Writing SQL query to find ranking - sql

I'm trying to determine for a given person how many people have a better score than they do, and group it by the different teams they belong to. So, in the tables below, I'm grabbing the list of team_id from the team_person table where the person_id matches the person I care about. That will get me all of the teams I belong to.
Then I need to know each person_id that is in any team I belong to so that I can find out what their maximum score is from the performances table.
Once I have that, I finally want to determine, for each team_id, how many people on that team have a better score than I do, where better is simply defined as having a larger value.
I've gotten way beyond my abilities with SQL at this point. What I have so far, which seems to get me the maximum score for all the people I care about, (basically everything but my final "by team" requirement) is this:
SELECT person_id, MAX(score) m
FROM performances
WHERE category_id = 7 AND person_id IN (
-- Find all the people on the teams I belong to
FROM team_person
WHERE team_id IN (
-- Find all the teams that I belong to
FROM team_person
WHERE person_id = 2
GROUP BY person_id
My two relevant tables are defined like so, and I'm using psql 9.1.15
Table "public.team_person"
Column | Type | Modifiers
ident | integer | not null default nextval('team_person_ident_seq'::regclass)
team_id | integer | not null
person_id | integer | not null
*chop extraneous columns*
"team_person_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ident)
"teamPersonUnique" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (team_id, person_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"team_person_person_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(ident) ON DELETE CASCADE
"team_person_team_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES team(ident) ON DELETE CASCADE
Referenced by:
TABLE "roster" CONSTRAINT "roster_team_person_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (team_person_id) REFERENCES team_person(ident) ON DELETE SET NULL
update_team_person_modified BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON team_person FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_modified_column()
Table "public.performances"
Column | Type | Modifiers
ident | bigint | not null default nextval('performances_ident_seq'::regclass)
category_id | integer | not null
person_id | integer | not null
score | real | not null
*chop extraneous columns*
"performances_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ident)
Foreign-key constraints:
"performances_category_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES performance_categories(ident) ON DELETE CASCADE
"performances_person_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(ident) ON DELETE CASCADE

First, state just the problem, without assumptions about how to get to the solution. You've done that fairly well:
determine for a given person how many people have a better score than they do, and group it by the different teams they belong to.
but I'd rephrase a bit:
For each team a given person is a member of, how many people in that team have a better score than the subject person?
I don't know about you, but it suddenly seems simpler now. Take the team table, left outer join team_person and filter for teams we're a member of, left outer join performances to find games we played with that team, left outer join team_person again to get other people who're members of each team, left outer join performances, filter out teams the subject person isn't a member of, group and aggregate.
It's underspecified for some corner cases (like a team where you're the only member, or a team where you didn't play a game), but eh, whatever.
There's no team table. Since you don't care about anything in the team table, you can omit it from the join and just use team_person as the join root.
Your team_person table is defective, by the way. It should have a UNIQUE constraint on (team_id, person_id). Or, better, that should be the primary key. It doesn't actually matter for this query because duplicate team memberships won't change the result, but it's bad data modelling. You can't be a member of a team more than once.
performances should also have a column identifying the particular game or whatever. Since you haven't shown one, I'm going to assume you mean that you're looking for people who, in any game, performed better than the subject person at least once, in that game or another game. If you actually want to find people who did better in a particular game then you need a suitable key on performances.
Fatal problem: performances is also missing a column linking the performance to the team. This makes it impossible to properly solve the problem because you can't get performances by a given person on a given team. I'm going to assume there is in fact a team_id on performances and you just left it out.
So, allowing for the above issues, I'd first acquire the data with a big join, then group and aggregate it. This join will give us, for each team we played in, for each of our performances, for each other player, for each of their other performances, one row with all the relevant information. You can then compare performances and aggregate.
The below is totally untested, since you didn't provide sample data and you chopped important parts out of your schema (or the schema is defective), but I'd try something like:
-- Find how many distinct people scored better than us at least once,
-- no matter how many times or in which game.
COUNT(distinct other_team_person.person_id)
-- Start the join with our team memberships and how we scored in each.
-- If we didn't play any games for this team don't produce a result row
-- for it, so INNER JOIN.
FROM team_person my_team_person
INNER JOIN performances my_performances ON
(my_performances.person_id = my_team_person.person_id
AND my_performances.team_id = my_team_person.team_id)
-- Other members of teams we're also a member of, skipping
-- ourselves. An `INNER JOIN` is fine here because we know
-- a team with only ourselves as a member isn't interesting
-- and we might as well skip it.
INNER JOIN team_person others_team_person ON (
my_team_person.team_id = other_team_person.team_id
AND my_team_person.person_id <> other_team_person.person_id)
-- How each of those people performed in each team they're in
-- (because of previous filter, only considers teams we're in too).
-- INNER JOIN because if they never played they can't beat us.
INNER JOIN performances other_performances ON (
other_team_person.person_id = other_performances.person_id
AND other_team_person.team_id = other_performances.team_id)
-- Make sure `my_team_person` is only teams we're a member of
WHERE my_team_person.person_id = $1
-- Also discard rows where the other person didn't do better than us
AND my_performances.score < other_performances.score
-- Emit one row per team we're a member of
GROUP BY my_performances.team_id;
If you want to show teams where you never played and teams where you're the only player, you'll need to change some INNER JOINs to LEFT OUTER JOINs.
If you want to compare to find people who beat you only within a given game, you're going to need an extra column on performances, then an extra term in the join on other_performances to restrict it to only matching in the same game as my_performances.


