Creating a private/public key with 64 characters that are already known using bitcoinjs - bitcoin

So I'm trying to create a private/public key from 64 characters that I already know using bitcoinjs with the code below:
key = Bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom();
// Print your private key (in WIF format)
// => Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct
// Print your public key (toString defaults to a Bitcoin address)
// => 14bZ7YWde4KdRb5YN7GYkToz3EHVCvRxkF
If I try to set "key" to my 64 characters instead of "Bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom();" it fails. Is there a method or library that I overlooked that would allow me to use the known 64 characters in order to generate the private key in wif format and the public address?
Thanks in advance to anyone that may be able to offer some help.

You should use fromWIF method to pass your own data.
from source code of eckey.js
// Static constructors
ECKey.fromWIF = function(string) {
var payload = base58check.decode(string)
var compressed = false
// Ignore the version byte
payload = payload.slice(1)
if (payload.length === 33) {
assert.strictEqual(payload[32], 0x01, 'Invalid compression flag')
// Truncate the compression flag
payload = payload.slice(0, -1)
compressed = true
To create WIF from your key please follow
Here is interactive tool

The solution to generate private and public key:
var address = eckey.getBitcoinAddress().toString();
var privateKeyBytesCompressed = privateKeyBytes.slice(0);
var privateKeyWIFCompressed = new Bitcoin.Address(privateKeyBytesCompressed);
privateKeyWIFCompressed.version = 0x80;
privateKeyWIFCompressed = privateKeyWIFCompressed.toString();
Take a look at for beautifully designed paperwallets.


Generate a key pair in "node-forge" using "exponent", "modulus" and "maxdigits"

I'm using "node-forge" to generate a publicKey to use with my AES symmetric key but I don't know how to use the data provided by my backend to create this publicKey. Currently, I receive from an authentication api the following:
e: "10001"
maxdigits: "131"
Where "e" is my exponent, "n" is my module and "maxdigits" is the length my BigIntegers are supposed to have.
But when I try something like this:
const keys = forge.pki.rsa.generateKeyPair({ e: res.e, n: res.n });
My backend returns an error. What am I doing wrong?
forge.pki.rsa.generateKeyPair is the wrong method in this context. forge.pki.rsa.generateKeyPair creates a new key pair with random modulus. The first parameter specifies the modulus/key size in bits, the second the exponent ([1] and [2]):
// var forge = require('node-forge'); // in nodejs-context
var pki = forge.pki;
var rsa = forge.pki.rsa;
var keypair = rsa.generateKeyPair({bits: 2048, e: 0x10001});
var pubKeyPEM = pki.publicKeyToPem(keypair.publicKey);
var privKeyPEM = pki.privateKeyToPem(keypair.privateKey);
The forge.pki.rsa.setPublicKey-method is used to generate a public key via modulus and exponent, where the modulus is the first parameter and the exponent is the second parameter ([2]), both of type forge.jsbn.BigInteger ([3]):
var BigInteger = forge.jsbn.BigInteger;
var n = new BigInteger('c7c5dd235568711a943ebbdacac890ca2cf12c1ab539f77726e8874d2ab4220cf06369358b5eff0425fb17d4f696f741cf04c5ea874415e7f67d118a2e763e641e8675b8f42e9277b3f70f14e4de23fe16f51abdc427490f47e4b28ae3e5eb3563ba797fe90f9b70ba878646b1b297c52ba735827682b67309d38b423e31b50b', 16);
var e = new BigInteger('10001', 16);
var pubKey = rsa.setPublicKey(n, e);
var pubKeyPEM = pki.publicKeyToPem(pubKey)
console.log(pubKeyPEM); // Check with e.g.

How to keep HTTP/2 connection alive till the request / response session is complete?

I am currently using HttpDeclarePushto exploit the Server Push feature in HTTP/2.
I am able to successfully create all the parameters that this function accepts. But the issue is when HttpDeclarePushexecutes it returns a value of 1229 (ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID) -
On further investigation I found that the HttpHeaderConnection in _HTTP_HEADER_ID ( is actually passed in the function as 'close'. That implies that on every request response the server closes the connection and that is also happening in my case, I checked it in the log.
Here is the code.
class http2_native_module : public CHttpModule
REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_STATUS OnBeginRequest(IN IHttpContext * p_http_context, IN IHttpEventProvider * p_provider)
HTTP_REQUEST_ID request_id;
auto pHttpRequest = p_http_context->GetRequest();
auto phttpRequestRaw = pHttpRequest->GetRawHttpRequest();
HANDLE p_req_queue_handle = nullptr;
auto isHttp2 = phttpRequestRaw->Flags;
try {
const auto request_queue_handle = HttpCreateRequestQueue(version, nullptr, nullptr, NULL, &p_req_queue_handle);
const auto verb = phttpRequestRaw->Verb;
const auto http_path = L"/polyfills.0d74a55d0dbab6b8c32c.js"; //ITEM that I want to PUSH to client
const auto query = nullptr;
request_id = phttpRequestRaw->RequestId;
auto headers = phttpRequestRaw->Headers;
auto connId = phttpRequestRaw->ConnectionId;
WriteEventViewerLog(L"OnBeginRequest - Entering HTTPDECLAREPUSH");
headers.KnownHeaders[1].pRawValue = NULL;
headers.KnownHeaders[1].RawValueLength = 0;
const auto is_success = HttpDeclarePush(p_req_queue_handle, request_id, verb, http_path, query, &headers);
sprintf_s(szBuffer, "%lu", is_success);
Log("is_success value", szBuffer); //ERROR CODE 1229 here
catch (std::bad_alloc & e)
auto something = e;
I even tried to update the header connection value as below but it still gives me 1229.
headers.KnownHeaders[1].pRawValue = NULL;
headers.KnownHeaders[1].RawValueLength = 0;
I understand from that HTTP/2 actually ignores the content in HTTP HEADERs and uses some other mechanism as part of its FRAME.
This brings us to the next question on how we can keep the connection OPEN and is it something related to the FRAME (similar to HEADER) that HTTP2 uses, if so, how C++ or rather Microsoft helps us to play and exploit with the FRAME in HTTP2?

HTML5 player not working on chrome

I'm new to Stackoverflow and this will be my first question. My HTML5 player works fine on Internet Explorer but doesn't work on google chrome. I'm using a PlayReady stream which is encrypted with CENC. How can I let this work on chrome? I don't have access to the servers, they're run by third parties.
Technically it is possible to support Widevine while you're stream is PlayReady. This is possible since you use CENC. Since you don't have access to the servers like you mentioned you can use a technique called PSSH Forging. It basically replaces the pieces to make chrome think it's Widevine, since it's CENC the CDM will decrypt the video and the stream will play.
For the sake of ease i'm going to assume you use DASH.
We have here a PSSH Box:
const widevinePSSH = '0000005c7073736800000000edef8ba979d64acea3c827dcd51d21ed0000003c080112101c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa1a087573702d63656e63221848486333436557724e5a792b32564572776e64562b673d3d2a003200';
You need to replace 1c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa with your KID.
And then at the part where you insert you'r segment in the SourceBuffer (before appendSegment) you can do the following:
let segment = args[0];
segment = new Uint8Array(segment);
const newPssh = widevinePSSH.replace('1c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa', psshKid);
const subArray = new Uint8Array(DRMUtils.stringToArrayBuffer('70737368'));
let index = 0;
const found = subArray.every((item) => {
const masterIndex = segment.indexOf(item, index);
if (~masterIndex) {
index = masterIndex;
return true;
if (found) {
return originalSourceBufferAppendBuffer.apply(this, [];
segment = DRMUtils.uInt8ArrayToHex(segment);
// Inject the forged signal
// 70737368 = pssh
segment = segment.substr(0, segment.lastIndexOf('70737368') - 8) + newPssh + segment.substr(segment.lastIndexOf('70737368') - 8);
// Fix the MOOV atom length
// 6d6f6f76 = moov
const header = segment.substr(0, segment.indexOf('6d6f6f76') - 8);
const payload = segment.substr(segment.indexOf('6d6f6f76') - 8);
const newLength = Math.floor(payload.length / 2);
segment = header + DRMUtils.intToHex(newLength, 8) + payload.substr(8);
segment = decode(segment).b;
Sadly i can only share bits and pieces but this is roughly what you should do to get it working.

blockcypher api generate multisig address

I want create multisig address on blockcypher api. pubkeys array is required.
$pubkeys = array(
But I don't know, how can I create these keys.
For generate public keys you can use bitcore-lib.
For example if you want use HD keys:
const HdPrivate = require('bitcore-lib').HDPrivateKey;
const HdPublic = require('bitcore-lib').HDPublicKey;
const root = new HdPrivate();
function newPublic(root, depth){
//return the public key at depth
return root.derive(depth).publicKey.toString();
const publicKey = newPublic(root, 'm/1');
Of course for you must save and keep secret root.

Wrap a secret key with a public key using PKCS#11

In my C program, I generate a public/private key pair with the function C_GenerateKeyPair and a sensitive (secret) key with C_GenerateKey. The aim is to wrap the secret key with the public key, but when I call the function C_WrapKey, I get the error CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT. The code runs if I use another wrapping secret key with attributes Wrap and Encrypt set.
The template used for the public key is the one proposed in PKCS#11 documentation:
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hPublicKey, hPrivateKey;
CK_MECHANISM mechanism = {
CK_ULONG modulusBits = 768;
CK_BYTE publicExponent[] = { 3 };
CK_BYTE id[] = {123};
CK_ATTRIBUTE publicKeyTemplate[] = {
{CKA_ENCRYPT, &true, sizeof(true)},
{CKA_VERIFY, &true, sizeof(true)},
{CKA_WRAP, &true, sizeof(true)},
{CKA_MODULUS_BITS, &modulusBits, sizeof(modulusBits)},
{CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, publicExponent, sizeof(publicExponent)}
The Wrap and Encrypt attribute are correctly specified, while for the secret key to be wrapped I add the attribute CKA_EXTRACTABLE.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The error CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT is due to a wrong CK_MECHANISM, used in the function C_WrapKey. If we want to wrap a secret key with a RSA public key, set the following mechanism: