Prestashop + custom theme how to put the Cart in the Nav bar - prestashop

In prestashop I want to have my cart block in displaynav position. I hooked it from header to displaynav hook, but it does not display correctly, css has to be modified. Can somebodey help me, what i need to change in what css.. thank you !

I did something that works but is quite dirty. Hopefully, someone will post a better answer. Also, I assume you're on the downloaded version of PS and not the cloud one. To my knowledge you can't customize like that with the saas solution :s
So I went to the css of my blockcart module ( themes\default-bootstrap\css\modules\blockcart\blockcart.css ) and adapted the first few lines to this
#header .shopping_cart {
position: absolute;
padding-top: 0px; }
I also commented out the little arrow for convenience ( in "#header .shopping_cart > a:first-child:after" comment the line with "content" ). Try using F12 and make live edits, it's quite useful with PrestaShop ! You get to know to which files are the elements related to.
Anyway, hope it helped and that someone will propose a cleaner way to do this ^^


Zikula add block to topnav position in Bootstrap Theme

When I add the search block to the topnav in Bootstrap Theme, the login button is "broken"
ZK2.0.13 with Bootstrap Theme. When the block is added, the user login appear in a new line (example)
I expect see topnav in a single line.
I found an answer for you. What I did was set up the page as you had it and then viewed it in Chrome. The app has some really nice dev tools for experimenting with css. Choose View->Developer->Developer Tools (Cmd-Option-I on a mac). From there right-click on the search box and choose inspect. You can then see on the right panel all the css that is affecting your element and see how the html gets laid out. I noticed that the search box was wrapped in a div with an input-group style so that was the one I wanted to mess with. I found if I added the below code it does what you want:
.input-group {
position: relative;
display: table;
border-collapse: separate;
float: right !important;
width: 200px;
padding-top: 6px;
The last three css commmands are the change that makes the difference. To fix the Bootstrap theme I went to themes/BootstrapTheme/Resources/public/css/style.css and added the above code to style.css. Don't forget to delete the cache folder in /var/cache (either prod or dev) before you test it out.
One concern I have with this solution is that .input-group might get used elsewhere and this may interfere. A quick inspection didn't show it being used anywhere else except the search box. If it is somewhere else, you will have to create your own theme (not hard) and manually write some code.
Thanks Paustian. It's working.
I have edited the file: Resources\ZikulaSearchModule\views\Block\search.html.twig in order to change the css class to "myInput-group". Then I have edited Resources/public/css/style.css and add your changes to the file.
Thanks for all guys.

Manual Positioning of Shareaholic ShareBar Plugin

I'm trying to manually position the Shareaholic sharebar WP plugin. I am using a vertical one, and want it to be in a fixed position on the left side of my screen beside my main content area. So far I have figured out how to get it onto my site, but not able to position it. I'm referencing this post of someone who tried to do a similar thing.
I'm using this code to insert it into my single.php
<?php echo do_shortcode('[shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="4766761"]'); ?>
But haven't had any luck with getting css positioning to work, or where exactly to put it in my single.php file
Right now it's just below this code :
<main class='content units <?php avia_layout_class( 'content' ); ?>' <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content','post_type'=>'post'));?>>
And it's showing up above the post content.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks
Custom CSS should be added to your styles.css theme file, but it is recommended to create a child theme when making any adjustments within your theme so that you will not run the risk of losing your customization if/when your theme releases a new version and you update.

Scroll Background to a Fixed Position

I think the title of my question accurately describes what I think I want to know.
I would like to be able to emulate/reproduce the exact scrolling functionality of this site
It seems the background is fixed but only scrolls to a point. Or, more clearly, it scrolls simultaneously with the rest of the content but only to a point. When I looked at the html source, here is what I saw:
<div id="background"></div>
and the CSS for the background is:
#background {
position: fixed;
top: -458px;
Can you guys tell me what is going on here? Does the above code produce what we see on that site or is there something else going on?
There is indeed something else going on in the background. It looks like they are using Jquery and perhaps a custom script to produce this effect.
For many browsers, you can inspect individual elements or the entire site and see what files are being used. In Google Chrome, you can do this by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+I and clicking the "Resources" tab. Here you can use the file tree on the left to go into Frames > [website name] > Scripts and see the various script files loaded up.
Here is the file that appears to be causing this cool effect:,js/core/jquery.resize.js,js/core/jquery.equalHeights.js,libs/qtip/js/jquery.qtip.js,libs/colorbox/js/jquery.colorbox.js,js/plugins.js,js/script.js
In order for this to work, the site needs to have Jquery installed, which is this file:
This has been an effect I've been meaning to recreate myself for a while now. Good luck!

access waveform.png inside .css sheet to use webkit-mask?

based on the custom-player-examples im building my own player.
i used the minimal-player template.
after i set up the player like i want it to be, i started to customize the design (color.css, structure.css, standard,css)
but now i am stuck badly..
i found out that i cant change the background-color of the waveforms unless i use a webkit or the waveform.js.
the webkit should do just fine for me...
my only problem is,
i dont know how to acess the track.waveform_url in neither my index.html or *.css files.
i know its inside waveform-container div but i need the url
-webkit-mask-box-image: url(**IN HERE!!!**);
background: #81D8D0;
height: 280px;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
position: fixed;
inside my stylesheet..
sadly i cant provide a link because its only on my hard drive yet
can somebody please help me out here?
thank you verymuch
Well, this is very hacky, but after a couple of attempts I haven't found a better way to get waveform URL.
Idea is that for first play there is an event of 'ajaxSuccess' that is firing and for the next ones there is 'scPlayer:onAudioReady' event. The point being that image’s DOM is being generated by the plugin only at some point, so we need a certain “hook” like an event to know for sure the image will be already present in DOM.
$(document).bind('ajaxSuccess scPlayer:onAudioReady', function () {
// get image from DOM of player
// it will be re-set every next play
console.log($('.sc-waveform-container > img').attr('src'));
'-webkit-mask-box-image': $('.sc-waveform-container > img').attr('src')
Here's working example (only tested in Chrome)
Custom player project is outdated and will probably not get much attention. Its current state is not very extendable from the JavaScript point of view.
My suggestion would be to use something like Audio5JS or SoundManager2 to play music and to have custom HTML and CSS UI. To get actual sounds or sets data you could query our HTTP API or use SoundCloud JavaScript SDK. Then you'd have proper object with all data including waveform API and would control the process much better.

is there any way to block the possibility to resize the text in a webpage using ctrl + scroller of the mouse

i guess maybe using javascript im gonna do it.... but if anybody knows a better and faster way to do it .. easily im gonna appreciate any ideas...
this is to make impossible for a user to view badly the page increasing the text or doing something like a zoom in the browsers ...
ive got some QA engineers asking me that .....
This is a very bad idea from a usability/accessibility point of view. Please don't do it.
Even if you block that key combination, the user would still be able to increase the zoom level via the "View" menu.
You haven't given a good reason, I doubt there is one, so I agree that you shouldn't do it. It's a fun little challenge though, so I have a possible answer, though I don't really know if it would work.
First, have a font-size: 70% or whatever percent you want in an outermost containing element.
Then, create a dummy testing element with:
Find the actual height of the element (say, 25px) and then test it over and over again on a timer (window.setInterval()). If it doesn't match, change the font-size percentage on the outer element until it does.