Can't see created tables in Object Explorer - Microsoft SQL Management Studio - sql

I am trying to create some tables within a database, however the tables are not appearing in my object explorer view.
my code is as follows:
use testDB
create table dbo.teacher (id varchar(5), name varchar(24));
insert into teacher values ('dm112', 'Magro, Deirdre');
insert into teacher values ('je232', 'Elkner, Jeff');
insert into teacher values ('cm147', 'Meyers, Chris');
insert into teacher values ('kr387', 'Reed, Kevin');
create table dbo.course (
number varchar(6),
name varchar(24),
credits int,
teacherid varchar(6)
insert into course values ('SDV100', 'College Success Skills', 1, 'dm112');
insert into course values ('ITD110', 'Web Page Design I', 3, 'je232');
insert into course values ('ITP100', 'Software Design', 3, 'je232');
insert into course values ('ITD132', 'Structured Query Language', 3, 'cm147');
insert into course values ('ITP140', 'Client Side Scripting', 4, 'kr378');
insert into course values ('ITP225', 'Web Scripting Languages', 4, 'kr387');
create table dbo.student (id varchar(3), name varchar(24));
insert into student values ('411', 'Perez, Gustavo');
insert into student values ('412', 'Rucker, Imani');
insert into student values ('413', 'Gonzalez, Alexis');
insert into student values ('414', 'Melgar, Lidia');
create table dbo.enrolled (studentId varchar(3), courseNumber varchar(6));
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'SDV100');
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'ITD132');
insert into enrolled values ('411', 'ITP140');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP100');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP14p');
insert into enrolled values ('412', 'ITP225');
insert into enrolled values ('413', 'ITD132');
insert into enrolled values ('413', 'ITP225');
insert into enrolled values ('414', 'SDV100');
insert into enrolled values ('414', 'ITD110');
I looked this up before posting and found this exact question:
Creating table with T-SQL - can't see created tables in Object explorer
However, he was using "tempdb", which I am not.
I ran the query
select name, type_desc from testDB.sys.objects
which returned:
name type_desc
teacher USER_TABLE
student USER_TABLE
enrolled USER_TABLE
I can modify, select, drop, etc. on these tables, but I cannot see them. Am I missing something? Another question brought up the prospect of "test" and "production"? They didn't go into much detail and google did not help me
Thank you for any help you can offer.
Edit: Karl below found the solution! Although clicking refresh (F5) on the object explorer does not update the database view, right clicking on the database and clicking refresh updates the tables.

This would happen if you have the tables node open in object explorer and don't refresh after running your DDL. It is annoying that SSMS doesn't autorefresh explorer after DDL. Refresh is available via the right-click context menu in object explorer.

I had a scenario in which refreshing the folders in Object Explorer did not lead to my missing table appearing in either of the Tables or Views folders. Like the original post, I am able to query the table - but not find it in Object Explorer.
The Microsoft docs on the FROM clause specify that FROM is followed by table_source which is a qualified table_or_view_name which is defined as "Is the name of a table or view". Yet while my FROM clause works, no such table or view name appears in Object Explorer (even after refresh). What's going on here?
The original question had the following query:
select name, type_desc from testDB.sys.objects
which simplifies to:
select name, type_desc from sys.objects;
and this gave me the answer to my scenario, which differed from the original question.
In the original question the missing table's type_desc value was USER_TABLE, but in my case it showed SYNONYM.
There is, in fact, another folder in Object Explorer for Synonyms - and this is where I found the "table" I was querying. (It would be helpful if Microsoft updated their doc to mention the fact that a Synonym name is also a valid value for use with the FROM clause - at least in my case, synonyms are not frequently used).

Try going to the SQL Server Object Explorer tab, and press that is located right of the refresh button ---> Group By Object.

It was simply showing another Local database server for me..
I had to explicitly click on "Add SQL Server" (the icon beside refresh) and select the correct "MSSQLLocalDB" local Server.
This could be helpful if you are working on multiple projects.

I think you have to update table in DB. if you used visual studio you would easy do it. when you create table you can see button "update" in the left corner of window.
enter image description here


How to write a stored procedure to insert values into two tables with a foreign key relationship?

