I want to filter out location geo data search result with excluded user ids filter options.
For example like 'Not contained IN array' filter for custom objects.
Is it possible to do?
I'm Using a Solr query to sort the search based on the entered search text, currently my query is only working on singular word like filter, car, floor. if i'm searching for the word filter it's only giving the result for filter but i wanted my query to should give the search for filters, cars, floors also. currently it is giving all the results which having word filter, car , floor not there plurals.
below Solr query i'm using for the sort result -- >
Solr does different kind of searches depending on the type of the field that you are searching on.
For string fields the search performs an exact match, hence if the value stored is "car" it will find "car" but not "cars", not even "CAR".
If the field you search on is a text tokenized field then the search will match certain variations depending on how the value was tokenized and what filters were applied to it. For example if you use a built-in text_en field it will perform certain transformations that are typical for values in English and then a search for "cars" or "CAR" will match if the value stored was "car" because the text_en field stores the stem of the word (e.g. "car" for "cars") and this seems to be what you are after.
It looks like the field that you are searching on (custom_s_brand) is a string field, perhaps you want to create additional tokenized fields for the brand so that your searches capture a wider range of matches rather than only identical matches.
Brand new to Splunk and curious whether there is a way to add descriptive text to the pop out window that appears when a user selects (clicks) a field in the search results? I am building a data dictionary for myself, but I would like to view these descriptions in Splunk. Is there a way to do this?
Not as such - unless you "intelligently" name the fields (or field aliases) or eventtypes, you're going to get whatever the field name is, and whatever the field's contents are
I've added Owner to the columns shown in the standard Active Accounts view, as well as some other fields. This turned out as supposed to. However, I've noticed that when I enter something in the search box on the right, the filtering gets me a correct list of accounts but the columns are not the ones that I've set in the view Active Accounts.
Where do I set it to be like that? Preferably so that CRM retains the subset of columns and only filter down the number of records presented. If it's not possible, how do I set the columns presented in the Search Results view (independently of from which view the search's been performed)?
In solution, on where entity views are listed, there is 'quick find' type view. Columns defined in tha view are displayed when search is executed.
You can also define additional search criteria for search, when you modify filter in that view.
I have a requirement for the following logic to be implemented. lets Assume there is a property listbox where user gives the input.
When the field left blank. It should show message "All properties Selected" in d report
If the user selects or gives multiple properties.It should display the properties selected like xxx,yyy,zzz selected
SO now if user selects all the properties manually from d drop down list,i wanna display All properties selected .
Implemented now for 1st two requirements. Can any1 give some idea regarding the 3rd Demand
If I understand your question correctly you could do the following:
Create a parameter.
Set the parameter to internal.
Make it a multi-select parameter.
Set the available values to a data set that returns the list of all possible fields.
Set the default value to the data set that returns the list of all possible fields. Basically, you are selecting all by default in the internal parameter.
In the data set that executes your report code, add code that compares the count of records from the internal parameter to the count of records from the parameter that users can see for selecting records. If the counts are equal, then the user has selected all possible properties.
If I misunderstood and you are trying to get the parameter box itself to vary it's output, then this won't help.
This expression will check the number of selected values against the number of available values and display "All properties selected" when all the properties are selected and will list the selected properties when only some of the values are selected:
"All properties selected",join(Parameters!YourParameterName.Value,","))
In YII admin page (CRUD), by default all the records of the table will be displayed when searching with empty data in all fields.
But i need to avoid the default list. Instead, some data need to be entered in filter text box. Then only search result should shows the result based on the input. Otherwise no record should displayed.
Thanks in advance.
In the search function for your model replace the $criteria->compare(.... with CDbCriteria methods that add the same condition. The compare method is the only one that doesn't add a condition expression to the criteria if the attribute is empty.