Joining tables in NHibernate - nhibernate

I have a query below, How can recreate this one to join the tables that will return a list of SurveyProjectNormDTO using NHibernate? Any help please?
using (var session = OpenSession()){
var projectGroupIds = session.Query<ReportingStructureNodeProjectGroups>()
.Where(x => x.NodeID == nodeId);
projectGroupIds.Fetch(x => x.ProjectGroupID).ToFuture();
var projectIds = session.Query<ProjectGroup>().Where(p => projectGroupIds.Contains(p.Id));
projectIds.Fetch(x => x.ProjectID).ToFuture();
var projectNormProjects = session.Query<SurveyProjectNorm>().Where(x => projectIds.Contains(x.SurveyProjectId));
projectNormProjects.Fetch(x => x.ShortLabels).ToFuture();
projectNormProjects.Fetch(x => x.ReportingNames).ToFuture();
projectNormProjects.Fetch(x => x.NormProject).ToFuture();
var response = new List<SurveyProjectNormDTO>();
p =>
new SurveyProjectNormDTO { Id = p.Id, ProjectName = p.NormProject.ProjectName, ReportingName = p.ReportingNames.Select(s => s.LocalizedText).FirstOrDefault() });
return response;

I am not sure if these let commands will work fine but you can try this. It will do a single hit on the database fetching the properties. Test it and let us know if it works.
var queryResult = (from p in session.Query<SurveyProjectNorm>()
let projectGroupIds = session.Query<ReportingStructureNodeProjectGroups>().Where(x => x.NodeID == nodeId).Select(x => x.Id)
let projectIds = session.Query<ProjectGroup>().Where(x => projectGroupIds.Contains(x.Id)).Select(x => x.Id)
where projectIds.Contains(p.SurveyProjectId)
select p)
.Fetch(x => x.ShortLabels)
.Fetch(x => x.ReportingNames)
.Fetch(x => x.NormProject)
var response = new List<SurveyProjectNormDTO>();
queryResult.ForEach(p =>
response.Add(new SurveyProjectNormDTO {
Id = p.Id,
ProjectName = p.NormProject.ProjectName,
ReportingName = p.ReportingNames.Select(s => s.LocalizedText).FirstOrDefault() }));
return result;


how to write a linq with multiple join

as am a beginner,i want to get the following set of query as linq with a detailed explanation
//my sql
select COL.title as organizationtitle,CL.[title] as
cousestitle,sum(FD.feathers) as totalfeathers,sum(FD.amount) as
from [dbo].[FeathersDonated] FD
join [dbo].[Couses] C on FD.corpid=3 and FD.[cousesid]
join [dbo].[Couses_lang] CL on FD.[cousesid]=CL.cousesid and
JOIN [dbo].[Organization_lang] COL on COL.orgid=2 and COL.language='en
group by FD.cousesid,CL.[title],CL.[description],COL.title
i have tried the following set of code. please do help
var featherDonated = _GoUoW.FeathersDonated.FindBy(x => x.corpid ==
.GroupBy(x => x.cousesid).Select(x => new { cousesid = x.Key, amount =
x.Select(a => a.amount).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(), feathers = x.Select(a =>
a.feathers).DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum() })
.Join(_GoUoW.Couses.GetAll(), feather => feather.cousesid, couse =>, (feather, couse) => new { feather, couse })
.Join(_GoUoW.Organization_lang.FindBy(orglang => orglang.language == "en-
US"), couses => couses.couse.orgid, orgid => (param.organizationid > 0 ?
param.organizationid : orgid.orgid), (couses, orgid) => new { couses,
.Join(_GoUoW.Couses_lang.FindBy(couselang => couselang.language == "en-
organization => organization.orgid.orgid, couselang => couselang.cousesid,
(organization, couselang) => new { organization, couselang })
.Select(x => new

