How much improvement should one expect to see using trickle-ICE vs ICE only - webrtc

Just read this article, which made me curious to know about the benefits in terms of speeding up the negotiation phase. I'm developing an application, where I'm using a third-party util that makes use of ICE-only, but eventually will upgrade to trickle ICE in the next version. The upgrade would require quite some code refactoring, so I would like you to share any experiences/benchmarks on this subject.

The negotiation part will get a huge speed boost using Trickle ICE. Practically it is the time since the first viable ICE candidate was found until all the ICE candidates were found.


Any Multi-drop bus development help available?

Not that I can find any by googling, but ... does anyone know of any open source code/development frameworks/test software/etc for the Multidrop Bus commonly used in vending machines?
In my opinion there isn't a free framework for the MDB, as this bus is only used by profit oriented companies and nobody would make his own code open source (me too).
But the MDB protocol itself isn't very complex, it's the error handling for the several devices that is a bit complicated, as it should be 100% safe.
And today it can be tricky to implement the 9bit serial layer, as this isn't standard, even many MCUs didn't support it any more.
Edit: How I would implement it today
Regard all specification, especially the timings/timeout (ex. NAK-Timeout of 5ms).
I would use state machines to collect the configuration data, setting the normal mode of operation, set settings and all other things.
In the first step(not later) plan to build at any state an error handling, what should happen if the communication get lost, or you got an unexpected answer?
I would also implement logging much as possible, as sometimes there will money get lost and you have to explain why.

