Custom web part properties - sharepoint-2010

I have a custom web part, and if a user clicks on Edit web part, the properties pane in IE 11 appears and disappears, so sort of flickers.
In IE 8 it works fine.
Any ideas.

This simple fix worked for me


On opening a tabbed page for the first time, images in listview of content page not loading

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, i've been looking for examples left, right and centre to no avail.
Anyway, i'm developing an app using Xamarin forms for ios, android and windows phone. The first page of the app is a tabbed page and the first content page consists of a listview with an image (with the source bound to a string with a url) and some labels. I get the data via binding and everything loads correctly except the images. However, when i open a new page and then go back to the tabbed page, the images suddenly appear. I'm testing on a Windows Phone 8.1 at the moment.
Anybody else experienced this? Any work arounds? Any help would be much appreciated.
This might be caused by a known issue that was fixed in 2.2.0-pre1
Try updating to that pre-release version and seeing if it resolves your issue.

Basic Page vs. Blank Page

I am trying to find the difference between the uses of a basic page and a blank page on windows store apps. I am writing an application that has multiple pages and I am not sure which one to use for my main page and I can't seem to find an answer that is helpful.
Basic Page inherits Common.LayoutAwarePage. This gives your page various capabilities like the automatic back button and a visualstatemanager for snapping among other things.
Blank Page only inherits Page and does not get any of the above capabilities. So for example if you need to incorporate snapped view in your page, you need to add a handler for the size changed event in your code.
A Basic Page makes it very easy to just write all the snapped changes in your VisualStateManager in XAML and then test it without running your code using just the device tab where you can select state of your device.
The MainPage in your project is a Blank Page and I prefer to create all other pages as Basic Pages to not worry about stuff like the back button.
That being said, Windows 8.1 apps do not include the LayoutAwarePage so if you are not used to the LayoutAwarePage, do not bother.
Let me know if you need more clarification.
Go with the Basic Page as it gives you automatic back button your view's title etc, and if you don't need them you can disable them also. But for blank page you have to write code for those common things.
This blog post will help you in understanding of Basic Page vs Blank Page.

Back button overriding in windows phone for webbrowser/view

I am implementing a simple webview application with only one url. I have over ridden back button function for webview navigation (which is working fine). Now my app has only one screen with webview and user visits the links inside main url and navigates using back button.
I want to know that, What is Microsoft Certification Policy as my application has only one screen so should it Close when user press back button anytime? Or Microsoft allows implementing of webview with over ridden back button functionality.
If question is still unclear Kindly tell me. I'll explain more but I need to know answer to this question.
You shoulld be fine, I have submitted applications which works like that myself which passed certification.
As long as the application quits when pressing the back button when there is no more "history" for the webbrowser control it shouldn't be a problem because the user still get the experience of moving "backward" in his use and can finally quit the app.
Regarding WebBrowser control and content of the app please consider this requirement:
"Your app and metadata must have distinct, substantial and legitimate content and purpose. Your app must provide functionality other than launching a webpage."
So, the application's sole functionality must not be only to launch a website.
This is not releated to back button but very important thing that need to be considered!
Best regard

Detecting CTRL+Click in Webbrowser Control

Ok! Here is the situation I have a application using Webbrowser Control, I want to detect the click events for anchors in web page. I dont need code, just the directions to look into.
I didn't find any solution for the problem but found a hack in Control.ModifierKeys, this works until now!

WebBrowser Control is Running into Javascript Error that IE doesn't

If I use IE I can visit the website I want and click the 'Next' button and life is good. If I open that same website using the webBrowser control and click the 'Next button I get a javascript error message.
I'm not doing anything in the code to manipulate the website. My goal, eventually, is to have some level of automation; but at this point, I get the javascript error and a pop-up and it screws everything else.
I can hide the JS error from popping up; by setting 'WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True' but the page isn't working because of the error.
The client script might be assuming a full browser is present and trying to access part of the browser outside the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. For example, maybe the client script is trying to display something on the browser's status bar, or trying to modify a toolbar which isn't available in the WebBrowserControl. There could be numerous similar reasons.
If you do not have write-access to the web page in question to try fixing it, then play with WebBrowser Control properties such as ScriptErrorsSuppressed and ObjectForScripting
Try setting WebBrowser1 Silent property to true.
Actually, you are receiving this problem because when you run your site in IE8 or IE9 on your normal internet explorer desktop app, you are getting either IE8 or IE( rendering, depending on which you have installed. However, with the webbrowser control, unless you take the effort to change soem settings in the registry, the default rendering engine used by the webbrowser control is IE7 (if u have 7, 8 or 9 installed) and IE4 (if you have 4, 5 or 6 installed).
This is why you are having the problem, if you want help changing the rendering engine version for your webbrowser control, do a google search as there are many examples on SO, and i have provided this answer in some of my previous posts on this tag/topic. feel free to search or ask me.
Let me know how you go.