SemanticException Partition spec {col=null} contains non-partition columns - dynamic

I am trying to create dynamic partitions in hive using following code.
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;
create external table if not exists report_ipsummary_hourwise(
ip_address string,imp_date string,imp_hour bigint,geo_country string)
PARTITIONED BY (imp_date_P string,imp_hour_P string,geo_coutry_P string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '\t'
stored as textfile
location 's3://abc';
insert overwrite table report_ipsummary_hourwise PARTITION (imp_date_P,imp_hour_P,geo_country_P)
SELECT ip_address,imp_date,imp_hour,geo_country,
imp_date as imp_date_P,
imp_hour as imp_hour_P,
geo_country as geo_country_P
FROM report_ipsummary_hourwise_Temp;
Where report_ipsummary_hourwise_Temp table contains following columns,
I am getting this error
SemanticException Partition spec {imp_hour_p=null, imp_date_p=null,
geo_country_p=null} contains non-partition columns.
Can anybody suggest why this error is coming ?

You insert sql have the geo_country_P column but the target table column name is geo_coutry_P. miss a n in country

I was facing the same error. It's because of the extra characters present in the file.
Best solution is to remove all the blank characters and reinsert if you want.

It could also be
INSERT OVERWRITE command failed with case sensitive partition key names
There is a bug in Hive which makes partition column names case-sensitive.
For me fix was that both column name has to be lower-case in the table
and PARTITION BY clause's in table definition has to be lower-case. (they can be both upper-case too; due to this Hive bug HIVE-14032 the case just has to match)

It says while copying the file from result to hdfs jobs could not recognize the partition location. What i can suspect you have table with partition (imp_date_P,imp_hour_P,geo_country_P) whereas job is trying to copy on imp_hour_p=null, imp_date_p=null, geo_country_p=null which doesn't match..try to check hdfs location...the other point what i can suggest not to duplicate column name and partition twice

insert overwrite table report_ipsummary_hourwise PARTITION (imp_date_P,imp_hour_P,geo_country_P)
SELECT ip_address,imp_date,imp_hour,geo_country,
imp_date as imp_date_P,
imp_hour as imp_hour_P,
geo_country as geo_country_P
FROM report_ipsummary_hourwise_Temp;
The highlighted fields should be the same name available in the report_ipsummary_hourwise file



i got a table with three columns whose type is BYTES
but now, i wish i could REPLACE my BYTES values by their corresponding STRING in my original table
Replacing the value would imply changing the column type, which is not supported.
My recommendation would be to save your query results to a different destination table then drop the current table and copy the destination table to rename it as the original one.

Creation of a partitioned external table with hive: no data available

I have the following file on HDFS:
I create the structure of the external table in Hive:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE google_analytics(
`session` INT)
PARTITIONED BY (date_string string)
LOCATION '/flumania/google_analytics';
ALTER TABLE google_analytics ADD PARTITION (date_string = '2016-09-06') LOCATION '/flumania/google_analytics';
After that, the table structure is created in Hive but I cannot see any data:
Since it's an external table, data insertion should be done automatically, right?
your file should be in this sequence.
here you file contents are in below sequence
string, int
change your file to below.
It should work.
Also it is not recommended to use keywords as column names (date);
I think the problem was with the alter table command. The code below solved my problem:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE google_analytics(
`session` INT)
PARTITIONED BY (date_string string)
LOCATION '/flumania/google_analytics/';
ALTER TABLE google_analytics ADD PARTITION (date_string = '2016-09-06');
After these two steps, if you have a date_string=2016-09-06 subfolder with a csv file corresponding to the structure of the table, data will be automatically loaded and you can already use select queries to see the data.

Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition

I'm trying to aggregate data from 1 table (whose data is re-calculated monthly) in another table (holding the same data but for all time) in Hive. However, whenever I try to combine the data, I get the following error:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10094]: Line 3:74 Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition 'category'
The code I'm using to create the tables is below:
create table my_data_by_category (views int, submissions int)
partitioned by (category string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
escaped by '\\'
location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/${hiveconf:DATE_DIR}/my_data_by_category';
create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
like my_data_by_category
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
escaped by '\\'
stored as textfile
location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';
The code I'm using to populate the tables is below:
insert overwrite table my_data_by_category partition(category)
select mdcc.col1, mdcc2.col2, pcc.category
from my_data_col1_counts_by_category mdcc
left outer join my_data_col2_counts_by_category mdcc2 where mdcc.category = mdcc2.category
group by mdcc.category, mdcc.col1, mdcc2.col2;
insert overwrite table my_data_lifetime_total_by_category partition(category)
select mdltc.col1 + mdc.col1 as col1, mdltc.col2 + mdc.col2, mdc.category
from my_data_lifetime_total_by_category mdltc
full outer join my_data_by_category mdc on mdltc.category = mdc.category
where mdltc.col1 is not null and mdltc.col2 is not null;
The frustrating part is that I have this data partitioned on another column and repeating this same process with that partition works without a problem. I've tried Googling the "Dynamic partition cannot be the parent of a static partition" error message, but I can't find any guidance on what causes this or how it can be fixed. I'm pretty sure that there's an issue with a way that 1 or more of my tables is set up, but I can't see what. What's causing this error and what I can I do resolve it?
There is no partitioned by clause in this script. As you are trying to insert into non partitioned table using partition in insert statement, it is failing.
create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
like my_data_by_category
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
escaped by '\\'
stored as textfile
location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';
No. You don't need to add partition clause.
You are doing group by mdcc.category in insert overwrite table my_data_by_category partition(category)..... but you are not using any UDAF.
Are you sure you can do this?
I think that if you change your second create statement to:
create table if not exists my_data_lifetime_total_by_category
partitioned by (category string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
escaped by '\\'
stored as textfile
location '${hiveconf:OUTPUT}/lifetime-totals/my_data_by_category';
you should then be free of errors

Bucket is not creating on hadoop-hive

I'm trying to create a bucket in hive by using following commands:
hive> create table emp( id int, name string, country string)
clustered by( country)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile ;
Command is executing successfully: when I load data into this table, it executes successfully and all data is shown when using select * from emp.
However, on HDFS it is only creating one table and only one file is there with all data. That is, there is no folder for specific country records.
First of all, in the DDL statement you have to explicitly mention how many buckets you want.
create table emp( id int, name string, country string)
clustered by( country)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile ;
In the above statement I have mention 2 buckets, similarly you can mention any number you want.
Still you are not done!!
After that, while loading data into the table you also have to mention the below hint to hive.
set hive.enforce.bucketing = true;
That should do it.
After this you should be able to see that number of files created under the table directory is same as the number of buckets mentioned in the DDL statement.
Bucketing doesn't create HDFS folders, rather if you want a separate floder to be created for a country then you should PARTITION.
Please go through hive partitioning and bucketing in detail.

automatically partition Hive tables based on S3 directory names

I have data stored in S3 like:
My understanding is that if I pull in that data via Hive, it will automatically interpret date as a partition. My table creation looks like:
col 1 STRING,
col 2 STRING,
LOCATION 's3n://bucket/';
However Hive doesn't recognize any data. Any queries I run return with 0 results. If I instead just grab one of the dates via:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE search_input_20140701(
col 1 STRING,
col 2 STRING,
LOCATION 's3n://bucket/date=20140701';
I can query data just fine.
Why doesn't Hive recognize the nested directories with the "date=date_str" partition?
Is there a better way to have Hive run a query over multiple sub-directories and slice it based on a datetime string?
In order to get this to work I had to do 2 things:
Enable recursive directory support:
SET mapred.input.dir.recursive=true;
SET hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true;
For some reason it would still not recognize my partitions so I had to recover them via:
You can use:
to check and see that they've been recovered.
I had faced the same issue and realized that hive does not have partitions metadata with it. So we need to add that metadata using ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION query. It becomes tedious, if you have few hundred partitions to create same queries with different values.
ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD PARTITION(<partitioned column name>=<partition value>);
Once you run above query for all available partitions. You should see the results in hive queries.