I have a sqlite database and I need to perform some arithmetic in my sql to get the final amount. The thing is I am not certain how to go and achieve this, I'm pretty certain from what I've been reading its a subquery which I need to group by lineID (unique id in my db)
The fields I want to include in the calculation below are
el.material_cost1 * el.material_qty1
el.material_cost2 * el.material_qty2
el.material_cost3 * el.material_qty3
The query I currently have is below. It returns the value of my costs apart from the fields missing above. As I store the material costs individually, I can't work out how to do a subquery within my query to get the desired result.
SELECT sum(el.enquiry_cost1) + sum(el.enquiry_cost2) + sum(el.enquiry_cost3)
FROM estimate e
LEFT JOIN estimate_line el
ON e.estimateID=el.estimateID
WHERE e.projectID=7 AND el.optional='false'
Use of a LEFT JOIN instead of an [INNER] JOIN is pointless, as your WHERE condition filters out any rows that could have differed.
I think you're making this harder than it needs to be. In particular, nothing in your description makes me think you need a subquery. Instead, it looks like this query would be close to what you're after:
+ sum(el.enquiry_cost2)
+ sum(el.enquiry_cost3)
+ sum(el.material_cost1 * el.material_qty1)
+ sum(el.material_cost2 * el.material_qty2)
+ sum(el.material_cost3 * el.material_qty3)
AS total_costs,
estimate e
JOIN estimate_line el
ON e.estimateID = el.estimateID
WHERE e.projectID = 7 AND el.optional = 'false'
I am trying to put together a query that will basically run another query on each return.
My current query puts together important info for each client, such as how long an average groom takes and the description of the type of haircut they get:
SELECT Query11.petId AS PetID,
Query11.petName AS PetName,
dbo_Customer.cstLName AS LastName,
Query11.lstValue AS Breed,
dbo_vwPetGroom.pgrName AS GroomStyle,
dbo_ListValues.lstValue AS Haircut,
ROUND([AvgPTime]) AS AvgPrep,
ROUND([AvgBTime]) AS AvgBath,
ROUND([AvgDTime]) AS AvgDry,
ROUND([AvgGTime]) AS AvgGroom,
[AvgPrep] + [AvgBath] + [AvgDry] + [AvgGroom] AS AvgMinutes,
LEFT JOIN qryFindsPetAvgApptTime ON Query11.petId = qryFindsPetAvgApptTime.PetID)
LEFT JOIN dbo_Customer ON Query11.petCustId = dbo_Customer.cstId)
LEFT JOIN (dbo_vwPetGroom
LEFT JOIN dbo_ListValues ON dbo_vwPetGroom.pgrLengthHairBodyLid = dbo_ListValues.lstId)
ON Query11.petId = dbo_vwPetGroom.pgrPetId;
I want to add in the average length between grooming appts to the above query info. Right now that is done in 2 seperate queries.
The first one pulls days between appts:
SELECT tblTimeLog.PetID,
[ApptDate] - (SELECT MAX(T.ApptDate)
FROM tblTimeLog T
WHERE T.PetID = tblTimeLog.PetID
AND T.ApptDate < tblTimeLog.ApptDate) AS Diff,
FROM tblTimeLog
WHERE (((tblTimeLog.PetID) = [Enter PetID]))
ORDER BY tblTimeLog.ApptDate;
And then averaged out with this:
SELECT qryTimeLogDiffs.PetID,
AVG(qryTimeLogDiffs.Diff) AS AvgOfDiff
FROM qryTimeLogDiffs
GROUP BY qryTimeLogDiffs.PetID,
Is there a way to pass the PetID criteria from each return into the second query so it adds the average span between appts to the info in the first query??
Consider refactoring your second query to avoid the taxing correlated aggregate subquery. One approach involves first running an aggregate query based on a self join to return last appointment date for each PetID.
Even better, turn this query into an action query to populate a temporary table either with make-table query as shown below using INTO or regularly cleaning out a persistent table via delete and insert-select query:
SELECT curr.PetID,
MAX(prev.[AppDate]) AS MaxPrevDate
INTO lastApptTimeLog
FROM tblTimeLog AS curr
INNER JOIN tblTimeLog AS prev
ON curr.PetID = prev.PetID
WHERE prev.ApptDate < curr.AppDate
GROUP BY curr.PetID,
Then, base third aggregate query on this temp table and run the difference calculation. Finally, incorporate this query into first query.
AVG(ApptDate - MaxPrevDate) AS AvgOfDiff
FROM lastApptTimeLog
I am working with three tables, basically, one is a bill of materials, one contains part inventory, and the last one contains work orders or jobs. I am trying to find out if it is possible to have a correlated subquery that can perform a math operation using a value from the outer query. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
SELECT A.work_order,A.assembly,A.job_quantity,
(SELECT COUNT(X.part_number)
FROM bom X
WHERE X.assembly = A.assembly
AND (X.quantity_required * A.job_quantity) >= (SELECT Y.quantity_available FROM inventory Y WHERE
Y.part_number = X.part_number)) AS negatives
FROM work_orders A
ORDER BY A.assembly ASC
I am attempting to find out, for a given work order, if there are parts that we do not have enough of to build the assembly. I'm currently getting an "Error correlating fields" error. Is it possible to do this kind of operation in a single query?
Try moving the subquery to a join, something like this:
SELECT a.work_order, a.assembly, a.job_quantity, n.negatives
FROM work_orders a JOIN (SELECT x.part_number, COUNT(x.part_number) as negatives
FROM bom x JOIN work_orders b
ON x.assembly = b.assembly
WHERE (x.quantity_required * b.job_quantity) >= (SELECT y.quantity_available
FROM inventory y WHERE
y.part_number = x.part_number)
GROUP BY x.part_number) n
ON a.part_number = n.part_number
ORDER BY a.assembly ASC
Or create a temporary cursor with the subquery and then use it to join the main table.
Hope this helps.
My title is probably not very clear, so I made a little schema to explain what I'm trying to achieve. The xxxx_uid labels are foreign keys linking two tables.
Goal: Retrieve a column from the grids table by giving a proj_uid value.
I'm not very good with SQL joins and I don't know how to build a single query that will achieve that.
Actually, I'm doing 3 queries to perform the operation:
1) This gives me a res_uid to work with:
select res_uid from results where results.proj_uid = VALUE order by res_uid asc limit 1"
2) This gives me a rec_uid to work with:
select rec_uid from receptor_results
inner join results on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where receptor_results.res_uid = res_uid_VALUE order by rec_uid asc limit 1
3) Get the grid column I want from the grids table:
select grid_name from grids
inner join receptors on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
where receptors.rec_uid = rec_uid_VALUE;
Is it possible to perform a single SQL that will give me the same results the 3 I'm actually doing ?
You're not limited to one JOIN in a query:
select grids.grid_name
from grids
inner join receptors
on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
inner join receptor_results
on receptor_results.rec_uid = receptors.rec_uid
inner join results
on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where results.proj_uid = VALUE;
select g.grid_name
from results r
join resceptor_results rr on r.res_uid = rr.res_uid
join receptors rec on rec.rec_uid = rr.rec_uid
join grids g on g.grid_uid = rec.grid_uid
where r.proj_uid = VALUE
a small note about names, typically in sql the table is named for a single item not the group. thus "result" not "results" and "receptor" not "receptors" etc. As you work with sql this will make sense and names like you have will seem strange. Also, one less character to type!
This is my SQL Query - using in Access. It is providing the desired result.
But just wanted opinion whether the approach is correct.
How can this be speeded up.
, ExpectedResult.DLID
, ExpectedResult.NumRows
ON (INVDETAILS2.F14 = ROUND(ExpectedResult.Total))
WHERE INVDETAILS2.F29 ='2013-03-06'
FROM (ExpectedResult
ON ExpectedResult.DLID = INVDL.DLID)
AND round(ExpectedResult.Total)
WHERE INVDETAILS2.F29='2013-03-06'
HAVING Count(ExpectedResult.DLID)<2
Approximate Number of Rows in
"ExpectedResult" - Millions
"INVDL" - 80,000
"INVDETAILS" - 300,000 - Total , For One Date - approx - 10,000 , then again lesser for each region per date.
Please provide a better query if possible.
Two things you could investigate that might help speed things up:
Make sure that you have indexed all of the columns involved in JOINs, WHERE clauses, and GROUP BY clauses.
JOIN expressions involving functions
A couple of your JOINs use Round(ExpectedResult.Total), so if you have an index on ExpectedResult.Total your query won't be able to use it. You may get a performance boost if you add a RoundedTotal column (Long Integer, Indexed), populate it with
UPDATE [ExpectedResult] SET [RoundedTotal]=Round([Total])
and then use the RoundedTotal column in your JOINs.
I have created a database for an imaginary solicitors, my last query to complete is driving me insane. I need to work out the total a solicitor has made in their career with the company, I have time_spent and rate to multiply and special rate to add. (special rate is a one off charge for corporate contracts so not many cases have them). the best I could come up with is the code below. It does what I want but only displays the solicitors working on a case with a special rate applied to it.
I essentially want it to display the result of the query in a table even if the special rate is NULL.
I have ordered the table to show the highest amount first so i can use ROWNUM to only show the top 10% earners.
CREATE VIEW rich_solicitors AS
SELECT notes.time_spent * rate.rate_amnt + special_rate.s_rate_amnt AS solicitor_made,
FROM notes,
WHERE notes.solicitor_id = solicitor.solicitor_id
AND solicitor.solicitor_id = solicitor_rate.solicitor_id
AND solicitor_rate.rate_id = rate.rate_id
AND notes.case_id = case.case_id
AND case.contract_id = contract.contract_id
AND contract.contract_id = special_rate.contract_id
ORDER BY -solicitor_made;
FROM rich_solicitors
FROM rich_solicitors)
I'm suspicious of your use of ROWNUM in your example query...
Oracle9i+ supports analytic functions, like ROW_NUMBER and NTILE, to make queries like your example easier. Analytics are also ANSI, so the syntax is consistent when implemented (IE: Not on MySQL or SQLite). I re-wrote your query as:
FROM (SELECT n.time_spent * r.rate_amnt + COALESCE(spr.s_rate_amnt, 0) AS solicitor_made,
NTILE(10) OVER (ORDER BY solicitor_made) AS rank
JOIN SOLICITOR s ON s.solicitor_id = n.solicitor_id
JOIN SOLICITOR_RATE sr ON sr.solicitor_id = s.solicitor_id
JOIN RATE r ON r.rate_id = sr.rate_id
JOIN CASE c ON c.case_id = n.case_id
JOIN CONTRACT cntrct ON cntrct.contract_id = c.contract_id
LEFT JOIN SPECIAL_RATE spr ON spr.contract_id = cntrct.contract_id) x
WHERE x.rank = 1
If you're new to SQL, I recommend using ANSI-92 syntax. Your example uses ANSI-89, which doesn't support OUTER JOINs and is considered deprecated. I used a LEFT OUTER JOIN against the SPECIAL_RATE table because not all jobs are likely to have a special rate attached to them.
It's also not recommended to include an ORDER BY in views, because views encapsulate the query -- no one will know what the default ordering is, and will likely include their own (waste of resources potentially).
you need to left join in the special rate.
If I recall the oracle syntax is like:
AND contract.contract_id = special_rate.contract_id (+)
but now special_rate.* can be null so:
+ special_rate.s_rate_amnt
will need to be:
+ coalesce(special_rate.s_rate_amnt,0)