Linkedin login doesnt work SLogin - authentication

I have a issue with slogin for Joomla, a plugin to login with ur social media. I already managed to get all the other social media to work but now im stuck with linkedin, I dont get it to work.
it give me the error failed to authentication try it later again.
Im sure the api key and OAuth User Token and both the secrets are filled in like supposed.
Here is a picture of some of te setting most are not filled in because they are not required but maybe i need to fill in one of these to get it work. i tried already some things but they didn't work
If you need more settings or any other information tell me.


facebook app: permissions request gives blank page

This is my first post on StackOverflow.
I've been trying to start a facebook app but I had some trouble granting permissions. When I use the example provided on the facebook documentation, it works as expected with the developper's account but not with another account. Using another account, I can enter my credentials but then, instead of a page requesting for permissions, I see a blank page.
Any idea what can be the problem ? I have tried to add a Site-URL in my app's settings but I couldn't make it work so far..
Thanks !
I am trying to figure this one out as well, your question helped since you mentioned that is did work for the developer's account. I tried and added a tester accounts on{your app-id}/dashboard/and they work too..
I found the answer thanks to you. See: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login?

Facebook Unity SDK login permission request pop up for authorized user

I've followed through the InteractiveConsole and FriendsSmash example in Unity and learnt how to request permissions during login and get the friend list of the user.
But there's one little problem bothering me a lot.
When FB.Login("email,user_birthday", LoginCallback) is called for an authorized user. The user will be redirected to the Facebook page saying "You have already authorized App-Name".
I'm thinking to only call FB.Login("",LoginCallback) to every user, and then use the FB.API to check if the correct permissions exist, and after that call the original FB.Login method. However, this doesn't seem a very wise way to do this to me.
I did a bit of research but still can't seem to find a nice way to solve this. Can anyone please help me out on this?
If you have status=true in your FB.Init(), it should come back with login info if the user is logged in. You can then use FB.API() and do your permissions check.
I had PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll being called for testing purposes. I found that it was removing the Facebook data so it wasn't authorising on initialisation.
Make sure you don't call PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll()

Box API Automatic Login for Authentication

This question was previously asked here but the OP never responded to the comment left and therefore it is left unanswered. I'm looking to sign into a specific Box account via API and am hoping there's a way to automatically set the login and password instead of asking users for theirs. I'm coding my app in PHP and so far I'm using the basic OAuth2 process that asks the user to login (/auth/ticket&api_key). So far the only suggestions I've found requires saving files to local storage but that's not an option as I need my app users to do as little work as possible to get in. I just need to tweak this authentication process. Any suggestions??
this is the answer i got from Box API technical support:
Unfortunately, there's no way to do this at this point. You do have to go through the web based login to authenticate, however once you authenticate the first time, you can automate the refresh token so you won't have to do it again. I apologize for that and just let me know if you have anymore questions about this.

How do i send twitter direct messages on behalf of logged in user?

I have a twitter app with access level "Read, write, and direct messages"
I am using omniauth-twitter gem along with devise for letting users sign up and log into my site through twitter. All is fine till now.
It would be nice if the user is able to send direct messages to the his/her followers.
To fetch the list of followers I am using twitter gem. Now how do I let the user send the message he wants?
I have tried almost anything but all returns This application is not allowed to access or delete your direct messages error. This has been killing me for the past week
When I do Twitter.verify_credentials there is no error raised and a User object is returned. But when I call Twitter.direct_messages the above errors is raised. Am i missing something obvious here?
Thanks in advance.
Update: When I tried Twitter.direct_message_create() it worked like a charm! Would like to know as to why Twitter.direct_messages didn't work.
Check to make sure that DM permissions are actually authorized. If not revoke and reauthorize. Make sure the OAuth tokens the account has granted to the app actually include DM access. Sometimes an app will not have DM acces, OAuth tokens will get authorized then DM access gets added to the app settings and the OAuth token for the account doesn't have DM access authorized.
To answer your update question:
Update: When I tried Twitter.direct_message_create() it worked like a
charm. Would like to know as to why Twitter.direct_messages didn't
Is used to retrieve existing DMs, whereas:
Twitter.direct_message_create(user, text)
is used to send a DM.
See here:
As an update to #auxbuss's answer, the method has been renamed to:
The documentation has also moved:

visiting users Facebook ID w/out authorization?

I have a native (FBML) Facebook Application. I do not want to push the application visitors through the authorization process, however I do want to know their Facebook ID.
Is it possible to find the visiting users Facebook ID without requiring them to "Authorize" my Application?
Before, I said it couldn't be done - but it can.
Read that, it's excellent. You need to decode the Base64 string and check the signature is correct, but other than that it gets you the user id among other stuff (like a temporary access token for
REMEMBER : You need to change the settings in the Migrations tab for the information to come through! It's a vital step, but can be overlooked...
Hope this helps :)