HTTP requests and Apache modules: Creative attack vectors

Slightly unorthodox question here:
I'm currently trying to break an Apache with a handful of custom modules.
What spawned the testing is that Apache internally forwards requests that it considers too large (e.g. 1 MB trash) to modules hooked in appropriately, forcing them to deal with the garbage data - and lack of handling in the custom modules caused Apache in its entirety to go up in flames. Ouch, ouch, ouch.
That particular issue was fortunately fixed, but the question's arisen whether or not there may be other similar vulnerabilities.
Right now I have a tool at my disposal that lets me send a raw HTTP request to the server (or rather, raw data through an established TCP connection that could be interpreted as an HTTP request if it followed the form of one, e.g. "GET ...") and I'm trying to come up with other ideas. (TCP-level attacks like Slowloris and Nkiller2 are not my focus at the moment.)
Does anyone have a few nice ideas how to confuse the server's custom modules to the point of server-self-immolation?
Broken UTF-8? (Though I doubt Apache cares about encoding - I imagine it just juggles raw bytes.)
Stuff that is only barely too long, followed by a 0-byte, followed by junk?
et cetera
I don't consider myself a very good tester (I'm doing this by necessity and lack of manpower; I unfortunately don't even have a more than basic grasp of Apache internals that would help me along), which is why I'm hoping for an insightful response or two or three. Maybe some of you have done some similar testing for your own projects?
(If stackoverflow is not the right place for this question, I apologise. Not sure where else to put it.)
Apache is one of the most hardened software projects on the face of the planet. Finding a vulnerability in Apache's HTTPD would be no small feat and I recommend cutting your teeth on some easier prey. By comparison it is more common to see vulnerabilities in other HTTPDs such as this one in Nginx that I saw today (no joke). There have been other source code disclosure vulnerablites that are very similar, I would look at this and here is another. lhttpd has been abandoned on for almost a decade and there are known buffer overflows that affect it, which makes it a fun application to test.
When attacking a project you should look at what kind of vulnerabilities have been found in the past. Its likely that programmers will make the same mistakes again and again and often there are patterns that emerge. By following these patterns you can find more flaws. You should try searching vulnerablites databases such as Nist's search for CVEs. One thing that you will see is that apache modules are most commonly compromised.
A project like Apache has been heavily fuzzed. There are fuzzing frameworks such as Peach. Peach helps with fuzzing in many ways, one way it can help you is by giving you some nasty test data to work with. Fuzzing is not a very good approach for mature projects, if you go this route I would target apache modules with as few downloads as possible. (Warning projects with really low downloads might be broken or difficult to install.)
When a company is worried about secuirty often they pay a lot of money for an automated source analysis tool such as Coverity. The Department Of Homeland Security gave Coverity a ton of money to test open source projects and Apache is one of them. I can tell you first hand that I have found a buffer overflow with fuzzing that Coverity didn't pick up. Coverity and other source code analysis tools like the open source Rats will produce a lot of false positives and false negatives, but they do help narrow down the problems that affect a code base.
(When i first ran RATS on the Linux kernel I nearly fell out of my chair because my screen listed thousands of calls to strcpy() and strcat(), but when i dug into the code all of the calls where working with static text, which is safe.)
Vulnerability resarch an exploit development is a lot of fun. I recommend exploiting PHP/MySQL applications and exploring The Whitebox. This project is important because it shows that there are some real world vulnerabilities that cannot be found unless you read though the code line by line manually. It also has real world applications (a blog and a shop) that are very vulnerable to attack. In fact both of these applications where abandoned due to security problems. A web application fuzzer like Wapiti or acuentix will rape these applications and ones like it. There is a trick with the blog. A fresh install isn't vulnerable to much. You have to use the application a bit, try logging in as an admin, create a blog entry and then scan it. When testing a web application application for sql injection make sure that error reporting is turned on. In php you can set display_errors=On in your php.ini.
Good Luck!
Depending on what other modules you have hooked in, and what else activates them (or is it only too-large requests?), you might want to try some of the following:
Bad encodings - e.g. overlong utf-8 like you mentioned, there are scenarios where the modules depend on that, for example certain parameters.
parameter manipulation - again, depending on what the modules do, certain parameters may mess with them, either by changing values, removing expected parameters, or adding unexpected ones.
contrary to your other suggestion, I would look at data that is just barely short enough, i.e. one or two bytes shorter than the maximum, but in different combinations - different parameters, headers, request body, etc.
Look into HTTP Request Smuggling (also here and here) - bad request headers or invalid combinations, such as multiple Content-Length, or invalid terminators, might cause the module to misinterpret the command from Apache.
Also consider gzip, chunked encoding, etc. It is likely that the custom module implements the length check and the decoding, out of order.
What about partial request? e.g requests that cause a 100-Continue response, or range-requests?
The fuzzing tool, Peach, recommended by #TheRook, is also a good direction, but don't expect great ROI first time using it.
If you have access to source code, a focused security code review is a great idea. Or, even an automated code scan, with a tool like Coverity (as #TheRook mentioned), or a better one...
Even if you don't have source code access, consider a security penetration test, either by experienced consultant/pentester, or at least with an automated tool (there are many out there) - e.g. appscan, webinspect, netsparker, acunetix, etc etc.

