Oracle SQL - How can I write an insert statement that is conditional and looped? - sql

I have two tables: markettypewagerlimitgroups (mtwlg) and stakedistributionindicators (sdi). When a mtwlg is created, 2 rows are created in the sdi table which are linked to the mtwlg - each row with the same values bar 2, the id and another field (let's call it column X) which must contain a 0 for one row and 1 for the other.
There was a bug present in our codebase which prevented this happening automatically, so any mtwlg's created during the time that bug was present do not have the related sdi's, causing NPE's in various places.
To fix this, a patch needs to be written to loop through the mtwlg table and for each ID, search the sdi table for the 2 related rows. If the rows are present, do nothing; if there is only 1 row, check if F is a 0 or a 1, and insert a row with the other value; if neither row is present, insert them both. This needs to be done for every mtwlg, and a unique ID needs to be inserted too.
For each market type wager limit group ID
Check if there are 2 rows with that id in the stake distributions table, 1 where column X = 0 and one where column X = 1
if none
create 2 rows in the stake distributions table with unique id's; 1 for each X value
if one
create the missing row in the stake distributions table with a unique id
if 2
do nothing
If it helps at all - the patch will be applied using liquibase.
Anyone with any advice or thoughts as to if and how this will be possible to write in SQL/a liquibase patch?
Thanks in advance, let me know of any other information you need.
I've actually just been advised to do this using PL/SQL, do you have any thoughts/suggestions in regards to this?
Thanks again.

Oooooh, an excellent job for MERGE.
Here's your pseudo code again:
For each market type wager limit group ID
Check if there are 2 rows with that id in the stake distributions table,
1 where column X = 0 and one where column X = 1
if none
create 2 rows in the stake distributions table with unique id's;
1 for each X value
if one
create the missing row in the stake distributions table with a unique id
if 2
do nothing
Here's the MERGE variant (still pseudo-code'ish as I don't know how your data really looks):
MERGE INTO stake_distributions d
SELECT limit_group_id, 0 AS x
FROM market_type_wagers
SELECT limit_group_id, 1 AS x
FROM market_type_wagers
) t
ON (
d.limit_group_id = t.limit_group_id AND d.x = t.x
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.limit_group_id, d.x)
VALUES (t.limit_group_id, t.x);
No loops, no PL/SQL, no conditional statements, just plain beautiful SQL.
Nice alternative suggested by Boneist in the comments uses a CROSS JOIN rather than UNION ALL in the USING clause, which is likely to perform better (unverified):
MERGE INTO stake_distributions d
SELECT w.limit_group_id, x.x
FROM market_type_wagers w
) x
) t
ON (
d.limit_group_id = t.limit_group_id AND d.x = t.x
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (d.limit_group_id, d.x)
VALUES (t.limit_group_id, t.x);

Answer: you don't. There is absolutely no need to loop through anything - you can do it in a single insert. All you need to do is identify the rows that are missing, and then you just need to add them in.
Here is an example:
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
drop sequence t2_seq;
create table t1 (cola number,
colb number,
colc number);
create table t2 (id number,
cola number,
colb number,
colc number,
colx number);
create sequence t2_seq
MAXVALUE 99999999
insert into t1 values (1, 10, 100);
insert into t2 values (t2_seq.nextval, 1, 10, 100, 0);
insert into t2 values (t2_seq.nextval, 1, 10, 100, 1);
insert into t1 values (2, 20, 200);
insert into t2 values (t2_seq.nextval, 2, 20, 200, 0);
insert into t1 values (3, 30, 300);
insert into t2 values (t2_seq.nextval, 3, 30, 300, 1);
insert into t1 values (4, 40, 400);
insert into t2 (id, cola, colb, colc, colx)
with dummy as (select 1 id from dual union all
select 0 id from dual)
select t2_seq.nextval,
from t1
cross join dummy d
left outer join t2 on (t2.cola = t1.cola and = t2.colx)
where is null;
select * from t2
order by t2.cola;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 1 10 100 0
2 1 10 100 1
3 2 20 200 0
5 2 20 200 1
7 3 30 300 0
4 3 30 300 1
6 4 40 400 0
8 4 40 400 1

If the processing logic is too gnarly to be encapsulated in a single SQL statement, you may need to resort to cursor for loops and row types - basically allows you to do things like the following:
r_mtwlg markettypewagerlimitgroups%ROWTYPE;
FOR r_mtwlg IN (
SELECT mtwlg.*
FROM markettypewagerlimitgroups mtwlg
-- do stuff here
-- refer to elements of the current row like this
You can obviously nest another loop inside this one that hits the stakedistributionindicators table, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you. You could also left join to stakedistributionindicators a couple of times in this first cursor so that you only return rows that don't already have an x=1 and x=0, again you can probably work that bit out for yourself.

If you would rather write your logic in Java vs. PL/SQL, Liquibase allows you to create custom changes. The custom change points to a Java class you write that can do whatever logic you need. A simple example can be found here


Update numbers with a counter in SQL

Suppose I have a table containing increasing and irregularly incremented numbers (3, 4, 7, 11, 16,...) in the first column col1.
I want to update col1 such that the numbers will be 1000 plus the row number. So something like:
UPDATE tab1 SET col1 = 1000 + row_number()
I am using Oracle SQL and would appreciate any help! Many thanks in advance.
In Oracle, the simplest method might be to create a sequence and use that:
create sequence temp_seq_rownum;
update tab1
set col1 = 1000 + temp_seq_rownum.nextval;
drop sequence temp_seq_rownum;
At the time I am posting this, a different answer is already marked as "correct". That answer assigns values 1001, 1002 etc. with no regard to the pre-existing values in col1.
To me that makes no sense. The problem is more interesting if the OP actually meant what he wrote - the new values should follow the pre-existing values in col1, so that while the numbers 1001, 1002, 1003 etc. are not the same as the pre-existing values, they still preserve the pre-existing order.
In Oracle, row_number() is not allowed in a straight update statement. Perhaps the simplest way to achieve this task is with a merge statement, as demonstrated below.
For testing I created a table with two columns, with equal values before the update, simply so that we can verify that the new values in col1 preserve the pre-existing order after the update. I start with the test table, then the merge statement and a select statement to see what merge did.
create table t (col1, col2) as
select 3, 3 from dual union all
select 4, 4 from dual union all
select 16, 16 from dual union all
select 7, 7 from dual union all
select 1, 1 from dual
Table T created.
merge into t
using ( select rowid as rid, 1000 + row_number() over (order by col1) as val
from t) s
on (t.rowid = s.rid)
when matched then update set col1 = val;
5 rows merged.
select *
from t
order by col1
------- -------
1001 1
1002 3
1003 4
1004 7
1005 16

How can I get a random number generated in a CTE not to change in JOIN?

The problem
I'm generating a random number for each row in a table #Table_1 in a CTE, using this technique. I'm then joining the results of the CTE on another table, #Table_2. Instead of getting a random number for each row in #Table_1, I'm getting a new random number for every resulting row in the join!
CREATE TABLE #Table_2 (MyId INT, ParentId INT)
VALUES (1), (2), (3)
VALUES (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (1, 3)
SELECT Id, (ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId())) % 5)RandomNumber
FROM #Table_1
SELECT r.Id, t.MyId, r.RandomNumber
FROM RandomCTE r
INNER JOIN #Table_2 t
ON r.Id = t.ParentId
The results
Id MyId RandomNumber
----------- ----------- ------------
1 1 1
1 2 2
1 3 0
1 4 3
2 1 4
2 2 0
2 3 0
3 1 3
The desired results
Id MyId RandomNumber
----------- ----------- ------------
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 1
1 4 1
2 1 4
2 2 4
2 3 4
3 1 3
What I tried
I tried to obscure the logic of the random number generation from the optimizer by casting the random number to VARCHAR, but that did not work.
What I don't want to do
I'd like to avoid using a temporary table to store the results of the CTE.
How can I generate a random number for a table and preserve that random number in a join without using temporary storage?
This seems to do the trick:
SELECT Id, (ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId())) % 5)RandomNumber
FROM #Table_1),
RandomCTE AS(
GROUP BY ID, RandomNumber)
FROM RandomCTE r
INNER JOIN #Table_2 t
ON r.Id = t.ParentId;
It looks like SQL Server is aware that, at the point of being outside the CTE, that RandomNumber is effectively just NEWID() with some additional functions wrapped around it (DB<>Fiddle), and hence it still generates a unique ID for each row. The GROUP BY clause in the second CTE therefore forces the data engine to define RandomNumber a value so it can perform the GROUP BY.
Per the quote in this answer
The optimizer does not guarantee timing or number of executions of
scalar functions. This is a long-estabilished tenet. It's the
fundamental 'leeway' tha allows the optimizer enough freedom to gain
significant improvements in query-plan execution.
If it is important for your application that the random number be evaluated once and only once you should calculate it up front and store it into a temp table.
Anything else is not guaranteed and so is irresponsible to add into your application's code base - as even if it works now it may break as a result of a schema change/execution plan change/version upgrade/CU install.
For example Lamu's answer breaks if a unique index is added to #Table_1 (Id)
How about not using a real random number at all? Use rand() with a seed:
CONVERT(INT, RAND(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NEWID()) * 999999) * 5) as RandomNumber
FROM #Table_1
SELECT r.Id, t.MyId, r.RandomNumber
#Table_2 t
ON r.Id = t.ParentId;
The seed argument to rand() is pretty awful. Values of the seed near each other produce similar initial values, which is the reason for the multiplication.
Here is the db<>fiddle.

SQL clone/replicate records within same table with a condition

I have a table and i would like to replicate/clone records within the same table. However i would like to do that with a condition. And the condition is i have a column called recordcount with numeric values. For example Row 1 can take on a value of recordcount say 7, then i would like my row 1 to be replicated 7 times. Row 2 could take on a value say 9 then i would like row 2 to be replicated 9 times.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you
What you can do (and I'm pretty sure it's not a best practice),
Is to hold a table with just numbers, which has rowcount that correspond to the numeric value.
Join that with your table, and project your table only.
create table nums(x int);
insert into nums select 1;
insert into nums select 2;
insert into nums select 2;
insert into nums select 3;
insert into nums select 3;
insert into nums select 3;
create table t (txt varchar(10) , recordcount int);
insert into t select 'A',1;
insert into t select 'B',2;
insert into t select 'C',3;
select t.*
from t
inner join nums
on t.recordcount = nums.x
order by 1
Will project:

Returning rows that had no matches

I've read and read and read but I haven't found a solution to my problem.
I'm doing something like:
WHERE t1.b IN (<external list of values>)
There are other conditions of course but this is the jist of it.
My question is: is there a way to show which in the manually entered list of values didn't find a match? I've looked but I can't find and I'm going in circles.
Create a temp table with the external list of values, then you can do:
select item
from tmptable t
where t.item not in ( select b from t1 )
If the list is short enough, you can do something like:
with t as (
select case when t.b1='FIRSTITEM' then 1 else 0 end firstfound
case when t.b1='2NDITEM' then 1 else 0 end secondfound
case when t.b1='3RDITEM' then 1 else 0 end thirdfound
from t1 wher t1.b in 'LIST...'
select sum(firstfound), sum(secondfound), sum(thirdfound), ...
from t
But with proper rights, I would use Nicholas' answer.
To display which values in the list of values haven't found a match, as one of the approaches, you could create a nested table SQL(schema object) data type:
-- assuming that the values in the list
-- are of number datatype
create type T_NumList as table of number;
and use it as follows:
-- sample of data. generates numbers from 1 to 11
SQL> with t1(col) as(
2 select level
3 from dual
4 connect by level <= 11
5 )
6 select s.column_value as without_match
7 from table(t_NumList(1, 2, 15, 50, 23)) s -- here goes your list of values
8 left join t1 t
9 on (s.column_value = t.col)
10 where t.col is null
11 ;
SQLFiddle Demo
There is no easy way to convert "a externally provided" list into a table that can be used to do the comparison. One way is to use one of the (undocumented) system types to generate a table on the fly based on the values supplied:
with value_list (id) as (
select column_value
from table(sys.odcinumberlist (1, 2, 3)) -- this is the list of values
select as missing_id
from value_list l
left join t1 on =
where is null;
There are ways to get what you have described, but they have requirements which exceed the statement of the problem. From the minimal description provided, there's no way to have the SQL return the list of the manually-entered values that did not match.
For example, if it's possible to insert the manually-entered values into a separate table - let's call it matchtbl, with the column named b - then the following should do the job:
SELECT matchtbl.b
FROM matchtbl
WHERE matchtbl.b NOT IN (SELECT distinct b
FROM t1)
Of course, if the data is being processed by a programming language, it should be relatively easy to keep track of the set of values returned by the original query, by adding the b column to the output, and then perform the set difference.
Putting the list in an in clause makes this hard. If you can put the list in a table, then the following works:
with list as (
select val1 as value from dual union all
select val2 from dual union all
. . .
select valn
select list.value, count(t1.b)
from list left outer join
on t1.b = list.value
group by list.value;

sql query logic

I have following data set
a b c
`1` 2 3
3 6 9
9 2 11
As you can see column a's first value is fixed (i.e. 1), but from second row it picks up the value of column c of previous record.
Column b's values are random and column c's value is calculated as c = a + b
I need to write a sql query which will select this data in above format. I tried writing using lag function but couldn't achieve.
Please help.
Edit :
Column b exists in table only, a and c needs to calculated based on the values of b.
SQL> select a
2 , b
3 , c
4 from dual
5 model
6 dimension by (0 i)
7 measures (0 a, 0 b, 0 c)
8 rules iterate (5)
9 ( a[iteration_number] = nvl(c[iteration_number-1],1)
10 , b[iteration_number] = ceil(dbms_random.value(0,10))
11 , c[iteration_number] = a[iteration_number] + b[iteration_number]
12 )
13 order by i
14 /
---------- ---------- ----------
1 4 5
5 8 13
13 8 21
21 2 23
23 10 33
5 rows selected.
Without knowing the relation between the rows ,how can we calculate the sum of the previous row a and b column to current row a column .I have created two more column id and parent in the table to find the relation between the two rows.
parent is the column which tell us about the previous row ,and id is the primary key of the row .
create table test1 (a number ,b number ,c number ,id number ,parent number);
Insert into TEST1 (A, B, C, ID) Values (1, 2, 3, 1);
Insert into TEST1 (B, PARENT, ID) Values (6, 1, 2);
Insert into TEST1 (B, PARENT, ID) Values (4, 2, 3);
WITH recursive (a, b, c,rn) AS
(SELECT a,b,c,id rn
FROM test1
SELECT (rec.a+ rec.b) a
,t1.b b
,(rec.a+ rec.b+t1.b) c
, rn
FROM recursive rec,test1 t1
WHERE t1.parent = rec.rn
SELECT a,b,c
FROM recursive;
The WITH keyword defines the name recursive for the subquery that is to follow
WITH recursive (a, b, c,rn) AS
Next comes the first part of the named subquery
SELECT a,b,c,id rn
FROM test1
The named subquery is a UNION ALL of two queries. This, the first query, defines the starting point for the recursion. As in my CONNECT BY query, I want to know what is the start with record.
Next up is the part that was most confusing :
SELECT (rec.a+ rec.b) a
,t1.b b
,(rec.a+ rec.b+t1.b) c
, rn
FROM recursive rec,test1 t1
WHERE t1.parent = rec.rn
This is how it works :
WITH query: 1. The parent query executes:
SELECT a,b,c
FROM recursive;
This triggers execution of the named subquery. 2 The first query in the subquery's union executes, giving us a seed row with which to begin the recursion:
SELECT a,b,c,id rn
FROM test1
The seed row in this case will be for id =1 having parent is null. Let's refer to the seed row from here on out as the "new results", new in the sense that we haven't finished processing them yet.
The second query in the subquery's union executes:
SELECT (rec.a+ rec.b) a
,t1.b b
,(rec.a+ rec.b+t1.b) c
, rn
FROM recursive rec,test1 t1
WHERE t1.parent = rec.rn