Alternative to load method in Swift - objective-c

I am working on developing an application in Swift. I wanted to design a system for the application that allowed for loose coupling between objects, and one strategy (which I have used successfully in other languages) was to create something I call an instance factory. It is pretty simple and here is the basic implementation I came up with in Swift:
import Foundation
private var typeGenerators = Dictionary<String, InstanceFactory.GeneratorCallback>()
public class InstanceFactory: NSObject {
public typealias GeneratorCallback = () -> AnyObject!
public class func registerGeneratorFor(typeName: String, callback: GeneratorCallback) {
typeGenerators[typeName] = callback
public class func instanceOf(typeName: String) -> AnyObject! {
return typeGenerators[typeName]?()
The idea is that when an object instance needs access to another object instance, rather than creating that instance outright which would more tightly couple the two objects, the first object would defer to the factory to provide the needed instance by calling the instanceOf method. The factory would know how to provide various instance types because those types would register with the factory and provide a closure that could generate the instance.
The trick is how to get the classes to register with the factory. I had previously made a similar factory in Objective-C and the way I got registration to work was to override the +load method for each class that needed to register with the factory. This worked great for Objective-C, and I figured it could work for Swift as well since I would be restricting the factory to only provide objects that are derived from NSObject. It appeared I got this to work and I spent a significant about of effort designing classes to make use of the factory.
However, after upgrading to Xcode 6.3, I discovered Apple has disallowed the usage of the load class method in Swift. Without this, I am unaware of a mechanism to allow classes to automatically register themselves with the factory.
I am wondering if there some other way to get the registration to work.
What alternatives are available that could allow classes to register with the factory, or what other techniques could be use to accomplish the same kind of loose coupling the factory provides?

I've found a possible solution to your problem after I wanted to register all ViewControllers that would be implementing a certain Protocol in my application and I ran into both this question and a possible answer.
The original was posted here: How to list all classes conforming to protocol in Swift?
I adapted it to Swift 3 and made it a bit more Swift-y and generic:
import UIKit
class ContextRoute: NSObject {
#objc protocol ContextRoutable {
static var route: ContextRoute { get }
class ContextRouter: NSObject {
private static var storedRoutes: [ContextRoute]?
static var routes: [ContextRoute] {
get {
if let storedRoutes = storedRoutes {
return storedRoutes
let routables: [ContextRoutable.Type] = classes(implementing: ContextRoutable.self)
let newRoutes = { routable in routable.route }
storedRoutes = newRoutes
return newRoutes
private class func classes<T>(implementing objcProtocol: Protocol) -> [T] {
let classes = classList().flatMap { objcClass in objcClass as? T }
return classes
private class func classList() -> [AnyObject] {
let expectedClassCount = objc_getClassList(nil, 0)
let allClasses = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass?>.allocate(capacity: Int(expectedClassCount))
let autoreleasingAllClasses = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass?>(allClasses)
let actualClassCount:Int32 = objc_getClassList(autoreleasingAllClasses, expectedClassCount)
var classes = [AnyObject]()
for i in 0 ..< actualClassCount {
if let currentClass: AnyClass = allClasses[Int(i)],
class_conformsToProtocol(currentClass, ContextRoutable.self) {
allClasses.deallocate(capacity: Int(expectedClassCount))
return classes
I tried it in my application and it works. I clocked it in the simulator and it takes 0.05s for an application that has about 12000 classes.

