Doxygen : How to add ref to a folder file reference? - indexing

I'd like to make a reference in my documentation to the source folder reference in Doxygen. These pages are already available in the index (the src folder file list, and one for each subfolder).
I've tried \ref and \link commands without any success (the ref is not resolved and the link aims to the current page).
One another (bad) solution should be to make an html link with the adress of the page (generatedDocumenation/html/dir_840ce71ebaba6062e222272fd2be405d.html for example), but I'm afraid this reference could change "randomly" at each generation, and it won't work for any kind of other output.
Do these pages have an implicit name to use for a ref command ?
Thanks in advance,


In UWP app, where should html assets be stored in the assets directory?

In a UWP app using cppwinrt I want to use WebView to display contents of a book kept in the Assets folder. I read that it is necessary to reference an html asset this way for use as a Uri argument to the Navigate method in web view:
This produces an empty view, while
crashes. Msdn says that for files "that will be loaded into the web compartment" one must use ms-appx-web, and I've seen mention that this is a security issue. But does that mean the files are in a special location within the project - i.e. not merely in the Assets folder - or does it only mean that the path must begin with ms-appx-web independent of the file's location? "Web compartment" is not explained but seems to be not a location but rather a classification of the type of resource. At any rate, neither of the above approaches works, so I'm curious to know the recommended way to store and access a collection of html files in the package. In the assets folder? A special folder within assets? In Solution Explorer the html file is listed, "content" is True, and the file is Included In Project. Thanks.
My mistake: ms-appx-web does not point to the assets folder, but to its parent. The correct path for content of this type would be ms-appx-web///Assets/SampleBook/PageOne.html. The reference to material to be "loaded to the web compartment" apparently is just a way of saying: stuff to be loaded with WebViewer.

How do I reliably style object layout in apache isis wicket viewer?

I have created a module by copying module-simple. I have everything working well. However, the layout does not follow the layout.xml specification - I did not change anything except to rename the file.
This is the SimpleObject view.
This is my ZiemObject view - only the name is changed.
When I remove the layout.xml and try to use #MemberOrder(name=..,sequence = .. ) I get nothing but the basic object view.
What am I doing wrong?
It isn't clear to me from your question, did you rename the layout file to ZiemObject.layout.xml ? I guess it must be because a layout is the only way to specify tabs. Could you paste a copy of it here?
Even better, perhaps you could upload your app to a github repo so we can take a deeper look?
I downloaded the sample app from the github repo, and what's there works as expected...
the ZiemObject.layout.xml controls the member order of the ZiemObject, and because it is present the #MemberOrder annotation in that class are ignored
Also, the notes property is no longer shown as multi-line because that metadata is only provided in the .layout.xml file
if I rename the layout file, eg mv ZiemObject.layout.xml ZiemObject.layout.xml.MOVED then the default layout is honoured. In particular, the (framework-defined) id and version fields are no longer shown in tabs.
(Also, the notes is no longer shown as multi-line because that metadata is only provided in the .layout.xml file).
If I change the #MemberOrder#sequence attribute for the name and notes properties to "2" and "1" respectively, then the order of these fields is inverted, as shown below:
Hope that helps

PhpStorm Template Variables documentation

I have looked everywhere for documentation that explains the various template variables used in file watcher but I can't find anything. I know what some of them mean, but is there an exhaustive list of variables that are defined.
Live Template Variables describe a couple but it doesn't seem to be an exhaustive list.
The only available documentation is the short macro description in the Macros dialog (shown on pressing Insert macro... button). BTW, this dialog has macro preview for currently opened file.
$FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$ is a file path from project root/module content root folder. For example, if the file is <Project root>/app/stylesheets/style.less, $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$ will return app/stylesheets/style.less
$FileNameWithoutExtension$ is, well, a file name without extension:) A result of $FileName$.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf('.')). For style.less it will be style
$FileDirPathFromParent(js)$ - path to file directory relative to the js directory
Sorry folks, I knew I say it yesterday. You can see all the variables by selecting insert macro next to the File Watchers Arguments and Output paths fields.
Unfortunately some of them are indeed not documented, but they can be found on our tracker e.g.
You can submit a feature request there to update online documentation to include those variables.
Actually the template variables is just a variable in any programming language, you can define whatever you want, evening a, b, ab ...... any legal
And the variable's scope is only in the template text, and you can define the variable like the default value in the "Edit Variables".

Custom widget in thingworx

Could any body let me know how to create custom widget in thingworx.
I don't have any idea how to create custom widget.
Please help me.
I have to build drag drop custom widget and we can use that custom widget with other widget. e.g with tree widget,... etc.
I would recommend reading the official Extension Package Development Guide:
However, the best way to start making a new widget is to take an existing widget that does something like you want, and modify it. Built in widgets exist at
Here's a very brief guide to getting started with that. If you were to want to copy Textbox:
Open the metadata.xml and change the "TextBox" to "MyWidget".
There are two sections in this file. The "ExtensionPackage" section holds metadata for the pacakge (version, vendor, etc.)
The second section , "Widgets" defines the widget files. Change the name of all these files to use your name e.g. MyWidget.ide.js Don’t forget to change name in the “Widget” xml tag too.
Rename all necessary folder and files, replacing "TextBox" with "MyWidget"
Open the both .js files and change the definition in each to reflect "MyWidget"
In the ide file, change the icon path "widgetIconUrl" and the "name" property.
Select the "ui" folder and the metadata.xml file and package them both into a new zip file. This file should import into Thingworx.
I would suggest searching for or asking this question in the PTC IoT Community, which is much more active for Thingworx developers than StackExchange.
UPDATE: The latest documentation for ThingWorx 9 Extension Package Development Guide can be found here

Is there a way to change the Doxygen term Modules in the tree and in the right pane pages to something else?

I am using Doxygen groups and therefore see them listed in the Doxygen navigation tree under Modules, as expected. My project is documenting integration using Zend modules and therefore Doxygen Modules and the Zend modules tend to overload the term modules and make it confusing for the readers. My question is: is there a way, preferably an automated way, to change the Doxygen term Modules in the tree and in the right pane pages to something else?
I've sucessfully changed the word 'Modules' in the past, but I've only ever needed to do this for the top-of-page tabs, and not the navigation tree. The method I used than may also work for you:
You need a fresh Layout file.
Generate one with doxygen -l layoutfilename.xml
Locate the line containing type="modules"
Change the title entry from "" to "Your Word" - I used "Index"
Specify the replacement layout file in you doxyfile.
After you did like the suggestion above.
If you want to manually replace it for PDF file that generates from latex you can open refman.tex go to %--- Begin generated contents --- and change to something like this:
(Note that I marked the lines you should edit with <========)
%--- Begin generated contents ---
\chapter{Main Page}
\chapter{Index Index} <========
\input{index} <========
\chapter{Index Documentation} <========
\input{whatever was here before}
%--- End generated contents ---
After that go to modules.tex and change the filename to index.tex (for this example).