I created two tables, Employeeinfo and Employeerequests.
Table Employeeinfo can have one unique user with columns:
id (primary key, auto increment)
and table Employeerequests can have multiple requests against one unique user ID with columns
id (primary key, auto increment)
CustomerID(foreign key to Employeeinfo(ID column))
Now I want to design a stored procedure in such a way so that I can insert values into both tables at the same time. Please help. I am very new to SQL. Thanks in advance.
This is a bit long for a comment.
SQL Server only allows you to insert into one table in a single query. You presumably want to provide both employee and request information. So that limitation on insert is a real problem.
You can get around the limitation by creating a view combining the two table and then defining an instead of insert trigger on the view. This is explained in the documentation.
That said, you seem to not have extensive SQL knowledge. So, I would recommend simply using two separate statements, one for each table. You can wrap them in a stored procedure, if you find that convenient.
In the stored procedure, you can use Output clause of Insert statement as:
DECLARE #MyTableVar TABLE (NewCustomerID INT);
-- The OUTPUT clause have access to all the columns in the table,
-- even those not part of Insert statement ex:EmployeeID.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employeeinfo] ([Name], [dep], [address])
SELECT 'Test', 'TestDep', 'TestAddress'
-- then make insert in child table as
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Employeerequests] (CustomerID, category)
SELECT NewCustomerID, 'TestCat'
FROM #MyTableVar
Sample code here...
Hope that helps!

ORA-01722! Why can't I INSERT a NUMBER into a NUMBER data field without getting this error?

Can someone tell me what is going on here?
So I have a simple table location and it only has two columns; one is a number and the other varchar2.
I'm simply trying to insert some data into the locations table so I can get cracking with the other larger datasets but keep getting this damn error every time.
Error starting at line : 7 in command -
INSERT INTO location
VALUES (1, 'Head Office')
Error report -
ORA-01722: invalid number
NOTE: Before down-voting, YES - I have seen others posting about this but is usually for something less obvious than my situation where they are trying to enter a string into a number field or a number into a string field!
In my case however, the data in the INSERT statement is a number AND the data type is also NUMBER!
CREATE TABLE location(
locName VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO location
VALUES (1, 'Head Office');
The error code can be seen above there where I first mentioned it.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. It may be worth mentioning that the ID field in 'location' table is being used as a FOREIGN KEY in a separate table 'employees'. I have however, checked that the data types matched!
EDIT #1: I'm using ORACLE SQL Developer
Always include the columns when doing an insert:
INSERT INTO location (locId, locname)
VALUES (1, 'Head Office');
From your description of the problem, this should not actually fix it. This is just a good habit.
The above is correct SQL for your table. If the error continues to happen it is probably coming from a trigger on the table.
Think like its stupid, you are getting number error from "head office" not from 1. Actually you are trying to insert string into number.
If you dont want to write column names to insert you should totally define all values in insert in place as located in table. I assume your table structure is
So your insert should be like below
insert into table values (1,'head office')
I hope you understand shortcut logic

PostgreSQL query using table without permission

I am dealing with a remote data base where I have permission to only access specific tables.
The relevant data has the form:
CREATE TABLE t_a(v_a VARCHAR(32), v_b VARCHAR(32));
CREATE TABLE t_b(v_b VARCHAR(32), v_c VARCHAR(32));
INSERT INTO t_a VALUES ('one', 'abc1');
INSERT INTO t_a VALUES ('two', 'abc2');
INSERT INTO t_a VALUES ('three', 'abc3');
INSERT INTO t_b VALUES ('abc1', 'eins');
INSERT INTO t_b VALUES ('abc2', 'zwei');
INSERT INTO t_b VALUES ('abc3', 'drei');
My query looks like:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (v_a) v_a, v_c FROM t_a, t_b WHERE t_a.v_b = t_b=v_b;
Now the actual question: Can I somehow get the same information without permission to read from t_b? Is there another approach I could try?
Sadly, I do not have the rights to change the permissions. My line of thought was that since I only want to have an association between v_a and v_c, I could get away with not selecting any columns from t_b. After a bit more thinking, I can see why this should not be allowed by the permission system - after all, I try to read some information from t_b.
I was also hoping that maybe there are different permission layers where one of them permits non-selecting queries.
You can create that table with a different account that either owns it or has been GRANTED read to the table. You than create a stored function created by the same account that owns or has rights to read the table. GRANT EXECUTE to the new function to you personal account that doesn't have rights to the table. Execute the new function and you can get at the data. This is called SECURITY DEFINER and more can be read here
With this setup your account won't have access to the table directly, like by doing select * from your_table. You can only get to it via the function. Same can be done with views and is how a lot of database designs setup access to tables. The function or view is the public interface

How do you copy Sql table from one database to another database with differ field names

I have a database name "EmpOld" with a table name "Employee" and a database name "EmpNew" with a table name "Employee".
The table structures are identical on both database tables except for the names in the table.
Here is a definition of the tables:
Database "EmpOld" table name "Employee" has following field names:
int e_id
char(20) e_fname
char(25) e_lname
Database "EmpNew" table "Employee" has following field names:
int id
char(20) fname
char(25) lname
Notice, the only difference in the tables is the "e_" prefix for field names are removed from the EmpNew Employee table.
How do I move data from EmpOld database to EmpNew database?
Is there a code that maps these field respectively.
Thanks community,
Well, you could just name them manually:
INSERT dbo.EmpNew(fname, lname) SELECT e_fname, e_lname FROM dbo.EmpOld;
If you want to do this without manually typing out the column names, there is magic in SSMS - just drag the Columns folder from each table into the appropriate spot in your query window (and then manually remove identity columns, timestamp, computed columns etc. if relevant).
There is no automatic way of mapping fields, unless with some code.
This can be done in two ways:
Using the SQL Import & Export Wizard
This is the most easy way to do this and here is an article that gives step by step to do this. The key is to change the mapping between the source and destination fields while importing the data.
Writing an SQL
This method requires both the databases to be accessible. Using a simple insert statement as follows this can be achieved
insert into EmpNew.dbo.Employee(id, fname, lname)
e_id, e_fname, e_lname
If they are on same sql server then the above will work good as is. If they are different sql server you may have to add a link server connection and prefix the table commands with that.
Is there a code that maps these field respectively.
No - you'll need to provide the mapping. If you're using an ETL tool like SSIS there may be a way to programatically map columns based on some criteria, but nothing built into SQL.
Maybe you can generate code with help from the tables sys.columns and other system tables so that you can make the copy-process run automatically.
I think you can't use:
insert into (...) (...)
because you have two databases. So just generate insert statements like:
insert into table (...) VALUES (...)
Please correct me if i misunderstood the question.
There are 2 ways you can do without the data loss.
1) you can use Insert statement
Insert into EmpNew (ID,fname,lname)
Select e_id, e_fname, e_lastname
from EmpOld
2) You can simple use Import-Export Wizard
Go to Start Menu > SQL Server 2008/2008R2/2012 > ImportandExport>
This will take you the wizard box
Select Source :- DataSource(ServerName) and Database where you are
extracting data from
Select Destination : DataSource(ServerName) and Database where you are extracting data to
Map the table
BE AWARE of PK/FK/Identity
you are good to go

PowerBuilder: Check record and insert into SQL table if not available

I am fairly new to PowerBuilder Classic 12. I need to check whether a record is available and if not insert from a textbox. I would probably need a DataStore since someone suggested a preference to SQL statements. Thanks.
this code is behaving funny, please where is the problem? at one time it works but running the program again it accepts a data that has already been inserted. the program is not giving any error but i can see the same data stored in the table.
string id, idno
if idno="" then
messagebox("EMPTY","Enter a record")
end if
SELECT employee.idnumber
INTO :id
FROM employee ;
if idno=id then
messagebox("AVAILABLE","Record available")
end if
INSERT INTO employee
( idnumber )
VALUES ( :idno ) ;
Fixing existing code
You're missing a WHERE clause; this is trying to stuff all idnumber values into id. That's why your existing code is failing.
Have a look at the help file that comes with PB. (The PDF manuals that come with it are good too, but the help file is right there on the menu of the IDE.) There are plenty of examples in there on how you should code embedded SQL statements. You should be checking the error attributes of the transaction object (in this case it is implicitly SQLCA) to determine if the transaction executed successfully or not, returned any rows, etc....
A new approach
There are several ways to approach this with a DataStore. The easiest is to make a DataWindow object against the employee table, that takes an argument and uses it in the SQL statement in the WHERE clause. In your script, set up a DataStore using this object and Retrieve() it using the idnumber as the argument, check the return value of Retrieve() (the number of rows returned if positive or zero, an error if negative) and if it's zero, InsertRow() on your DataStore, do your SetItem()'s on it (you'll want to load more than just idnumber, right?) and then do an Update() on it.
You are looking for Merge.
I will explain it using an example. Just send the values in Database via Stored Proc? and use following technique.
Sample DDL
EmployeeName VARCHAR(15)
CREATE TABLE EmployeeSalary
EmployeeID INTEGER ,
EmployeeSalary INTEGER
Sample DML For Employee
Sample DML For EmployeeDetails
INSERT INTO EmployeeSalary
INSERT INTO EmployeeSalary
INSERT INTO EmployeeSalary
Merge Query
MERGE EmployeeSalary AS stm
USING (SELECT EmployeeID,EmployeeName FROM Employee) AS sd
ON stm.EmployeeID = sd.EmployeeID
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET stm.EmployeeSalary = stm.EmployeeSalary + 12
First Reference
Second Reference
Third Reference
Fourth Reference