Trouble passing SQL data to view in codeigniter - sql

I have a form that I am using to allow people to input data and then upload a preset picture. I want to label that picture as the form_id. I am able to run a LAST_INSERT_ID() query and display it after I insert the form in my view but I can't seem to echo that information out anywhere else. I need the query to select_last_id to run after my $update query or the ID number will be off. Could anyone assist in helping me pass just the value of the row to my view? Here is the code from my controller.
function inspection() {
if($this->input->post('submit')) {
$array = array(
'trlr_num' => $this->input->post('trlr_num'),
'seal' => $this->input->post('seal'),
'damaged' => $this->input->post('damaged'),
'truck_num' => $this->input->post('truck_num'),
'driver_name' => $this->input->post('driver_name'),
'car_code' => $this->input->post('car_code'),
'origin' => $this->input->post('origin'),
'lic_plate' => $this->input->post('lic_plate'),
'del_note' => $this->input->post('del_note'),
'live_drop' => $this->input->post('live_drop'),
'temp' => $this->input->post('temp'),
'level' => $this->input->post('level'),
'ship_num' => $this->input->post('ship_num'),
'trlr_stat' => $this->input->post('trlr_stat'),
'comment' => $this->input->post('comment')
$update = $this->trailer_model->insert_form($array);
$query = $this->trailer_model->select_last_id();
$result =& $query->result_array();
$data['table'] = $this->table->generate_table($result);
$level = $this->trailer_model->select_fuel_level();
$result = $level->result_array();
$data['options'] = array();
foreach($result as $key => $row) {
$data['options'][$row['level']] = $row['level'];
$data['label_display'] = 'Fuel Level';
$data['field_name'] = 'level';
$status = $this->trailer_model->select_trailer_type();
$result = $status->result_array();
$data['options1'] = array();
foreach($result as $key => $row) {
$data['options1'][$row['trlr_stat']] = $row['trlr_stat'];
$data['label_display1'] = 'Trailer Status';
$data['field_name1'] = 'trlr_stat';
$data['page_title'] = 'Trailer Inspection';
$data['main_content'] = 'dlx/inspection/trailer_inspection_view';
return $this->load->view('includes/template',$data);

Anything you want to display on a view, you must pass to it.
When you're setting $data, you missed adding $query to it.
I understand that $query = $this->trailer_model->select_last_id(); is returning just an ID, so:
$data['last_id'] = $query;
But if $query = $this->trailer_model->select_last_id(); does not return just an ID, but an array or something else, you shall include to return the ID in your model method. Actually, it'd be crucial to know what $this->trailer_model->select_last_id(); is returning.
echo $last_id; -> must echo the last ID, if select_last_id() method from your model returns what it has to return.


How to assign associative array to collection object in Laravel

Hello Laravel Community,
I am new to Laravel and still learning.
Suppose I query data by using the following code
$User = User::where(['UserID' => $request->UserID])->first();
and I have an associative array
$Data = array(
['Username'] => 'Updated Username',
['UserEmail'] => ''
I wanted to load the associative array to the collection, something like
I don't want to assign every field one by one, for example
$User->Username = $Data['Username'];
$User->UserEmail = $Data['UserEmail'];
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you.
**You can try with foreach loop.**
$User = User::where(['UserID' => $request->UserID])->first();
foreach($Data as $key => $value){
$User->$key = $value;
For check the value is assign or not then use
$Data = array(
['Username'] => 'Updated Username',
['UserEmail'] => ''
$User = User::where(['UserID' => $request->UserID])->first();

How can I change the WordPress Custom Post & Categories to New Custom Post & Categories

In my database I have 2 custom post type and their category.
Old Post Type and Category
Post Type = real-estate
Category = re-category
Mew Post Type and Category
Post Type = real_estate
Category = real_estate_category
Now I want to convert all old post type and their categories to new custom post type and their categories.
So, using this code I can get all the old post type and can change the old post type to new post type BUT how can I change the old post type's attached categories to new post type categories?
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'everstrap_do_migration' );
function everstrap_do_migration() {
// Convert their real-estate to real_estate post type
if( $_REQUEST['action'] && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'convert_re_post_type' ) {
global $wpdb;
$old_custom_post_type = 'real-estate';
$ne_custom_post_type = 'real_estate';
// A sql query to return all real-esate post
$results = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID, post_title FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s and post_status = 'publish'", $old_custom_post_type ), ARRAY_A );
// Return null if we found no results
if ( ! $results )
foreach ( $result as $key => $value) {
// Update query
$update = $wpdb->update(
'post_type' => $new_custom_post_type,
'post_type' => $old_custom_post_type,
if( $update ) {
echo 'Updated post id ' . $value['ID'];
} else {
echo 'can\' update';
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r( $results );
// echo '</pre>';
$new = "real_estate_category";
$old = "re-category";
$cat = get_terms( array (
'taxonomy' => $old,
'hide_empty' => false,
global $wpdb;
$table = $wpdb->prefix . "term_taxonomy";
foreach ($cat as $c) {
$wpdb->update($table, array("taxonomy" => $new), array("term_id" => $c->term_id), array("%s"));

How the query used in Yii2

Can you help me. i want to like example but on my source code it becomes empty emty. What is the query or source code in my project? thank You.
in Controller
public function actionView($id)
$con = Yii::$app->db;
$sql = $con->createCommand("SELECT * FROM track where collecting_id=$id ORDER BY collecting_id desc");
$posts = $sql->query();
return $this->render('view', [
'model' => $this->findModel($id),
'posts' => $posts,
in View
<div class="timeline__items">
foreach($posts as $row)
<div class="timeline__item">
<div class="timeline__content">
<h2><?php echo $row['status']; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo $row['tanggal']; ?></p>
if the $id on the query is replaced with 'PMUEI' the result is result
Use ActiveDataProvider
public function actionView($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
$hotel = Track::find()->where(['collecting_id' => $model->collecting_id]);
$posts = new ActiveDataProvider([
'query' => $hotel,
// $con = Yii::$app->db;
// $sql = $con->createCommand(
// "SELECT * FROM track where collecting_id=:collecting_id ORDER BY collecting_id desc",
// [':collecting_id' => '$id']
// );
// $posts = $sql->queryAll();
return $this->render(
'view', [
'model' => $this->findModel($id),
'posts' => $posts,
the result is error .
Its always good to bind parameters when comparing columns with any such input that is provided by the user or can be edited by the user as in your case is the $id that you are passing as a parameter to the actionView(). And then you need to use queryAll() or queryOne() in case you want multiple or single rows returned.
So you should change your query to the following
public function actionView($id)
$con = Yii::$app->db;
$sql = $con->createCommand(
"SELECT * FROM track where collecting_id=:collecting_id ORDER BY collecting_id desc",
[':collecting_id' => $id]
$posts = $sql->queryAll();
return $this->render(
'view', [
'model' => $this->findModel($id),
'posts' => $posts,
Apart from the above, you should use ActiveRecord. Active Record provides an object-oriented interface for accessing and manipulating data stored in databases. Read Here to make your life easier.

Prestashop: How to filter in HelperList

Hello I try to filter a List in the Backoffice. It shows the filter, it also saves it after clicking on search, but nothing is happening. Same with pagination.
$schueler = $this->getAllSchuelerbyDiplom($id_diplom);
$diplom_name = $this->getDiplomNamebyID($id_diplom);
$fields_list = array(
'id_schueler' => array(
'title' => 'ID',
'align' => 'center',
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
'search' => true),
'customer_name' => array(
'title' => $this->l('ID Customer')),
'id_gruppe' => array(
'title' => $this->l('ID Gruppe')),
'name' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Name'),
'filter_key' => 'name'.$diplom_name),
'vorname' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Vorname')),
'punkte' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Punkte')),
'bestanden' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Bestanden'),
'active' => 'toggle',
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
'type' => 'bool'),
'date_added' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Datum'),
'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
'type' => 'date'),
$helper = new HelperList();
$helper->table = 'no-idea-what-this-is-for';
$helper->title = $diplom_name;
$helper->shopLinkType = '';
$helper->actions = array('view', 'edit', 'delete');
$helper->listTotal = count($schueler);
$helper->identifier = 'id_schueler';
$helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules');
$helper->currentIndex = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', false) . '&configure=' . $this->name .'&diplom_name=' . $diplom_name;
return $helper->generateList($schueler, $fields_list);
What is wrong with my code? What is $helper->table for? I tried different things there, but nothing helps...
public function getAllSchuelerbyDiplom($id_diplom) {
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('s.*, CONCAT(c.firstname,\' \',c.lastname) AS customer_name');
$query->from($this->table_name.'_schueler', 's');
$query->leftJoin('customer', 'c', 's.id_customer = c.id_customer');
$query->where('s.id_diplom = ' . (int)$id_diplom);
return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
The problem is that HelperList object itself will only display filters being used but won't filter the actual data list for you.
In your $this->getAllSchuelerbyDiplom($id_diplom); method I assume you execute SQL query to retrieve all rows, however you need modify it to account for any filters, paginations (page number and rows per page) or ordering. You have to check GET/POST values or values set in cookie to detect them.
$helper->table sets the table name and list actions are prepended with that name so they are distinct from any other lists you might have on the page.
Example of setting pagination and page
public function getPage()
// $tableName must be equal to what you set in $helper->table
// Check if page number was selected and return it
if (Tools::getIsset('submitFilter'.$tableName)) {
return (int)Tools::getValue('submitFilter'.$tableName);
else {
// Check if last selected page is stored in cookie and return it
if (isset($this->context->cookie->{'submitFilter'.$tableName})) {
return (int)$this->context->cookie->{'submitFilter'.$tableName};
else {
// Page was not set so we return 1
return 1;
public function getRowsPerPage()
// $tableName must be equal to what you set in $helper->table
// Check if number of rows was selected and return it
if (Tools::getIsset($tableName. '_pagination')) {
return (int)Tools::getValue($tableName. '_pagination');
else {
// Check if number of rows is stored in cookie and return it
if (isset($this->context->cookie->{$tableName. '_pagination'})) {
return (int)$this->context->cookie->{$tableName. '_pagination'};
else {
// Return 20 rows per page as default
return 20;
public function getAllSchuelerbyDiplom($id_diplom) {
$query = new DbQuery();
$query->select('s.*, CONCAT(c.firstname,\' \',c.lastname) AS customer_name');
$query->from($this->table_name.'_schueler', 's');
$query->leftJoin('customer', 'c', 's.id_customer = c.id_customer');
$query->where('s.id_diplom = ' . (int)$id_diplom);
// Limit the result based on page number and rows per page
$query->limit($this->getRowsPerPage(), ($this->getPage() - 1) * $this->getRowsPerPage());
return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
You can place a p(Tools::getAllValues()); d($this->context->cookie->getAll(); after you generate a list then set a filter in your list and it will show you all the variables you need to create filters and ordering.

Drupal Creating Votes in Voting API Through Code

I have a custom module I'm writing, part of what I want it to do is create a vote associated with a node, I'm trying to figure out how to call the voting API from my module. I loookd in the documentation but it's a little sparse.
Here is an example from a module I wrote a while ago.
while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$node = node_load($data->nid);
$node_terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms($node);
$vote['value'] = 0;
$vote['value_type'] = 'points';
foreach ($node_terms as $term) {
$vote['value'] = $vote['value'] + $users_tags[$term->name];
$vote['content_id'] = $node->nid;
if (isset($vote['content_id'])) {
Just another example of using this:
function _ept_set_vote($nid, $status, $uid = NULL) {
global $user;
$vote = array(
'entity_type' => 'node',
'value' => 1,
'entity_id' => $nid,
'uid' => (!$uid) ? $user->uid : $uid,
'tag' => $status
votingapi_set_votes($vote, array());
I call it like this:
_ept_set_vote($nid, "Start");
_ept_set_vote($nid, "Completed");