MAJOR EDIT: I have a Neo4j database record of user information like name, location, email & password. I want to store the password records in md5 for security reasons. How can I convert the password entered by the user to md5 in the Neo4j database?
It's a Django app, and I need to secure user information with storing the password as md5 in Neo4j.
Thanks in advance!
You need to encode it in the application level before storing it into neo4j. Like you would do with other databases.
In django it would be :
// Then store it into neo
Using MD5 for password storage is a bad idea. MD5 passwords are far too easy to crack and have been for several years. Use bcrypt in a programming language of your choice until someone implements strong crypto in Neo4J.
Don't worry about MD5 storage, let Neo4j handle it for you. You can use the API to let a user set a password on first use [1], and have the user authenticate secure on subsequent use [2]. See also the documentation here.
[1] URL:
[2] URL:
Nowdays, technology changes faster. Could you please give me best technique to protect a password from contact form?
I read about functions as MD5, SHA1 but I don't know what the best options.
The idea is protect password from Javascript. Then, get value in PHP and save it in database.
Any recomendations ?
Password hashing must be done server-side, client-side hashing can be done, but never replaces server side hashing.
With PHP you should use the function password_hash(), currently it uses the BCrypt algorithm. Never use MD5 or SHA-* to hash passwords, those algorithms are way too fast and can be brute-forced too easily.
// Hash a new password for storing in the database.
// The function automatically generates a cryptographically safe salt.
$hashToStoreInDb = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Check if the hash of the entered login password, matches the stored hash.
// The salt and the cost factor will be extracted from $existingHashFromDb.
$isPasswordCorrect = password_verify($password, $existingHashFromDb);
How do I encrypt this field before storing it in the database?
password = fields.Char(string="Password", required=True)
Do I use auth_crypt?
How do I store (encrypt) and retrieve (decrypt) this field? Do I need to use computed fields?
Essentially you should not store encrypted passwords because they can be decrypted when an attacker obtains access to the server.
Instead you should iterate over an HMAC with a random salt for about 100ms, (the salt needs to be saved with the hash). Better to use functiions designed to do this such as password_hash, PBKDF2, bcrypt, etc. The point is to make the attacker spend a lot of time finding passwords by brute force.
See OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Password Storage Cheat Sheet.
Yes, use odoo official encrypt module. after 8.0 onward odoo default encrypt password.
new field: password_crypt which store encoded protected password.
Use official way of pick password field in model file
and proper xml widget for form view.
How to reset user's password via direct SQL for Odoo
There is a common requirement of storing user credentials securely (user id / user password) in the App and use them automatically next time the App starts, but I'm not being able to figure out how to do this without user interaction.
Using JSON Store I need a password to encrypt the information, so if I store user credentials in the JSON Store I will need to ask to the user for the password used to encrypt the information.
A solution I figure out is to store the user id in a JSON Store without encryption and the password in a JSON Store encrypted with the user id as password. May be this solution provide a bit more security than not to encrypt anything but I think is not a complete solution.
As explained in the comments this is a really bad idea.
Is there any solution to store user credentials securely and recover them without user interaction?
You can use the Keychain API on iOS. Android doesn't seem to have an equivalent API.
The most complete solution I figure out is to store the user id in a JSON Store without encryption and the password in a JSON Store encrypted with the user id as password. May be this solution provide a bit more security than not to encrypt anything but I think is not a complete solution.
I would strongly advise against doing that, if you store the encryption key (the user id) in plain text, then the attacker can simply use that to get to the password.
Update (Aug 27, 2014)
You should consider:
Hashing - You could hash values you want to protect. These are one-way functions, so you can't get the password back once you hash it. However, you can verify that the user provided the correct password. For example: First login you store( hash(password) ) then on next logins you compare if hash(password_provided) == stored_password_hash. If it matches, the user provided the same password. You should also use a salt.