Why use AMQP/ZeroMQ/RabbitMQ

as opposed to writing your own library.
We're working on a project here that will be a self-dividing server pool, if one section grows too heavy, the manager would divide it and put it on another machine as a separate process. It would also alert all connected clients this affects to connect to the new server.
I am curious about using ZeroMQ for inter-server and inter-process communication. My partner would prefer to roll his own. I'm looking to the community to answer this question.
I'm a fairly novice programmer myself and just learned about messaging queues. As i've googled and read, it seems everyone is using messaging queues for all sorts of things, but why? What makes them better than writing your own library? Why are they so common and why are there so many?
what makes them better than writing your own library?
When rolling out the first version of your app, probably nothing: your needs are well defined and you will develop a messaging system that will fit your needs: small feature list, small source code etc.
Those tools are very useful after the first release, when you actually have to extend your application and add more features to it.
Let me give you a few use cases:
your app will have to talk to a big endian machine (sparc/powerpc) from a little endian machine (x86, intel/amd). Your messaging system had some endian ordering assumption: go and fix it
you designed your app so it is not a binary protocol/messaging system and now it is very slow because you spend most of your time parsing it (the number of messages increased and parsing became a bottleneck): adapt it so it can transport binary/fixed encoding
at the beginning you had 3 machine inside a lan, no noticeable delays everything gets to every machine. your client/boss/pointy-haired-devil-boss shows up and tell you that you will install the app on WAN you do not manage - and then you start having connection failures, bad latency etc. you need to store message and retry sending them later on: go back to the code and plug this stuff in (and enjoy)
messages sent need to have replies, but not all of them: you send some parameters in and expect a spreadsheet as a result instead of just sending and acknowledges, go back to code and plug this stuff in (and enjoy.)
some messages are critical and there reception/sending needs proper backup/persistence/. Why you ask ? auditing purposes
And many other use cases that I forgot ...
You can implement it yourself, but do not spend much time doing so: you will probably replace it later on anyway.
That's very much like asking: why use a database when you can write your own?
The answer is that using a tool that has been around for a while and is well understood in lots of different use cases, pays off more and more over time and as your requirements evolve. This is especially true if more than one developer is involved in a project. Do you want to become support staff for a queueing system if you change to a new project? Using a tool prevents that from happening. It becomes someone else's problem.
Case in point: persistence. Writing a tool to store one message on disk is easy. Writing a persistor that scales and performs well and stably, in many different use cases, and is manageable, and cheap to support, is hard. If you want to see someone complaining about how hard it is then look at this:
Anyway, I hope this helps. By all means write your own tool. Many many people have done so. Whatever solves your problem, is good.
I'm considering using ZeroMQ myself - hence I stumbled across this question.
Let's assume for the moment that you have the ability to implement a message queuing system that meets all of your requirements. Why would you adopt ZeroMQ (or other third party library) over the roll-your-own approach? Simple - cost.
Let's assume for a moment that ZeroMQ already meets all of your requirements. All that needs to be done is integrating it into your build, read some doco and then start using it. That's got to be far less effort than rolling your own. Plus, the maintenance burden has been shifted to another company. Since ZeroMQ is free, it's like you've just grown your development team to include (part of) the ZeroMQ team.
If you ran a Software Development business, then I think that you would balance the cost/risk of using third party libraries against rolling your own, and in this case, using ZeroMQ would win hands down.
Perhaps you (or rather, your partner) suffer, as so many developers do, from the "Not Invented Here" syndrome? If so, adjust your attitude and reassess the use of ZeroMQ. Personally, I much prefer the benefits of Proudly Found Elsewhere attitude. I'm hoping I can proud of finding ZeroMQ... time will tell.
EDIT: I came across this video from the ZeroMQ developers that talks about why you should use ZeroMQ.
what makes them better than writing your own library?
Message queuing systems are transactional, which is conceptually easy to use as a client, but hard to get right as an implementor, especially considering persistent queues. You might think you can get away with writing a quick messaging library, but without transactions and persistence, you'd not have the full benefits of a messaging system.
Persistence in this context means that the messaging middleware keeps unhandled messages in permanent storage (on disk) in case the server goes down; after a restart, the messages can be handled and no retransmit is necessary (the sender does not even know there was a problem). Transactional means that you can read messages from different queues and write messages to different queues in a transactional manner, meaning that either all reads and writes succeed or (if one or more fail) none succeeds. This is not really much different from the transactionality known from interfacing with databases and has the same benefits (it simplifies error handling; without transactions, you would have to assure that each individual read/write succeeds, and if one or more fail, you have to roll back those changes that did succeed).
Before writing your own library, read the 0MQ Guide here:
Chances are that you will either decide to install RabbitMQ, or else you will make your library on top of ZeroMQ since they have already done all the hard parts.
If you have a little time give it a try and roll out your own implemntation! The learnings of this excercise will convince you about the wisdom of using an already tested library.

