Cross Thread Error Trying To Open New Form Instance Inside Timer -

I am trying to create little notification popups for my application and have created a new form that fades in and out and sits on top of my main form (seems to work okay).
My problem is that I have some code that sits inside a timer event that does some data checking every minute or so. Depending on the data results, I sometimes need to show a notification. However, it is causing me Cross-Thread errors (which is understandable), but I'm not sure how to get around it.
Example (in a nutshell) of what I am trying to do is:
Private Sub RefreshData(sender As Object, e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs)
MainRefreshTimer.Interval = GetInterval()
'Do some data checking here...
If data returns true then
Dim notify as New frmNewNotification("Some Text", 10) '<== Show some text for 10 seconds then close the form automatically
notify.Show() '<== Cross Thread Error occurs from this
End If
End Sub

I would try one of this ideas:
Shorcut: Put this in your Form_Load
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False
Or, better, something like:
Private Sub delRefreshData(data as Object)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
' Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf delRefreshData)) ' no params
Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub() delRefreshData(data)))
'Do some data checking here...
If data returns true then
Dim notify as New frmNewNotification("Some Text", 10)
notify.Show() '
End If
End if
Using InvokeRequired vs control.InvokeRequired
To avoid in future be blamed for that Shorcut, I have to say that
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls isn't a good advice/solution, as is discussed here:
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on


Updating DataGridView.BackColor on a background thread

I have an application with a DataGridView on which multiple people could be working at the same time. I want to have each user's current row location displayed via a different colour row in the DataGridView.
Previously I was doing all of this updating via the RowEnter event however the performance is not satisfactory, for obvious reasons.
I'm trying to have a background thread which loops every 10 seconds to populate a DataTable with keys of the other users' locations which then references a key column in the DGV, and if they match, change the DGV row background color else set it to the default.
My current code, below, loops every 10s but it doesn't actually update the DGV.
Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ActiveThread = True
dgvThread = New Thread(AddressOf UpdateDGVFromThread) With {
.IsBackground = True}
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateDGVFromThread()
Do While ActiveThread = True
'Sets table with key values
dtUsers = CLS_USERS.GetUsers(User)
'Loop through them
For Each row As DataRow In dtUsers.Rows
intSeq = row("SEQUENCE")
'Loop through each DGV row and compare the values
For Each dgv_row As DataGridViewRow In dgvCandList.Rows
If dgv_row.Cells("CURRENT_CAND_SQ").Value = intSeq Then
dgv_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.DarkCyan
dgv_row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Cyan
End If
End Sub)
End Sub
I tried using dgv.Invoke() rather than .BeginInvoke() but this seemed to lock up the UI thread constantly and only the DGV was unlocked.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The BeginInvoke method is used to asynchronously invoke a method delegate on the thread that created the Control's handle. The UI thread, here. It's signature is:
Public Function BeginInvoke (method As Delegate) As IAsyncResult
The method Delegate is then declared in the same thread where the Control invoked has been created.
The delegate should then be declared like this:
In the UI thread:
Delegate Sub MyUpdateDelegate()
Public Sub MyUpdateMethod()
[SomeControl].Text = "Updated Text"
End Sub
In another thread:
Private Sub InvokeFromAnotherThread()
'Prefer the Parent Form as marshaller
Me.BeginInvoke(New MyUpdateDelegate(AddressOf MyUpdateMethod))
'You can also use a Control, but the Parent Form is better
[SomeControl].BeginInvoke(New MyUpdateDelegate(AddressOf MyUpdateMethod))
End Sub
Using an anonymous method in-place won't cut it.
There's a shortcut, provided by the MethodInvoker delegate:
MethodInvoker provides a simple delegate that is used to invoke a
method with a void parameter list. This delegate can be used when
making calls to a control's Invoke method, or when you need a simple
delegate but do not want to define one yourself.
Using a MethodInvoker delegate, there's no need to declare a delegate in the UI thread. An anonymous method can be used here, it will be invoked in the UI thread:
Private Sub InvokeFromAnotherThread()
BeginInvoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub() [SomeControl].Text = "Updated Text"))
End Sub
Private Sub InvokeFromAnotherThread()
BeginInvoke(New MethodInvoker(
[SomeControl].Text = "Updated Text"
[SomeOtherControl].BackColor = Color.Red
End Sub))
End Sub
Why I suggested a Timer:
The thread you're using has one task only: update a Control in the UI thread and then sleep.
To perform this task, it needs to invoke a method in the UI thread. If the reason why the thread has been created is to avoid blocking the UI thread, a Timer will do the same thing. A System.Windows.Forms.Timer, specifically, will raise its Tick event in the UI thread, without cross-thread calls.
The practical effect is more or less the same.

How can I run code in a background thread and still access the UI?

I made a file search program in visual studio on windows 10 using .net lang,
My problem starts from form1 with a "dim frm2 as form2 = new form2" call,
after the new form being shown i start a while loop on form1 that feeds data into a listbox in form 2:
1)form1 call form2 and show it.
2)form1 start a while loop.
3)inside the while loop data being fed to listbox1 in frm2
Now everything works on windows 10, the while loop can run as much as it needs without any trouble, the window can loose focus and regain focus without showing any "Not Responding.." msgs or white\black screens..
But, when i take the software to my friend computer which is running windows 7, install all required frameworks and visual studio itself, run it from the .sln in debug mode, and do the same search on the same folder the results are:
1) the while loop runs smoothly as long as form 2 dont loose focus
(something that doesnt happen on windows 10)
2) when i click anywhere on the screen the software loose focus what
causes 1) to happen (black screen\white screen\not responding etc..)
3) if i wait the time needed for the loop and dont click anywhere else
it keeps running smoohtly, updating a label like it should with the
amount of files found.. and even finish the loop with 100% success
(again unless i click somewhere)
Code Example:
Sub ScanButtonInForm1()
Dim frm2 As Form2 = New Form2
Dim AlreadyScanned As HashSet(Of String) = New HashSet(Of String)
Dim stack As New Stack(Of String)
stack.Push("...Directoy To Start The Search From...")
Do While (stack.Count > 0)
frm2.Label4.Text = "-- Mapping Files... -- Folders Left:" + stack.Count.ToString + " -- Files Found:" + frm2.ListBox1.Items.Count.ToString + " --"
Dim ScanDir As String = stack.Pop
If AlreadyScanned.Add(ScanDir) Then
Dim directoryName As String
For Each directoryName In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(ScanDir)
frm2.Label4.Text = "-- Mapping Files... -- Folders Left:" + stack.Count.ToString + " -- Files Found:" + frm2.ListBox1.Items.Count.ToString + " --"
frm2.ListBox1.Items.AddRange(System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(ScanDir, "*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Catch ex5 As UnauthorizedAccessException
End Try
Catch ex2 As System.IO.PathTooLongException
End Try
Catch ex4 As System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException
End Try
End If
End Sub
My conclusions was simple!
1) windows 7 dont support live ui (label) update from a while loop
called from a button...
2) windows 7 could possibly support a new
thread running the same loop
i think mabye if i run all the code in a thread mabye the ui will remain responsive
(by the way the UI is not responsive in windows 10 but i still see
the label refresh and nothing crashes when form loose focus..)
so i know how to do that but i also know that if i do that a thread will not be able to update a listbox or a label in a form and refresh it..
so the thread will need to update an external file with the data and the form2 will need to read that data live from the file but will it make the same problems? i have no idea what to do.. can use some help and tips. THANK YOU!
I must menttion the fact that the loop is working on windows 10 without a responsive UI means i cant click on any button but i can
still see the label refresh BUT on windows 7 everything works the same
UNLESS i click somewhere, no matter where i click on windows the loop
im using framework 4.6.2 developer
While I'm glad you found a solution, I advise against using Application.DoEvents() because it is bad practice.
