How to get daily steps from the Microsoft Band - windows-phone

With Microsoft Band and Windows Phone app I want to get from the MSBand the steps taken in the current day. Today, when I subscribe to the pedometer, the totalsteps attribute returns the steps taken overall. For example, my MSBand is returning 1M 444K steps. Does anyone knows how to get only the total daily steps?

The Band SDK does not expose the number of steps (by its internal count) taken by the wearer in the current day. The closest approximation to your goal would be to register a time-triggered background task that retrieves a pedometer sensor reading every n-number of minutes/hours and then calculates the number of steps taken on the current day based on a delta between successive readings. Obviously this implies a certain margin of error, based on how often (and when) that background task executes.
(On Windows Phone (8.1), for example, a background task can execute at most every ~30 minutes and isn't necessarily aligned to any given minute of the hour, which means steps could be attributed to one day or the next based on which side of the "midnight" hour the task happens to run.)

If you are accessing microsoft health cloud API. You can get the step counts(Per day) from the Summary URL Cloud API. refer my post Else if you want it from the band SDK alone, Its good to go with Phil's above suggestion. Hope this may help who use health cloud API.


BigQuery API: Query usage per day quota reached for unknown reasons

I'm a user of bigquery and the last week I just keep hitting the Query usage per day for no apparent reason. According to the Quota page I have reached 17TiB, however according to the Billing page I am only billed for 9 TiB since yesterday. See this and this screenshot.
I've also set up billing export (saved in a table cloudaudit_googleapis_com_data_access_) for my project and if I add up the processed bytes of all jobs since yesterday I only get to about 10TiB.
I have no idea where else to look for the reason I keep hitting this quota limit? So some help would be much appreciated.
The Billing doesn't seems to work in real-time as you can see in other questions.
I suggest that you wait a little to generate a new report and compare with the usage indicated in the quota.
If you need to increase your quota at the moment to keep everything working, you can do:
Go to APIs & Services
Find BigQuery API and click
Go to Quotas in the menu at the left of the screen
Edit the desired category's limit
Please, let me know later if the Billing still not matching the usage.
I hope it helps

What's the expected delay for update propagation in the Google Sheet API?

In general, for our usage of the Google Sheet API, the data appears to be eventually consistent-- that is, updates in the UI (Chrome) take some time to be reflected when the sheet is read via the API. In some instances, this delay is roughly half an hour.
I was just wondering if there's an expected or maximum value for this delay or if it's just "best effort".
I've found this question that mentions eventual consistency with the Sheet API, but that's about it.
I'm using version 4 of the Java API to access the data.
According to the Google Docs documentation:
Functions that pull data from outside the spreadsheet recalculate at the following times:
ImportRange: 30 minutes
ImportHtml, ImportFeed, ImportData, ImportXml: 1 hour
GoogleFinance: may be delayed up to 20 minutes
It turns out that the issue reported by the user dealt with roughly a half-hour delay with the ImportRange function.

Google Fit API - Real Time Data

I am trying to show in my application the steps that the user walked per day in real time but I am not able to. I tried to get the steps using TYPE_STEP_COUNT_CUMULATIVE but I am able to get all the steps from the day that user started using the application.
When I tried to use other type, for example DELTA, it's not working. Not sure if I am missing something. I am able to get the daily steps from HISTORY API but I cannot use them for real time because UI does not allow to use await().
Any suggestions?
The data type represents step count data as a sum since the start of the count. So this is not the one that you need.
From this documentation, it is stated here that Google Fit also provides simple access to the daily total of a specified data type. Use the [HistoryApi.readDailyTotal()](, method to retrieve the data type that you specify as of midnight of the current day in the device's current timezone. For example, pass in the TYPE_STEP_COUNT_DELTA data type to this method to retrieve the daily total steps. You may pass in an instantaneous data type that has an aggregate daily total.
But, if you want a real time data, you need to use the Sensors API together with the Recording API. Source: Record Fitness Data
For more information, check this related SO question:
Get current day's steps during datapointListener google Fit

Find out plan estimate of user stories moved to next iteration in rally

Does anyone know how to use Rally Web service APIs to calculate the total amount of accepted work delivered by the last day of the iteration and the total amount of accepted work delivered since the last day of the iteration.
You can find that information using the Lookback API. Every time an artifact changes in Rally it takes a snapshot of that data. If you query that API for artifacts that have had their Schedule state changed during those time periods you will be able to gather the information you want.

How to limit daily-usage even if user sets his clock back?

I have an IOS app that needs to track duration of free usage per day. Once it crosses a threshold, the user would have to purchase the app or wait for the next day to unlock his free-usage minutes for that day.
Is there a native way to detect if the user has set his clock back? Assume there is no Internet connection to sync with a time server
UIApplicationDelegate can get the following method called on significant time changes:
- (void)applicationSignificantTimeChange:(UIApplication *)application
You can try that one. From my point of view, I'd recommend to check current date on every application launch or willBecomeActive and store those dates as list somewhere securely. If current date is different from the last date, add it to your list. If list has more than 30 items (or how many you need) disable trial functionality.