Setup secured Jenkins master with docker - ssl

I would like to set up a secured Jenkins master server on ec2 with docker.
I'm using standard jenkins docker file from here:
By default it opens an unsecured 8080 http port. However I want it to use a standard 443 port with https (at first I want to use self-signed ssl certificate).
I researched in this topic a little bit and found several possible solution. I'm not really experienced with docker so I still couldn't find a simple one I can use or implement. Here are some options I found:
Use standard jenkins docker on 8080 but configure a secured apache or nginx server on my ec2 instance that will redirect the trafic. I don't like this because the server will be outside the docker so I can not keep it in the version control
Somehow modify the jenkins docker file to start jenkins with a https configured according to I'm not sure how to do that though. Do I need to create my own docker container?
use docker file with secured nginx like this one and somehow combine two docker containers or make them communicate? Not sure how to that either.
Could someone experienced please recommend me the best solution?
P.S. I'm not sure how much troubles ec2 is going to give me but I assume its just about opening 443 in a security group.

After passing few tutorials on Docker I found that the easiest option to follow is number 2. Jenkins docker image declares the entry point in a way that you can easily pass arguments to the jenkins.
Lets say you have your keystore (e.g. self-signed in this example) as jenkins_keystore.jks in the home folder of ubuntu ec2 instance. Here is the example how to generate one:
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore jenkins_keystore.jks -storepass mypassword -keysize 2048
Now you can easily configure jenkins to run on https only without creating your own docker image:
docker run -v /home/ubuntu:/var/jenkins_home -p 443:8443 jenkins --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 --httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/jenkins_keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=mypassword
-v /home/ubuntu:/var/jenkins_home exposes the host home folder to the jenkins docker container
-p 443:8443 maps 8443 jenkins port in the container to the 443 port of the host
--httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 blocks jenkins http and exposes it with https on port 8443 inside the container
--httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/jenkins_keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=mypassword provides your keystore that has been mapped from the host home folder to the container /var/jenkins_home/ folder.

Like otognan, I would also recommend doing #2, but it seems that his answer is outdated.
First of all, use the jenkins/jenkins:lts image, as the jenkins image is deprecated (see )
Now, lets set it up. You'll need to stop your current jenkins container to free up the ports.
First, you'll need a certificate keystore. If you don't have one, you could create a self-signed one with
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore jenkins_keystore.jks -storepass mypassword -keysize 4096
Next, let's pass the SSL arguments into the jenkins container. This is the script I use to do so:
read -s -p "Keystore Password:" password
sudo cp jenkins_keystore.jks /var/lib/docker/volumes/jenkins_home/_data
docker run -d -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 443:8443 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:lts --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 --httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/jenkins_keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=$password
this script prompts the user for the keystore password
-v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home creates a named volume called jenkins_home, which happens to exist at /var/lib/docker/volumes/jenkins_home/_data by convention.
if the directory at /var/lib/docker/volumes/jenkins_home/_data does not exist yet, you will need to create the named volume using docker volume before copying the keystore.
-p 443:8443 maps 8443 jenkins port in the container to the 443 port of the host
--httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8443 blocks http and exposes https on port 8443 inside the container (port 443 outside the container).
--httpsKeyStore=/var/jenkins_home/jenkins_keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=$password provides your keystore, which exists at /var/jenkins_home/jenkins_keystore.jks inside the container ( /var/lib/docker/volumes/jenkins_home/_data/jenkins_keystore.jks outside the container).
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock is optional, but is the recommended way to allow your jenkins instance to spin up other docker containers.
WARNING: By giving the container access to /var/run/docker.sock, it is easy to break out of the containment provided by the container, and gain access to the host machine. This is obviously a potential security risk.
-v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker is also optional, but allows your jenkins container to be able to run the docker binary.
Be aware that, because docker is now dynamically linked, it no longer comes with dependencies, so you may be required to install dependencies in the container.
The alternative is to omit -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker and install docker within the jenkins container. You'll need to ensure that the inner container docker and the outer host docker are the same version, so that communication over /var/run/docker.sock is supported.
In either case, you may want to use a Dockerfile to create a new Jenkins docker image.
Another alternative is to include -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker, but install a statically-linked binary of docker on the host machine.
You should now be able to access the jenkins webportal via https with no port specifier (since port 443 is default for https)
Thanks to otognan for getting me part of the way here.

I know this is a very old topic but I wanted to share a blog post which covers reverse proxy option in detail:
Jenkins suggests to setup reverse proxy in documents. It may seem like an extra effort in the first place but it is a general solution for other services related with CI/CD environment as well (i.e. SonarQube).

I would use nginx together with jenkins in the same container, and use supervisord to manage both processes. Securing different services with builtin tools is a pain; nginx works the same for all services, and is easy to configure. It is possible, and nicer in some ways, to use docker-compose (was fig) to create two different containers and hook them up with the pretty internal networking that docker provides with links. The problem is that running pairs of jobs together is still not well supported in cluster managers like marathon. It's far easier to tell most services to run a single container, rather than to run two containers, but make sure they're on the same host.

