web service(jax-ws) and weblogic - weblogic

i have web service(cxf integated with spring(jax-ws)) project which it was deployed on Weblogic(12.1.1).
Another project as client was deployed same application server in another machine.
My problem is that at least 23 second of time for sending info from server to client.(this time is more long),but this time very fast when request is called by Soap Ui.
how can i config weblogic for improvement this problem.

I was searching a lot finally i found solution of my problem.
JaxWSProxyFactoryBean is object of cxf client to communicate with cxf server.
This Object have a property is named Bus,if this property not set in config cxf client,performance wont be better


IIS Restart Web API in ordered

When IIS Server is the outage, the server is restarted and all applications and web APIs are restarted as well, the problem I'm facing that some Web API depends on BUS. Could we let site/app wait until BUS ready before starting from IIS without touching the application code? In Docker, we can use the WAIT command or other third parties to wait until service is available before starting a container.
The Web API we are built on .Net Core 3.1
Any help is appreciated.
During the startup could you use something like
https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly to enter a period of retry
(https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly#retry). This would allow you to
retry the call to the API until it's hopefully it's available.
Use a windows service to monitor heartbeats of the applications and trigger application pool restarts on applications not working correctly. This should help you get into a running state.
Ultimately I'd try and remove this dependency, if you could give a little more information around the webapi requirements I'd be happy to suggest more ideas.

Error Sync framework in WCF

I have implemented Sync framework in WCF service.
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.PerSession)] in my service contract class
Having error The call to BeginSession() in RelationalSyncProvider is not valid. A session is already in progress sorry for late
SyncOperationStatistics stats = orchestrator.Synchronize();
Please guide me to resolve this issue.
Thank you.
Replicated this issue server side by having multiple clients connect concurrently.
Exception was server side at SqlSyncProvider.BeginSession(). In Sync 2.1.
I solved this by making sure the SqlSyncProvider for the server was per client instead of static across all client connections.
Since I was replicating this via unit tests I also had this issue when client proxy reference was static, switched that to instance as well.

How to connect to ActiveMQ on startup with WCF and IIS

What is the best way to combine a single instance WCF service that uses ActiveMQ and runs within IIS/AppFabric?
Our Services need to support both HTTP transports and ActiveMQ (listening and sending messages). We've elected not to use MSMQ, and will use Spring.Net.NMS. The fundamental issue I have now is that ActiveMQ needs to connect to the queue(s) at startup and remain connected, but WAS is getting in the way with it's message-activation feature. If the service is not activated until a message arrives (HTTP/MSMQ, etc) then there is no trigger to have the connection to AMQ occur.
I know I can disable the recycling behavior, and I know I can do self-hosting with a Windows Service. But I want to take advantage of the monitoring and other features in AppFabric. I've already been down the route with IServiceBehavior and will use that for other nice things. But that interface is not called until a (non-AMQ) message arrives. So it won't work for this. What I was hoping for was something along the line of how ServletContextListeners work in Java, where you get both the start up and shutdown events. But it seems no such thing exists in WAS... it is driven only by messages arriving.
I've scoured every inch of web info for 3 days and the only thing I came across was to use a static class construction (C#) trick as the trigger. That's a hack, but i can live with it. It still leaves the issue of cleanly shutting down, which I can figure out later.
Anyone have a solid solution to this?
The direct WCF support for ActiveMQ that Ladislav mentions is still being supported. There just hasn't been an official release for the module in a while. However, you can still get the latest version of it from the 1.5.x branch or trunk and compile it yourself.
1.5.x branch for use with Apache.NMS 1.5.0:
Check out instructions:
There was direct WCF support for ActiveMQ but I guess it is not developed anymore. Your problem actually is the IIS / WAS (provides hosting for non-http protocols) hosting architecture. Services in WAS are always activated when message arrives - there is no global startup. The reason for this is that WAS hosting expects that there is separate process (windows service) running the listener all the time and this process has adapter which calls WAS and uses message level activation. I guess you don't have such process for ActiveMQ and because of that you will have trouble to use ActiveMQ endpoint hosted in WAS. Developing such listener can be challenging task (example for UDP).
Creating custom listener can be probably avoided by using IIS 7.5 / AppFabric auto start feature. There is also not very well documented way to run the code when the application starts.

WCF Service hosted in IIS - Can't seem to cache or retain state?

