I'm trying to replace 1400 cells with text into cells with ids, I've attached a picture so you can understand it easier. I'm trying to do this only by using cells because I have 1400 cells I need to replace.
I've trying using substitute using a range but I can't seem to make it work.
It sounds like you don't want to use a VBA solution?
If you don't mind moving some stuff around, try this.
Damn, that image isn't big enough, is it? You can see the layout though. "Original Text" is in C1, and the word ID is in A5, and I've numbered D1:I1 1-6. Now paste this formula into D2: =SUBSTITUTE(C2,OFFSET($B$6,D$1-1,0),OFFSET($A$6,D$1-1,0))
And drag it right and drag all the columns down. Your desired output should be in column I. It's not the most computationally efficient, but it's super easy to implement and works with any size lookup table (just drag out more columns and number them) and any number of items in the text fields.
I have a spreadsheet, where I'd like to drag down a particular index/match formula, but where the formula does not return a value, I'd like it to keep the formula that is already in place (which sums up a few of the items below it).
I know that you could just use the cell reference for the if_error part of the formula, but this would return the value of the cell as it is now, and wouldn't use the current formula to generate a new value based on the values returned by the index match formula.
I have attached pictures below. Basically, I want to leave the sum formulas as is, but just be able to drag down that first index formula (the actual spreadsheet I'm dealing with has many different spaces, and is very long, otherwise I'd just copy the formula manually).
If this isn't possible, are there any other solutions? Another thing I tried was for each index/match that didn't return a value, I had it return the formula as a string, and then I'd copy/paste special with values, replace the column in the formula that is a string to the column I'm looking for, and then it would evaluate the formula that was, before, a string. But then you lose the formulas for all the other cells.
So the issue is that some cells are used to sum, and I don't want to drag the formula over those cells, but at the same time, I do need to use the formula over the whole range, otherwise it would just take too long.
Once you put a formula in G1, the previous formula in that cell is no longer available, so referencing G1 in your new formula would just produce a circular reference.
Instead think of a formula that combines both formulas into one: it should detect in which situation it is and then perform the appropriate calculation.
In your case, I think this formula will do what you want:
=IFERROR(INDEX($M$3:$M$9, MATCH(F1,$L$3:$L$9)), IF(E1="", "", SUM(G2:G4)))
Put it in cell G1 and copy it down.
Note how it looks at column E to decide whether it should do the sum. I also adapted a bit the part you already had, by making some references absolute (adding some $), because the area in the L and M columns is positioned at fixed rows.
Add a helper column in row H for your Index-Match formula and copy it all the way down. Then, in row I do an if statement. If row H meets the criteria you want, do that, else use row G.
So I think I found a good solution, especially in the case where you are going to be using the spreadsheet over and over, and the format won't change much. This might be too specific for anyone to use, but posting it just in case someone gets some use out of it.
First I created two macros, one to hide the sum rows, and another to unhide all the sum rows. I got the sum rows from another column by copying all the formulas across to the new column I'm looking at. Numbers will of course be wrong, but the sum formulas will be what we want to keep. You can speed this up by finding "sum" in formulas and then selecting all of the results.
Next, use the macro which hides all the sum rows.
Next, create the index formula in the first row. Control shift down to select all rows beneath. Then, "find", and "go to special" and select "only visible cells", and then hit F2, and control enter, and this will copy the formula down to all the visible cells, ie the non-sum cells.
Then use your unhide macro, and it should be golden!
You can use this technique for any spreadsheet where the source data format is different from target, and where you have fixed formulas in the target which you always will need.
I'm trying to Query some data in my spreadsheet, returning a manufacturer based on product code. We code our products with a three digit suffix that corresponds to different customers. I know the codes but people viewing the sheet may not.
Right now, I'm trying to split the suffix from the product and perform the wuery in the same formula.
I can do this in two steps, splitting the suffix from the code and querying just the suffix, but I want to know if I can do this all in one code. My current formula returns the data I want but it does not fill the entire range of the sheet. I would rather have this happen automatically as the workbook will be dynamic.
My current formula is:
=QUERY(CxSeries,"select B where C CONTAINS '"&right(Code,3)&"' ")
I'm not sure if query is the right way to go about this, but I'd prefer to stick to that (just because i honestly can't wrap my head around ArrayForumlas).
