Is there a Selenium WebDriver available for the Microsoft Edge browser? - selenium

As of the date of this post the name "Microsoft Edge" has just been officially announced as the default browser for the new Windows 10.
It may be premature to ask but I would like to know if a new Selenium WebDriver is available for it and if not, if there is any telling how long we might expect to wait until we see one developed?
(A technical preview of Windows 10 has already been out so this doesn't seem like a foolish question to me.)

Yes, there is a WebDriver implementation for Microsoft Edge. Its initial availability was announced on 23 July 2015. Language bindings in the Selenium open source project have been updated to take advantage of this driver implementation, and those updates have been released in Selenium 2.47. Note that the Java language bindings were re-released as 2.47.1 to correct an initial issue. The initial implementation has limited functionality, but Microsoft is committed to bringing a fully functional driver implementation to fruition, so updates will be forthcoming.

Microsoft has provided MicrosoftWebDriver which can be used for Edge browser.
Correct version of MicrosoftWebDriver needs to be downloaded, based on the OS Build number
Go to Start > Settings > System > About and note down the OS Build number.
Download the proper version of the driver from this link -
If the file that's downloaded is .msi, then install it to get the .exe driver. For one of the release, direct .exe can be downloaded.
Once the MicrosoftWebDriver.exe is downloaded, we can use it in our test script using either System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver", "driver location") or using environment variable
The sample script would be like this -
System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver","C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Web Driver\\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe"); //put actual location
WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();
driver.get("your link");
Refer this article for detailed information -

The Microsoft Edge driver for Selenium can be automatically downloaded (for Java) using the library webdrivermanager as follows:
The variable webdriver.edge.driver is also exported by webdrivermanager with the proper path of MicrosoftWebDriver.exe.

"in case it wasn't clear, Microsoft Edge will have WebDriver support. It isn't available today, but is in development Q's? #msedgesummit" tweet from John Jansen the who is - "Microsoft Engineer. Principal Software Engineer (nee Test) Lead on Project Spartan (nee Internet Explorer)."
You can find him on twitter #thejohnjansen and wait for an announcement :)

Prerequisite: Windows 10 is installed on your machine
Download the specified Microsoft WebDriver server version for your build (In my case it is MicrosoftWebDriver.exe for the Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 14393))
Selenium WD Java code for MS Edge is as follows:
System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver", "D:\Ripon\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe");
driver = new EdgeDriver();

As of EdgeHTML version 18 (which arrived with Windows version 1809), there is no longer a standalone driver download. You can obtain the new driver in one of two ways:
Start - type "Manage optional features" - Click "Add a Feature" - Find "WebDriver"
Entering the following on an elevated command prompt - "DISM.exe /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~"
Legacy versions are still available from:
It appears that version 18 is now legacy and we are back to installing a separate webdriver since the move to Chromium. The link directly above this will still take you to the correct drivers page.

Thanks for your help, I was blocked with my tests, searching for a "EdgeDriver.exe" asked by the selenium EdgeDriver implementation and only find the MicrosoftWebDriver.
I have made this in C# if this can help someone, based on your previous answers :
First, you need to download the MicrosoftWebDriver nuget package, this one will only make a copy of the MicrosoftWebDriver.exe into your destination folder on compilation then
private readonly string _localDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("webdriver.edge.driver", _localDir + "MicrosoftWebDriver.exe");
var driver = new EdgeDriver();
Hope this can help someone.


Is SeleniumBasic v2.0.9.0 still the latest version and is it compatible with Chrome/ChromeDriver Version 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (64-bit)?