I'm trying to cache some application data that only needs to be instantiated when the application starts. I've tried using HttpRuntime.Cache, creating a static object that is instantiated only when the service starts, and I've tried making the service singleton and using global variables. Every time a new request hits the service I loose state... I could create the WCF service as a windows service I suppose, but I'd love to figure out what's happening here... I see that only one IIS worker process is spawning, but I'm guessing it's unloading and re-loading the service every time.
Am I missing some WCF configuration or possibly not setting it up right in IIS? It's running as a normal 2.0 website within IIS.
This my first post here, if someone can tell me how to post my app.config XML I will... I think stackoverflow is trying to parse it as HTML, it doesn't show up.
Thank you!
We use enterprise library caching with WCF services, works for us:
This answer is a bit old we have now stopped using Enterprise Library Caching, we use app fabric instead, see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/ee695849

Strange WCF Error - IIS hosted - context being aborted

I have a WCF service that does some document conversions and returns the document to the caller. When developing locally on my local dev server, the service is hosted on ASP.NET Development server, a console application invokes the operation and executes within seconds.
When I host the service in IIS via a .svc file, two of the documents work correctly, the third one bombs out, it begins to construct the word document using the OpenXml Sdk, but then just dies. I think this has something to do with IIS, but I cannot put my finger on it.
There are a total of three types of documents I generate. In a nutshell this is how it works
SQL 2005 DB/IBM DB2 -> WCF Service written by other developer to expose data. This service only has one endpoint using basicHttpBinding
My Service invokes his service, gets the relevant data, uses the Open Xml Sdk to generate a Microsoft Word Document, saves it on a server and returns the path to the user.
The word documents are no bigger than 100KB.
I am also using basicHttpBinding although I have tried wsHttpBinding with the same results.
What is amazing is how fast it is locally, and even more that two of the documents generate just fine, its the third document type that refuses to work.
To the error message:
An error occured while receiving the HTTP Response to http://myservername.mydomain.inc/MyService/Service.Svc. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP Protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the server shutting down). See server logs for more details.
I have spent the last 2 days trying to figure out what is going on, I have tried everything, including changing the maxReceivedMessageSize, maxBufferSize, maxBufferPoolSize, etc etc to large values, I even included:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="120"/>
To see maybe if IIS was choking because of that.
Programatically the service does nothing special, it just constructs the word documents from the data using the Open Xml Sdk and like I said, locally all 3 documents work when invoked via a console app running locally on the asp.net dev server, i.e. http://localhost:3332/myService.svc
When I host it on IIS and I try to get a Windows Forms application to invoke it, I get the error.
I know you will ask for logs, so yes I have logging enabled on my Host.
And there is no error in the logs, I am logging everything.
Basically I invoke two service operations written by another developer.
MyOperation calls -> HisOperation1 and then HisOperation2, both of those calls give me complex types. I am going to look at his code tomorrow, because he is using LINQ2SQL and there may be some funny business going on there. He is using a variety of collections etc, but the fact that I can run the exact same document, lets call it "Document 3" within seconds when the service is being hosted locally on ASP WebDev Server is what is most odd, why would it run on scaled down Cassini and blow up on IIS?
From the log it seems, after calling HisOperation1 and HisOperation2 the service just goes into la-la land dies, there is a application pool (w3wp.exe) error in the Windows Event Log.
Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.1830, stamp 42435be1, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.2.3790.3311, stamp 49c5225e, debug? 0, fault address 0x00015dfa.
It's classified as .NET 2.0 Runtime error.
Any help is appreciated, the lack of sleep is getting to me.
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
I had this message appearing:
An error occured while receiving the HTTP Response to http://myservername.mydomain.inc/MyService/Service.Svc. This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP Protocol. This could also be due to an HTTP request context being aborted by the server (possibly due to the server shutting down). See server logs for more details.
And the problem was that the object that I was trying to transfer was not [Serializable]. The object I was trying to transfer was DataTable.
I believe word documents you were trying to transfer are also non serializable so that might be the problem.
Yes, we'd want logs, or at least some idea of what you're logging. I assume you have both message and transport logging on at the WCF level.
One thing to look at is permissions. When you run under Cassini the web server is running as the currently logged in user. This hides any SQL or CAS permission problems (as, lets be honest, your account is usually a local administrator). As soon as you publish to IIS you are now running under the application pool user, which is, by default, a lot more limited.
Try turning on IIS debug dumps and following the steps in KB919789
Fyi, I changed IIS 6 to work in IIS 5.0 Isolation mode and everything works. Odd.
I had the same error when using an IEnumerable<T> DataMember in my WCF service. Turned out that in some cases I was returning an IQueryable<T> as an IEnumerable<T>, so all I had to do was add .ToList<T>() to my LINQ statements.
I changed the IEnumerable<T> to IList<T> to prevent making the same mistake again.