Passing parameters from jenkins to maven - selenium

I set my variables in jenkins like this :
I want to use in my pom.xml:
I tried :
What im doing wrong ?
I keep getting:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project Testing: Could not resolve dependencies for project Framework:Testing:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at org.testng:testng:jar:%{env.testngVersion}: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.testng:testng:jar:%{env.testngVersion}: Could not transfer artifact org.testng:testng:pom:%{env.testngVersion}

It is not %{...}
It should be ${testngVersion}


Jenkins maven build test failure for Sikuli dependency with Selenium

I have created Maven project in eclipse with Selenium & TestNG to create automation test scripts which I want to execute from Jenkins.
I am getting below error while building it.
Failed to collect dependencies at com.sikulix:sikulixapi:jar:1.1.0 -> jxgrabkey:jxgrabkey:jar:1.0: Failed to read artifact descriptor for jxgrabkey:jxgrabkey:jar:1.0: Could not transfer artifact jxgrabkey:jxgrabkey:pom:1.0 from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [ (, default, releases)]
I have given this test -Dbrowser="Chrome" in goals and options
Please do the helpful.
I'm using this dependency:
You can try with the latest Maven Sikuli dependency:
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Azure Keyvault library to Atlassian Confluence plugin pom.xml

I am trying to combine these 2 tutorials - Confluence Hello World Macro & Azure keyvault quick start:
After having added the 2 Azure dependencies to the pom.xml of the maven project and running atlas-mvn clean package I receive an error message about 3 banned dependencies.
I looked for the newest Azure packages at the maven portal. Then it was reduced to one.
Found Banned Dependency: org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.7.25
Then I added added exclusions to the dependency section:
This resulted that the build ran successfully, however, the Confluence plugin produces a runtime error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/Logger
Can you please help, how can I achieve this?
error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/Logger at
The above error indicates that JVM is not able to found org/slf4j/Logger class in your application's path.The simplest reason for this error is the missing Slf4j.jar file.
If the problem is caused due to the missing slf4j.jar file then you can fix it by adding a relevant version of slf4j.jar into your path.
Use the latest version of the jar in which version of the JAR file you should add will depend upon the application.
In Maven , you can also add the following dependency in your pom.xml file to download sl4j.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory - Stack Overflow

I am trying to setup selenium with maven but am getting this error when declaring driver

I am trying to set up a selenium project with the maven build tool.
I have defined the dependencies but am still getting this error in the script.
Your screenshot suggests that you don't have org.openqa.selenium. As this is part of Selenium Java, you will need to include this dependency in your pom file:
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How to use httpclient 4.1.x with Maven

httpclient version 4.0 works in my pom.xml:
...but versions > 4.0 don't compile:
The error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).
Project ID: unknown:httpclient
Reason: Parent: null:httpmime:jar:null of project: unknown:httpclient has wrong
packaging: jar. Must be 'pom'. for project unknown:httpclient
Any idea how to use httpclient 4.1 with Maven?
confirmed, use Maven 3.0.x and it works! here is example from working pom.xml
I just tried same configurations
jar got downloaded from following location which is one of default repos
Just try after mentioning explicitly in your pom file
and try using command line
and apache http client 4.1.1 version is also available now
It was a Maven issue: Using Maven 3.0.3 instead of 2.2.1 solved the problem.

Do I need to install glassfish server to use it as embedded server in application?

I am trying to use glassfish as a embedded server in my ejb3.1 project.
below are my maven dependencies..
But when I run my tests it fails to deploy ejb modules.
do I need to set javaee.home or some more variable ?
The exception is..
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION: vmcid: SUN minor code: 214 completed: No
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key iiop.cannot_find_keyalias
No. even you dont need glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar.
If you want to use EJB3.1 only glassfish-embedded-all jar is enough.
If you want to access jpa data sources from ejb3 then you need a domain.xml file in classpath.
You will need to pass property "org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish.installation.root" while creating a EJB container in client code.(like EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(prop)). value of this property should be a folder name (ex. glassfish).
The folder should have domains\domain1\config\domain.xml file.
You can download and install glassfish v3 and from installation you can copy this file.