I'm using VBA in Microsoft Access 365 and want to use it for web automation (filling web forms and getting the resulting information using variables)
I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like SeleniumBasic is installing an outdated ChromeDriver.exe? (2.21.371459)
Error Screenshot
My current version of Chrome is: Version 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I'm reading all sorts of information about IDE's etc, and it's all a bit overwhelming! :(
To test this theory, I went ahead and replaced the ChromeDriver.exe file in C:\Program Files (x86)\SeleniumWrapper with the newer, compatible version # 102.0.5005.61
The code now throws another error
but at least it's now showing the correct driver. The error information screenshot also says that "DevToolsActivePort file does not exist". What??? How do I set that up? As I said, overwhelming.
Try using the .Start before using the .Get. Yes, this vba version of selenium hasn't had regular (or any) updates in like 8 years so it's not perfect. You have to keep your drivers up to date etc. You'll have a much better experience if you use Selenium with Python or Java.
Dim sel As New Selenium.ChromeDriver
Dim url As String
sel.Start "chrome", ""
sel.Get "/"

How to find the web browser version without setup() method using WebDriverManager

I am interested in getting the browser Version
I've two questions-
Question 1:- is there is a way to find out the browser version without setting up the browser?
or can we force stop the downloading of the Driver in the first place.
It is possible with the below code but the driver will be downloaded in this case.
WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup(); //without doing this step
Question 2:-
Currently I am using wmic commands for browser detection which is used in WebDriverManager but it is failing on some systems.
what more alternatives ways are used in the WebDriverManager to fetch the browser version. I am curious to know about this as I've disabled wmic on my system still webDriverManager is working as usual(I guess with alternative methods within WebDriverManager).I am facing difficulties in understand the code. Please help me to understand the flow of the WebDriverManager like which methods/ways are used to detect the browser version and in what order.
Any help would be appreciated!
WebDriverManager is the open-source Java library that maintains the configuration management of the drivers required by Selenium WebDriver (e.g., chromedriver, geckodriver, msedgedriver, etc.) in a fully automated fashion.
Additionally, WebDriverManager provides other relevant features, such as the capability to discover browsers installed in the local system, building WebDriver objects (such as ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver, EdgeDriver, etc.), and running browsers in Docker containers seamlessly.
The primary use of WebDriverManager is the automation of driver management (i.e., download, setup, and maintenance) of the drivers involved in your Test Automation Suite. Hence using WebDriverManager it's highly unlikely you can force stop the downloading of the Driver in the first place.
However, when you use a specific browser version for the first time in a while the matched driver version is downloaded and saved within the cache which is pretty much evident from the generated logs.
====== WebDriver manager ======
Current google-chrome version is 98.0.4758
Get LATEST chromedriver version for 98.0.4758 google-chrome
There is no [win32] chromedriver for browser in cache
Trying to download new driver from
Driver has been saved in cache [C:\Users\Sadanand.Kolhe\.wdm\drivers\chromedriver\win32\98.0.4758.102]
Moving forward, if the browser version and the matched driver version remains unchanged and at the same time the previous version of the downloaded version of the driver is available within the cache, the fresh downloading is avoided, which is evident from the logs generated from two back to back test execution.
====== WebDriver manager ======
Current google-chrome version is 98.0.4758
Get LATEST chromedriver version for 98.0.4758 google-chrome
Driver [C:\Users\Sadanand.Kolhe\.wdm\drivers\chromedriver\win32\98.0.4758.102\chromedriver.exe] found in cache
Regarding Q1, as of version 5, WebDriverManager allows detecting if a given browser is installed or not in the local system. To this aim, each manager provides the method getBrowserPath(). This method returns an Optional<Path>, which is empty if a given browser is not installed in the system or the browser path (within the optional object) when detected. See doc.
Regarding Q2, WebDriverManager uses internally a knowledge database called commands database. This database is a collection of shell commands used to discover the version of a given browser in the different operating systems (e.g., google-chrome --version for Chrome in Linux). This database contains WMIC commands for Windows but also queries to the registry. See doc again.