Install Self-Signed SSL Certification to Jenkins Container
I have setup my jenkins in AWS EC2 instance with docker using official jenkins container. I have used docker-compose to build and run jenkins container and here is my docker-compose.yml file
First, you will need certificate keystore. If you already have a certificate keystorke, no need to run below code. So to generate certificate keystroke run
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore jenkins.jks -storepass password -keysize 4096
please be careful with volume mapping because i have places my jenkins.jks file in /opt/cert folder and my jenkins directory is in /jenkins foler and inside that jenkins foler i have my docker-compose.yml file and jenkins_home directory
version: '3.7'
image: jenkins/jenkins
container_name: jenkins-docker
restart: always
privileged: true
user: root
- 443:8443
- 50000:50000
- ./jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- ../opt/cert/jenkins.jks:/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins.jks
JAVA_OPTS: -Duser.timezone=CET
JENKINS_OPTS: --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=443 --httpsKeyStore=/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=password
after the all these steps , check your jenkins container is up and running. If so , then you can access your jenkins with browser with simply typing https://public-ip:443


kubectl unable to connect to server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

i'm getting an error when running kubectl one one machine (windows)
the k8s cluster is running on CentOs 7 kubernetes cluster 1.7
master, worker
Here's my .kube\config
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: kubernetes
- context:
cluster: kubernetes
user: system:node:localhost.localdomain
name: system:node:localhost.localdomain#kubernetes
current-context: system:node:localhost.localdomain#kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: system:node:localhost.localdomain
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
the cluster is built using kubeadm with the default certificates on the pki directory
kubectl unable to connect to server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
One more solution in case it helps anyone:
My scenario:
using Windows 10
Kubernetes installed via Docker Desktop ui
the installer created config file at ~/.kube/config
the value in ~/.kube/config for server is https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
using proxy
Issue: kubectl commands to this endpoint were going through the proxy, I figured it out after running kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify cluster-info dump which displayed the proxy html error page.
Fix: just making sure that this URL doesn't go through the proxy, in my case in bash I used export no_proxy=$no_proxy,*.docker.internal
So kubectl doesn't trust the cluster, because for whatever reason the configuration has been messed up (mine included). To fix this, you can use openssl to extract the certificate from the cluster
openssl.exe s_client -showcerts -connect IP:PORT
IP:PORT should be what in your config is written after server:
Copy paste stuff starting from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE----- (these lines included) into a new text file, say... myCert.crt If there are multiple entries, copy all of them.
Now go to .kube\config and instead of
certificate-authority-data: <wrongEncodedPublicKey>`
certificate-authority: myCert.crt
(it assumes you put myCert.crt in the same folder as the config file)
If you made the cert correctly it will trust the cluster (tried renaming the file and it no longer trusted afterwards).
I wish I knew what encoding certificate-authority-data uses, but after a few hours of googling I resorted to this solution, and looking back I think it's more elegant anyway.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a --project devops1-218400
here devops1-218400 is my project name. Replace it with your project name.
I got the same error while running $ kubectl get nodes as a root user. I fixed it by exporting kubelet.conf to environment variable.
$ export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
$ kubectl get nodes
For my case, its simple worked by adding --insecure-skip-tls-verify at end of kubectl commands, for single time.
Sorry I wasn't able to provide this earlier, I just realized the cause:
So on the master node we're running a kubectl proxy
kubectl proxy --address --accept-hosts '.*'
I stopped this and voila the error was gone.
I'm now able to do
kubectl get nodes
centos-k8s2 Ready 3d v1.7.5
localhost.localdomain Ready 3d v1.7.5
I hope this helps those who stumbled upon this scenario.
I my case I resolved this issue copying the kubelet configuration to my home kube config
cat /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf > ~/.kube/config
This was happening because my company's network does not allow self signing certificates through their network. Try switching to a different network
For those of you that were late to the thread like I was and none of these answers worked for you I may have the solution:
When I copied over my .kube/config file to my windows 10 machine (with kubectl installed) I didn't change the IP address from to the master's IP address which was 192.168.x.x. (running windows 10 machine connecting to raspberry pi cluster on the same network). Make sure that you do this and it may fix your problem like it did mine.
check: gcloud version
-- localMacOS# gcloud version
--- localMacOS# gcloud container clusters get-credentials 'clusterName' \ --zone=us-'zoneName'
Get clusterName and zoneName from your console -- here:
ref: .x509 #market place deployments on GCP #Kubernetes
I got this because I was not connected to the office's VPN
In case of the error you should export all the kubecfg which contains the certs. kops export kubecfg "your cluster-name and export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://"paste your S3 store" .
Now you should be able to access and see the resources of your cluster.
This is an old question but in case that also helps someone else here is another possible reason.
Let's assume that you have deployed Kubernetes with user x. If the .kube dir is under the /home/x user and you connect to the node with root or y user it will give you this error.
You need to switch to the user profile so kubernetes can load the configuration from the .kube dir.
Update: When copying the ~/.kube/config file content on a local pc from a master node make sure to replace the hostname of the loadbalancer with a valid IP. In my case the problem was related to the dns lookup.
Hope this helps.

Which ca.crt does docker.sock use for docker pull?

When I do docker pull from inside a container that uses /var/run/docker.sock to run docker (docker inside docker), I got this error:
FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add `--insecure-registry` to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/
So I followed the instruction and added the ca.crt inside that directory and also added the insecure option to /etc/default/docker, but the error didn't go away.
I wonder where /var/run/docker.sock command look for the cert when I pull from inside the container. Especially when pulling works from outside (host) with the same config (ca.crt in the right folder and the insecure option is also added).
/var/run/docker.sock is not the thing that is looking for a cert. That is simply the socket that you use to communicate with dockerd. When you do a pull, you are asking the docker daemon to go talk to a registry.
Where did you get the ca.crt file? Is that really the signing certificate for your server's certificate? Did you put that in /et c/default/docker/ on the host where dockerd is running, or inside the container?
That ca.crt file belongs where the daemon is running. Double check that you have that correct file in the correct place on the host, and that should fix the issue.
Got it to work now, the solution is to restart the docker daemon inside the container. I actually tried it before but the docker service kept going down after restart, that made me think it was the docker service from the host.
The reason I could not restart docker service is /var/run/ existed which prevent docker from starting again. So I deleted that pid and docker restarted successfully.

How to configure Let's encrypt certificates for nginx inside a docker image?

I know how to configure let's encrypt for nginx. I'm having hard time configuring let's encrypt with nginx inside a docker image. Let's encrypt certificates are symlinked in etc/letsencrypt/live folder and I don't have permission to view the real certificate files inside /etc/letsencrypt/archive
Can someone suggest a way out ?
I add my mistake. Maybe someone will find it useful.
I mounted the /live directory of letsencrypt and not the whole letsencrypt directory tree.
The problem with this:
The /live folder just holds symlinks to the /archive folder that is not mounted to the docker container with my approach.
(In fact I even mounted a /certs folder that symlinked to the live folder because I had that certs folder in the development environment, same problem..the real (symlinked) files were not mounted)
All problems went away when I mounted /etc/letsencrypt instead of /live
A part of my docker-compose.yml
image: nginx
container_name: ngx
- 80:80
- 443:443
- php-fpm
- ../../com/website:/var/www/html/website
- ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- ./nginx_conf.d/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/
- ./nginx_logs/:/var/log/nginx/
- ../whereever/you/haveit/etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt
The last line in that config is the important one. Changed it from
- ./certs/:/etc/nginx/certs/
And /certs was a symlink to /etc/letsencrypt/live in my case. This can not work as I described above.
If anyone having this problem, I've solved it by mounting the folders into docker container.
I've mounted both etc/letsencrypt and etc/ssl folders into docker
Docker has -vflag to mount volumes. Don't forget to open port 443 for the container.
Based on how you mount it it's possible to enable https in docker container without changing nginx paths.
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/ -v /etc /ssl/:/etc/ssl/ <image name>
If you are using nginx, Docker and Letsencrypt you might like the following Github project: https-portal.
It automates a lot of manual actions, and makes it easy to manage your configurations using docker-compose. From the README:
Test Locally
Automatic Container Discovery
Hybrid Setup with Non-Dockerized Apps
Multiple Domains
Serving Static Sites
Share Certificates with Other Apps
HTTP Basic Auth
How it works
obtains an SSL certificate for each of your subdomains from Let's Encrypt.
configures Nginx to use HTTPS (and force HTTPS by redirecting HTTP to HTTPS)
sets up a cron job that checks your certificates every week, and renew them. if they expire in 30 days.
For some background.. The project was also discussed on Hacker News: HTTPS-Portal: Automated HTTPS server powered by Nginx, Let’s Encrypt and Docker
(Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to the project, just a user)

how docker-machine uses docker api to copy certificates

My question is, as I understand docker-machine uses docker remote API to do whatever it does, for example to regenerate certificates. I have checked docker API but couldn't find how it's possible to send certificates to that machine using only docker api, can someone help please?
The TLS files are hosted locally on the Docker client. For this reason you should protect the files as if they were a root password.
This page will walk you through generating the files needed to negotiate a connection over TLS. Note that the remote daemon must be running TLS.
docker --tlsverify --tlscacert=ca.pem --tlscert=cert.pem --tlskey=key.pem -H=$HOST:2376 version
Note: Docker over TLS should run on TCP port 2376.
Warning: As shown in the example above, you don’t have to run the
docker client with sudo or the docker group when you use certificate
authentication. That means anyone with the keys can give any
instructions to your Docker daemon, giving them root access to the
machine hosting the daemon. Guard these keys as you would a root

Using host machines CA cert within Docker container

For https access I need to add a CA cert file to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates on my Ubuntu host machine.
Currently my Dockerfile RUN wget https... is failing since the certificate verification is failing.
How can Docker use the host machine CA cert? Or is there an existing enhancement opened to allow this?
I've used CA and SSL certs via a passthrough mount, but this looks like you're trying to do it in the Dockerfile.
So my suggestion would be - copy the CA cert to the image as part of the Dockerfile, and then proceed as normal. Or drop to http, or run wget --no-check-certificate if you're happy with that.
There are a few open bugs in this area: