IntelliJ-IDEA Eclipse Ctrl+O equivalent that is better than Alt+7 - intellij-idea

In Eclipse I could hit Ctrl+O and get a popup which I could use to get an overview of everything in the current class, pick an entry, and jump to it.
In idea, there is Alt+7, but I have a few issues with it. First, the keyboard doesn't seem to put its focus there. I have to take my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse to place the focus on the Structure dock.
I also don't like how it's taking up real estate. I don't want to change how things are laid out if I want to see the structure. I would like a more non-invasive popup, and handier and snappier.
Is there another feature that gives me quick access in the form of a popup preferably, like Ctrl+O provides in Eclipse?
Another nice feature would be to be able to use the J and K keys to move up and down the selection, instead of having to use the cursor keys. I'm using IdeaVim, so the normal workflow when editing files, is that both hands stay in a touch-type position. It would be nice if I can use the various navigation features also using vim keys...
Perhaps there is a way to enable this, that I haven't discovered yet?

IntelliJ equivalent of Eclipse's CTRL+O is CTRL+F12 (⌘+F12 on Mac), which will give you more or less the same pop-up as in Eclipse. But I'm not sure if it can be navigated using j and k keys.
More details can be found in the IntelliJ help.


Use HJKL in menus of JetBrains IDEs

Is it possible to use J and K when choosing a suggested auto-completion item? See the image below: I'd like to, maybe hold ALT or SHIFT (or in some other way differentiate between moving and typing), and use J and K to select the proper suggestion.
Is anything similar also available for moving around the menus (in Project view etc.)?
I was able to make this work by creating a shortcut ALT+J mapped to the Down key and ALT+K to the Up key.
You can move up and down in the popup without needing to move your hand away from HJKL to the arrow keys.
This also works in the Find in path window, though it does not work in the navigation menu.
Update: For Alt + K to work in the Find window since the version 2020+, one has to disable mnemonics in Settings, under Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> Disable mnemonics in controls.
#Rok Povsic's solution is great and I used it a bit, but in some pop up menus like Intention actions, refactoring menu or usages the trick won't work.
So I used this Power Toys program from Microsoft to remap the Alt+J, Alt+K, Alt+H, Alt+L to arrow keys at windows level and now this works great everywhere around the IDE.
You can even specify only the app in which you want to override this shortcuts. For example for rider it will be "rider64.exe". You can find the name of the app you want to use in task manager under "Details".

What is the principle by which keyboard shortcuts selected in IntelliJ IDEA?

There are lots of useful functions of Intellij IDEA and for many of them there are keyboard shortcuts.
But remembering shortcuts may be difficult, at least for me.
Are there some consistent guiding principles by which these shortcuts were selected by designers? I believe learning such principles would be helpful to memorize shortcuts itself.
I think that the closest answer you're going to get is "it depends". Some shortcuts are obviously chosen, because the keybinding describes what the shortcut does, for example ⌘+O means open, not only in IntelliJ but in many places throughout OS X.
Some shortcuts probably don't have any kind of such semantic meaning, such as Alt+Enter and are chosen because they are very frequently used and the placement of the keys relative to each other is comfortable.
Other keyboard shortcuts with similar purpose have the same starting sequence of keys. For instance the extract refactoring shortcuts, which are as follows:
⌘+Alt+M - extract method
⌘+Alt+C - extract constant
⌘+Alt+V - extract variable
⌘+Alt+F - extract field
⌘+Alt+P - extract parameter
So in such case you only need to remember that if you want to extract something, you press ⌘+Alt and the first letter of what you want to extract.
That being said, I don't believe that the way to learning the keybindings is memorizing them, but using them. If you use one keybinding multiple times, over the time you will memorize it. You can help this process for instance by locating the action you want to perform in the menu, but instead of clicking it look at the keyboard shortcut next to it and press it. Or find the action using ⌘+Shift+A, look at the shortcut and use it.
There are even plugins, which can help you with this, for instance Key Promoter which you can install via Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories. This plugin shows you shortcut you can use when you invoke some actions by clicking it in menu, etc. It also shows you how many times you've used this action in such a way instead of using the corresponding shortcut.

Use VI keys everywhere instead of cursor keys

I like VIM a lot because it kind of doubles the power of my keyboard in a way. It's either in insert or motion or whatever they call it mode.
Navigating through source code, typing code, while being able to keep my hands in the touch type position is great.
But when a dialog box is opened (eg. the one using ctrl+F12), if I have to select something other than the first one in the list, I am forced to have to move my right hand to the cursor keys.
Is there a way so that I can use J and K or else something with ctrl or alt or something, so that I can select an item while keeping my hands in the touch typing position?
You can redefine shortcuts for the Up, Down, Left, Right actions in File | Settings | Keymap (the regular keymap that has nothing to do with IdeaVim). IdeaVim provides Vim emulation only for code editors like file editors, interactive language consoles, etc.
Edit: I guess you can't use j and k since characters typed in the structure window are reserved for searching. But you can use Ctrl+N and Ctrl+P which is the same as the navigation shortcuts for pop-up windows in Vim.
Edit 2: You can't use Ctrl+N and Ctrl+P as well due to this bug in IntelliJ.

Turn off Intellij signature popup

In IntelliJ 12, how do I make the popup stop...popping up when I hold Ctrl while hovering over a field/method with the mouse? (see picture)
That is the "Brief Info" action (or at least that is what it is called in the Keymap reference.) To the best of my knowledge (i.e. 10+ years of daily IDEA use including all beta/EAP builds), there is no way to turn it off. Searching the settings for either "Brief Info" or "Info" does not show any pertinent setting. Likewise, searching key mappings for the same does not reveal a mapping. In fact in the keymap settings, you can only map mouse clicks, not mouse pointing (i.e. hovering). You can submit a feature request asking for a setting to disable this feature.
Just put of curiosity, why do you want to disable it? I guess I would never see a case where one would Ctrl+MousePoint unless they wanted to see this. The only case I can think of would be if you disliked it popping up when you go to Ctrl+Click on a symbol. If it is the latter, note that you can use Ctrl+B in place of Ctrl+MousePoint
Try turning off the "autopop" options under /Settings/IDE Settings/Editor/Code Completion.

How to use multiple tabs when tagging to a function in Vim

I use ctags with my Vim and I rely heavily on C-] and C-T to tag back and froth between various functions in my project.
But if the function is in a different file, I'd like Vim to automatically open it in a new tab instead of the current tab. If I pop my tag stack using the C-T, I'd like it go back to the original tab where I pressed by C-] instead of changing the file in the current tab. I don't like to have the same file opened in multiple tabs in Vim. This is the normal behavior for most IDEs and I am wondering if there is a way to do this in Vim?
nmap <C-Enter> <C-w><C-]><C-w>T
Does this help ? You could probably figure out something similar for the way back.
Well, we need to decide what would be the wanted behaviour. We can go back to the original tab (not sure how, still investigating) but then the above given mapping is gonna open a new tab next time. So you'll end up with a lot of tabs after a while.
Or we can do <C-w>C, which will close the opened tab and take us back to the original one. I, personally, prefer this way of working (that way I don't lose my position in the file)
I go to the function I want, make my corrections there then return to the original file from which I started.
Let me know, what would you like (this didn't fit in comments so I put the answer here).
This might point you in the right direction:
So, this is a feature I would like to see as well.
I'm not sure if it's possible.
What I usually do is
:tag somepartsoffunction*
and press tab to use globbing to easily find tag.
Sure, it's not an ideal solution, but it works most of the time.
Unfortunately, with VIM tabbing isn't totally integrated since it's a new feature since 7.0. Most people I know that use VIM weren't even aware of tabs until I told them, so with that, I have a feeling there is no way to do it right now.
(I would love to be proven wrong)