How you test your applications for reliability under badly behaving i/o

Almost every application out there performs i/o operations, either with disk or over network.
As my applications work fine under the development-time environment, I want to be sure they will still do when the Internet connection is slow or unstable, or when the user attempts to read data from badly-written CD.
What tools would you recommend to simulate:
slow i/o (opening files, closing files, reading and writing, enumeration of directory items)
occasional i/o errors
occasional 'access denied' responses
packet loss in tcp/ip
The closest solution to do the job as described seems to be holodeck, commercial software (>$900).
Open solution wasn't found by now, but the same effect
can be achived as specified by smcameron and krosenvold.
Decorator pattern is a good idea.
It would require to wrap my i/o classes, but resulting in a testing framework.
The only remaining untested code would be in 3rd party libraries.
Yet I decided not to go this way, but leave my code as it is and simulate i/o errors from outside.
I now know that what I need is called 'fault injection'.
I thought it was a common production-line part with plenty of solutions I just didn't know.
(By the way, another similar good idea is 'fuzz testing', thanks to Lennart)
On my mind, the problem is still not worth $900.
I'm going to implement my own open-source tool based on hooks (targeting win32).
I'll update this post when I'm done with it. Come back in 3 or 4 weeks or so...
What you need is a fault injecting testing system. James Whittaker's 'How to break software' is a good read on this subject and includes a CD with many of the tools needed.
If you're on linux you can do tons of magic with iptables;
iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 7991 -j DROP
Can simulate connections up/down as well. There's lots of tutorials out there.
Check out "Fuzz testing":
At a programming level many frameworks will let you wrap the IO stream classes and delegate calls to the wrapped instance. I'd do this and add in a couple of wait calls in the key methods (writing bytes, closing the stream, throwing IO exceptions, etc). You could write a few of these with different failure or issue type and use the decorator pattern to combine as needed.
This should give you quite a lot of flexibility with tweaking which operations would be slowed down, inserting "random" errors every so often etc.
The other advantage is that you could develop it in the same code as your software so maintenance wouldn't require any new skills.
You don't say what OS, but if it's linux or unix-ish, you can wrap open(), read(), write(), or any library or system call etc, with an LD_PRELOAD-able library to inject faults.
Along these lines:
I didn't go writing my own file system filter, as I initially thought, because there's a simpler solution.
1. Network i/o
I've found at least 2 ways to simulate i/o errors here.
a) Running a virtual machine (such as vmware) allows to configure bandwidth and packet loss rate. Vmware supports on-machine debugging.
b) Running a proxy on the local machine and tunneling all the traffic through it. For the case of upd/tcp communications a proxifier (e.g. widecap) can be used.
2. File i/o
I've managed to deduce this scenario to the previous one by mapping a drive letter to a network share which resides inside the virtual machine. The file i/o will be slow.
A cheaper alternative exists: to set up a local ftp server (e.g. FileZilla), configure speeds and use Novell's NetDrive to access it.
You'll wanna setup a test lab for this. What type of application are you building anyway? Are you really expecting the application be fed corrupt data?
A test technique I know the Microsoft Exchange Server people tried was sending noise to the server. Basically feeding every possible input with seemingly random data. They managed to crash the server quite often this way.
But still, if you can't trust input that hasn't been signed then general rules apply. Track every operation which could potentially be untrusted (result of corrupt data) and you should be able to handle most problems gracefully.
Just test your application behavior on random input, that should catch most problems but you'll never be able to fully protect your self from corrupt data. That's just not possible, as the data could be part of some internal buffer being handed off within the application itself.
Be mindful of when and how you decode data. That is all.
The first thing you'll need to do is define what "correct" means under these circumstances. You can only test against a definition of what behaviour is intended.
The tactics of testing will depend on technology. In the context of automated unit testing, I have found it very useful, in OO languages such as Java, to use various flavors of "mocking" or "stubbing" to pass e.g. misbehaving InputStreams to parts of my code that used file I/O.
Consider holodeck for some of the fault injection, if you have access to spare hardware you can simulate network impairment using Netem or a commercial product based on it the Mini-Maxwell, which is much more expensive than free but possibly easier to use.

Has anybody compared WCF and ZeroC ICE?

