Ember acceptance test - timeouts - testing

I have a reasonably special use-case:
I have an input field which issues a search when the user has stopped typing for 500ms. This is developed as a reusable add-on.
I would like to write an acceptance test for this but I cannot make the tests pass properly. The first passes, the second doesn't.
Now, the Ember runloop has a nice description but it's behaviour is really "something else".
This is my helper to timeout the runloop:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper('pauseFor', function (time) {
return Ember.Test.promise(function (resolve) {
Ember.run.later(resolve, time);
And this is how I use it
it('should do something after 500ms', function () {
fillIn('.search-input', 'a');
andThen(function () {
// do my assertions/expectations here...
This is the error I get:
The weird thing is that I have 2 test cases and the first passes happily.
I guess my question is:
How to do this properly? What am I missing here or what am I doing wrong? How can I just simply timeout the test case?
Thanks for the halp!


ember-simple-auth, acceptance tests and waiting for async actions

Struggling with acceptance tests. Started with basic login test:
import { test } from 'qunit';
import moduleForAcceptance from 'static/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';
moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | authentication');
test('login', function(assert) {
andThen(function() {
fillIn('.login-form__email-block input', "ruz#email.com");
fillIn('.login-form__password-block input', "qwe");
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(find('.nav-bar__profile-link').text(), "some");
The problem is that andThen callback is called before authentication completes. It's jQuery ajax request and a few promises after. From what I can see ember waits for ajax query to complete, but doesn't wait for promises to get resolved/rejected. Should this test work out of the box? Do I have to write a custom waiter?
It sounds like your promises may not be setup right? But no, you should be able to write tests using the acceptance test helpers and not need to worry about async calls settling (or promises resolving) yourself

Acceptance tests in Ember.js change the URL in the address bar

This has been an annoying problem for days now. As I start to try to write acceptance tests for my Ember app, when I use the visit() function, the URL is changed in the browser's address bar, so when I change a bit of code and the liveReload happens, it navigates off my test page to whatever page I had told it to visit in the tests.
To troubleshoot, I ember new'd a new app, created a /home route and template, and created an acceptance test for it, and it passed fine, without changing the URL in the address bar. I've compared the code in tests/helpers and it's the same, as is tests/index.html.
I've searched all over without coming across an answer. It's been hard enough for me to grok testing, but problems like this are just tangential, but very irritating. If anyone has a tip as to why this is happening, I'd be extremely grateful for a fix.
As an example, here's my one acceptance test. It passes, but the URL actually changes:
import Ember from 'ember';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import startApp from 'star/tests/helpers/start-app';
var application;
module('Acceptance: AddMilestone', {
beforeEach: function() {
application = startApp();
afterEach: function() {
Ember.run(application, 'destroy');
test('Adding milestones', function(assert)
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(currentPath(), 'project.details');
Look in config/environment.js for a block similar to this:
if (environment === 'test') {
// Testem prefers this...
ENV.baseURL = '/';
ENV.locationType = 'none';
// keep test console output quieter
ENV.APP.rootElement = '#ember-testing';
Is ENV.locationType set to none for your test environment?
If not, are you changing the locationType elsewhere in your app? Setting it to none leaves the address bar alone.

Reusing authentication state between Jasmine blocks

My app requires users to sign in by submitting a form. I wonder what is the best place to do it in my tests. I came up with some options:
in beforeEach block (and signout in afterEach block)
sign-in in beforeAll block of every describe (and signout in the last afterAll of every describe)
describe('APP', function () {
describe('FEATURE 1', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
//sign in
afterAll(function () {
//sign out
sign-in once for the whole test run in beforeAll of main describe
describe('MY APP', function () {
beforeAll(function () {
//sign in
describe('my feature 1', function () {
Number 1 is the slowest, Number 2 is faster and Number 3 is the fastest, but you are required to have a single entry point for your test runner - not ideal. So which do think is better and why?
It's a matter of different things.
The best practice is closing your browser after EACH test case and it will definitely be the slowest way to run your test. But you will achieve the most clear and the most fair tests. Sure, you can use selenium grid and paralleling your tests and this will be definitely not so long as you expect.
Sometimes you have an application, which logic is not so much dependent on each other and you will probably want to run UI tests into the pre-commit hook for not breaking anything into the branch. Then the approach n.3 will be not so bad (the only thing you should know is what cookies, session vars and other artifacts you should delete in browser after each test).
Anyway that's up to you, but a common and the really BEST practice is opening a clear new browser on every test.

Qunit beforeEach, afterEach - async

Since start(), stop() will be removed in Qunit 2.0, what is the alternative for async setups and teardowns via the beforeEach, afterEach methods? For instance, if I want the beforeEach to wait for a promise to be finished?
QUnit basically wants people to stop using the global methods (not just start() and stop(), but also test(), expect(), etc). So, as of version 1.16.0, you should always use either the global namespace (QUnit) or the assert API argument passed into the test() functions. This includes the new async control:
QUnit.test( "testing async action", function( assert ) { // <-- note the `assert` argument here
var done = assert.async(); // tell QUnit we're doing async actions and
// hold onto the function it returns for later
setTimeout(function() { // do some async stuff
assert.ok( true, "This happened 100 ms later!" );
done(); // using the function returned from `assert.async()` we
// tell QUnit we're don with async actions
}, 100);
If you are familiar with the old start() and stop() way of doing things, you should see that this is extremely similar, but more compartmentalized and extensible.
Because the async() method call is on the assert argument into the test, it cannot be used in the beforeEach() function. If you have an example of how you were doing that before, please post it and we can try to figure out how to git it into the new way.
My mistake previously, the assert object is being passed into the beforeEach and afterEach callbacks on modules, so you should be able to do the same logic that you would do for a test:
QUnit.module('set of tests', {
beforeEach: function(assert) {
var done = assert.async();
doSomethingAsync(function() {
done(); // tell QUnit you're good to go.
(tested in QUnit 1.17.1)
Seeing that nobody has answered the beforeEach/afterEach part: a test suite is supposed to run as soon as the page loads. When that is not immediately possible, then resort to configuring QUnit:
QUnit.config.autostart = false;
and continue with setting up your test suite (initializing tests, feeding them to QUnit, asynchronously waiting for some components to load, be it AJAX or anything else), your site, and finally, when it's ready, just run:
QUnit's docsite has it covered.
Ember Qunit, has once exists beforeEach/setup, afterEach/teardown co-exist for a little while.
See PR: https://github.com/emberjs/ember-qunit/pull/125

How to perfectly isolate and clear environments between each test?

I'm trying to connect to SoundCloud using CasperJS. What is interesting is once you signed in and rerun the login feature later, the previous login is still active. Before going any further, here is the code:
casper.thenOpen('https://soundcloud.com/', function() {
popup = /soundcloud\.com\/connect/;
casper.waitForPopup(popup, function() {
casper.withPopup(popup, function() {
selectors = {
'#username': username,
'#password': password
casper.fillSelectors('form.log-in', selectors, false);
If you run this code at least twice, you should see the following error appears:
CasperError: Cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: .header__login
If you analyse the logs you will see that the second time, you were redirected to https://soundcloud.com/stream meaning that you were already logged in.
I did some research to clear environments between each test but it seems that the following lines don't solve the problem.
Technically, I'm really interested about understanding what is happening here. Maybe SoundCloud built a system to also store some variables server-side. In this case, I would have to log out before login. But my question is how can I perfectly isolate and clear everything between each test? Does someone know how to make the environment unsigned between each test?
To clear server-side session cache, calling: phantom.clearCookies(); did the trick for me. This cleared my session between test files.
Example here:
casper.test.begin("Test", {
test: function(test) {
function() {
... //Some testing here
casper.run(function() {
tearDown: function(test) {
If you're still having issues, check the way you are executing your tests.
Where did you call casper.clear() ?
I think you have to call it immediately after you have opened a page like:
casper.start('http://www.google.fr/', function() {
this.clear(); // javascript execution in this page has been stopped
//rest of code
From the doc: Clears the current page execution environment context. Useful to avoid having previously loaded DOM contents being still active.