SQL syntax error when using Heroku dataclips to export PostgreSQL database into csv - sql

I have a Rails app on Heroku that i'm currently testing to ensure that I can download the information it gathers. I've managed to get PostgreSQL 9.3.5 working and can even get it to spit out a public url to an unreadable dump file, but I want to export a particular table into a CSV that is easier to understand so that I can gather the data.
I've been looking into Heroku Dataclips. The documentation says that this is possible, but doesn't explain how. This site seemed to give some tips on SQL inputs:
So I entered this into Dataclips:
COPY participations(user_full_name, user_email, event_name, event_date_time)
TO '/usr/local/pgsql/data/csv/event_registrations.csv'
However, I get this error:
Your query couldn't be created.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "COPY"
LINE 2: COPY participation(user_full_name, user_email, event_name, e...
How can I fix this? Maybe the reference i'm using is wrong, because I don't see the difference between what i'm doing and what's there.
FWIW, i'm using Cloud9 IDE as my terminal.

If you are trying to get data out in csv file then :
try to do this in command line and put "\" before copy
like this
\COPY participations(user_full_name, user_email, event_name, event_date_time)
TO '/usr/local/pgsql/data/csv/event_registrations.csv'
or you can download PGadmin it has option execute query to file under QUERY tab on top

According to Heroku support, this is what you need to put in a Dataclip if you want to get all the records from a particular table:
SELECT * from table_name;
Once you create your Dataclip, you will have the option through the Dataclips interface to download the results as a CSV.


Problems Loading data from CSV into a PostgreSQL table with PGADMIN

I am at a loss. I am on a mac using PG Admin 4 with PostgreSQL I tried to use the import/export data wizard when you right click on the table I created...and get this error ERROR: extra data after last expected column...all of the colomns match up and there is no additional data. I don't know what needs to change...
So then I tried to create it with the quarry tool with the following code (renaming things to put here):
create schema schema_name;
create table schema_name.tablename( column1 text, column2 text...); ***all the columns are a text data type***
copy schema_name.tablename
from '/Users/me/downloads/filename.csv'
delimiter ',' header csv;
and get this error message:
ERROR: could not open file "/Users/me/downloads/filename.csv" for reading: Permission denied
HINT: COPY FROM instructs the PostgreSQL server process to read a file. You may want a client-side facility such as psql's \copy.
SQL state: 42501
Going to properties for that database, and then to security, and privileges I made public all privileges. But that did nothing. And so I am here to ask yall for help.
Successfully import the data from the CSV.

BigQuery - BQ extract - Multiple empty file generation

Im trying to export data from big query table to zip file in command line by using BQ extract. It generated multiple empty files (with header) , along with one file with correct data. Can someone please let me know , why empty files are generated.
This is a BigQuery issue already reported. I suggest starring the issue and asking for an update on it.
I faced the same empty files issue when using EXPORT DATA.
After doing a bit of R&D found the solution. Put LIMIT xxx in your SELECT SQL and it will do the trick.
You can find the count, and put that as LIMIT value.
FROM ...

Postgres SQL COPY taking forever?

I'm fairly new to psql. I'm trying to copy a approximately 1 million rows from a text file into a table.
I try and use COPY and I get the error message:
ERROR: must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
HINT: Anyone COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone.
I can't change my user status. So I've tried \copy. My command looks like this in the psql shell:
\copy my_table FROM 'C:/Users/Owner/Documents/myfile.txt' WITH DELIMITER '|' ;
When I hit enter nothing seems to happen. No error messages or any signs of anything.
My data file looks like this:
Does it just take a very long time or have I done something wrong?
Any Help is greatly appreciated!!

Saving an sqllite3 database as csv file in Ruby on Rails 5

I am currently working on a project and I want to know how to save an sqllite database in rails as a csv file. I want it when you click the button, the current database on the system download. Can anybody help me? Thanks!
Your problem isn't really specific to Rails. Instead, you're mostly dealing with an administrative issue. You should write a script to export your database as csv, something like this:
./bin/sqlite3 ./my_app/db/my_database.db <<!
.headers on
.mode csv
.output my_output_file.csv
select * from my_table;
This script exports a single table. If you have additional tables, you'll want to add them to your script.
The only Rails related issue is the matter of calling that script. Save the script within your application structure; I'd suggest my_app/assets or some similar location.
Now you can run that script using system(command) where command is the absolute path for your script, within a set of double-quotes.

Can You Import an Excel File to a MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin?

Can You Import an Excel File to a MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin? I am looking to buy this database that has the data of all Colleges and Universities in the US. The file is in Excel format. Can this be imported into phpMyAdmin?
Here is the site where I am going to buy the database from if this is possible: http://www.data-lists.com/universities-colleges-database.html?gclid=CPGXkN6H6aECFeQc5wodBFPRIg
You can download a sample of the database that has 10 entries. I have tried importing this into phpMyAdmin but this is the error I am getting:
There is a chance that you may have
found a bug in the SQL parser. Please
examine your query closely, and check
that the quotes are correct and not
mis-matched. Other possible failure
causes may be that you are uploading a
file with binary outside of a quoted
text area. You can also try your query
on the MySQL command line interface.
The MySQL server error output below,
if there is any, may also help you in
diagnosing the problem. If you still
have problems or if the parser fails
where the command line interface
succeeds, please reduce your SQL query
input to the single query that causes
problems, and submit a bug report with
the data chunk in the CUT section
----BEGIN CUT---- eNrtXAtsHMd5nt177R0FipQoiXqvICkiJd7xnnwJBnWiqFdIiubRjyQO5NVxSV51vGPuIYltVNNt
And then at the bottom of the error it says:
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use
near 'ÐÏࡱá' at line 1
Any help is greatly appreciated.
It looks like you are trying to import a binary file.
Try to export a sheet or a range of the excel file as a CSV file. This must be a reactangle with the same structure on every row.
I've downloaded the sample data and it looks pretty organized. Just save the excel file into csv (File -> save as). Then import it using PHPMyAdmin. I think it will work perfectly fine.
Good luck! :-)