Selenium performance with InternetExplorerDriver and IE11

I am facing a very slow response when running my scripts on IE11. Sometimes, I get FocusWindowsClosed, ElementIsNotClickable. I have changed the zoom settings for all zones, created feature BFCACHE for IE in feature control, added capabilities into my code but nothing works for me. If anyone has any idea why I am facing this issue. Do i need to downgrade window or IE versions? I have also downloaded the same version of selenium client server with same IEDriver which is (3.8.0).
To start with, Selenium v3.8.0 of 2017-11-30 is more then 2 years older. Even the error trace logs would be difficult to debug. So as per best practices you may like to:
First of all, the fact that ...64-bit IEDriverServer executable populate the input fields with the character sequence very slowly as compared to 32-bit IEDriverServer executable.... is a known issue.
You can find a detailed discussion in IEDriverServer sends text very slowly using Selenium to the search field
Ensure the Internet Explorer Protective mode setting are properly configured.
Ensure the Zoom level is properly configured.
Ensure ignoreProtectedModeSettings is properly confugured.
Ensure setting up selenium to work with internet explorer.
Ensure FEATURE_BFCACHE is properly confugured.
Upgrade Selenium to current levels Version 3.141.59.
Upgrade IEDriverServer to latest IEDriverServer v3.150.1 level.
Note: As per best practices as Selenium Client and InternetExplorerDriver are released in sync and you must try to use both the binaries from the same major release.
Clean your Project Workspace through your IDE and Rebuild your project with required dependencies only.
Execute your #Test.
Always invoke driver.quit() within tearDown(){} method to close & destroy the WebDriver and Web Client instances gracefully.
A couple of references:
Internet Explorer 11 getting stuck randomly while executing tests through IEDriverServer and Selenium
HTTP Status: '500' -> incorrect JSON status mapping for 'timeout' (408 expected) while clicking element with IEDriverServer Selenium and Java

What is the correct IEDriverServer version to use with IE 11 through Selenium

I just got updated to Windows 10 (x64). My old desktop had IE 11 but a lower version, as it was running Windows 7. I now have the following IE version:
Version: 11.648.17134.0
Update Versions: 11.0.115
I downloaded the latest IEDriverServer.exe that Selenium gave me (3.14). When I run it, when I do the get(url) (various urls), afterwards it fails to find elements. I looked and noticed that before the get(), driver.getWindowHandles() had one entry, but after the get() it had zero entries. This is the latest version. I tried setting compatibility mode but that did not do any good (set or not set). The tests will work fine with Chrome but someone else wrote the test and did not verify values were non-null before calling element.sendKeys(str), which IE appears to allow but Chrome throws an exception. And there are so many instances.
So, I need to find the correct IEDriverServer for my Windows 10 IE but I am having trouble doing so. Google did not give me much except it led me to the driver I already downloaded.
Can anyone help?
As a thumb-rule you can always use the released IEDriverServer from the respective released Selenium clients.
As an example,
If you are using Selenium v3.14
Download, extract and use or
However to work with IE11 you have to take care of a couple of things which are beyond the scope of this discussion and are as follows:
How does the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\…\FEATURE_BFCACHE for InternetExplorerDriver solves the Internet Explorer 11 issue?
Internet Explorer Protective mode setting and Zoom levels
Selenium InternetExplorerDriver doesn't get focus on the window
How to ignore protected Mode Settings for Internet Explorer using setCapability() through Selenium and Java?

Using Geb and the Edge WebDriver I get failed to create driver from callback

In my current automation project I am attempting to automate my testing based on various browsers using Gradle and Geb. I've been able to get all browsers working with the exception of Microsoft Edge. Currently I am seeing:
geb.driver.DriverCreationException: failed to create driver from
I've verified that I am downloading the MicrosoftWebDriver.exe to the expected directory in my project but I am not sure if I am missing something in my driver setup:
driver = {
EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions()
edgeDriver = new EdgeDriver()
return edgeDriver
I am fairly new to Geb and Gradle as a whole so it is entirely possible I am missing something. Any help would be appreciated.
As far as I am aware You need more than just the exe to use the MS Webdriver. The machine that's executing the Webdriver code will need to have one of the following MSI's installed:
For Windows 10 Build 10240, install this version of Microsoft WebDriver.
For Windows 10 Fall 2015 Update, install Microsoft WebDriver Fall 2015 Update.
For the latest preview build from the Windows Insider Program, install this version of Microsoft WebDriver.
I think the MSI changes some switches in Edge to enable it to be controlled by Web driver.
Turns out that my issue was due to having just upgraded my local machine to Windows 10 and the Microsoft Web Driver preview build requires the Fall 2015 update which is unavailable to me for 31 days.