules it loads must be properly signed. Unfortunately, is not signed, so loading fails. Actually, a lot of people are having this problem with loading Apache modules on macOS Mojave (especially during the beta), some example references:
I believe it's possible to set up a plist somewhere to give an entitlement to httpd to disable library validation ( as described at For instance, here's a recent WebKit patch where they add it to allow plugin loading: Similarly, here's the Mozilla people talking about how they need to enable this (and other) properties:
Unfortunately, I don't do macOS development (I just do development on macOS) and I have absolutely no idea how to apply it to the built-in Apache, I'm sorry.
At this point I'm kind of sick of every major macOS update nerfing all my httpd settings and generally being a pain (it's infrequent but it's still annoying), so I'm doing what I should have done years ago: stop using the built-in httpd that comes with OS/X and just use Homebrew httpd.
Here's some instructions I found regarding setting up Homebrew httpd (and disabling the built-in macOS httpd), it's pretty straightforward and you don't have to follow all of the directions about multiple PHP versions etc:
If someone can figure out how to disable Library Validation in the built-in httpd, or if there is some way to provide signing on (seems unlikely since both the Homebrew and gem passenger need to be buildable from source), you don't need to junk the built-in httpd. But I personally think the best solution is to move away from it entirely and use the Homebrew version instead.
For anyone having this issue or any issue with library validation in macOS Mojave, I found an incredibly easy fix to disable it.
This is fixed in macOS 10.14.4

Complete keyboard block in IntelliJ 13

Sometimes when running IntelliJ it completely blocks all keyboard inputs in the program. E.g. I can click around a document with the mouse, I can even right click + paste. I cannot, however write anything through the keyboard or navigate with the arrows inside a document or between documents for that matter.
The only keyboard related actions that work seem to be system related; alt + tab, ctrl + alt + delete, caps lock etc. also when tabbing to another window the keyboard works fine, so it is not a hardware issue.
This seem to occur when a popup is active and I tab out of IntelliJ and back in, but I am not certain that this is the case.
I would like to stress that it is not merely the currently open document that I cannot modify, since I CAN insert text and remove it using mouse commands only (the file is not write protected or anything like that), it seem to be a complete block of all keyboard inputs in IntelliJ.
The only workaround I have found is to restart IntelliJ.
I am running Ubuntu 13.10. More or less all projects I work with in IntelliJ are maven projects. It happens roughly once a day when using IntelliJ as main IDE.
This seems to be an IBus issue. The bug is not localized yet but it's clear it is not in IDEA - rather in IBus or possibly in Java X events handling code.
IBus can be disabled for IDEA by unsetting env. variable XMODIFIERS. So, add the following lines to $IDEA_HOME/bin/ at almost the end of the file:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the IDE.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Have been reported that run ibus-daemon -rd is not recommended as it may cause JVM crash. However, it also seems to work.
I ran into the same issue with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and IDEA 14+. I'm currently running IDEA 14.1.3.
The XMODIFIERS fix seemed to work for a while, but then the issue returned.
Changing Setup->Language->Keyboard input method system from iBus to none did not fix it for me.
What finally worked was switching JDKs from
java version "1.7.0_79"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.5) (7u79-2.5.5-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
java version "1.7.0_75"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_75-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
export IDEA_JDK=/home/don/apps/jdk1.7.0_75/

OpenJDK's JDK location

I'm running Minecraft on a headless Linux server with OpenJDK. I've added a bunch too many mods and its lagging (even on my local network) without using too much CPU or memory (e.g. its lagging, but its still got resources it can use). So I'm pretty sure its a mod fault.
To save the hassle of removing/adding mods one by one to see whats causing the error, my research led me to VisualVM where you can profile the java application and see which entities are doing what and with what resources. With any luck it should point out the mod consuming the most resources, and the most ticks.
Given its a headless server, and VisualVM is a window/GUI application, I've successfully managed to get it running and passing the GUI back to my Windows client using X over SSH.
Trouble is now, that its telling me that I need to use JDK and not JRE. Which is fair enough. Except OpenJDK has JDK in its name, rendering all googling futile. I cannot for the life of me, find if JDK is included in OpenJDK, what its named, and where it may be located. The other problem is, most of the troubleshooting guides I find are for Windows, and dont help me find the JDK on linux.
As some background information, I'm running Debian, and I know OpenJDK's JRE is installed here: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
Can someone tell me please, if JDK is in OpenJDK, or I need to install it as well? If I do need to install it, is there an OpenJDK equivelant for JDK? If its already included, can someone provide some tips on locating it, so I can point VisualVM at it instead of the JRE?
The OpenJDK has a JDK, but there is also a cut down version which is just the JRE. I would use locate javac and if it can't find it, you need to install the JDK.

How can I run VisualWorks under OpenBSD?

Has anyone gotten VisualWorks running under OpenBSD? It's not an officially supported platform, but one of the Cincom guys was telling me that it should be able to run under a linux compatibility mode. How did you set it up?
I already have Squeak running without a problem, so I'm not looking for an alternative. I specifically need to run VisualWorks's Web Velocity for a project.
if you're wondering about setting up linux compatibility mode and you're running the GENERIC kernel:
# sysctl kern.emul.linux=1
to enable at boot uncomment the kern.emul.linux=1 line in /etc/sysctl.conf
See the OpenBSD FAQ, specifically section 9.4 - Running Linux Binaries on OpenBSD.
Typically there are more steps needed then just kern.emul.linux=1 unless you have statically linked (i.e. completely stand-alone) binaries. The good news is that packages exist that contain Linux libs, and they are easy to install. This is all detailed in the above link.