How to edit the default robots.txt file in prestashop - prestashop

I identified that a certain line in the robots.txt that prestashop automatically generates is blocking our products from Google Shopping.
the line in question is
Disallow: /*n=
The matched URL has some UTM tracking parameters used by Google Analytics. Example URL that matches the line in robots.txt:
the part that matches is the n= in utm_campaign=
I'm trying to get FTP access and will able to edit the robots.txt manually, but I noticed that in the back-end there's a button to automatically generate it again, so I'm afraid that someone might go in there, re-generate it and then we have to do the same thing over again... Is there a fail safe way to edit what goes into the default robots.txt file?

Try to add this line in your robots.txt
Allow: /*campaign=


Any way to both NoIndex and Prevent Crawling?

I created a new website and I do not want it to be crawled by search engines as well as not appear in search results.
I already created a robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
I have a html page. I wanted to use
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
but Google page says it should be used when a page is not blocked by robots.txt as robots.txt will not see noindex tag at all.
Is there any way I can use both noindex as well as robots.txt?
There are two solutions, neither of which are elegant.
You are correct that even if you Disallow: / that your URLs might still appear in the search results, just likely without a meta description and a Google generated title.
Assuming you are only doing this temporarily, the recommended approach is to be basic http auth in front of your site. This isn't great since users will have to put in a basic username and password, but this will prevent your site from getting crawled and indexed.
If you can't or don't want to put basic auth in front of your site, the alternative is to still Disallow: / in your Robots.txt file, and use Google Search Console to regularly purge the Google index by requesting the site be removed from the index.
This is inelegant in multiple ways.
You'll have to monitor the search results to see if URLs get indexed
You'll have to manually request the removal in the Google Search Console
Google really didn't intend for the removal feature to be used in this fashion, and who knows if they'll start ignoring your requests over time. But I'd imagine it would actually continue to work even though they'd prefer you didn't use it that way.

How to Disallow Landing Pages Using robots.txt file?

I'd like to start using specific landing pages in a marketing campaign. A quick search on google shows how to disallow specific pages and/or directories using a robots.txt file. (link)
If I don't want the search engines to index these landing pages should I put a single page entries in the robot.txt file or should I put them in specific directories and disallow the directory?
My concern is that anybody can read a robots.txt file and if the actual page names are visible within the robots.txt file it defeats the purpose.
"It defeats the purpose." How so? The purpose of robots.txt is to prevent crawlers from reading particular files or groups of files. Whether you exclude the individual files or put them all in a directory and exclude that directory is irrelevant as far as the crawler's behavior is concerned.
The benefit to putting them all in directories is that your robots.txt file is smaller and easier to manage. You don't have to add a new entry every time you create a new landing page.
You're right that putting a file name in robots.txt lets anybody who reads the file know that the file is there. That shouldn't be a problem. If you have sensitive information that you don't want others to see then it shouldn't be accessible, regardless of whether it's mentioned in robots.txt. Because if the file is publicly accessible, then a bot is going to find it even if you don't mention it in robots.txt.
robots.txt is just a guideline. The existence of a disallow line in robots.txt doesn't prevent an unfriendly crawler from looking at those pages. It just tells the crawler that you don't want them looking at those pages. But crawlers can ignore robots.txt. They shouldn't, and you can block them if they do, but robots.txt itself is more like a stop sign than a road block.
You should be able to simply use the NOINDEX META tag in the HEAD of your page.

Can a relative sitemap url be used in a robots.txt?

In robots.txt can I write the following relative URL for the sitemap file?
sitemap: /sitemap.ashx
Or do I have to use the complete (absolute) URL for the sitemap file, like:
Why I wonder:
I own a new blog service,, that allow users to blog on
I use wildcards, so all subdomains (accounts) point to: "".
In I put the robots.txt to let search engines find the sitemap.
But, due to the wildcards, all user account share the same robots.txt file.Thats why I can't use the second alternative. And for now I can't use url rewrite for txt files. (I guess that later versions of IIS can handle this?)
According to the official documentation on it needs to be a full URL:
You can specify the location of the Sitemap using a robots.txt file. To do this, simply add the following line including the full URL to the sitemap:
Google crawlers are not smart enough, they can't crawl relative URLs, that's why it's always recommended to use absolute URL's for better crawlability and indexability.
Therefore, you can not use this variation
> sitemap: /sitemap.xml
Recommended syntax is
Don't forgot to capitalise the first letter in "sitemap"
Don't forgot to put space after "Sitemap:"
Good technical & logical question my dear friend.
No in robots.txt file you can't go with relative URL of the sitemap; you need to go with the complete URL of the sitemap.
It's better to go with "sitemap:"
In the above URL after the colon gives space.
I also like to support Deepak.

robots.txt - exclude any URL that contains "/node/"

How do I tell crawlers / bots not to index any URL that has /node/ pattern?
Following is since day one but I noticed that Google has still indexed a lot of URLs that has
/node/ in it, e.g.
Disallow: /node/
Is there anything that states that do not index any URL that has /node/
Should I write something like following:
Disallow: /node/*
The real problem is despite:
Disallow: /node/
in robots.txt, Google has indexed pages under this URL e.g.
/node/ is not a physical directory, this is how drupal 6 shows it's content, I guess this is my problem that node is not a directory, merely part of URLs being generated by drupal for the content, how do I handle this? will this work?
Disallow: /*node
Disallow: /node/ will disallow any url that starts with /node/ (after the host). The asterisk is not required.
So it will block, but will not block
If you want to block anything that contains /node/, you have to write Disallow: */node/
Note also that Googlebot can cache robots.txt for up to 7 days. So if you make a change to your robots.txt today, it might be a week before Googlebot updates its copy of your robots.txt. During that time, it will be using its cached copy.
Disallow: /node/* is exactly what you want to do. Search engines support wildcards in their robots.txt notation and the * characters means "any characters". See Google's notes on robots.txt for more.
An alternative way to make sure search engines stay out of a directory, and all directories below it, is to block them with the robots HTTP header. This can be done by placing the following in an htaccess file in your node directory:
Header set x-robots-tag: noindex
Your original Disallow was fine. Jim Mischel's comment seemed spot on and would cause me to wonder if it was just taking time for Googlebot to fetch the updated robots.txt and then unindex relevant pages.
A couple additional thoughts:
Your page URLs may appear in Google search results even if you've included it in robots.txt. See: ("...While Google won't crawl or index the content of pages blocked by robots.txt, we may still index the URLs if we find them on other pages on the web."). To many people, this is counter-intuitive.
Second, I'd highly recommend verifying ownership of your site in Google Webmaster Tools (, then using tools such as Health->"Fetch as Google" to see real time diagnostics related to retrieving your page. (Does that result indicate that robots.txt is preventing crawling?)
I haven't used it, but Bing has a similar tool: . It seems well worthwhile to use diagnostic tools provided by Google, Bing, etc. to perform real-time diagnostics on the site.
This question is a bit old, so I hope you've solved the original problem.

Google found my backup web site. What can I do about It?

A few days ago we replaced our web site with an updated version. The original site's content was migrated to Search engines do not know about the old site, and I do not want them to know.
While we were in the process of updating our site, Google crawled the old version.
Now when using Google to search for our web site, we get results for both the new and old sites (e.g., and
Here are my questions:
Can I update the backup site content with the new content? Then we can get rid all of old content. My concern is that Google will lower our page ranking due to duplicate content.
If I prevent the old site from being accessed, how long will it take for the information to clear out of Google's search results?
Can I use google disallow to block Google from the old web site.
You should probably put a robots.txt file in your backup site and tell robots not to crawl it at all. Google will obey the restrictions though not all crawlers will. You might want to check out the options available to you at Google's WebMaster Central. Ask Google and see if they will remove the errant links for you from their data.
you can always use robot.txt on backup.* site to disallow google to index it.
More info here: link text
Are the URL formats consistent enough between the backup and current site that you could redirect a given page on the backup site to its equivalent on the current one? If so you could do so, having the backup site send 301 Permanent Redirects to each of the equivalent pages on the site you actually want indexed. The redirecting pages should drop out of the index (after how much time, I do not know).
If not, definitely look into robots.txt as Zepplock mentioned. After setting the robots.txt you can expedite removal from Google's index with their Webmaster Tools
Also you can make a rule in your scripts to redirect with header 301 each page to new one
Robots.txt is a good suggestion but...Google doesn't always listen. Yea, that's right, they don't always listen.
So, disallow all spiders but....also put this in your header
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow, noarchive" />
It's better to be safe than sorry. Meta commands are like yelling at Google "I DONT WANT YOU TO DO THIS TO THIS PAGE". :)
Do both, save yourself some pain. :)
I suggest you to either add no index meta tag in all old page or just disallow by robots.txt. Best way to just blocked the by robots.txt. One thing more add the sitemap in new site and submit it in webmaster that improve your new website indexing.
Password protect your webpages or directories that you don't want web spiders to crawl/index by putting password protecting code in the .htaccess file (if present in your website's root directory on the server or create a new one and upload it).
The web spiders will never know that password and hence won't be able to index the protected directories or web pages.
you can block any particular urls in webmasters check once...even you can block using robots.txt....remove sitemap for your old backup site and put noindex no follow tag for all of your old backup pages...i too handled this situation for one of my client............