Consider taking the Swift approach using a protocol instead. I think the solution is actually simpler than the Objective-C approach. There are variations of this with Self constraints which are even better if you have more control over the classes.
// define a protocol to create an instance of a class
protocol FactoryInstantiable {
static func makeFactoryInstance() -> AnyObject
// Factory for generating new instances
public class InstanceFactory: NSObject {
public class func instanceOf(typeName: String) -> AnyObject! {
if let ProductType = NSClassFromString(typeName) as? FactoryInstantiable.Type {
return ProductType.makeFactoryInstance()
} else {
return nil
// your class which generally could be defined somewhere else
class MyClass {
var counter : Int
init(counter: Int) {
self.counter = 0
// extension of your class to conform to the FactoryInstantiable protocol
extension MyClass : FactoryInstantiable {
static func makeFactoryInstance() -> AnyObject {
return MyClass(counter: 0)


Call generic function from non-generic function in Swift

MMCondition is a protocol defined in Swift, but interoperates with Objective-C (annotated with #objc).
#objc public protocol MMCondition {
static var name: String { get }
static var isMutuallyExclusive: Bool { get }
I have the following code:
// addCondition cannot be generic as I want it to be accessible from Objective-C as well.
public func addCondition(condition: MMCondition) {
// How do I initialize OperationConditionImplementer here?
let operationCondition = OperationConditionImplementer(condition: condition) // doesn't compile
// Error: Cannot invoke initializer for type 'OperationConditionImplementer<T>' with an argument list of type '(condition: MMCondition)'
// Can I use condition.dynamicType to init OperationConditionImplementer somehow?
struct OperationConditionImplementer<T: MMCondition> {
let condition: T
static var name: String {
return "Silent<\(>"
static var isMutuallyExclusive: Bool {
return T.isMutuallyExclusive
init(condition: T) {
self.condition = condition
From Objective-C, you can't use generics as stated in the documentation.
You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s
marked with the #objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with
Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed
So you need to remove completely the generics code. One possible solution might be:
#objc protocol MMCondition {
static var name: String { get }
static var isMutuallyExclusive: Bool { get }
struct OperationConditionImplementer {
let condition: MMCondition
var name: String {
return "Silent<\(>"
var isMutuallyExclusive: Bool {
return condition.dynamicType.isMutuallyExclusive
init(condition: MMCondition) {
self.condition = condition
// Here decide comparing types
if condition.dynamicType === ExampleCondition.self {
So for instance, if you try it out in a playground:
class ExampleCondition: NSObject, MMCondition {
static var name: String = "ExampleCondition"
static var isMutuallyExclusive: Bool = false
let example = OperationConditionImplementer(condition: ExampleCondition())
You'll see "ExampleCondition" printed.
If you eventually switch to pure Swift, you need to specify T when initializing a OperationConditionImplementer.
You can achieve that defining the addCondition method as:
func addCondition<T: MMCondition>(condition: T) {
let a = OperationConditionImplementer<T>(condition: condition)
Since Swift 2.0 instances of generic classes can implement Objective-C protocols. What won't be possible I believe is having a struct implement the protocol. In fact I expect that your protocol may need to inherit from NSObjectProtocol to be usable in Objective-C which would then prevent you from implementing the protocol with structs or enums.
You also rightly mention that you can't access generic functions from Objective-C.
For a concrete example of using a generic to fulfil an Objective-C protocol have a look at this blog post.

Information Hiding the "Swifter" way?

