How Add jar file to eclipse plugin? - eclipse-plugin

I want to write a plugin in eclipse that sends active window title to a port when active window changes. For this purpose I have to add jna and jna-platform-win32 libraries to my plugin. This libraries add in compile time but when I want to use them in run time libraries not worked. How can I solve this problem in eclipse?

You must add the jars to the Bundle-Classpath in the plugin MANIFEST.MF and also include them in the '' file so they are included in the plugin build.
To add to the Bundle-Classpath open the plugin.xml editor and go to the 'Runtime' tab. Add the jars to the 'Classpath' section (you should also have a '.' entry for your normal plugin classes).
The 'Build' tab of the plugin.xml editor updates the file so make sure the jars are checked in the Binary Build section.


How to use gradle in intellij idea plugin project?

I am developing an idea plugin, and it is an intellij idea project.
I want to use gradle to manage the dependency.
How to config?
There is now a Gradle plugin for building IntelliJ Platform Plugins. In order to use it, you will need to add the following snippet to your build.gradle file.
plugins {
id "org.jetbrains.intellij" version "0.0.31"
apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.intellij'
For more information, please see this guide to help you get started.
Ok, there are multiple ways to create an IntelliJ project, "templates" if you like, and unfortunately you can only pick one of them (IntelliJ plugin or gradle).
Thankfully, it's easy to configure a project for gradle in IntelliJ.
First, create a new project from the IntelliJ Platform Plugin template. You don't need to choose any Additional Libraries and Frameworks. This will give you a project structure including META-INF/plugin.xml and the Project SDK should be something like IDEA IU-129.451.
From here, simply create a new file named build.gradle at the top level of your project, including for example this line:
apply plugin: 'java'
Now, close the project. You can now use File -> Import Project..., choose the build.gradle file that you just created, and import the project. Accept the defaults for importing and hit OK.
The project is now opened with both gradle and intellij plugin enabled!
Notice that the source root src has disappeared and you will need to right click on src in the Project pane and select Mark Directory As -> Source Root.
To prepare the plugin for deployment, there is still the menu option in the Build menu for that - if you want to automate that part via gradle, good luck and please let us know how it's done ;)

How to add dependent jars to deploying plug-in

I would to like to add the dependent jars to the update site plugin project in Eclipse.
I followed
but, it does not address the above issue. How to deal with the dependent jars with deploying plugin? Anybody please help with ideas.
I'm going to assume you are wanting to add additional Jar files to your plugin. You can do this by simply putting the Jar files into the top level directory of your plugin, and in the Classpath portion of the Runtime tab in the Plugin Manifest Editor you can specify the Jar file. This will automatically add it to the build path as well.
Some people prefer to make an extra plugin that contains nothing but external Jar files; you add the Jar files to this extra plugin the same way and then just use the Dependencies tab in the Plugin Manifest Editor to make your original plugin dependent on the Jar plugin.

Adding Jar files to IntellijIdea classpath

I have created a new Intellij project. But I can't use the third party jars in my project. I have the jars in a directory structure as follows:
I want to add them just by pointing to the repository directory, but couldn't find any ways to add them.
But when I am using classes or API from that jars, the editor can't resolve the classes.
I have tried from Project Structure but can't configure it.
Go to File-> Project Structure-> Libraries and click green "+" to add the directory folder that has the JARs to CLASSPATH. Everything in that folder will be added to CLASSPATH.
It's 2018. It's a better idea to use a dependency manager like Maven and externalize your dependencies. Don't add JAR files to your project in a /lib folder anymore.
If, as I just encountered, you happen to have a jar file listed in the Project Structures->Libraries that is not in your classpath, the correct answer can be found by following the link given by #CrazyCoder above: Look here
This says that to add the jar file as a module dependency within the Project Structure dialog:
Open Project Structure
Select Modules, then click on the module for which you want the dependency
Choose the Dependencies tab
Click the '+' at the bottom of the page and choose the appropriate way to connect to the library file. If the jar file is already listed in Libraries, then select 'Library'.
On the Mac version I was getting the error when trying to run JSON-Clojure.json.clj, which is the script to export a database table to JSON. To get it to work I had to download the latest Clojure JAR from and then right-click on PHPStorm app in the Finder and "Show Package Contents". Then go to Contents in there. Then open the lib folder, and see a bunch of .jar files. Copy the clojure-1.8.0.jar file from the unzipped archive I downloaded from into the aforementioned lib folder inside the Restart the app. Now it freaking works.
EDIT: You also have to put the JSR-223 script engine into It can be built from or downloaded from .

How to generate a jar from a java module in IntelliJ with the dependencies placed in a separate directory?

I have a module for which I want a jar to be created. So, here is what I do:
Adding a jar artifact, using the "From module with dependencies ..." option
In "Jar files from libraries" I select "copy to the output directory and link via manifest"
Leave all the defaults.
After that I can build the jar and all the dependencies would be placed near it in the same directory. So far so good.
Now I wish all the dependencies to be placed in a separate directory near the final jar. So, I repeat the same steps, but this time I create a new directory under the node in the artifact Output Layout tab (using the "Create Directory" button). Next I drag all the dependencies onto the new folder and apply the changes.
On the surface, everything is cool - the dependencies are indeed placed in the dedicated directory, but the MANIFEST.MF file is never updated! It should reference the dependencies via the new directory. As of now, the produced jar cannot be run - its dependencies are not visible.
This is unlike Eclipse, which does make sure the manifest file is correct when exporting a project as jar.
How can I workaround this problem, given that:
I want all the dependencies in a dedicated folder.
I want to use IntelliJ IDEA
I do not want to edit the manifest file manually.
I am using the latest download of the IntelliJ IDEA for windows - 11.1.2, build 117.418
At the moment you have to update the classpath manually in the artifact configuration dialog so that it includes the subdirectory:
I've created an issue for this limitation, please star/vote.

How to configure IntelliJ IDEA and/or Maven to automatically add directories with Java source code generated using jaxb2-maven-plugin?

In our project we are using jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate Java source code from XML Schema, which causes that our Maven module requires additional source code directory (in our case target/generated/main/java). Up to date I've been using Eclipse and maven-eclipse-plugin to import all the projects into Eclipse workspace. The plugin is (somehow) able to add the directory with generated source code automatically to Eclipse' .classpath file.
Recently I try to switch to (play with?) IntelliJ IDEA 9 (so I am a newbie in this environment) and I've noticed that additional source directory is not added during IDEA's importing process...
Is there any way I can configure IDEA/Maven to make importing directory with generated source code automatically?
The convention with Maven is to generate code in target/generated-sources/<tool>, for example target/generated-sources/jaxb2
Follow this convention and IDEA will add the folder as source folder (see IDEA-53198).
Generated code, using jaxb2-maven-plugin, was missing for me in Intellij 2017.1 whereas Eclipse Neon created it.
Fixed it from context menu of module by selecting 'Maven -> Generate Sources and Update Folders'.
Try with maven-jaxb2-plugin. If it does not work then it's IDEA problem.
In Maven you can add new source roots per configuration. Maven plugins can do this programmatically. This is for sure the case with maven-jaxb2-plugin. Then, if IDEA does not recognize it, then it's a problem on that side.
You can use the Maven Build Helper Plugin. It is located at
It allows to configure additional source roots. And the maven integration of IntelliJ will add the new source root. We are using this feature in quite a few builds and it works just fine. Tested with vers. 13 of IntelliJ IDEA.