ZeroC's ICE ( looks interesting and I am interested in looking at it and comparing it to our existing software that uses WCF. In particular, our WCF app uses server callbacks (via HTTP).
Anybody who's compared them? How did it go? I'm particularly interested in the performance aspect, since interoperability isn't much of a concern for us right now. Thanks!
I did a very terse review of ICE a few years ago, and although I haven't compared them directly before, having reasonable knowledge of WCF my thoughts might have some relevance.
Firstly, it's not entierely fair to compare WCF with ICE as WCF as ICE is a specific remote communication mechanism and WCF is a higher level remote communications framework.
While WCF is often thought of as implementing SOAP web services, and that is indeed its main use to date, it can also be used for implementing remote services using all manner of encodings and transport channels, which means it can theoretically be used for performant comms between applications.
In comparison, ICE is a cross-platform remote communicaton mechanism that uses binary encoding for performant communications between applications. It's something of a simplified evolution of CORBA and is more directly comparable to CORBA, DCOM, .NET Remoting, and JNI.
However, even though there's no direct correspondence between ICE and WCF, if you need your .NET app to communicate remotely then they're both contenders. Some of the decision points you might want to consider include:
Resourcing. It'll be easier to find developers with WCF experience than ICE experience.
Performance. If you want performance then ICE performs fast, but WCF can also be used in a performant configuration. Alternatively, .NET Remoting can provide very good performance, and whatever the MS-sponsored benchmarks say I've seen it outperform WCF by 10%.
Cross-platform. If you need to communicate with non-Windows applications then you're limited with the WCF options you can use. In addition, since every SOAP stack seems to implement the standards differently it can be a pain creating truly generic Web Services (though WS-I helps)
If you don't need every ounce of performance from day one, then I'd personally plump for WCF to start with, and then consider ICE if performance ever becomes critical. Even then it might be cheaper to scale out your service boxes than it is to move to ICE, and if you don't have any exotic cross-platform needs then you could always look at reconfiguring WCF for binary encoding etc
Michi Henning from ZeroC has recently published a white paper on just this topic -- "Choosing Middleware: Why Performance and Scalability do (and do not) Matter". It compares Ice, WCF (binary & SOAP), and RMI with various performance metrics, platforms, languages, etc. There's more information on Michi's blog, but the white paper is also quite readable, with all the standard caveats of any benchmark.
Disclaimer: I've used Ice and RMI extensively, but never WCF.
Apache Thrift is another contender to ICE and WCF. It was developed and open sourced by Facebook. Apache Thrift is nice in some ways because its not only extremely efficient on the encoding side, it also supports adding of fields to structures without breaking all of the clients (something we found extremely useful for our projects).
Google Protocol Buffers would seem not really a contender as it doesn't mention .NET support on the home page. However, some community addons support C#. In addition, ICE provides emulation for Google Protocol Buffers if you're working with existing services.
Data point: we just converted a callback multi-platform and multi-language project from Ice to Thrift with pretty good results. Ice does a lot for you, so we had to implement disconnection listeners, connection events, etc. ourselves. And in one case we got bit in the proverbial with a big object lock that Ice was letting us get away with -- this caused a deadlock in the Thrift server but it was easily fixed by less lazy coding on the C# side.
I've just finished benchmarking, and in our application anything that pushes large amounts of data is faster than, or on par with, Ice. Shorter messages with more over-head (i.e., a "heartbeat" that updates a status over the protocol) is a bit slower.
The most important bit was that in order to implement the callback service correctly we had to extend Thrift interfaces and define our own protocol, along with a Thrift "Processor" and callback client-server. But I freely admit our application is /very/ special. The existing protocols and servers should be sufficient. But extending them, even to use multiplex sockets from .Net, was not terribly difficult.
We are using ICE to integrate modules written in both C++, Java and C#. The nice thing is that our server can access components on remote machines as well, so if we need more performance we can shift processing to different machines.
I've used both WCF and ICE, and I'd say that ICE is cleaner on the implementation side. ICE also has very detailed and readable documentation.
ICE supports some things that WCF cannot do, including load balancing, automated remote client updates, etc.