SQL Full Text Index Contains - sql

I am fairly new to SQL FTI and I am trying to perfect a search against a table with millions of different product items.
If I pass a search such as this:
select top 100 * from OMG_ProductFeeds.dbo.tbl_products
where CONTAINS(ProductName,'"apple iphone 6"')
I get these results back:
Acm Rich Leather Soft Carry Case For Apple Iphone 6 Mobile Handpouch Holder Cover - Black
Apple iPhone 6 - 16 GB
Apple iPhone 6 Plus - 64 GB
Apple iPhone 6 - 64 GB
Apple iPhone 6 Plus - 16 GB
Chevron Set Of 3 Ultra Clear Screen Guard + 3 Matte Finish Screen Guard For Apple Iphone 6 - Combo Offer
Softy Back Cover Case For Apple Iphone 6 - Golden
Chevron Ultra Clear Hd Finish Screen Guard Protector For Apple Iphone 6 (pack Of 5)
I want to be able to include actual iphone 6 phones but ignore any of the peripherals such as cases and screen protectors but I am not sure how to do this.
Any advice is appreciated.

You may consider re-designing your DB structure with a extra table - tbl_product_categories.
In tbl_products we can add a foreign key column to reference the corresponding category from tbl_product_categories. So that you can filter only certain category with certain keyword.
AND product_category_id = 1;


What are the differences among xamarin.forms' fontSizes?

I am trying to decide which font size should I use for buttons, titles, tabs, etc. I know I have to use namedSizes in order to make the text dynamic.
I also know the definitions and recommendations given by Microsoft in the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/xamarin.forms.namedsize?view=xamarin-forms)
but when I implement them there are ultimately only 4 or 5 sizes and multiple namedSizes always display the same sizes no matter the configuration specified in the phone's settings.
For example, Header, medium, and Default set the same text size, Large and Title also do the same.
I feel that there is something I am missing, could someone tell me if there is any real difference between these namedSizes?
Thank you for your time.
this is explicitly covered in the docs
Member iOS Android UWP
Default 17 14 14
Micro 12 10 15.667
Small 14 14 18.667
Medium 17 17 22.667
Large 22 22 32
Body 17 16 14
Header 17 96 46
Title 28 24 24
Subtitle 22 16 20
Caption 12 12 12

Small space at the bottom of the device in ios7

We are developing an application working on both ios6 and ios7
My problem is that, If I check my application in device there is a small white space equal to the size of the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
If I put a dummy status bar at the top of the screen it will make problem in ios6, Help me if you have any solution.
That is the common status bar issue while migrating application from IOS 6 to IOS 7 use this to get ride of the issue:
For more reference
You need to set the delta value for all the controls followed by increasing the origin x to 20pix for all the controls.
Step 1: Increase origin y to 20 pixel (for all the controls in the .xib)
step 2 . And set delta y to - 20 for all the controls in Xib.
Step 3 . Finally change the view as version in interface builder.
If your adding the controls programmatically you need to handle the frames (increase the y position based on the version ) of the added controls like this
if([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0f)
[_programmaticallyAddedControl setFrame:CGRectMake(20, 36, 176, 428)];
[_programmaticallyAddedControl setFrame:CGRectMake:CGRectMake(20, 56, 176, 428)];

Less mixin to distinguish desktop / normal tablet / retina tablet

I am trying to use separate media queries for Desktop / Normal tablets / Retina based tablets.
I have one set of visual design & icons for desktop, another set for tablets.
What is the best possible way to write a less mixin so that i can give one set of icons to desktop, another set to normal tablets and the 2X ones to retina based ones?
Right now, i am trying using the following snippet, but this one cant handle the normal tablet query. The less than, greater than symbol cant be used in media queries, else it would have been easy to write one mixin for device-pixel-ratio: 2 and another for device-pixel-ratio < 2 .
I tried with min-device-pixel-ratio:1 , but then, that gets applied to the desktop as well.
I need a query which can uniquely identify the normal tablets excluding the retina ones & desktop.
Is it correct to write like this for normal tablets? Putting a breakpoint just under 2 so that 2 and above will take the retina based query and 1.9 and below takes the normal tablet. But then, this query is applicable to desktops as well?
only screen and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.9),
only screen and ( max--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.9),
only screen and ( -o-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.9),
only screen and ( max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.9),
Query that i have now.
.retina-image(#file-1x, #file-2x, #width-1x, #height-1x) {
height: #height-1x;
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),
only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx)
background-size: #width-1x, #height-1x;
Any pointers will be of great help!

Dynamic pagination in JSP

I have a jsp page that has pagination links below to call page by page data from the database.. The links look like this
<< Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next >>
< a href="getnext.jsp?min=<%=val2%>&max=<%=val1%>> <%=i%> </a> (for link 1)
(where (min=0, max=10) and i = 1 ..The rownum and page index respectively )
The challenge is that this page can have up to 2400 links/pages and i do not wish to create all those links at once. A better implementation would be When the next button is click I want to dynamically create the next set of links say 12 to 20.
Any ideas on how to go about doing this? Thanks
Take a look at DisplayTag. It will set everything up for you, and is highly configurable. A particularly nice feature is that it gives you the option to let it handle slicing up your results, or for you to do it for better performance with large data sets; see the page on external paging and sorting.

Problems with MediaElement showing Video inside a Panorama

This script sets up a Panorama Control with 5 items, then loads up a video inside a MediaElement in the second Panorama item.
If I reduce this down to 2 items then no video shows (the media element is "invisible"), but you can still hear the audio - i.e. something like:
panorama = Panorama.new
panorama.title = "Video panorama"
Host.content_holder.children.add panorama
for i in 1..2 # if this is >2, then the video shows
panorama_item = PanoramaItem.new
panorama_item.header = "Child " << i.to_s
panorama.items.add panorama_item
if i == 2
panorama_item.orientation = Orientation.horizontal
media_element = MediaElement.new
media_element.source = Uri.new("http://files.ch9.ms/ch9/f2c3/b59b6efb-3c70-4bc2-b3ff-9e650007f2c3/wp7ces_ch9.wmv")
panorama_item.content = media_element
text_block = TextBlock.new
text_block.text = "Hello world"
panorama_item.content = text_block
I guess this is something to do with the animation and timing of the initial Panorama show - but I've not been able to get any grip on the problem.
The problem does appear to be the same in C#/XAML so it's not a scripting issue.
Has anyone got any ideas of where to look?
Don't have less than 3 items in your Panorama - I've heard it from MSFT peeps as a UX guideline. When technical issues have come up relating to a panorama with only 1 or 2 items those same people have pointed out that the Panorama is not intended to be used with so few items and so you may get weird behaviours.
Also be careful showing video in a PanoramaItem - as this is not the way the Panorama control is used in the standard applications - so it may fall outside the guidelines.