SQL Trying to Outer Join Tables but not working

So, I've a Uni assignment and the lecturer has picked this week to be ill and unable to answer questions.
We've been given a baseball database made up of 4 tables to work with. Table structures are as follows:
TABLENAME:(column1, column2...etc) PK = Primary Key, FK = Foreign Key
PLAYER:(num PK, name, dob, team FK, position)
GAME:(num PK, gamedate, hometeam FK, awayteam FK, homescore,
GAMESTAT:(gamenum PK, playernum FK, homeruns, strikeout)
TEAM:(code PK, name, town, ground)
The aim of this particularly question is to obtain the name of the stadium's (ground in team table), the sum of the home runs scored on that ground, the sum of the strikeouts and then the sum of these two values within a specified date range.
My query and issue are below:
SUM(gs.homeruns) as TOTALHOMERUNS,
SUM(gs.homeruns + gs.strikeouts) AS COMBINEDTOTAL
FROM team t
LEFT OUTER JOIN game g ON g.hometeam = t.code
LEFT OUTER JOIN gamestat gs ON g.num = gs.gamenum
WHERE g.gamedate BETWEEN '7-AUG-2014' AND '13-AUG-2014'
GROUP BY t.ground;
My problem lies in the fact that I get the correct values for games played but regardless of using the LEFT OUTER JOIN, I'm not getting all the stadium's to list. I'm convinced it has to do with the fact that I have had to join to the hometeam from the GAME table and it can only pick the home stadiums based on that.
Any help you may be able to offer would be much appreciated.
Move your WHERE clause to the ON clause for the join to gamestat.
By imposing the filter criteria in the WHERE clause, it occurs after the join has been performed, removing the stadiums with no activity. Once this predicate is moved to the appropriate ON clause it will filter the gamestat's before the join instead of after.
You have experienced the good fortune to encounter this important quirk of SQL, that the positioning of predicates affects the result-set, early in your education.

SQL Database Design Many to Many

I am creating a database based on a sporting game to store matches and each player involved in each match. I am having trouble resolving a many to many relationship. I currently have the following tables:
There will always be a minimum of two players in a match. Is this the best design for this approach?
I would recommend a sticking with a many to many relationship. This allows you to change the specifications of how many players you can have in a game easily while not complicating the data model much.
Foreign key from PlayerMatch to Player
Foreign key from PlayerMatch to Match
--All the matches a player has played in.
FROM Player p
JOIN PlayerMatch pm
ON p.id = pm.player_id
JOIN Match m
ON m.id = pm.match_id
WHERE p.id = /*your player Id*/
--All the players in a match
FROM Match m
JOIN PlayerMatch pm
ON m.id = pm.match_id
JOIN Player p
ON p.id = pm.player_id
WHERE m.id = /*your match Id*/
--player information for a single match.
FROM Player p
JOIN PlayerMatch pm
ON p.id = pm.player_id
JOIN Match m
ON m.id = pm.match_id
WHERE p.id = /*your player Id*/
AND m.id = /*your match Id*/
That is a valid option, though I would suggest a naming convention where you use the same column name in both tables (i.e. use match_id in both Match and PlayerMatch; same for player_id). This helps make your SQL a bit more clear and when doing joins in some databases (MySQL) you can then use the 'using (col1, col2, ...)' syntax for the joins.
I wouldn't use the many-to-many relationship, I would do like this:
I think I'd try to model the match first & then see what happens with the table design :
Where player1_Id and Player2_Id are both foreign keys onto the Player table
By convention player1 would always be the home team
then you would query it like
Select p1.name as player1_Home, p2.name as player2_away,
player1_Goals as homeGoals, player2_Goals as awayGoals
from Match m
inner join Player p1 on p1.id = m.Player1_Id
inner join Player p2 on p2.id = m.Player2_Id
This sort of data relationship is not at all unnatural. To set it up, just ask yourself two questions:
Do players have more than one match?
Do matches have more than one player?
If the answer is yes to both, then you have a many-to-many relationship and these are not at all uncommon. Their implementation is only slightly more complicated. In a one-to-many relationship, you'd hold a foreign key to a list of records in some table. As it happens, this is still how it works in many-to-many relationships, except that both the Players and the Matches table will need a foreign key to some list of records.
This list is called the Bridge Table. So you'll need to use a total of three tables to descrive the relationship
<player attribute columns, eg last_name, first_name, goals_scored, etc.>
<a list of columns that are match attributes, eg. match date, etc.>
The table in the middle of the diagram above is called a bridge table, and it does nothing more than map players to matches, and it also maps matches to a list of players. Often, bridge tables have only 2 columns, each representing a foreign key to one of the bridged tables. There is no need for a primary key in a bridge table, and if there is not one, it means that a player can have more than one of the same match. If a player can have only one of one kind of match, then make the primary key for each row of the bridge table a composite key on both of the columns.
In database design, normalization is a highly desirable relational goal because it provides a database with the greatest possible flexibility and the lowest amount of redundancy. To normalize, ask yourself if the data you want to put in a table is -really- an actual attribute of the object described by the primary key. For example, is the home_team an actual attribute of the match. I would say no, it is not. In this case, you should replace home_team in your PlayerMatch table with a foreign key to a Teams table. In your Matches table, you ought to have two columns. One for a home team foreign key, and one for the away team key. The teams are not actual attributes of a match and so to normalize the Match table, you'd want to put those data in tables of their own.
Agree with M Hagopian, the op schema looks like a good start.

Design : multiple visits per patient

Above is my schema. What you can't see in tblPatientVisits is the foreign key from tblPatient, which is patientid.
tblPatient contains a distinct copies of each patient in the dataset as well as their gender. tblPatientVists contains their demographic information, where they lived at time of admission and which hospital they went to. I chose to put that information into a separate table because it changes throughout the data (a person can move from one visit to the next and go to a different hospital).
I don't get any strange numbers with my queries until I add tblPatientVisits. There are just under one millions claims in tblClaims, but when I add tblPatientVisits so I can check out where that person was from, it returns over million. I thinkthis is due to the fact that in tblPatientVisits the same patientID shows up more than once (due to the fact that they had different admission/dischargedates).
For the life of me I can't see where this is incorrect design, nor do I know how to rectify it beyond doing one query with count(tblPatientVisits.PatientID=1 and then union with count(tblPatientVisits.patientid)>1.
Any insight into this type of design, or how I might more elegantly find a way to get the claimType from tblClaims to give me the correct number of rows with I associate a claim ID with a patientID?
EDIT: The biggest problem I'm having is the fact that if I include the admissionDate,dischargeDate or the patientStatein the tblPatient table I can't use the patientID as a primary key.
It should be noted that tblClaims are NOT necessarily related to tblPatientVisits.admissionDate, tblPatientVisits.dischargeDate.
EDIT: sample queries to show that when tblPatientVisits is added, more rows are returned than claims
SELECT tblclaims.id, tblClaims.claimType
tblPatientClaims ON tblClaims.id = tblPatientClaims.id INNER JOIN
tblPatient ON tblPatientClaims.patientid = tblPatient.patientID INNER JOIN
tblPatientVisits ON tblPatient.patientID = tblPatientVisits.patientID
more than one million query rows returned
SELECT tblClaims.id, tblPatient.patientID
tblPatientClaims ON tblClaims.id = tblPatientClaims.id INNER JOIN
tblPatient ON tblPatientClaims.patientid = tblPatient.patientID
less than one million query rows returned
I think this is crying for a better design. I really think that a visit should be associated with a claim, and that a claim can only be associated with a single patient, so I think the design should be (and eliminating the needless tbl prefix, which is just clutter):
CREATE TABLE dbo.Patients
-- , ... other columns ...
REFERENCES dbo.Patients(PatientID)
-- , ... other columns ...
CREATE TABLE dbo.PatientVisits
REFERENCES dbo.Patients(PatientID),
REFERENCES dbo.Claims(ClaimID),
VisitDate DATE
, -- ... other columns ...
, PRIMARY KEY (PatientID, ClaimID, VisitDate) -- not convinced on this one
There is some redundant information here, but it's not clear from your model whether a patient can have a visit that is not associated with a specific claim, or even whether you know that a visit belongs to a specific claim (this seems like crucial information given the type of query you're after).
In any case, given your current model, one query you might try is:
SELECT c.id, c.claimType
FROM dbo.tblClaims AS c
INNER JOIN dbo.tblPatientClaims AS pc
ON c.id = pc.id
INNER JOIN dbo.tblPatient AS p
ON pc.patientid = p.patientID
-- where exists tells SQL server you don't care how many
-- visits took place, as long as there was at least one:
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.tblPatientVisits AS pv
WHERE pv.patientID = p.patientID);
This will still return one row for every patient / claim combination, but it should only return one row per patient / visit combination. Again, it really feels like the design isn't right here. You should also get in the habit of using table aliases - they make your query much easier to read, especially if you insist on the messy tbl prefix. You should also always use the dbo (or whatever schema you use) prefix when creating and referencing objects.
I'm not sure I understand the concept of a claim but I suspect you want to remove the link table between claims and patient and instead make the association between patient visit and a claim.
Would that work out better for you?

