Objective-C RTMP connection - objective-c

I am looking to make an app that would send data to an RTMP server, however I am looking to write my own code to connect but I can not seem to find the right class to use. NSURLConnection I don't think is capable of connecting to a rtmp server. Mainly I am asking if anyone could link me either some example code or some reading or point me in the right class to use to make a rtmp connection.

There is at least two ways to connect to an RTMP server in Objective-C :
You can try the rtmp-wrapper, it uses the library librtmp
Or you can try to build an AIR extension that implements a connection to the RTMP Server and communicate with it, here is explanation on how to do this : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/transferring-data-ane-ios-pt1.html,
I hope it will help. Tell us if you succeed connecting to the RTMP server, I think your feedback could be interesting!


How to create a stun, turn and signaling server

Is there a simple guide from where I can start creating a stun / turn and signaling server ?
I spend over a week searching for those things and couldn't find any guide where I can say:
okay, I am on the right track now - this is clear.
So far, everything is so abstract without any examples.
This is what I'm trying to achieve: a simple video stream on my local network where I'll have a server with installed usb camera on it, and an application on my iis which will connect to the usb camera and stream it to the clients, and every time when a client opens the application, will see the video stream from the server camera.
Note: since I want to use it on my local network do I really need a stun/turn server, or is there a guide that shows how to avoid it ?
Media streamed over dedicated servers HTTP/HTTPS rarely needs a NAT traversal solution. Instead, just have your web server with camera attached, on the public Internet or behind your NAT with port-forwarding enabled.
There are LOTS of streaming media solutions available as open source, free downloads, or commercially sold. A good list is here:

Http streaming using red5

I wanted to perform http streaming from red5 server so as to use it to broadcast for Iphone. Can u guys suggest a way to do it. Is there a way to play rtmp stream from red5 in Iphone. Any help is appreciable
I was involved in the discussion you linked. But I don't think that the project team has yet committed the HTTP Streaming components. There is also no documentation about it.
So if there is a possibility to do that you probably will need somebody from red5 developers to hire.

How to connect to CometD server using Objective-C

I need to connect to a CometD server using Objective-C from an iPhone, and stream data. What is the best way or is there a tutorial or tips?

Working with a GSM Modem

I was keen on knowing how can I receive calls on a web server using a GSM Modem?
I'm a newbie to it, wanted to explore the space.
Would be glad if someone can help me on this, probably with some tutorial links etc.
You'd have to connect the modem to your server and then have some sort of background program/process that reads/writes to it. You create a serial connection and the read/write AT commands to it.

Connecting to server using bonjour in Objective-C

I am relatively new to iphone development. I have looked through the documentation and cannot really find an answer to this problem.
I have a server which I have created and know the ip address and the port it is using. I am now trying to connect to this using an iphone application I am creating. Through the documentation there are many example where it connects via an ID (such as the witap example) however there is none where it directly accesses a previously created server.
Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of an example that uses this, give me some information or even inform me of another way around doing this? It would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Bonjour is a technology to detect servers in your local network. If you already know it, as you seem to because you know the IP address, you can connect to it using the usual techniques.
It depends on your server, is it a HTTP server? There are some Cocoa classes that might help you.
If it's a custom made server you might consider CFStream or raw sockets.