Is there a way to skin YouTrack? - youtrack

We'd like to customize YouTrack colors (and maybe even add the company logo) to our YouTrack standalone installation.
One of the main reasons: it will give us instant feedback that we are using our corporate YouTrack, rather than the public ones (e.g. at
Is this possible? Is it a licensing restriction?

Application logo can be customized via
"Settings" -> "Visual" -> "Application logo"
This feature is not available with free licenses though.
Color scheme can't be changed at all, but they seem to have a feature request you can vote for:


Azure API Management Developer Portal

I have a requirement to expose the APIM Developer Portal to external partners, I want the developer portal to be my one stop shop for these partners to access and learn everything they need to know about my APIs, in the main APIM Developer Portal satisfies that requirement but when I want to add new content e.g. specific design, architecture, user guide documentation etc about the API it starts to get very confusing, for a start it looks like the depreciated publisher portal (which still exists) is the only place that I can add new pages. The new pages seem very limited and clunky and cannot be amended in the new version of the portal. There is also very limited documentation outside the standard MS stuff and nearky all of that relates to amending the current pages and templates.
My site will go live at the end of the year and I don't want to find one day these new content pages missing from the portal and my supporting documentation removed.
Does anybody know where Microsoft is going with the developer portal for customizing outside outside the standard templates they offer or can anybody supply me with a link of documentation that addresses new content pages?
It looks like the depreciated publisher portal (which still exists) is the only place that I can add new pages
Yes, you need to use the publisher portal to add new pages.
The new pages seem very limited and clunky and cannot be amended in
the new version of the portal.
What do you mean by new version of the portal?
I am going live at the end of the year and I don't want to find one day these new content pages missing from the portal and my supporting documentation removed.
If your worry is that API Management will automatically remove your content because of publisher portal deprecation - you can rest assured this is not going to happen, especially without any previous notice.
Does anybody know where Microsoft is going with the developer portal for customizing outside the standard templates they offer?
There is some work planned to refresh the developer portal. Can you please elaborate more on what you are trying to achieve? What is your goal?
One can edit those pages in 2 places: Publisher Portal and Developer Portal.
In the Publisher portal you can add widgets to predefined areas on the page. For example you can add a HTML widget to the home page for authenticated and non-authenticated users. Rasmas Gude has a great article about that here.
In the Developer Portal you can change the information shown on each page by editing the template. There's a edit template icon available on the left for administrator. If you click that and then select the section you want to edit a split screen will appear below. The left have is DotLiquid markup and the right is the data model for that section. With that information you should be able to modify the page in the manner you wish.
If they are decommissioning the publisher portal, it will be enabled in the azure portal. Earlier we have the API, Products and users etc in the publisher portal. that are added in the other portal. The deprecation of the portal, dosnt mean the existing functionality will fail, which have the alternatives.

Shopify App Necessary? Hard-code into Theme?

I have much experience developing for WordPress but this will be my first project developing for Shopify.
I will be customizing a 3rd-party Shopify Theme with custom functionality as per the client's website needs. I've been reading much documentation but I am still a bit confused about Shopify Apps...
My question is:
Do I need to build an App to extend the functionality of my theme, or can I just hard-code the new functionality directly into the theme? Is there any reason to develop an App for functionality that will only be used on my theme?
I thank you very much for your advice.
Do I need to build an App to extend the functionality of my theme, or can I just hard-code the new functionality directly into the theme?
Short answer: Yes. (Damn that mathematician's response!)
Is there any reason to develop an App for functionality that will only be used on my theme?
Longer answer: Sometimes, yes.
That wasn't very helpful
Longest answer: True. Let's break it down a little more, then.
Without knowing what you need to do, I can't offer a concrete yes-or-no answer to the question, "Should I build Feature X as an app?"
If you...
Need to add, modify or delete any objects that require admin privileges (including products, variants, collections, orders, etc.), or...
Need to listen for any of Shopify's webhooks, or...
Need to store data in an external database for any reason...
... you will need an app to have the permissions required to access and manipulate data at this level.
However, if you...
Can do everything you need with the existing Shopify objects, and...
Need few or no settings to control the desired behaviour...
... you would not need to create an app. Shopify themes have some powerful tricks & tools available to you, including:
The ability to create custom endpoints for any of the main types of objects to get the data you need;
Easily-edited settings_schema file to add arbitrary configuration variables to help control your mini-app;
Javascript endpoints to let you add, remove & edit products in the cart
Hopefully this quick breakdown helps you decide if you need to create an app or not. (And to anyone who does need to make a single-site app, remember that Shopify lets you create 'Private Apps' that don't have to go through the app store process to get widespread approval)
I thank you very much for your advice.
You're welcome! Hopefully it proves to be helpful. Good luck!

Open ERP Ace Editor widget

I added new widget which allow edit text in perfect Ace Editor.
Maybe someone will need such widget.
Also I would like to receive some feedback. What need to add or what work not correctly?
The best way would be to advertise your module at the OpenERP Community mailing list.
Another suggestion is to add it to the Web Addons community reviewed project, by making a merge proposal.
You can find more information here.

Test Manager for Trac questions

I'm looking for a way to better manage a list of test cases within Trac. The Test Manager plugin for Trac seems to be the obvious choice.
Anyone have experience, comments and/or concerns with the Test Manager plugin for Trac?
We've also looked at Testuff, which has an awesome "Test Runner" app that integrates with Trac for creating tickets. However, it stores all of the test cases, labs, etc on their servers. I'd really like to have a single destination for documentation, tickets and tests (i.e. Trac).
We're using SnagIt for screen capture and annotations today. We're looking at the Problem Steps Recorder in Windows. We'd like to find something that can send captures to Trac, similar to the Testuff-Trac integration.
Any suggestions for an app that can capture video/images with each mouse click and key press logged? BONUS: Attach capture(s) into a new Trac ticket.
For capturing movies and uploading into Trac, try
For single screen captures, annotation and uploading into Trac, try
I have also written a plugin for Cropper,, that will let you upload images but it does not support annotations before hand like fat bug. Let me know if you want a copy of that.
We used Test Manager Plugin For Trac in one of my previous projects and I can say that it worked fine for us. It provides bidirectional traceability between Test Cases and user stories, support test plans (which in my point of view are execution plans but incorporated with wiki page become test plan) and it also as most of the Trac plugins allow to be customized in order to satisfy the process needs.

User Contributed Rating System

I am working on developing a user contributed rating website, much like in a lot of aspects. Are there any open source content management systems that I can use as the foundation of what I am building?
You could try Wordpress with some plugins like Then, for every movie/book/game/whatever, you can make a new post, and people will be able to review it. You can just leave the homepage and it will display that newest additions, or you can make it display a static page too.