Search column names and tables

Is there any way to search your database for column names or tables in linqpad. Im looking for a similar feature that you can get in SSMS through red gates sql search.
You can get the table and column names from the Linq mapping. The following should dump out the table and column names.
var columns =
(from t in this.Mapping.GetTables()
from dm in t.RowType.DataMembers
where dm.DbType != null
select new
TableName = t.RowType.Name ,
TableSqlName = t.TableName,
ColumnName = dm.Name,
ColumnSqlName = dm.MappedName
So it should be straightforward to filter this query.
If you enable system tables under properties for your connection you can use a query like this (this is for MS SQL but you can probably adapt it to others)
void Main()
var text = "ThingToFind";
SearchColumns(text).Dump("Columns: " + text);
SearchModules(text).Dump("Modules: " + text);
IEnumerable<dynamic> SearchColumns(string text)
return sys
.Join(sys.objects, o => o.object_id, i => i.object_id, (o, i) => new { Object = i, Column = o })
.Join(sys.types, o => o.Column.user_type_id, i => i.user_type_id, (o, i) => new { o.Column, o.Object, Type = i })
.Where(c => c.Object.type_desc != "INTERNAL_TABLE")
.Where(c => c.Object.type_desc != "SYSTEM_TABLE")
.OrderBy(c => c.Object.type)
.ThenBy(c =>
.Select(c => new { c.Object, c.Column, c.Type, Default = c.Column.default_object_id != 0 ? sys.default_constraints.Single(d => d.object_id == c.Column.default_object_id).definition : null })
.Select(c => new { Table_Type = c.Object.type_desc, Table =, Name =, Type =, Length = c.Column.max_length, Precision = c.Column.precision, Scale = c.Column.scale, Nullable = c.Column.is_nullable, c.Default })
.Where(c => c.Name.ContainsIgnoreCase(text));
IEnumerable<dynamic> SearchModules(string text, bool findRelatedModules = false)
var modules = sys
.Join(sys.objects, o => o.object_id, i => i.object_id, (o, i) => new {, definition = o.definition.Trim() })
var result = modules
.Where(m => || m.definition.ContainsIgnoreCase(text))
while (findRelatedModules)
var add = result
.SelectMany(r => r.definition.Split(" \t\n\r!##$%^&*()-=+[]{};':\",.<>/?\\|`~".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
.Where(token => modules.Any(m => == token.ToLower()))
.Where(token => !result.Any(m => == token.ToLower()))
result.AddRange(add.Select(a => modules.Single(m => == a.ToLower())));
findRelatedModules = add.Any();
.Where(m => !m.definition.ContainsIgnoreCase(
.Dump("Renamed Modules");
return result.OrderBy(r =>;
public static class StringExtensions
public static bool ContainsIgnoreCase(this string source, string toCheck, bool bCaseInsensitive )
return source.IndexOf(toCheck, bCaseInsensitive ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0;

How to do more than one level projection in query over?

I tired this
respondentSanctionSubquery = respondentSanctionSubquery.Select(x => x.Respondent.Incident.Id);
but i got this exception :
i have 3 entities not 2 entities :
class Respondent
public IncidentObj{get;set;}
class Incident
public int Id{get;set;}
class RespondentSanction
public Respondent RespondentObj{get;set;}
You have to join other entities also to the main query (as follows),
X x = null;
Respondent respondent = null;
Incident incident = null;
respondentSanctionSubquery = respondentSanctionSubquery
.JoinQueryOver(() => x.Respondent , () => respondent)
.JoinQueryOver(() => respondent.Incident , () => incident )
.Select(r => incident.Id);
or else you might want to go for subqueries,
X x = null;
Respondent respondent = null;
Incident incident = null;
var subQuery = (QueryOver<Respondent>)session.QueryOver<Respondent>(() => respondent)
.JoinQueryOver(() => respondent.Incident , () => incident )
.Where(() => respondent.Id == x.Respondent.Id)
.Select(r => incident.Id);
var query = session.QueryOver(() => x)
.SelectList(l => l.SelectSubQuery(subQuery));
You have to do a JOIN in order to do a projection like that:
respondentSanctionSubquery =
.JoinQueryOver(x => x.RespondentObj)
.JoinQueryOver(resp => resp.IncidentObj)
.Select(inc => inc.Id);
you should do join between the entities using Join alias
respondentSanctionSubquery =
.JoinAlias(x => x.RespondentObj)
.JoinAlias(resp => resp.IncidentObj)
.Select(inc => inc.Id);
for more information please check this URL :What is the difference between JoinQueryOver and JoinAlias?

fluent hibernate Transformers.AliasToBean is not working as expected

I have three tables. One is the master table: TableA. One table is referenced by TableA called ReferencedTable and lastly a lookup table referenced by ReferencedTable.
I have this query that returns the ten most recent objects as:
TableADTO TableAlias = null;
LookupTableDTO LookupTableAlias = null;
ReferencedDTO ReferencedAlias = null;
dtos = session.QueryOver(() => TableAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => TableAlias.Object, () =>ReferencedAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => ReferencedAlias.ObjectType, () => LookupTableAlias)
.Where(() => ReferencedAlias.PersonId == user.Id &&
(LookupTableAlias.Id != INVOICE_ID ||
LookupTableAlias.Id != FINANCIAL_ID) &&
TableAlias.Status == NEW_STATUS_FLAG &&
ReferencedAlias.ReceivedDate < DateTime.Now)
new AbreviatedDTO
Id = dto.Referenced.Id,
Field1 = dto.Field1,
Priority = dto.Referenced.Priority,
ReceivedDate = dto.Referenced.ReceivedDate,
Field1 = dto.Referenced.Field1,
Type = dto.Referenced.Lookup.TypeCode,
Status = dto.Status
This works as expected. However, I thought the the transformation below would work too. It does bring 10 objects but the objects have all default values and are not populated (e.g. AbreviatedDTO.ReceivedDate = DateTime.Minimum). Am I doing something wrong with the QueryOver?
Any help would be appreciated.
Bill N
TableDTO TableAlias = null;
LookupTableDTO LookupTableAlias = null;
ReferencedDTO ReferencedAlias = null;
dtos = session.QueryOver(() => TableAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => TableAlias.Object, () =>ReferencedAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => ReferencedAlias.ObjectType, () => LookupTableAlias)
.Where(() => ReferencedAlias.PersonId == user.Id &&
(LookupTableAlias.Id != INVOICE_ID ||
LookupTableAlias.Id != FINANCIAL_ID) &&
TableAlias.Status == NEW_STATUS_FLAG &&
ReferencedAlias.ReceivedDate < DateTime.Now)
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(x => TableAlias.Field1)
.Select(x => ReferencedAlias.Id)
.Select(x => ReferencedAlias.Field1)
.Select(x => ReferencedAlias.ReceivedDate)
.Select(x => ReferencedAlias.Priority)
.Select(x => LookupTableAlias.TypeCode))
you'll need to define an alias for each selected field same as the propertyname in the resulting dto
AbreviatedDTO alias = null;
// in query
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(() => TableAlias.Field1).WithAlias(() => alias.Field1)

NHibernate QueryOver association does not contain item

could someone help me to translate LINQ expression to Nhibernate QueryOver
from m in messages
where !m.Recipients.Any(rcpt => rcpt.IsDeleted && rcpt.User = user)
I tried this
var qry = Session.QueryOver<UserMessage>();
qry.Where(m => m.Recipients.Any(r => !r.IsDeleted && r.User == user));
but got
System.Exception : Unrecognised method call: System.Linq.Enumerable:Boolean Any[TSource](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[TSource], System.Func2[TSource,System.Boolean]
!m.Recipients.Any(...) translates to a "not exists" sub-query. You will need a couple of aliases to correlate the sub-query with the main query, and the sub-query will need to have a projection to make NHibernate happy.
Try something like this:
UserMessage messageAlias = null;
UserMessage recipientMessageAlias = null;
var subquery = QueryOver.Of<MessageRecipient>()
.JoinAlias(x => x.Message, () => recipientMessageAlias)
.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == true) // your criteria
.Where(x => x.User.Id == userId)
.Where(() => recipientMessageAlias.Id == messageAlias.Id) // correlated subquery
.Select(x => x.Id); // projection
var query = session.QueryOver(() => messageAlias)
return query.List();
I managed to it this way:
UserMessage messageAlias = null;
var qry = Session.QueryOver<UserMessage>(() => messageAlias);
UserMessageRecipient recipientAlias = null;
var deletedbyUser = QueryOver.Of(() => recipientAlias)
.Select(x => x.Id)
.Where( () => recipientAlias.Message.Id == messageAlias.Id
&& (recipientAlias.Recipient == query.User && recipientAlias.IsDeleted))
Try to use the Linq version with session.Query<> instead of QueryOver
var qry = Session.Query<UserMessage>();
qry.Where(m => m.Recipients.Any(r => !r.IsDeleted && r.User == user));