Unexpected results after joining another table

I use three tables to get to the final result. They are called project_board_members, users and project_team.
This is the query:
SELECT `project_board_members`.`member_id`,
FROM `project_board_members`
JOIN `users`
ON (`users`.`id` = `project_board_members`.`member_id`)
JOIN `project_team`
ON (`project_team`.`user_id` = `project_board_members`.`member_id`)
WHERE `project_board_members`.`project_id` = '5'
You can ignore last line because it just points to the project I'm using.
Table project_board_members holds three entries and have structure like:
I need to get member_id from that table. Then I join to users table to get name, surname and country. No problems. All works! :)
After that, I needed to get tasks_completed for each user. That is stored in project_team table. The big unexpected thing is that I got four entries returned and the big what-the-f*ck is that in the project_board_members table are only three entries.
Why is that so? Thanks in advice!
A SQL join creates a result set that contains one row for each combination of the left and right tables that matches the join conditions. Without seeing the data or a little more information it's hard to say what exactly is wrong from what you expect, but I'm guessing it's one of the following:
1) You have two entries in project_team with the same user_id.
2) Your entries in project_team store both user_id and project_id and you need to be joining on both of them rather than just user_id.
The table project_board_members represent what is called in the Entity-Relationship modelling world an "associative entity". It exists to implement a many-to-many relationship (in this case, between the project and user entities. As such it is a dependent entity, which is to say that the existence of an instance of it is predicated on the existence of an instance of each of the entities to which it refers (a user and a project).
As a result, the columnns comprising the foreign keys relating to those entities (member_id and project_id) must be form part or all of the primary key.
Normally, instances of an associative entity are unique WRT the entities to which it relates. In your case the relationship definitions would be:
Each user is seated on the board of 0-to-many projects;
Each project's board is comprise of 0-to-many users
which is to say that a particular user may not be on the board of a particular project more than once. The only reason for adding other columns (such as your id column) to the primary key would be if the user:project relationship is non-unique.
To enforce this rule -- a user may sit on the board a particular project just once -- the table schema should look like this:
create table project_board_member
member_id int not null foreign key references user ( user_id ) ,
project_Id int not null foreign key references project ( project_id ) ,
created_at ...
primary key ( member_id , project_id ) ,
The id column is superfluous.
For debugging purposes do
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(pbm.member_id) AS member_ids,
GROUP_CONCAT(u.name) as names,
GROUP_CONCAT(u.surname) as surnames,
GROUP_CONCAT(u.country) as countries,
GROUP_CONCAT(pt.tasks_completed) as tasks
FROM project_board_members pbm
JOIN users u
ON (u.id = pbm.member_id)
JOIN project_team pt
ON (pt.user_id = pbm.member_id)
WHERE pbm.project_id = '5'
GROUP BY pbm.member_id
All the fields that list multiple entries in the result are messing up the rowcount in your resultset.
To Fix that you can do:
SELECT pbm.member_id
p.project_id, p.member_id
FROM project_board_members p
WHERE p.project_id = '5'
) AS pbm
JOIN users u
ON (u.id = pbm.member_id)
JOIN project_team pt
ON (pt.user_id = pbm.member_id)

Modelling database for a small soccer league

The database is quite simple. Below there is a part of a schema relevant to this question
ROUND (round_id, round_number)
TEAM (team_id, team_name)
MATCH (match_id, match_date, round_id)
OUTCOME (team_id, match_id, score)
I have a problem with query to retrieve data for all matches played. The simple query below gives of course two rows for every match played.
select *
from round r
inner join match m on m.round_id = r.round_id
inner join outcome o on o.match_id = m.match_id
inner join team t on t.team_id = o.team_id
How should I write a query to have the match data in one row?
Or maybe should I redesign the database - drop the OUTCOME table and modify the MATCH table to look like this:
MATCH (match_id, match_date, team_away, team_home, score_away, score_home)?
You can almost generate the suggested change from the original tables using a self join on outcome table:
select o1.team_id team_id_1,
o2.team_id team_id_2,
o1.score score_1,
o2.score score_2,
o1.match_id match_id
from outcome o1
inner join outcome o2 on o1.match_id = o2.match_id and o1.team_id < o2.team_id
Of course, the information for home and away are not possible to generate, so your suggested alternative approach might be better after all. Also, take note of the condition o1.team_id < o2.team_id, which gets rid of the redundant symmetric match data (actually it gets rid of the same outcome row being joined with itself as well, which can be seen as the more important aspect).
In any case, using this select as part of your join, you can generate one row per match.
you fetch 2 rows for every matches played but team_id and team_name are differents :
- one for team home
- one for team away
so your query is good
Using the match table as you describe captures the logic of a game simply and naturally and additionally shows home and away teams which your initial model does not.
You might want to add the round id as a foreign key to round table and perhaps a flag to indicate a match abandoned situation.
drop outcome. it shouldn't be a separate table, because you have exactly one outcome per match.
you may consider how to handle matches that are cancelled - perhaps scores are null?