I have a question regarding object oriented design principles and Swift. I am pretty familiar with Java and I am currently taking a udacity course to get a first hands on in Swift.
In the Java community (basically in every community that follows OOP) it is very common to use information hiding techniques such as hiding or encapsulating data within classes to make sure it cannot be manipulated from outside. A common principle is to declare all attributes of a class as being private and use getters for retrieving an attribute's value and setters for manipulation.
I tried to follow this approach when writing a class that was part of the course and it looks like this:
// RecordedAudio.swift
// Pitch Perfect
import Foundation
class RecordedAudio: NSObject {
private let filePathUrl: NSURL!
private let title: String?
init(filePathUrl: NSURL, title: String?)
self.filePathUrl = filePathUrl
self.title = title
func getFilePathUrl() -> NSURL
return filePathUrl
func getTitle() -> String
if title != nil
return title!
return "none"
The code works and my private attributes cannot be accessed from outside my class, which is exactly the behavior I wanted to achieve. However, the following questions came to my mind:
1.) The course instructor decided to leave the attributes' access control level at the default "internal" and not use getters/setters but rather access the attributes directly from outside. Any thoughts on why developers might do that in swift? Is my approach not "swift" enough???
2.) In conclusion: Is there a "swifter" way to implement encapsulation when writing your own class? What are swift's native techniques to achieve the information hiding I am aiming for?
You can restrict external property manipulation, by marking the property public for reading and private for writing, as described in the documentation:
class RecordedAudio: NSObject {
public private(set) let filePathUrl: NSURL!
public private(set) let title: String?
init(filePathUrl: NSURL, title: String?) {
self.filePathUrl = filePathUrl
self.title = title
// in another file
let audio = RecordedAudio(filePathUrl: myUrl, title: myTitle)
let url = audio.filePathUrl // works, returns the url
audio.filePathUrl = newUrl // doesn't compile
I do it a bit like in Obj-C:
class MyClass
private var _something:Int
var something:Int {
get {return _something}
// optional: set { _something = newValue }
init() { _something = 99 }
let c = MyClass()
let v = c.something
Above is a primitive example, but handled stringent it works as a good pattern.

How to access private members of an Objective-C class from a Swift extension?

I'm trying to extend an Objective-C class in Swift and make it conform to the Equatable protocol. This requires to access some private members of the extended class, which the compiler doesn't let me do. What is the correct way to do it without making the private members public?
My Swift code:
import Foundation
extension ShortDate : Equatable { }
public func == (lhs: ShortDate, rhs: ShortDate) -> Bool {
if (lhs.components.year == rhs.components.year)
&& (lhs.components.month == rhs.components.month)
&& ( == {
return true;
return false;
#interface ShortDate : NSObject<NSCopying, NSCoding> {
NSDate *inner;
NSDateComponents *components; // The date split into components.
The error I'm getting:
ShortDate.swift:26:9: 'ShortDate' does not have a member named 'components'
I came across this question while trying to find a way to access a private variable of a class from one of the SDKs we use. Since we don't have or control the source code we can't change the variables to properties. I did find that the following solution works for this case:
extension ObjcClass {
func getPrivateVariable() -> String? {
return value(forKey: "privateVariable") as? String
open override func value(forUndefinedKey key: String) -> Any? {
if key == "privateVariable" {
return nil
return super.value(forUndefinedKey: key)
Overriding value(forUndefinedKey:) is optional. value(forKey:) will crash if the private variable doesn't exist on the class unless you override value(forUndefinedKey:) and provide a default value.
I believe that there is no way to access Objective-C instance variables from Swift. Only Objective-C properties get mapped to Swift properties.

Why this Swift code doesn't work - mixing Objective-C class in Swift

I have a huge background as c++ dev, but I'm still newbie in Swift/Objective-C zone. I'm trying to build a class hierarchy and I'm kind of stuck with this code:
protocol CADelegate : class {
func g()
class CA : NSObject {
init(i: Int) {}
func f() {
if let del = getDelegate() {
} else {
println("delegate is null")
private func getDelegate() -> CADelegate? {
return nil
class CB : CA {
override init(i: Int) {
var delegate: CADelegate!
private override func getDelegate() -> CADelegate? {
return delegate
class Client : CADelegate {
func g() {
println("CA delegate")
class ViewController : ... {
override func viewDidLoad() {
var cb = CB(i: 1)
var client = Client()
cb.delegate = client // the problem row!!!
On "the problem row" I got an runtime error EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=1,address=...).
Can somebody help me figure this out? I know I'm doing something wrong, because I'm use to C++ idioms and programming style.
NOTE: also the same is true if the delegate property is weak, as it is in my original code.
Edit 1:
I'm using XCode6 Beta 7
Edit 2:
As it turns out it is not 100% reproducible. 3 out of 5 times it is working but for the other 2 times I've got the bad access exception. It looks like a race condition, but I'm not using any other tasks/threads. This is my main view controller and viewDidLoad should be called on view controller initialization.
Edit 3:
Even more strange - if I remove my constructors in CA and CB, and change the creation of CB without int parameter, the problem disappears! I'm sure now it looks like a bug :)

What is the Swift equivalent of respondsToSelector?

I've googled but not been able to find out what the swift equivalent to respondsToSelector: is.
This is the only thing I could find (Swift alternative to respondsToSelector:) but isn't too relevant in my case as its checking the existence of the delegate, I don't have a delegate I just want to check if a new API exists or not when running on the device and if not fall back to a previous version of the api.
As mentioned, in Swift most of the time you can achieve what you need with the ? optional unwrapper operator. This allows you to call a method on an object if and only if the object exists (not nil) and the method is implemented.
In the case where you still need respondsToSelector:, it is still there as part of the NSObject protocol.
If you are calling respondsToSelector: on an Obj-C type in Swift, then it works the same as you would expect. If you are using it on your own Swift class, you will need to ensure your class derives from NSObject.
Here's an example of a Swift class that you can check if it responds to a selector:
class Worker : NSObject
func work() { }
func eat(food: AnyObject) { }
func sleep(hours: Int, minutes: Int) { }
let worker = Worker()
let canWork = worker.respondsToSelector(Selector("work")) // true
let canEat = worker.respondsToSelector(Selector("eat:")) // true
let canSleep = worker.respondsToSelector(Selector("sleep:minutes:")) // true
let canQuit = worker.respondsToSelector(Selector("quit")) // false
It is important that you do not leave out the parameter names. In this example, Selector("sleep::") is not the same as Selector("sleep:minutes:").
There is no real Swift replacement.
You can check in the following way:
This calls the method someMethod only if it's defined on object someObject but you can use it only for #objc protocols which have declared the method as optional.
Swift is inherently a safe language so everytime you call a method Swift has to know the method is there. No runtime checking is possible. You can't just call random methods on random objects.
Even in Obj-C you should avoid such things when possible because it doesn't play well with ARC (ARC then triggers warnings for performSelector:).
However, when checking for available APIs, you can still use respondsToSelector:, even if Swift, if you are dealing with NSObject instances:
#interface TestA : NSObject
- (void)someMethod;
#implementation TestA
//this triggers a warning
var a = TestA()
if a.respondsToSelector("someMethod") {
Update Mar 20, 2017 for Swift 3 syntax:
If you don't care whether the optional method exists, just call delegate?.optionalMethod?()
Otherwise, using guard is probably the best approach:
weak var delegate: SomeDelegateWithOptionals?
func someMethod() {
guard let method = delegate?.optionalMethod else {
// optional not implemented
Original answer:
You can use the "if let" approach to test an optional protocol like this:
weak var delegate: SomeDelegateWithOptionals?
func someMethod() {
if let delegate = delegate {
if let theMethod = delegate.theOptionalProtocolMethod? {
// Reaching here means the delegate doesn't exist or doesn't respond to the optional method
If the method you are testing for is defined as an optional method in a #objc protocol (which sounds like your case), then use the optional chaining pattern as:
if let result = object.method?(args) {
/* method exists, result assigned, use result */
else { ... }
When the method is declare as returning Void, simply use:
if object.method?(args) { ... }
“Calling Methods Through Optional Chaining”
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.”
It seems you need to define your protocol as as subprotocol of NSObjectProtocol ... then you'll get respondsToSelector method
#objc protocol YourDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
func yourDelegateMethod(passObject: SomeObject)
note that only specifying #objc was not enough. You should be also careful that the actual delegate is a subclass of NSObject - which in Swift might not be.
For swift3
If you just want to call the method, run the code below.
Functions are first-class types in Swift, so you can check whether an optional function defined in a protocol has been implemented by comparing it to nil:
if (someObject.someMethod != nil) {
} else {
// do something else
In Swift 2,Apple introduced a new feature called API availability checking, which might be a replacement for respondsToSelector: method.The following code snippet comparison is copied from the WWDC2015 Session 106 What's New in Swift which I thought might help you,please check it out if you need to know more.
The Old Approach:
#IBOutlet var dropButton: NSButton!
override func awakeFromNib() {
if dropButton.respondsToSelector("setSpringLoaded:") {
dropButton.springLoaded = true
The Better Approach:
#IBOutlet var dropButton: NSButton!
override func awakeFromNib() {
if #available(OSX 10.10.3, *) {
dropButton.springLoaded = true
For swift 3.0
import UIKit
#objc protocol ADelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
#objc optional func hi1()
#objc optional func hi2(message1:String, message2:String)
class SomeObject : NSObject {
weak var delegate:ADelegate?
func run() {
// single method
if let methodHi1 = delegate?.hi1 {
} else {
print("fail h1")
// multiple parameters
if let methodHi2 = delegate?.hi2 {
methodHi2("superman", "batman")
} else {
print("fail h2")
class ViewController: UIViewController, ADelegate {
let someObject = SomeObject()
override func viewDidLoad() {
someObject.delegate = self
// MARK: ADelegate
func hi1() {
func hi2(message1: String, message2: String) {
print("Hi \(message1) \(message2)")
Currently (Swift 2.1) you can check it using 3 ways:
Using respondsToSelector answered by #Erik_at_Digit
Using '?' answered by #Sulthan
And using as? operator:
if let delegateMe = self.delegate as? YourCustomViewController
Basically it depends on what you are trying to achieve:
If for example your app logic need to perform some action and the delegate isn't set or the pointed delegate didn't implement the onSuccess() method (protocol method) so option 1 and 3 are the best choice, though I'd use option 3 which is Swift way.
If you don't want to do anything when delegate is nil or method isn't implemented then use option 2.
As I started to update my old project to Swift 3.2, I just needed to change the method from
responds(to: selector)
I just implement this myself in a project, see code below. As mentions by #Christopher Pickslay it is important to remember that functions are first class citizens and can therefore be treated like optional variables.
#objc protocol ContactDetailsDelegate: class {
optional func deleteContact(contact: Contact) -> NSError?
weak var delegate:ContactDetailsDelegate!
if let deleteContact = delegate.deleteContact {
another possible syntax by swift..
if let delegate = self.delegate, method = delegate.somemethod{
I use guard let else, so that can do some default stuff if the delegate func is not implemented.
#objc protocol ViewController2Delegate: NSObjectProtocol {
optional func viewController2(controller: ViewController2, didSomethingWithStringAndReturnVoid string: String)
optional func viewController2(controller: ViewController2, didSomethingWithStringAndReturnString string: String) -> String
class ViewController2: UIViewController {
weak var delegate: ViewController2Delegate?
#IBAction func onVoidButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject){
if (delegate != nil && delegate!.respondsToSelector(Selector("viewController2:didSomethingWithStringAndReturnVoid:"))) {
NSLog("ReturnVoid is implemented")
delegate!.viewController2!(self, didSomethingWithStringAndReturnVoid: "dummy")
NSLog("ReturnVoid is not implemented")
// Do something by default
#IBAction func onStringButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject){
guard let result = delegate?.viewController2?(self, didSomethingWithStringAndReturnString: "dummy") else {
NSLog("ReturnString is not implemented")
// Do something by default
NSLog("ReturnString is implemented with result: \(result)")
I guess you want to make a default implementation for delegate. You can do this:
let defaultHandler = {}
(delegate?.method ?? defaultHandler)()
Swift 3:
#objc protocol SomeDelegate {
#objc optional func method()
class SomeObject : NSObject {
weak var delegate:SomeObject?
func delegateMethod() {
if let delegateMethod = delegate?.method{
}else {
The equivalent is the ? operator:
var value: NSNumber? = myQuestionableObject?.importantMethod()
importantMethod will only be called if myQuestionableObject exists and implements it.