Thank you,
Clear all formulas you have in column C and enter in C7
=ArrayFormula(vlookup(regexextract(D7:D16,"-(\d+)$")+0, {Sheet5!C6:C,Sheet5!B6:B}, 2, 0))
you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.
I'm stuck with excel/vba:
I've got a 10 row x 30 column blank array in Excel. I am trying to distribute 10 integers from a known group of 10 (say 1,1,1,1,1,1,3,5,7,9) into each column randomly so that each row of the column contains one of the group (and all of the group members are used once), and I need the second column to contain another random distribution of the same group and so on.
So I'd end up with 30 columns of 10 rows each, with each column containing a different random distribution of the same 10 integers. I want to be able to change the distribution in each row by recalculating the spreadsheet too.
Is there a quick way to do this? Short of arranging 30 different rand() sorted lists and using lookups I couldn't see a way. I'm not savvy enough with VBA to have a go. If someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be eternally grateful!
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, though this does not seem to be so straightforward using worksheet formulas alone.
If your orginal list of values is in A1:A10, then, in B1:
and in B2, array formula**:
Copy the above down to B10.
You can then copy the formulas in B1:B10 to the right as desired.
**Array formulas are not entered in the same way as 'standard' formulas. Instead of pressing just ENTER, you first hold down CTRL and SHIFT, and only then press ENTER. If you've done it correctly, you'll notice Excel puts curly brackets {} around the formula (though do not attempt to manually insert these yourself).
You could make a loop in which you make an array with your 10 numbers. Then loop though 30 columns, with first adding another column of 10 randomly drawn numbers to your array. See this website on how to draw random numbers. Then sort the array on the second column and post the first column.
As I read in the comments on the other answer, the purist solution would be to:
Assign each unique option of values a random value
Sort these random values either from top to bottom or bottom to top, and select the top one.
Place it in the first row
Do the same thing again for the second row, but keep track of the sum of all the unique options, as to rule out an option once it maxed its presence.
Once I just clicked post I thought this a bit more through and came to the conclusion that the last digit will allmost always be 1 in this case....
I have a Worksheet with 10 columns and data range from A1:J55. Col A has the invoice # and rest of the columns have other demographic data. Goal is to type the invoice number on a cell and display all the rows matching the invoice number from col A.
Besides auto filter function, the only thing comes to my mind is VBA. Please advice what is the best way to get the data. Thanks for your help in advance.
Alright, I'm pretty proud of this one. Again avoiding VBA, this one uses the volatile formula OFFSET to keep moving its VLOOKUP search down the table until it's found all matches. Just make sure you paste enough rows of the formula that if there are many matches, there's room for all of them to appear. If you put a border around your match area then it would be clear if you ever ran out of room and needed to copy down the formula some more.
Again, in the main section, it's just a single formula (using index):
This gets to be so simple because the hard work of the lookup is done by an initial column which looks up the next row that matches the invoice number. It has the formula:
=IFERROR(MATCH($L$2,OFFSET($A$1:$A$200,M2,0),0)+M2," ")
Here is the working example that goes with those formulas:
Let me know if you need any further description of how it works, but it mostly uses the same rules as above so that it's robust in copying and moving around.
I've uploaded the Excel file so you can play with it, but everything you need to reproduce this feature should be in this solution.
Google Docs - Click link and hit Ctrl+S to download and open in Excel.
A popular solution to this problem is a simple VLookup. Lookup the invoice the user types in on the table A1:J55, and then return an adjascent column's data.
Here's an example of it working:
The formula in the highlighted cell is:
What's nice about this formula is you only need to type it once and then you can copy it across and it'll automatically pick out the correct column of the table (that's the match part). The rest is very simple:
The first part says lookup value $L3 (the invoice number typed in),
The second part says look it up in range $A:$J (which is where your table is located). I've shown how you can select the entire columns $A:$J so that you can add and remove data without worrying about adjustin the range in your lookups. (Excel takes care of optimizing the formula so that unused cells aren't checked)
The third part picks the column from which the resulting data will be drawn once a matching row is found.
The FALSE part is an indication that the invoice number must match exactly (no approximate matching allowed)
The $ signs ensure that fixed ranges like the location of your source table ($A:$J) and your lookup value ($L3) don't get automatically changed as you copy the formula across for multiple columns.
The formula is pretty easy to adapt if you want to move around your table and the area where you do your lookup. Here's an example:
If you want to add a little spiff, you can add a dropdown to the Invoice # field so that the user gets auto-completion and the option to browse existing values like so: