Lua - Managing tables... Object Oriented? - oop

For a while now, I have been managing Lua tables via the use of functions and whatnot for character progress tracking. Lately, I've been reading more and more about OO methods and metatables, and I'm wondering if that is a better way to handle this. For instance, here's a breakdown of progress tracking:
When a character is first initialized, I do:
init_tracker(pname, reset)
which pulls a text file template of the starter database. This template breaks down the table as such:
Player Name {
Exp {
Several keys here, values as 0
Quests {
Several keys here, values as 0
Campaigns {
Several keys here, values as 0
etc. There are other keys under the Player name, but that's a gist of what the table structure looks like. I keep track of yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and per level stats that reset appropriately, as well as track their previous stats (last week, last year, last month, etc.). For that, I have functions that iterate through each table, copies to the last table, then resets the values on the current table.
Would it be better to use metatables and methods for this? For instance, should I be doing:
with an update function as a method, rather than
for i, v in pairs(Player["Current"]) do
Player["Last"][i] = v
Player["Current"][i] = 0
(which, by the way, does not seem to work anymore, as it's always displaying 0)?
If I would be better off using OO, how would I structure that into what I have now?


Checking Whether Table Data Exists, Updating / Inserting Into Two Tables & Posting End Outcome

I am working on my cron system which gathers informaiton via an API call. For most, it has been fairly straight forward, but now I am faced with multiple difficulties, as the API call is dependant on who is making the API request. It runs through each users API Key and certain information will be visible/hidden to them and visaversa to the public.
There are teams, and users are part of teams. A user can stealth their move, however all information will be showed to them and their team, however this will not be visible to their oponent, however both teams share the same id and have access tothe same informaiton, just one can see more of it than the other.
Defendants Point Of View
"attacks": {
"12345`": {
"timestamp": 1645345234,
"attacker_id": "",
"attacker_team_id": "",
"defender_id": 321,
"defender_team_id": 1,
"stealthed": 1
Attackers Point Of View
"attacks": {
"12345`": {
"timestamp": 1645345234,
"attacker_id": 123,
"attacker_team_id": 2
"defender_id": 321,
"defender_team_id": 1,
"stealthed": 1,
"boosters": {
"fair_fight": 3,
"retaliation": 1,
"group_attack": 1
So, if the defendant's API key is first used, id 12345 will already be in the team_attacks table but will not include the attacker_id and attacker_team_id. For each insert there after, I need to check to see whether the new insert's ID already exist and has any additional information to add to the row.
Here is the part of my code that loops through the API and obtains the data, it loops through all the attacks per API Key;
else if ($category === "attacks") {
$database = new Database();
foreach($data as $attack_id => $info) {
$database->query('INSERT INTO team_attacks (attack_id, attacker_id, attacker_team_id, defender_id, defender_team_id) VALUES (:attack_id, :attacker_id, :attacker_team_id, :defender_id, :defender_team_id)');
$database->bind(':attack_id', $attack_id);
$database->bind(':attacker_id', $info["attacker_id"]);
$database->bind(':attacker_team_id', $info["attacker_team_id"]);
$database->bind(':defender_id', $info["defender_id"]);
$database->bind(':defender_team_id', $info["defender_team_id"]);
I have also been submitting to the news table, and typically I have simply been submitting X new entries have been added or whatnot, however I haven't a clue if there is a way to check during the above if any new entries and any updated entries to produce two news feeds:
2 attacks have bee updated.
49 new attack information added.
For this part, I was simply counting how many is in the array, but this only works for the first ever upload, I know I cannot simply count the array length on future inserts which require additional checks.
If The attack_id Does NOT Already Exist I also need to submit the boosters into another table, for this I was adding them to an array during the above loop and then looping through them to submit those, but this also depends on the above, not simply attempting to upload for each one without any checks. Boosters will share the attack_id.
With over 1,000 teams who will potentially have at least one members join my site, I need to be as efficient as this as possible. The API will give the last 100 attacks per call and I want this to be within my cron which collects any new data every 30 seconds, so I need to sort through potentially 100,000.
In SQL, you can check conditions when inserting new data using merge:
Depending on the database you are using, the name and syntax of the command might be different. Common names for the command are also upsert and replace.
But: If you are seeking for high performance and almost-realtimeness, consider using a cache holding critical aggregated data instead of doing the aggregation 100'000 times per minute.
This may or may not be the "answer" you're looking for. The question(s) imply use of a single table for both teams. It's worth considering one table per team for writes to avoid write contention altogether. The two data sets could be combined at query time in order to return "team" results via the API. At scale, you could have another process calculating and storing combined team results in an API-specific cache table that serves the API request.

How to set the explicit order for child table rows for one-to-many SQL relation?

Imagine a database with two tables, lists (with id and name) and items (with id, list_id, which is a foreign key linking to, and name) and the application with ORM and the corresponding models.
A task: have a way in the application to create/edit/view the list and the items inside it (that should be pretty easy), but also saving the order of the items within one list and allowing to reorder the items within one list (so, a user creates the items list, then swaps two items, then when displaying the list, the items order should be preserved) or deleting items.
What is the best way to implement it, database-wise? Which db structure should I use for it?
I see these ways of solving it:
not using the external table for items, but storing everything in a list document (as a postgres jsonb column for example) - can work but I suppose that's not RDBMS way to do it and if the user would want to update the single item, the whole list object would need to be updated
having a position field in items table and adding a way to manage the position in the API - can work, but it's quite complicated (like, handling the cases where the position is the same for some items, handling swapping items, handling items deletions and having to decrease the position of all the items coming after the deleted one etc.)
Is there a simple way of implementing it? Like the one used in production by some big companies? I'm really curious about how such cases are handled in real life.
This is more theoretical question, so no code samples here (except for the db structure).
This is a good question, which as far as I know doesn't have any simple answers. I once came up with a solution for a high volume photo sharing site using an item table with columns list_id and position as you describe. The key to performance was to minimize renumbering as this database had millions of photos (and more than 2^32 likes).
The only operation was to move a single item to another point in the list (before or after another item in the list). This would work by first assigning positions with large steps, e.g. 1000, 2000, 3000. Whenever an item is moved between two others the average is used, e.g. move from pos=3000 to 1500. Eventually you can try to move an item between two items that have consecutive position numbers. Then you choose to renumber items either above or below depending on which way requires fewer updates (e.g. if there were a run of consecutive positions). This was done using RANK and #vars as I recall on MySQL 5.7.
This did work well resolving a problem where there was intermittent unavailability in production due to massive renumberings that were occurring before when consecutive positions were used.
I was able to dig up a couple of the queries (that was meant to go into a blog post ages ago). Turns out this was MySQL before RANK() was a thing which is why the #shuffle_rank variable was used. The + 0 (and the + 1) is because this is the actual SQL sent to the query but it was generated in code. This is to find the first gap below (greater than) position 120533287:
SELECT shuffle_rank, position
FROM (SELECT #shuffle_rank := #shuffle_rank + 1 AS shuffle_rank, position
FROM `gallery_items`
JOIN (SELECT #shuffle_rank := 0) initialize_rank_var
WHERE `gallery_items`.`gallery_id` = 14103882 AND (position >= 120533287)
ORDER BY position ASC) positionable_items
WHERE ABS(120533287 - position) >= shuffle_rank + 0 LIMIT 1
Here's the update query after the above query and supporting code decided that 3 rows need to be updated to make a gap. The + 1 here may be larger if renumbering with some gap if there's room.
UPDATE `gallery_items`
SET position = -222 + (#shuffle_rank := #shuffle_rank + 1)
WHERE `gallery_items`.`gallery_id` = 24669422
AND (position >= -222)
AND ((SELECT #shuffle_rank := 0) = 0)
ORDER BY position ASC
Note that this pair of actual queries aren't for the same operation seeing as they have different gallery_id values (aka list_id).

Simplest way to persist data in Azure - recommended options?

I'm giving Azure a go with MVC4, and have the simplest data storage requirement I can think of. Each time my controller is hit, I want to record the datetime and a couple of other details to some location. There will most likely be only a few thousand hits at most per month. Then I'd like to view a page telling me how many hits (rows appended) there are.
Writing to a text file in the folder with Server.MapPath... gives permission errors and seems not to be possible due to the distributed nature of it. Getting a whole SQL instance is $10 a month or so. Using the table or blob storage sounds hopeful, but setting up the service and learning to use those seems nowhere near as simple as just a basic file or DB.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Use TableStorage. For all intents and purposes it's free (it'll be pennies per month for that amount of volume a fraction of your web roles anyway).
As for how complicated you think it is, it's really not. Have a look at this article to get going.
//Create a class to hold your data
public class MyLogEntity : TableEntity
public CustomerEntity(int id, DateTime when)
this.PartitionKey = when;
this.RowKey = id;
public MyLogEntity () { }
public string OtherProperty { get; set; }
//Connect to TableStorage
var connstr = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString") //Config File
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connstr);
// Create the table client.
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
// Create the table if it doesn't exist.
var table = tableClient.GetTableReference("MyLog");
var e= new MyLogEntity (%SOMEID%, %SOMEDATETIME%);
e.OtherValue = "Some Other Value";
// Create the TableOperation that inserts the customer entity.
var insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(customer1);
// Execute the insert operation.
Augmenting #Eoin's answer a bit: When using table storage, tables are segmented into partitions, based on the partition key you specify. Within a partition, you can either search for a specific row (via row key) or you can scan the partition for a group of rows. Exact-match searching is very, very fast. Partition-scanning (or table-scanning) can take a while, especially with large quantities of data.
In your case, you want a count of rows (entities). Storing your rows seems pretty straightforward, but how will you tally up a count? By day? By month? By year? It may be worth aligning your partitions to a day or month to make counting quicker (there's no function that returns number of rows in a table or partition - you'd end up querying them).
One trick is to keep an accumulated value in another table, each time you write a specific entity. This would be very fast:
Write entity (similar to what Eoin illustratecd)
Read row from Counts table corresponding to the type of row you wrote
Increment and write value back
Now you have a very fast way to retrieve counts at any given time. You could have counts for individual days, specific months, whatever you choose. And for this, you could have the specific date as your partition key, giving you very fast access to the correct entity holding the accumulated count.

How to keep a list of 'used' data per user

I'm currently working on a project in MongoDB where I want to get a random sampling of new products from the DB. But my problem is not MongoDB specific, I think it's a general database question.
The scenario:
Let's say we have a collection (or table) of products. And we also have a collection (or table) of users. Every time a user logs in, they are presented with 10 products. These products are selected randomly from the collection/table. Easy enough, but the catch is that every time the user logs in, they must be presented with 10 products that they have NEVER SEEN BEFORE. The two obvious ways that I can think of solving this problem are:
Every user begins with their own private list of all products. Each time they get one of these products, the product is removed from their private list. The result is that the next time products are chosen from this previously trimmed list, it already contains only new items.
Every user has a private list of previously viewed products. When a user logs in, they select 10 random products from the master list, compare the id of each against their list of previously viewed products, and if the item appears on the previously viewed list, the application throws this one away selects a new one, and iterates until there are 10 new items, which it then adds to the previously viewed list for next time.
The problem with #1 is it seems like a tremendous waste. You would basically be duplicating the list data for n number of users. Also removing/adding new items to the system would be a nightmare since it would have to iterate through all users. #2 seems preferable, but it too has issues. You could end up making a lot of extra and unnecessary calls to the DB in order to guarantee 10 new products. As a user goes through more and more products, there are less new ones to choose from, so the chances of having to throw one away and get new one from the DB greatly increases.
Is there an alternative solution? My first and primary concern is performance. I will give up disk space in order to optimize performance.
Those 2 ways are a complete waste of both primary and secondary memory.
You want to show 2 never before seen products, but is this a real must?
If you have a lot of products 10 random ones have a high chance of being unique.
3 . You could list 10 random products, even though not as easy as in MySQL, still less complicated than 1 and 2.
If you don't care how random the sequence of id's is you could do this:
Create a single randomized table of just product id's and a sequential integer surrogate key column. Start each customer at a random point in the list on first login and cycle through the list ordered by that key. If you reach the end, start again from the top.
The customer record would contain a single value for the last product they saw (the surrogate from the randomized list, not the actual id). You'd then pull the next ten on login and do a single update to the customer. It wouldn't really be random, of course. But this kind of table-seed strategy is how a lot of simpler pseudo-random number generators work.
The only problem I see is if your product list grows more quickly than your users log in. Then they'd never see the portions of the list which appear before wherever they started. Even so, with a large list of products and very active users this should scale much better than storing everything they've seen. So if it doesn't matter that products appear in a set psuedo-random sequence, this might be a good fit for you.
If you stored the first record they started with as well, you could still generate the list of all things seen. It would be everything between that value and last viewed.
How about doing this: crate a collection prodUser where you will have just the id of the product and the list of customersID, (who have seen these products) .
prodID : 1,
userID : []
when a customer logs in you find the 10 prodID which has not been assigned to that user
userID : {
$nin : [yourUser]
(For some reason $not is not working :-(. I do not have time to figure out why. If you will - plz let me know.). After showing the person his products - you can update his prodUser collection. To mitigate mongos inability to find random elements - you can insert elements randomly and just find first 10.
Everything should work really fast.

How to handle reoccurring calendar events and tasks (SQL Server tables & C#)

I need to scheduled events, tasks, appointments, etc. in my DB. Some of them will be one time appointments, and some will be reoccurring "To-Dos" which must be checked off. After looking a google's calendar layout and others, plus doing a lot of reading here is what I have so far.
Calendar table (Could be called schedule table I guess): Basic_Event Title, start/end, reoccurs info.
Calendar occurrence table: ties to schedule table, occurrence specific text, next occurrence date / time????
Looked here at how SQL Server does its jobs:
but this is slightly different.
Why two tables: I need to track status of each instance of the reoccurring task. Otherwise this would be much simpler...
so... on to the questions:
1) Does this seem like the proper way to go about it? Is there a better way to handle the multiple occurrence issue?
2) How often / how should I trigger creation of the occurrences? I really don't want to create a bunch of occurrences... BUT... What if the user wants to view next year's calendar...
Makes sense to have your schedule definition for a task in one table and then a separate table to record each instance of that separately - that's the approach I've taken in the past.
And with regards to creating the occurrences, there's probably no need to create them all up front. Especially when you consider tasks that repeat indefinitely! Again, the approach I've used in the past is to only create the next occurrence. When that instance is actioned, the next instance is then calculated and created.
This leaves the issue of viewing future occurrences. For this, you can start of with the initial/next scheduled occurrence and just calculate the future occurrences on-the-fly at display time.
While this isn't an exact answer to your question I've solved this problem before in SQL Server (though database here is irrelevant) by modeling a solution based on Unix's cron.
Instead of string parsing we used integer columns in a table to store the various time units.
We had events which could be scheduled; they could either point to a one-time schedule table that represented a distinct point in time (a date/time) or to the recurring schedule table which is modelled after cron.
Additionally remember to model your solution correctly. An event has a duration but the duration is unrelated to the schedule (but an event's duration may impact the schedule by causing conflicts). Do not try to model duration as part of your schedule.
In the past when we've done this, we had 2 tables:
1) Schedules -> Includes recurrence information
2) Exceptions -> Edit/changes to specific instances
Using SQL, it's possible to get the list of "Schedules" that have at least one instance in a given date range. Then you can expand in the GUI where each instance lies.