Google Maps API - Map not showing on second initialize - api

I have a page setup that requires multiple instances of Google Maps via the API to be initialized. All works fine when one map is initialized the first time. When you re click on the button to do so, the map does not fully show.
var locations = [
['test1', 45.440188, -75.676309, 1, 'transportation.png'],
['test2', 45.439463, -75.675751, 1, 'medical.png'],
['test3', 45.439792, -75.683544, 1, 'schools.png'],
['test4', 45.439652, -75.676929, 1, 'shopping.png']
function initialize_1() {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(45.438612, -75.677561),
zoom: 16,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas_1"), mapOptions);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(45.438612, -75.677561),
map: map
var marker, i;
var iconBase = '';
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),
map: map
,icon: iconBase + locations[i][4]

I think the issue is that you are initialising map to a hidden layer. Try to move call to initialize_1() after show():
onclick="$('#units_1').hide(); $('#unitArrow_1').hide(); $('#amenity_1').show(); $('#amenityArrow_1').show(); initialize_1();"
Other option is to force resize event after divs are visible. For this to work you would probably have to make map variable global.
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
Maybe unrelated to your question but do you have to initialise the map layer each time you show div with map? Maybe you could test whether it is initialised or not, for example:
var isInit_1 = false;
function initialize_1() {
if (isInit_1) { return; }
isInit_1 = true;
var mapOptions = {


Remove image overlay layer in Leaflet

I'm trying to place a sketch on a building on the map with Leaflet. I succeeded in this as well, I can place and scale an image in svg format on the map. But when I add a new sketch to the map, I want the old sketch to be deleted from the map.
i tried these
My codes,
splitCoordinate (value) {
const topLeftCoordinates = value.top_left.split(',')
const topRightCoordinates = value.top_right.split(',')
const bottomLeftCoordinates = value.bottom_left.split(',')
this.initMap(topLeftCoordinates, topRightCoordinates, bottomLeftCoordinates)
initMap (topLeftCoordinates, topRightCoordinates, bottomLeftCoordinates) {
let map = this.$
map.flyTo(new L.LatLng(topLeftCoordinates[0], topLeftCoordinates[1]), 20, { animation: true })
const vm = this
var topleft = L.latLng(topLeftCoordinates[0], topLeftCoordinates[1])
var topright = L.latLng(topRightCoordinates[0], topRightCoordinates[1])
var bottomleft = L.latLng(bottomLeftCoordinates[0], bottomLeftCoordinates[1])
var sketchLayer = L.imageOverlay.rotated(vm.imgUrl, topleft, topright, bottomleft, {
opacity: 1,
interactive: true
The error was related to the javascript scope. I defined the sketchLayer in the data and my problem solved.

Nodes don't appear in cytoscape.js

I wrote this code
var loadZones = [];
var loadSites = [];
for (var i=0; i<; i++){
loadZones[i] = { data: { id:[i].id}, position: { x: (i+1)*100,
y: (i+1)*100 } };
var cyt = window.cyt = cytoscape({
container: document.getElementById('cyt'),
for (var j=0; j<; j++)
Zones is JSON file I uploaded here:
I originally have zones in table in code. The problem is I loaded nodes properly, checked in console cyt._private.elements and there are 7 elements as many as in loadZones table, and despite this I don't see nodes on the screen.
Is it possible, that you forgot to call:
var layout = cyt.layout({
name: 'whateverLayoutYouWant' // null/grid/concentric/circle/...
});; // dont forget to run the layout
If you did, here is the link to the cytoscape.js documentation

Creating several google maps marker based on address

I am trying to place google map markers based on several address, i have manage to show them based on coordinates, but i dont have coordinates i only have address. Here is my code what i have for now
<div id="map_canvas"></div>
var map;
function initialize() {
var styles = [{"featureType":"administrative","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"}]},{"featureType":"landscape","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#fcfcfc"}]},{"featureType":"poi","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#fcfcfc"}]},{"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]},{"featureType":"road.arterial","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]},{"featureType":"road.local","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#eeeeee"}]},{"featureType":"water","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]}];
var styledMap = new google.maps.StyledMapType(styles,
{name: "Styled Map"});
// the position of the marker
var zurichCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(47.3768866,8.541694);
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(47.4469659,8.5833443);
var latlng1 = new google.maps.LatLng(46.818188,8.227512);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 11,
center: zurichCenter,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: [google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, 'map_style']
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: latlng,
icon: 'img/pin-default.png' // location of the pin image, depending of the skin used
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: latlng1,
icon: 'img/pin-default.png' // location of the pin image, depending of the skin used
map.mapTypes.set('map_style', styledMap);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "resize", function() {
var center = map.getCenter();
google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize");
Using the Geocoding API, as said in the comments, you can convert your address to coordinates.
You can find an example on how to use the API here.
I can't find an address in your code.
Here is a simple example (copied from the link above):
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var address = "Bergmannstraße 2, Berlin, Germany";
geocoder.geocode({'address': address}, function (results, status) {
if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: resultsMap,
position: results[0].geometry.location
else {
alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
Working fiddles:

Google Places API - Getting Phone Number and Website

I believe I need to make follow up calls to get the results I am looking for. However, I cannot get the phone number and www url for any of the results I pull up.
I am a novice and need some help explaining where in this code I can get the correct results pulled. Please see the demo site here:
Here is my JS code:
var store = (function () {
var searchBox,
markers = [],
myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(50.0019, 10.1419),
myOptions = { zoom: 6, center: myLatlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl:false },
customIcons = { iconblue: './icons/blue.png' };
var init = function() {
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), myOptions);
input = (document.getElementById('pac-input'));
searchBox = new google.maps.places.SearchBox((input));
listener = function() {
google.maps.event.addListener(searchBox, 'places_changed', function() {
//search for places
var places = searchBox.getPlaces();
for (var i = 0, marker; marker = markers[i]; i++) {
//set markers zero
markers = [];
//get new bounds
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
for (var i = 0, place; place = places[i]; i++) {
//append to the table
$('.addaddress').append('<tr><td>'+ +'</td><td>'+ place.formatted_address +'</td><td>'+ place.formatted_phone_number +'</td><td>'+ +'</td></tr>');
//set the map
create_marker = function(info) {
//create a marker for each place
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, icon: customIcons.iconblue, title:, position: info.geometry.location });
//infowindow setup
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
if (infowindow) {
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content:});, marker);
//push the marker
return {
init: init,
listener: listener,
create_marker: create_marker
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', store.init);
Google's API returns different place metadata, depending on which call you're using. To get more place details, you'll need to get the place's placeId and use that to make a call to place.getDetails()
Here's a more thorough answer:

Hide ArcGis Markers

We are trying to find suggestions, or implementation options on how to hide a marker once a new point on the map has been clicked.
In our application, once the user clicks on a particular pin on the map, we display a new pin (in a different lat/long location) that is associated with the click event. I.e. a point should be in oklahoma, but the map is displaying texas, so once the marker texas is clicked, a new marker in oklahoma is shown. Our issue is that whenever a user selects a new point, we are not able to "hide" the marker for the previous selection, which then clutters our screen.
Any suggestions on how we could handle this issue?
Code is below:
require(["esri/map", "esri/geometry/Point", "esri/symbols/SimpleMarkerSymbol", "esri/graphic", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-style", "dojox/widget/ColorPicker", "esri/InfoTemplate", "esri/Color", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!", "esri/geometry/Polyline", "esri/geometry/geodesicUtils", "esri/units","esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol"],
function( Map, Point,SimpleMarkerSymbol, Graphic, arrayUtils, domStyle, ColorPicker, InfoTemplate, Color, dom, Polyline, geodesicUtils, Units,SimpleLineSymbol) {
map = new Map("mapDiv", {
center : [-98.35, 35.50],
zoom : 5,
basemap : "topo"
//basemap types: "streets", "satellite", "hybrid", "topo", "gray", "oceans", "osm", "national-geographic"
} );
map.on("load", pinMap);
var arr = [];
var initColor, iconPath;
function pinMap( ) {;
iconPath = "M16,3.5c-4.142,0-7.5,3.358-7.5,7.5c0,4.143,7.5,18.121,7.5,18.121S23.5,15.143,23.5,11C23.5,6.858,20.143,3.5,16,3.5z M16,14.584c-1.979,0-3.584-1.604-3.584-3.584S14.021,7.416,16,7.416S19.584,9.021,19.584,11S17.979,14.584,16,14.584z";
var infoContent = "<b>Id</b>: ${Id} ";
var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate(" Details",infoContent);
$.post( '{{ path( 'points' ) }}', {}, function( r ) {
arrayUtils.forEach( r.points, function( point ) {
if (point.test==1) {
initColor = "#CF3A3A";
else {
initColor = "#FF9900";
var attributes = {"Site URL":point.url,"Activity Id","Updated By":point.updated,"Customer":point.customer};
var graphic = new Graphic(new Point(point.pinLon1,point.pinLat1),createSymbol(iconPath,initColor),attributes,infoTemplate); graphic );"click",function(evt){
var Content = evt.graphic.getContent();
var storeId = getStoreId(Content);
} );
}, 'json' );
function getStoreId( content ){
var init = content.split(":");
var fin= init[2].split("<");
return fin[0].trim();
function sitePins( siteId ) {
iconPathSite = "M15.834,29.084 15.834,16.166 2.917,16.166 29.083,2.917z";
initColorSite = "#005CE6";
var infoContent = "<b>Distance</b>: ${Distance} Miles";
var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate(" Distance to Location",infoContent);
var indexValue=0;
for (var index = 0; index < arr.length; index++){
if (arr[index]==storeId){
indexValue =index;
pinLon1 = arr[indexValue+1];
pinLat1 = arr[indexValue+2];
pinLon2 = arr[indexValue+3];
pinLat2 = arr[indexValue+4];
var line = {"paths":[[[pinLon1, pinLat1], [pinLon2, pinLat2]]]};
line = new esri.geometry.Polyline(line);
var lengths = Number(esri.geometry.geodesicLengths([line], esri.Units.MILES)).toFixed(2);
var attributes = {"Distance":lengths};
var graphicSite = new Graphic(new Point (pinLon1,pinLat1), createSymbol(iconPathSite, initColorSite),attributes,infoTemplate);
var pathLine = new esri.Graphic(line, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol()); pathLine ); graphicSite );
function createSymbol( path, color ) {
var markerSymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol( );
markerSymbol.setColor(new dojo.Color(color));
return markerSymbol;
} );
As far as I get the code, it shows the distance between the marker and the point then clicked.You are creating point and polyline on each click event on map. Following can help:
1) Please provide id say 'abc' to polyline, graphic site.
2) Then on every click event remove the graphic and polyline with id 'abc'.
dojo.forEach(, function(g) {
if( g && === "abc" ) {
//remove graphic with specific id;
}, this);
3) Then you can create the new polyline and point as you are already doing it.