You could give the user the ability set a pin using some library like ABPadLockScreen (you could probably find or implement something similar for Android too). You can then use the pin as the PBKDF2 input to generate an encryption key (JSONStore will do this for you when you pass the pin as the password). I would advise in favor of letting users only try a small amount of incorrect pin numbers, especially if the pin is only numeric and short, that way they can't easily guess the pin by trying various combinations. The idea here is that a pin will be easier to remember and type than their password.
FYI - There's a Stack Exchange site similar to StackOverflow but for security questions here.
What's the simplest way to upgrade a VB.NET site to using encrypted passwords? Are there easy to use encryption algorithms built in to System.UI?
My site is using plain text password storage, and it will soon be going to a public server at godaddy from a private one on the local network. I'm going to have to start adding in encryption algorithms to all the password parsing functions, and it would be nice if I could just set a SALT key in the web.config file and Encrypt(password) or something like that.
Not in System.UI but definitely in System.Security.Cryptography:
There are definitely standard "good practices" you'll want to follow. No point in re-inventing the wheel, especially when it comes to password storage. There are a lot of resources for that, and they're better at it than I am :)
Generate a salt for each user and store it in the database. Then hash the users incoming plain text password, add the salt to it and hash it again. For extra security, hash the password at the client before posting back to your server. Once you have the posted hash, you can add the salt to it and hash it again then store that value as the users password. This basically ensures that no one, even if they have access to your database can easily get to the users passwords.
This is the simplest way and all that is required is a reference to the cryptography libraries. You can get as fancy as you want with your algorithm. I've just provided a loose example of something that could be easily done in just a few minutes.
Is it any safer to create a table holding user information and another one for their passwords than using the same table for everything?
No I would just do this:
id, username, password.
Where id is just autoincrement, username is a varchar of 20 (or so, depending on your needs) and password is an MD5 or SHA1 hashed password with a salt.
Using two tables for this just doesn't make sense. Then you need to work with joins to get the data. And that's just an unnecessary burden.
No, I cannot see how that can make it safer.
You should actually refrain from storing passwords at all. Just store their salted hash.
Further reading:
Stack Overflow: Preferred Method of Storing Passwords In Database
I disagree with other people - put the authentication information in a separate table and to the greatest extent possible pull authentication out of your application entirely. You shouldn't care. Think siteminder and the like - your web application doesn't have any information about how the user is authenticated. Password, smart card, etc. (Same thing with Kerberos or Active Directory on desktop applications.)
This approach even works if you use a framework like Spring Security. Just set up your interceptor so it looks at the authentication tables alone. You could even use separate DataSources so your interceptor can't see application data or vice versa.
Obviously your application will still need to manage information about the user's authorizations, something usually handled in a 'roles' table. But there's no need to for it to know how the user was authenticated.
i think having the username and password in the same table is ok ,
but also l have seen people doing silly stuff especially when working with the ORM , someone might end up exposing password hashes etc
for example entity framework C#
someone can just do
no attributes kept ensuring that password is hidden nor DTOs (Data Transfer Object) ,
upon noticing this l just keep another authentication table and the other thing l there are a lot of fields for forgot password, last password change all those fields l will have them in another table with the password
No it is not safer. Just make sure your passwords are Salted+Hashed before you stored them in the DB.
No. Not unless each table required a different user account to access it - which would make querying it a complete pain - and even then, the hacker has worked out one login, so chances are they can get the other.
Just make sure that you are storing passwords in a hashed form, using a secure hash like SHA-2 and a salt. Do not store them in plain text and (IMHO) don't store them encrypted.
Btw, there is already a pretty simple (and powerful) c# salted hash class library (they've also included a small demonstration of how to use the library) out there - Link .
It also provides a verification mechanism (so you can verify the user's input as a valid password) and you can choose the Hash algorithm yourself (Sha1/MD5/etc.)
There is no security benefit, but using multiple tables can be useful for storing credentials to multiple systems tied to a single login.
As mentioned above, security should be provided by salted hash for passwords.