How do I select a item out of a radio button list? -

I have a radio button list set up for sorting with 2 possible choices. when the page loads i need to have one of those selected, however it has to be through code rather than manual section in the design screen.

For the first item selected:
myRbl.Items(0).Selected = True
Or the second:
myRbl.Items(1).Selected = True

Simply set their Checked flags to true/false.
rbFirstOne.Checked = True
rbSecondOne.Checked = False
Edit: Oh, radio button list, not just button. Sorry.


VB.Net One button to show hidden buttons

I'm a complete noob at this, but does anyone know a simple code that will get hidden buttons to show apon clicking another button?
In the click event of the button that you want to unhide the other buttons just put
Button1.Visible = True
Button2.Visible = True
Replace Button1 with the actual button name.
That’s it

How to undo AutoSizeRows on C1FlexGrid?

I am trying to achieve wrapping and unwrapping of text in C1FlexGrid columns in a menu click event handler. The below code works to wrap the text when appropriate menu action is selected. But how I can unwrap the text?
Me.Styles(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.CellStyleEnum.Normal).WordWrap = True
Me.AllowResizing = AllowResizingEnum.Rows
I tried the below code but it did not make any difference. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Me.Styles(C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.CellStyleEnum.Normal).WordWrap = False
Me.AllowResizing = AllowResizingEnum.None
Me.AutoResize = False

RadioButtons Highlighting Incorrectly

On my form, I have 4 RadioButtons, each with its appearance set to Button. In my program, I change each of these RadioButton's ForeColour, BackColour and AutoCheck status, as below:
ARadioButton.AutoCheck = False
ARadioButton.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlLightLight)
ARadioButton.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlDark)
However, later on, I reset these properties back to default:
ARadioButton.AutoCheck = True
ARadioButton.BackColor = DefaultBackColor
ARadioButton.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor
My issue is that instead of the entire button being highlighted, only the outside is, as shown in the images below.
After changes are made and RadioButtons reset to default using code above:
I know this may seem trivial, but I would like the entire RadioButton to be highlighted when the user clicks on the RadioButton, not just the outside.
Is there a way I could somehow reset this?
Try setting the BackColor property to Color.Transparent hide button text or make image on button cover text

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?
Don't use the .Text property of the button to store your information. Use the .Tag property for your IDs. Just set the .Text property to "" (empty string), that way it won't interfere with your image.
not sure, but why not just set the value to a variable to be passed to the SQL on the button click event and not place the text on the button? If you are using the same button click event for several buttons you could check the sender's ID and then set the variable based on that.
To Enable "Button1" Click (Visible)
Button1.Enable = True
To Disable "Button1" Click (Visible)
Button1.Enable = False
Hide "Button"
Button1.Visible = True
Show "Button"
Button1.Visible = False
You can Also Used the code to any Tools (TextBox, Label, ComboBox, Radio Button, Button, Link, GroupBox)

Best way to combine Play and Pause button?

this is more of an advise thread I guess.
I've been wondering how one could create a button which display "play" when it's not pressed. And then shows "pause" once it's pressed. And visa versa when it's pressed again.
I had a similar problem when trying to create an expand panel button, but that was easy because I could just set a variable to true or false if PanelCollapsed was true.
But in this case I couldn't find any property in a button that I could query.
So I came up with this but I can't help thinking that this is a rather unsmart way of doing it?
If isPlay = True Then
If isPaused = False Then
btnPlay.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPause.png")
isPaused = True
isPlay = False
End If
GoTo Endline
End If
If isPlay = False Then
If isPaused = True Then
btnPlay.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPlay.png")
isPaused = False
isPlay = True
End If
End If
How about using only one variable and code like this:
If isPlay Then
btnPlay.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPause.png")
btnPlay.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPlay.png")
End If
isPlay = not isPlay
You can use the "Tag" property. Its type is "object" so you can use any object you want, but in your case a string will do:
If Button1.Tag = "Pause" Then
Button1.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPlay.png")
Button1.Tag = "Play"
Button1.Image = Image.FromFile("iconPause.png")
Button1.Tag = "Pause"
End If
Most .NET WinForm controls have a 'Tag' property (a button has one). You can set the Tag to be anything you want. An easy way to do this is to set the 'Tag' property to a boolean with the state of the button.
Just an idea...sure there are many other approaches.
Otherwise, you can maintain the state of the button in your application as its own member variable. This might have several advantages because you can pass this state to other controls that might need it. The only weakness with this approach is that the state must be maintained separately.
If you have a fairly straight-forward implementation, use the Tag property.
A contrary opinion ...
... while other answers have given you some techniques to achieve your desired result, I'm going to ask you to reconsider your UI design.
Dual state buttons - ones that alternate purpose when clicked - can be a source of user frustation.
Here are two scenarios.
Scenario #1 ... if the users machine is under load (for any reason), there may be a perceptible delay between the users actual click on your button and when your click handler is executed.
Normally the time between click and handler is a few milliseconds or less, but it can run to several seconds. If this happens when the user clicks on a dual state button, they are likely to click the button again. Net effect, when the application catches up, is to toggle on, then immediately off again.
Scenario #2 ... many users habitually double click everything. Even experienced users who've been using computers for years may have this weird habit. When they try to press a dual state button, guess what happens ... the action toggles on, then immediately off again.
There are at least two solutions ...
Solution #1 ... use two buttons, one for "On", one for "Off".
Solution #2 ... write some debouncing code to suppress the effect of a second click if processed immediately (ie: < 75ms) after the first.
I don't personally use Visual Basic, but I do know that Buttons in Windows Forms have a property called 'Tag'. It is of the generic object type, so you can save whatever state you want, and just use casting to get the value back out.
How about using the "Image" property?
Rem form initialization
ImagePlay = Image.FromFile("iconPlay.png")
ImagePause = Image.FromFile("iconPause.png")
Button1.Image = ImagePlay
Rem on button1 click
If Button1.Image = ImagePlay Then
Button1.Image = ImagePause
Button1.Image = ImagePlay
End If