How to get width/height of a movie clip in CreateJs? - createjs

In AS3.0 it is like:
mc.width and mc.height
In AS2.0 it is like:
mc._width and mc._height
What about createJs

If the MC was generated by Flash then you can use either myMC.nominalBounds, which returns the first frame's bounds, or myMC.getBounds() which returns the current frame bounds. These values will represent the author-time dimensions, and will not reflect changes you made to the contents of the MC in code.
If the MC was not generated by Flash, then you can still call getBounds(), but it will not include bounds for Shape instances (unless you have set bounds on them with setBounds()).


change CAMetalLayer background color

My CAMetalLayer background color is black, even if i'm assigning new color as the backgroundColor property.
Am i missing something? Thanks!
Link to the original project :
This project takes a rather unconventional approach to clearing the drawable's texture each frame: it replaces the textures contents with an array of zeros that is the same size as the texture (width * height * 4). Subsequently, it encodes some compute work that actually draws the particles. This is almost certainly not the most efficient way to achieve this effect, but if you want to make the smallest change that could possibly work (as opposed to experimenting with making the code as efficient as possible), Just fill the blankBitmapRawData array with your desired clear color (near line 82 of ParticleLab.swift).
I have gone through your code and can not see a place where you are setting background Color.
The metal layer is added as a sublayer to it, so you have to set it explicitly.
Add this line at the end of your init method in ParticialLab class and see if it works.
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
I found that self.isOpaque = false was needed on the layer.

CGRectIntersectsRect with coordinates of object

I wanted to ask if there is something similar to the Code CGRectIntersectsRect.
For eg:
There is an object, and a block. If the object lands on the top of the Block, it can stay on it. If the object hits the left,right or bottom side of the Block, it should smash against it and fall down.
My Code :
if(CGRectIntersectsRect(Object.frame, Block.frame)){
ObjectJump = 0;
But with that code, the object will stay even he jumps from the bottom to the top of the block. Can somebody help me ?
Assuming that the intersection is checked repeatedly, so you know at the start of the intersection, then what matters is how much of the object is above the block and how much is below. If above > below then it's on top.
Currently you check for intersection, but you can also get the intersection of the frames. Once you have that you can compare the heights of the intersection frame and the object frame. If the object frame height > 2 * the intersection frame height then the frames don't overlap much. Assuming that the object can't be inside the block already this is enough information. If the object hit the side of the block then the intersection frame height would be the same as the object frame height.

How to detect/handle touch events on curved regions?

I'm starting on a native iPad app (we can assume iOS 4.3+ if necessary) where I need to have a series of curved regions that bump up against each other.
I'd love some advice about the best way to handle this.
One thought I had was to use a WebView and just have a JPG and an HTML image map but I'd really prefer to use some kind of native UI element that supports curves.
Any recommendations?
We had a problem something like this. To resolve it, we created a black and white mask in Adobe Illustrator. You'll need to do this for each and every distinct region that you want.
Next, we exported this file. I can't remember the file export option, but basically you get a text file that has a load of path data that includes lines, bezier curves, etc.
We then took this file and wrote an importer that parsed it and created a CGPath.
The final stage is the easy bit. You get your touch point from UITouch and do a CGPathContainsPoint call.
Here's some pseudo code for this:
Skip lines until we get to one with "1 XR". That's the
indication of something meaningful in the subsequent line.
Split the line into an array of components using a separator of " ".
The last component of the line is the action. If it's "m" it's a path move, if it's "C", it's a bezier curve, and if it's "L" it's a line.
If it's a "Y" or a "V" then you need to get the previous line's components and parse as follows:
(a) Component count includes action, so we need to reduce this. E.g. 274.5600 463.6800 m
(b) If this line has four coordinates and the previous one has two, then it's a point node to a bezier node. Figure your bezier curve points as follows:
cp1x = previous line's components object at index 0
cp1y = previous line's components object at index 1
cp2x = this line's components object at index 0
cp2y = this line's components object at index 1
x = this line's components object at index 2
y = this line's components object at index 3
(c) Otherwise if this line has four coordinates and the previous line has four or six coordinates, figure as follows:
cp1x = this line's components object at index 0
cp1y = this line's components object at index 1
cp2x = this line's components object at index 2
cp2y = this line's components object at index 3
x = this line's components object at index 2
y = this line's components object at index 3
Where cp is "control point". So you have control point one and control point two with their respective x and y coordinates.
Create bezier paths that each represent separate regions (by doing lineToPoint or similar functions).
UIBezierPath *p1 = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path1 lineToPoint:somePoint];
[pointArray1 addObject:NSStringFromCGPoint(somePoint)];
// create lots of points and close p1 path
Then find some triangulation algorithm for concave shapes that would turn each bezier path to an array of triangles (i.e. instead of storing array of bezier path point coordinates you'd store array of triangles' coordinates (array of array of points). Algorithm and explanations can be found in any game development forum or even on GameDev of stack exchange.
Repeat the bezier path creation and triangulation for each region.
Then having these arrays it's just a matter of simple iterations to check if certain point of interest is in one of these triangles.
update seems that #omz comment renders my answer useless, hence it's just a matter of creating bezier paths and calling method on each of them .)

Zedgraph textobj X location depends on text length?

I have a Zedgraph textobj which I want to place always in the same x, y position (ASP.NET image). I noticed that the text doesn't always show in the same starting x position. It shifts depending on the text's length. I tried to have the text to have the same length by padding it with spaces. It helped a little but the result is not always consistent. I am using PaneFraction for coordType.
What's the proper method to have a piece of text to always show in the same x position. I am using textobj as a title because the native title property always shows up centered and I need my title be left aligned to the graph.
No, it does not depend on text lenght, however...
It depends on various other things:
Horizontal and vertical align of the text box (see: Location )
Current size of the pane. The font size is scaled dynamically to fit the changing size of the chart.
Counting proper positions to have TextObj (or any other object) always at the same place is quite hard. So you need avoid as much as you can any numbers/fractions in your location coordinates. ZedGraph sometimes calculates the true position in quite odd way then.
You haven't provided any code, so it's hard to tell if and where you made the mistake (if any). But, if I were you, I would do something like that:
TextObj fakeTitle = new TextObj("some title\n ", 0.0, 0.0); // I'm using \n to have additional line - this would give me some space, margin.
fakeTitle.Location.CoordinateFrame = CoordType.ChartFraction;
fakeTitle.Location.AlignH = AlignH.Left; // Left align - that's what you need
fakeTitle.Location.AlignV = AlignV.Bottom; // Bottom - it means, that left bottom corner of your object would be located at the left top corner of the chart (point (0,0))
fakeTitle.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false; // Disable the border
fakeTitle.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false; // ... and the fill. You don't need it.
I'm using ChartFraction coordinates instead of PaneFraction (as drharris suggests) coordinates to have the title nicely aligned with the left border of the chart. Otherwise it would be flushed totally to the left side (no margin etc...) - it looks better this way.
But make sure you didn't set too big font size - it could be clipped at the top
Are you using this constructor?
TextObj(text, x, y, coordType, alignH, alignV)
If not, then be sure you're setting alignH to AlignH.Left and alignV to AlignV.Top. Then X and Y should be 0, 0. PaneFraction for the coordType should be the correct option here, unless I'm missing your intent.
Alternatively, you can simply download Zedgraph code, edit it to Left-align the title (or even better, provide an option for this, which should have been done originally), and then use it in production. Beauty of open source.

size of node with shape=circle

i'm trying to set the size of the nodes this way:
But all three nodes are with different size. How can i set fixed size?
From the DOT Guide on page 4 it says the following:
When drawn, a
node’s actual size is the greater of the requested size and the area needed for its text
label, unless fixedsize=true, in which case the width and height values
are enforced.
Thus you simply need to add fixedsize=true to your code