Please see this blog post: Keeping your UI Responsive and the Dangers of Application.DoEvents.
Simply put, Application.DoEvents() is a dirty workaround that makes your UI seem responsive because it forces the UI thread to handle all currently available window messages. WM_PAINT is one of those messages which is why your window redraws.
However this has some backsides to it... For instance:
If you were to close the form during this "background" process it would most likely throw an error.
Another backside is that if the ScanButtonInForm1() method is called by the click of a button you'd be able to click that button again (unless you set Enabled = False) and starting the process once more, which brings us to yet another backside:
The more Application.DoEvents()-loops you start the more you occupy the UI thread, which will cause your CPU usage to rise rather quickly. Since every loop is run in the same thread your processor cannot schedule the work over different cores nor threads, so your code will always run on one core, eating as much CPU as possible.
The replacement is, of course, proper multithreading (or the Task Parallel Library, whichever you prefer). Regular multithreading actually isn't that hard to implement.
The basics
In order to create a new thread you only need to declare an instance of the Thread class and pass a delegate to the method you want the thread to run:
Dim myThread As New Thread(AddressOf <your method here>)
...then you should set its IsBackground property to True if you want it to close automatically when the program closes (otherwise it keeps the program open until the thread finishes).
Then you just call Start() and you have a running background thread!
Dim myThread As New Thread(AddressOf myThreadMethod)
myThread.IsBackground = True
Accessing the UI thread
The tricky part about multithreading is to marshal calls to the UI thread. A background thread generally cannot access elements (controls) on the UI thread because that might cause concurrency issues (two threads accessing the same control at the same time). Therefore you must marshal your calls to the UI by scheduling them for execution on the UI thread itself. That way you will no longer have the risk of concurrency because all UI related code is run on the UI thread.
To marhsal calls to the UI thread you use either of the Control.Invoke() or Control.BeginInvoke() methods. BeginInvoke() is the asynchronous version, which means it doesn't wait for the UI call to complete before it lets the background thread continue with its work.
One should also make sure to check the Control.InvokeRequired property, which tells you if you already are on the UI thread (in which case invoking is extremely unnecessary) or not.
The basic InvokeRequired/Invoke pattern looks like this (mostly for reference, keep reading below for shorter ways):
'This delegate will be used to tell Control.Invoke() which method we want to invoke on the UI thread.
Private Delegate Sub UpdateTextBoxDelegate(ByVal TargetTextBox As TextBox, ByVal Text As String)
Private Sub myThreadMethod() 'The method that our thread runs.
'Do some background stuff...
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then '"Me" being the current form.
Me.Invoke(New UpdateTextBoxDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTextBox), TextBox1, "Status update!") 'We are in a background thread, therefore we must invoke.
UpdateTextBox(TextBox1, "Status update!") 'We are on the UI thread, no invoking required.
End If
'Do some more background stuff...
End Sub
'This is the method that Control.Invoke() will execute.
Private Sub UpdateTextBox(ByVal TargetTextBox As TextBox, ByVal Text As String)
TargetTextBox.Text = Text
End Sub
New UpdateTextBoxDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTextBox) creates a new instance of the UpdateTextBoxDelegate that points to our UpdateTextBox method (the method to invoke on the UI).
However as of Visual Basic 2010 (10.0) and above you can use Lambda expressions which makes invoking much easier:
Private Sub myThreadMethod()
'Do some background stuff...
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then '"Me" being the current form.
Me.Invoke(Sub() TextBox1.Text = "Status update!") 'We are in a background thread, therefore we must invoke.
TextBox1.Text = "Status update!" 'We are on the UI thread, no invoking required.
End If
'Do some more background stuff...
End Sub
Now all you have to do is type Sub() and then continue typing code like if you were in a regular method:
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
TextBox1.Text = "Status update!"
Me.Text = "Hello world!"
Label1.Location = New Point(128, 32)
ProgressBar1.Value += 1
End Sub)
TextBox1.Text = "Status update!"
Me.Text = "Hello world!"
Label1.Location = New Point(128, 32)
ProgressBar1.Value += 1
End If
And that's how you marshal calls to the UI thread!
Making it simpler
To make it even more simple to invoke to the UI you can create an Extension method that does the invoking and InvokeRequired check for you.
Place this in a separate code file:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module Extensions
''' <summary>
''' Invokes the specified method on the calling control's thread (if necessary, otherwise on the current thread).
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Control">The control which's thread to invoke the method at.</param>
''' <param name="Method">The method to invoke.</param>
''' <param name="Parameters">The parameters to pass to the method (optional).</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
<Extension()> _
Public Function InvokeIfRequired(ByVal Control As Control, ByVal Method As [Delegate], ByVal ParamArray Parameters As Object()) As Object
If Parameters IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
Parameters.Length = 0 Then Parameters = Nothing
If Control.InvokeRequired = True Then
Return Control.Invoke(Method, Parameters)
Return Method.DynamicInvoke(Parameters)
End If
End Function
End Module
Now you only need to call this single method when you want to access the UI, no additional If-Then-Else required:
Private Sub myThreadMethod()
'Do some background stuff...
TextBox1.Text = "Status update!"
Me.Text = "Hello world!"
Label1.Location = New Point(128, 32)
End Sub)
'Do some more background stuff...
End Sub
Returning objects/data from the UI with InvokeIfRequired()
With my InvokeIfRequired() extension method you can also return objects or data from the UI thread in a simple manner. For instance if you want the width of a label:
Dim LabelWidth As Integer = Me.InvokeIfRequired(Function() Label1.Width)
The following code will increment a counter that tells you for how long the thread has run:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim CounterThread As New Thread(AddressOf CounterThreadMethod)
CounterThread.IsBackground = True
Button1.Enabled = False 'Make the button unclickable (so that we cannot start yet another thread).
End Sub
Private Sub CounterThreadMethod()
Dim Time As Integer = 0
While True
Thread.Sleep(1000) 'Wait for approximately 1000 ms (1 second).
Time += 1
Me.InvokeIfRequired(Sub() Label1.Text = "Thread has been running for: " & Time & " seconds.")
End While
End Sub
Hope this helps!
The reason your application is freezing is that you are doing all the work on the UI thread. Check out Async and Await. It uses threading in the background but makes it way easier to manage. An example here: problems with invoke

I have a thread that runs background jobs and is required to update the GUI once in a while. My program has been designed so that when the user clicks off of a form, the thread and background operations still run, yet the controls have been disposed (for memory management purposes).
I have been using Invoke() and "If Control.Created = True" to make sure that the thread can successfully update the controls without running into any exceptions. However, when the form is recreated, all "Control.Created" values are false and Invoke() fails with "{"Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."}"
My guess is that this has something to do with the fact that when the form is recreated it is assigned different handles and that the "Invoke()" is looking at the old handle. SO my question is, how do I fix this?
EDIT: As per requested, the code for opening the form and where the bg thread works from
Opening the DropLogMDIalt form is simply
The Background Thread runs when the control is modified so that the NumericUpDown is more than 0 (so that there is something to countdown from)
Private Sub NLauncherTerminateInput_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DLScanInterval.ValueChanged
If DLScanInterval.Created = True Then
DLTimerControlValue = DLScanInterval.Value
If DLTimerControlValue = 0 Then
If DLScanIntervalControl.Active = False Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub BeginDropLogTimer()
Dim N As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DropLogTimerIntervalThreadWorker)
DLScanIntervalControl.ThreadID = N.ManagedThreadId
DLScanIntervalControl.Active = True
End Sub
Public Sub CancelDropLogTimer()
DLScanIntervalControl.Active = False
End Sub
Public Sub DropLogTimerIntervalThreadWorker()
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
Dim s As Integer = DLTimerControlValue
Do Until 1 = 2
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
Do Until DLScanTimerSecondsLeft <= 0
If Not (DLTimerControlValue = 0 Or DLScanIntervalControl.CancelPending = True) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Not DLTimerControlValue = s Then
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
s = DLTimerControlValue
End If
Dim ToInvoke As New MethodInvoker(Sub()
Timer(DLScanTimerSecondsLeft, ":", DLScanIntervalTB)
End Sub)
If (Me.IsHandleCreated) Then
If (InvokeRequired) Then
End If
End If
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft -= 1
CompareScan = True
End Sub
The thread is simply called by declaring a new thread.thread, however, I have created a class and a variable that the thread uses to check if it should still be running or not (similarly to how a backgroundworker would) this is illustrated by the "DLScanIntervalControl.CancelPending"
The form is then closed later by
It can be reopened if the user clicks on a label that then uses the same method as shown above (FormCTRL.Show())
From MSDN:
"If the control's handle does not yet exist, InvokeRequired searches up the control's parent chain until it finds a control or form that does have a window handle. If no appropriate handle can be found, the InvokeRequired method returns false."
In other words, you need to verify that the handle is created and then check if invoke is required.
If(Me.IsHandleCreated) Then
If(Me.InvokeRequired) Then
End If
End If
I had a similar error when trying to use delegates to update controls on a form in another thread. I found that the handle is only created when it's "needed". I'm not sure what constitutes "needed", but you can force it to create the handle by accessing the Handle property of the object.
What I had done in my application is this:
' Iterate through each control on the form, and if the handle isn't created yet, call the
' Handle property to force it to be created
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
While Not ctrl.IsHandleCreated
Dim tmp = ctrl.Handle
tmp = Nothing
End While ' Not ctrl.IsHandleCreated
Next ' ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
It's rather ghetto, but it may help you here (If you still need the help)
I think the issue here has nothing to do with invoking, but references. Following this pseudocode...
Dim A As New Form1
''Spawn background thread with a reference to A
Dim B As New Form1
The thread is attempting to refer to the first instance of Form1 above which is disposed and will always stay that way.
If you want the thread to be able to update any form then you need to give the thread a (synchronised) way to refer to the form...
Public Class Worker
Private Target As Form1
Private TargetLock As New Object
Public Sub SetTargetForm(Frm as Form1)
SyncLock TargetLock
Target = Frm
End SyncLock
End Sub
Public Sub DoWork() ''The worker thread method
''Do work as usual then...
SyncLock TargetLock
If Target IsNot Nothing AndAlso Target.IsHandleCreated Then
If Target.InvokeRequired
End If
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub
End Class
This way, when a new form is available, you can inform the worker thread using SetTargetForm() and it will update the appropriate one.
Of course, you'd be better off refactoring the "Update UI" checks and invoke calls into a different method for simplicity/maintainability but you get the point.
Note that I haven't got an IDE to hand so there may be typos.
One final point... I'd question the value of disposing a form for memory management purposes. Controls are fairly lightweight in terms of memory and it's far more common for an object used by the form to be a memory hog than the form itself. Are you sure you're getting a real benefit for this added complexity?

How to make a loader in a separate thread?

I have a main form wich is expected to perfom some long operations. In parallel, I'm trying to display the percentage of the executed actions.
So I created a second form like this:
Private Delegate Sub DoubleFunction(ByVal D as Double)
Private Delegate Sub EmptyFunction()
Public Class LoaderClass
Inherits Form
'Some properties here
Public Sub DisplayPercentage(Value as Double)
If Me.InvokeRequired then
dim TempFunction as New DoubleFunction(addressof DisplayPercentage)
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Me.PercentageLabel.text = Value
End if
End sub
Public Sub CloseForm()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim CloseFunction As New EmptyFunction(AddressOf CloseForm)
End If
FormClosed = True
End Sub
End class
My main sub, the one which is expected to perform the long operations is in another form as follows:
Private Sub InitApplication
Dim Loader as new LoaderClass
Dim LoaderThread as new thread(Sub()
End sub)
End sub
The code works almost 95% of the time but sometimes I'm getting a thread exception somewhere in the sub DisplayPercentage. I change absolutely nothing, I just hit the start button again and the debugger continues the execution without any problem.
The exception I get is: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'LoaderClass' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on event though I'm using : if InvokeRequired
Does anyone know what is wrong with that code please ?
Thank you.
This is a standard threading bug, called a "race condition". The fundamental problem with your code is that the InvokeRequired property can only be accurate after the native window for the dialog is created. The problem is that you don't wait for that. The thread you started needs time to create the dialog. It blows up when InvokeRequired still returns false but a fraction of a second later the window is created and Invoke() now objects loudly against being called on a worker thread.
This requires interlocking, you must use an AutoResetEvent. Call its Set() method in the Load event handler for the dialog. Call its WaitOne() method in InitApplication().
This is not the only problem with this code. Your dialog also doesn't have a Z-order relationship with the rest of the windows in your app. Non-zero odds that it will show behind another window.
And an especially nasty kind of problem caused by the SystemEvents class. Which needs to fire events on the UI thread. It doesn't know what thread is the UI thread, it guesses that the first one that subscribes an event is that UI thread. That turns out very poorly if that's your dialog when it uses, say, a ProgressBar. Which uses SystemEvents to know when to repaint itself. Your program will crash and burn long after the dialog is closed when one of the SystemEvents now is raised on the wrong thread.
Scared you enough? Don't do it. Only display UI on the UI thread, only execute slow non-UI code on worker threads.
Thank you for your proposal. How to do that please ? Where should I
add Invoke ?
Assuming you've opted to leave the "loading" code of the main form in the main UI thread (probably called from the Load() event), AND you've set LoaderClass() as the "Splash screen" in Project --> Properties...
Here is what LoaderClass() would look like:
Public Class LoaderClass
Private Delegate Sub DoubleFunction(ByVal D As Double)
Public Sub DisplayPercentage(Value As Double)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim TempFunction As New DoubleFunction(AddressOf DisplayPercentage)
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Me.PercentageLabel.text = Value
End If
End Sub
End Class
*This is the same as what you had but I moved the delegate into the class.
*Note that you do NOT need the CloseForm() method as the framework will automatically close your splash screen once the main form is completely loaded.
Now, over in the main form, you can grab the displayed instance of the splash screen with My.Application.SplashScreen and cast it back to LoaderClass(). Then simply call your DisplayPercentage() method at the appropriate times with appropriate values:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub InitApplication()
Dim Loader As LoaderClass = DirectCast(My.Application.SplashScreen, LoaderClass)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(1 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(2 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(3 / 10)
Loader.DisplayPercentage(4 / 10)
' Loader.CloseForm() <-- This is no longer needed..."Loader" will be closed automatically!
End Sub
Private Sub LoadLocalConfiguration()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub ConnectToDataBase()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadInterfaceObjects()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadClients()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) ' simulated "work"
End Sub
End Class
If all goes well, your splash screen should automatically display, update with progress, then automatically close when your main form has finished loading and displayed itself.
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, Value)
Should be:
Me.Invoke(TempFunction, new Object(){Value})
because the overload with parameters takes an array of parameters.
Value is on the stack of the function in the current thread. You need to allocate memory on the GC heap and copy the value to that memory so that it is available to the other thread even after the local stack has been destroyed.

Trying to use Threading.Tasks.Task to kick off a background search while user types, but after they pause

I've searched but I can't find the solution I'm looking for.
I specifically want to use Threading.Tasks.Task for this project, just to understand it better.
I have a lengthy XML file that I want to search based on text that a user types in. Because it's lengthy, I want to wait for the user to stop typing for 250ms or so before I actually start searching in the background. I tried to kick off my Task, having it sleep for 250ms, then check if my CancelTokenSource had canceled because another character was typed. I'm not seeing a cancellation, though, so I end up seeing my results flash several times as the queued up search tasks complete, one after the other, after I finish typing.
My code has turned into a terrible mess and I need to start over, but was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
Start with a thread-safe property that determines when the search should begin. Initialise it to Date.MaxValue to prevent it running before it's asked to.
Private Property SearchTriggerTime As Date
SyncLock SearchTriggerTimeLock
Return _SearchTriggerTime
End SyncLock
End Get
Set(value As Date)
SyncLock SearchTriggerTimeLock
_SearchTriggerTime = value
End SyncLock
End Set
End Property
Private _SearchTriggerTime As Date = Date.MaxValue
Private ReadOnly SearchTriggerTimeLock As New Object
When the search text box text changes, set the timer to when you want to start searching. As the user types quickly, the search timer will be reset before it triggers. In the code below, if the user clears the text box, the timer is set to never trigger, ie. do not search.
Private Const SearchDelay As Integer = 250
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If TextBox1.Text <> "" Then
SearchTriggerTime = Date.Now.AddMilliseconds(SearchDelay)
SearchTriggerTime = Date.MaxValue
End If
End Sub
Start a thread to perform the searching when the form loads.
Public Sub Form_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
With New Thread(AddressOf SearchThread)
End With
End Sub
This thread passes through three states. The first state is waiting for the trigger time to start the search. It checks the trigger time every 50ms. The second state is performing the search. During the search, it checks if the form closes or if the user types more, and abandons the search in those cases. In the third state, if the search completes normally, the form's original thread is asked to display the results. If you need to change a control, always do so on the form's thread by using Form.Invoke(Delegate).
Private Sub SearchThread()
Do Until IsDisposed
' Wait for the user to stop typing.
Do Until IsDisposed OrElse SearchTriggerTime <= Date.Now
' Search until the form is disposed, the user types more, or the search is complete.
' TODO: Initialise the search variables.
Dim SearchComplete As Boolean = False
Do Until IsDisposed OrElse SearchTriggerTime > Date.Now OrElse SearchComplete
' TODO: Insert search code here.
If condition Then SearchComplete = True
' Reset the search timer.
SearchTriggerTime = Date.MaxValue
' Only display results if the search was completed.
If SearchComplete Then Invoke(New Action(AddressOf DisplaySearchResults))
End Sub
Lastly, create a method to display your search results. This will be run in the form's thread to prevent invalid cross-thread operations.
Private Sub DisplaySearchResults()
' TODO: Display search results.
End Sub
I managed to get it to work and it actually looks fairly clean (I think).
I'm using 'Static' variables so that I can keep all of the code within this method but still have my CancellationTokenSource available on subsequent calls.
I'm pretty pleased with the result, but still welcome comments and notes for improvement.
The actual search is actually happening on the UI thread (I think) but I'm doing that because it's easy to populate a treeview while I find valid nodes in my XML. My next refactor will be to do the search on a background thread (rather than just the 250ms wait) and use a TaskScheduler to post UI updates.
Private Sub txtQuickSearch_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtQuickSearch.TextChanged
Static scCancelTokenSource As Threading.CancellationTokenSource
Static scCancelToken As Threading.CancellationToken
If txtQuickSearch.Text.Length >= 3 Then
If scCancelTokenSource IsNot Nothing Then
scCancelTokenSource = Nothing
End If
scCancelTokenSource = New Threading.CancellationTokenSource
scCancelToken = scCancelTokenSource.Token
Dim lfSearch = Sub()
Dim ltToken As Threading.CancellationToken = scCancelToken
If Not ltToken.IsCancellationRequested Then
Me.Invoke(Sub() DoQuickSearch(txtQuickSearch.Text))
End If
End Sub
Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(lfSearch, scCancelToken)
End If
End Sub