I want to make VB.NET effects - vb.net

I want to write a program that creates cool effects in VB.NET.
Few example of what the program should do:
How to make an intro to my program? I know how to make a splash form but can I put an animated logo?
I want to put effects to buttons, such as the effects in the (HTML-CSS) websites, and also in the professional programs.
Finally , Can I make notification-icon (Tool-Tip), like Avast 2015 ? > http://imgur.com/65DbXoN

You might be able to modify a splash screen for an animated logo. Try using a picture box with a logo picture in a .gif format. However I've never tried that before.(Worth a shot tho)
For button effects there are many ways to do it. You can add sounds, add pictures/icons,ect.
I've never done much with tool tips before, however they can be done. To make them look like the image you provided, I don't think would be easy.


How to make tabs on a tabbedpage?

I am learning XAML/Xamarin Forms, and have been making some initial apps. However, now I am trying to replicate a design.
Quite a lot of apps have a menu such as this:
Or this:
While also having tabs in the bottom of the page (iOS at least).
How is this achieved? If I make a TabbedPage, this adds tabs in the bottom, but adding this kind of extra "menu" - how is this done? What technique is used?
Seems is a segmented control, already exist a NuGet package created by alex rainman, You can take a look on this. maybe this will help you.

wacom and myscript set handwritng recognition function

im not sure if its the right place to put my question, but i think maybe get an answer here.
the last few days thinking about a way to make μυ work easier.
What I want is to write by hand and convert into text on the computer.
namely when I am on a page with multiple text forms like this im writing now,
when i choose a text form with a pen (like wacom graphic tablet) write on a surface and the automaticaly when i stop or pressing a button the text turn into text in the form.
my title say about wacom because i found bamboo scribe.. if someone uses this please explain me whats can do and if can work for me.
i test myscript. with fullscreen tool wich you can write everywhere on the screen is easiest but when you finish you have to press a button on the program to insert the text in the selected area.
so my question is there any way to press that button with the button placed on stylus pen?
i saw that you can set functions when a button clicked on the wacom tablet or on pen.
i have not bought yet anything because im searching if is out there anything could do what i want better. something made for that particular job
Thanks and sorry for my bad english..

Make Splash Screen optional in VB.Net

I may not be explaining myself the best with the question, I'm usually bad at that. But I'll try my best.
This to me seems like something that would be fairly simple, I'm builing a program in Visual Basic and it has a Splash Screen. While I like the clean splash screen, some users might not and I want to give them a simple way to disable it using a defined setting in the program.
This setting when false would disable the splash screen, when true the splash screen would show up (default).
The easiest way to do this is either on the splash screen itself, on the bottom left or right, put a checkbox that says "Don't show again" and if they check it, save the setting and next time you load the application check that and decide accordingly. Or alternatively, you can put it under the settings/options of the application too. Some do it in both areas to ensure that if the user ever wants it back, they can get it without manually editing the setting for it. Any further suggestions or examples, let me know and I can whip something up for you but this should be pretty self explanatory.

How to animate group of images in winform application using VB.Net

I am trying to load bulk images and trying to put them as a slideshow and it's working fine.
Now I would like to have some effects like flip out,ease out effect and fade effect on those images when changing them without using any user control as I would like to do with the existing picturebox.Is it possible to do so?
If so can anyone point me to some resources.
As I have done googling and found some useful links and I am placing here that might helpful to someone.And all these have use seperate usercontrols to do, and I am not looking into that.
The built-in picture box has no such capability. Your solution will require custom-drawing regardless what control you use (assuming you don't get a 3rd party product).

Surface Table Project with Web Browsers

I'm working on a project that will use a Surface table to show web browsers that can be manipulated via the multitouch behaviors. I'd like to be able to show a browser at full screen and then resize, move, etc.
I'd also like to be able to launch a new, separate browser windows that can also be manipulated through multitouch.
Any suggestions on controls to look into for this?
This is a non-trivial task. As far as I know, many have tried and put months of effort into it but none of been very successful. Don't even bother trying to get something to work well based on WPF's built in WebBrowser control. Best bet is to start with the SurfaceScatterView control and trying to put a 'Chromium' control inside of it (http://wpfchromium.codeplex.com/). It appears that even this isn't straightforward though: http://wpfchromium.codeplex.com/discussions/244117