Custom meta title on checkout/success page in opencart - seo

I am new to opencart and need help with oc
I am trying to call custom meta title to add last order id on checkout/success page. I have followed a very helpfull response from shadyyx on Opencart successful order ID and Total from JavaScript
Now I am stuck at a point on how to use the order_id which is already available in session and call / display it in meta title of checkout/success page.

As I understood you, you need to check if the orderid exists and not empty and route is checkout/success so for example add this to $this->data['my-new-metatag']
All above do in the common/header controller (cos meta tags are in the common/header tpl file)
then in common/header.tpl check if $my-new-metatag exists, echo it, otherwise leave variable that echos by default


Prestashop add custom radio button on shipping carriers on front end checkout

I have created one custom module in Prestashop which will add multiple shipping methods (Carrier) and will show shipping cost based on product dimensions and delivery address. So shipping carrier will look something like this on front-end checkout page.
Now if someone select SameDay Courier Shipping then i need to show two radio button to select which service they want.
It will have two radio options like
Delivery pickup (by default this option will be selected)
Locker pickup
So if someone select Delivery pickup then it will have different shipping cost and if someone select Locker pickup then it will have different shipping cost.
Can anybody help me how can i achieve this functionality.
While digging, i found that we have file called DeliveryOptionsFinder.php and in that file we have one public function called getDeliveryOptions() where we have this line of code
if ($moduleId = Module::getModuleIdByName($carrier['external_module_name'])) {
$carrier['extraContent'] = Hook::exec('displayCarrierExtraContent', ['carrier' => $carrier], $moduleId);
So if i set is_module to 1 to all my carriers directly from DB then on frontend checkout page, no carriers is being displayed.
Thanks in advance.
I've already done something like this in the last 2 year as prestashop developer.
The truth is that you can't achieve what you want by "respecting" prestashop processes.
Maybe you can hook using a module the hookDisplayCarrierExtraContent($data) and then return the 2 radios if carrier is certain one (use $data).
But you can't handle a form submit or something else, or include it to prestashop checkout data.
But what you can do as workaround, for example, is the following.
In your module, as I said, hook the extra content, render a template with the 2 radios. Hook displayHeader too and use $this->context->controller->addJS() to add your own js if the current controller is the checkout one.
Then in this JS code you can handle the "change" event of the radios and send an ajax request to your module.
You can create inside {your_module}/controllers/front/ a controller called, for example, radio-choose and handle the js ajax request by saving inside your own table the choosen one.
Obviously you can disable the "next" button in checkout untill one of the two radios are selected, or maybe you can just set a radio button as default one to simplify.
For example your table "ps_cart_choosen_radio" could look like this |id_cart|choosen_radio|.
Then you have all the data you needed. When a cart is converted into an order you will have inside Order object (and ps_orders table as well) the id_cart.
Just select / join choosen radio from your own table by using order's id_cart.
"SELECT choosen_radio FROM ps_cart_choosen_radio WHERE id_cart = {$order.id_cart}"
If you need to show data depending on choosen_radio in frontend you can hook everywhere an order is present and select these data. Or maybe you can edit carrier name in ps_orders table by adding a piece of string. Let' say carrier is "express" and customer choosed "24h". You can update that column with carrier name by changing it to "express-24h" so around the whole prestashop ecosystem everybody will see that's a 24h choice.
Remember that the carrier name related to an order is not the carrier name inside the carriers table. So you can edit it without having trouble.
All these problems comes from the "need" to show some nested choices instead of listing all these in the main selections. In that case it would be easy (just create carrier in the prestashop backoffice)

Bigcommerce API Add Images

Using the legacy API in bigcommerce, trying to add a product image without success. I have done this before but it seems to not work now.
The API documentation says that there is a function to 'create a product image', however it says that the field 'product_id' is read only and any request will be rejected if it is included. If that is true and not a typo, how are you supposed to create a product image against a product?
Don't add product ID to the parameters, add it to the url. So if you want to add images to product 12345, make a post to
of the image data
{ 'sort_order': 1, 'image_file': 'http://blah.jpg' }

The rn tags in RightNow

By searching the php code in the existing RightNow scripts, I have managed to put together a list of the various rn tags used and the attributes used. I have searched high and low for some documentation on these tags to no avail.
Can somebody point me to where I would find some documentation on this?
For the benefit of others this is what I have found in the scripts:
widget (widget attributes will vary depending on the widget - those with a dash are included for standards adherence purposes)
Once you log into your Customer Portal admin site (, you can use the menu options to navigate to browse Page Tags / Page Meta tags under the Framework menu. Under Widgets, you will find all the widgets available for your site.
You can also read through the technical documentation located at; here is a direct link to the answer page. Click on the Customer Portal portion and look under the Section titled "Customer Portal Template and Page Set".

Adding quick link on admin home page (Prestashop 1.5.4)

Good day! Tell me, how can I add a quick link on the home page of the administrator to configure my module?
Follow the following steps:
1) In admin section to go Administration at top menu and then click on Quick Access.
2) IN next page click on Add new and you will see a form
3) Now open admin panel in another tab and to the module page or section, of which you want to place a link in quick access.
4) Copy that complete link in note pad and remove the token section of the link. It is required to remove the token section according to Prestashop.
5) Now come back to the add new form for quick access, give your link a name and then copy that modified link to the Url field.
6) Save it and you will have that link in quick access.
The above is method is used to add it at admin. Now if you want to add it pro-grammatically you can follow the following steps.
1) In your module in the install function, user a code like below
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access', array('new_window' => 0, 'link' => 'link_to_your_module_page'));
//an entry is made in quick_access table, get the quick_access id to insert lang data
$id = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); //this will give you last inserted ID from quick_access table which is your current quick_access id.
//now make insertions in quick_access_lang table for multi language data.
//get all your site languages, and place a foreach loop and in that loop insert
//data into the quick_access_lang table using below code
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access_lang', array('id_quick_access' => $id, 'id_lang' => 'lang_id', 'name' => 'name of your link'));
//Now for uninstalling module, you want to delete the link, so you need to store the quick access link id in configuration table so you can use it later.
Configuration::updateValue('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID', $id);
2) Now in your uninstall function in your module class, place the below code
$id = Configuration::get('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID'); //get id of your quick access link
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access_lang', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
//now delete the id from config table
Note : The above code is not tested, it may / may not need some adjustments.
Thank you
There is a hook in Prestashop DisplayAdminHomeQuickLinks it will help you to add quick link on prestashop admin panel. I have use this in my theme. And it will help you to solve the quick link.
In Prestashop 1.6.1 (maybe earlier too) in Admin view, at the top of the page, Quick Access has the option to "Add current page to QuickAccess". So just navigate to the Configuration page you need and use it.

Opencart: Pass quantity variable to success.php

I have asked this question in the Opencart forums but have yet to receive any responses, so i thought i might ask the experts here #stackoverflow :)
I am trying to see exactly how i can pass the 'quantity' of the items ordered to the success.php page so i can then pass that to another php script that will generate an array based on the quantity.
This is my goal:
Customer Buys 5 items
Customer checks out and processes CC through Paypal Pro
Paypay returns a successful transaction
Now i want the success.php page to pass a variable($quantity) to
myNewScript.php page
myNewScript.php page will generate some random strings and then i
want to attach these random strings to the confirmation email that
opencart generates and sends to the customer.
Where should i start.
You will need to do this in checkout/success controller. Get the $quantity and use redirect function to redirect to your custom page: