Solr result difference between "field:query string" and using "df" - dataframe

I have a solr core with names and some meta data.
Something like this: "firstname"; "lastname"; "search"; "meta1"; "meta2"; etc.
Where "search" is a copy field containing "firstname" and "lastname". Search looks like this: search: ["johhny", "cash"].
The schema default field is the "search" field.
When I search only over query wtih "firstname:johnny" I get different results compared to a search over the default field "df = firstname" and query "johnny".
Can anyone explain why this is and what the inner workings are for this effect?


Rails: How to use facets with search results

I have a rails application where I am searching for repair shops. The search class method looks like this:
if params
repairshop = Repairshop.where(:approved => true)
if params[:radius].present?
repairshop = repairshop.near(params[:location], params[:radius]) if params[:location].present?
repairshop = repairshop.near(params[:location], 200) if params[:location].present?
if params[:keywords].present?
repairshop = repairshop.joins(:specializations).joins(:brands_we_services).where("LOWER(specializations.title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(brands_we_services.title) LIKE ? OR LOWER(repairshop.title) LIKE ?", "%#{params[:keywords].downcase}%", "%#{params[:keywords].downcase}%", "%#{params[:keywords].downcase}%")
A repair shop can have many specializations and brands_we_services. So, searching through all of the names apart form other params is important.
The search form looks like this:
Everything works fine. And the search controller takes me to the search page. The controller action is as follows:
def search
#repairshops =
The search result looks like this:
My question is:
On the left side of the search page, below the search box, I want to provide facets for filtering the results. I want to provide facets which would be dynamic. Like depending on Search results, it provides facets for cities (number of repair shops) etc.
I don't want to use elastic search or solr. I want to understand how I build dynamic faceted search from scratch, the basics of building facets from your search results.
Note: I looked into Forty facets but couldn't understand how can I use my complex class method search which is in Repairshop model and integrate it into the class MovieSearch < FortyFacets::FacetSearch provided by the controller as per the docs.
Will really appreciate your help. Thanks!

Using Wildcard Sql for searching a word in a TextField

To make it clearer I have this fields
aword1 bword1
aword2 bword2
aword3 bword4
Now what I want to do is search using the sql wild card so what I did is like this
I placed to wildcards on both ends of my search but what it searches is just the first word on the field
when I search 'aword' all of the fields is showing but when I search 'bword' nothing is showing, Please help.
Here is my Full Code
$items = Gamefarm::where('roost_hen', '=',Input::get('sex'))
->where($soptions, 'LIKE','%' . $searchbox . '%')
If you use mysql you can try this:
$q = Input::get('searchbox');
$results = DB::table('table')
->whereRaw("MATCH(columntobesearch) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
Ofcourse you need to prepare your table for full text search in your migration file with
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE table ADD FULLTEXT search(columntobesearch)');
Any way, this is not the more scalable nor efficient way to do FTS.
For a scalable and reliable full text search I strongly recommend you see elasticsearch and implement any Laravel package to this task

SQL query to bring all results regardless of punctuation with JSF

So I have a database with articles in them and the user should be able to search for a keyword they input and the search should find any articles with that word in it.
So for example if someone were to search for the word Alzheimer's I would want it to return articles with the word spell in any way regardless of the apostrophe so;
results should all be returned. At the minute it is search for the exact way the word is spell and wont bring results back if it has punctuation.
So what I have at the minute for the query is:
private static final String QUERY_FIND_BY_SEARCH_TEXT = "SELECT o FROM EmailArticle o where UPPER(o.headline) LIKE :headline OR UPPER(o.implication) LIKE :implication OR UPPER(o.summary) LIKE :summary";
And the user's input is called 'searchText' which comes from the input box.
public static List<EmailArticle> findAllEmailArticlesByHeadlineOrSummaryOrImplication(String searchText) {
Query query = entityManager().createQuery(QUERY_FIND_BY_SEARCH_TEXT, EmailArticle.class);
String searchTextUpperCase = "%" + searchText.toUpperCase() + "%";
query.setParameter("headline", searchTextUpperCase);
query.setParameter("implication", searchTextUpperCase);
query.setParameter("summary", searchTextUpperCase);
List<EmailArticle> emailArticles = query.getResultList();
return emailArticles;
So I would like to bring back all results for alzheimer's regardless of weather their is an apostrophe or not. I think I have given enough information but if you need more just say. Not really sure where to go with it or how to do it, is it possible to just replace/remove all punctuation or just apostrophes from a user search?
In my point of view, you should change your query,
you should add alter your table and add a FULLTEXT index to your columns (headline, implication, summary).
You should also use MATCH-AGAINST rather than using LIKE query and most important, read about SOUNDEX() syntax, very beautiful syntax.
All I can give you is a native query example:
SELECT o.* FROM email_article o WHERE MATCH(o.headline, o.implication, o.summary) AGAINST('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.headline) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.implication) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') OR SOUNDEX(o.summary) LIKE SOUNDEX('your-text') ;
Though it won't give you results like Google search but it works to some extent. Let me know what you think.

Is getting the General ID same as getting FormattedID in rally?

I am trying to get the ID under "General" from a feature item in rally. This is my query:
body = { "find" => {"_ProjectHierarchy" => projectID, "_TypeHierarchy" => "PortfolioItem/Feature"
"fields" => ["FormattedID","Name","State","Release","_ItemHierarchy","_TypeHierarchy","Tags"],
"hydrate" => ["_ItemHierarchy","_TypeHierarchy","Tags"],
I am not able to get any value for FormattedID, I tried using "_UnformattedID" but it pulls up an entirely different value than the FormattedID. Any help would be appreciated.
LBAPI does not have FormattedID field. You are correct using _UnformattedID. It is the FormattedID without the prefix. For example, this query:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",_ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}},sort:{_ValidFrom:-1}}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State"]&hydrate=["State"]&compress=true&pagesize:200
shows _UnformattedID that correspond to FormattedID as this screenshot shows:
I noticed your are using fields and fetch . Per LBAPI's documentation, it uses fields rather than fetch. If you want to get all fields, use fields=true
As far as the missing custom fields, make sure that the custom field value was set within the dates of the query.
Compare these almost identical queries: the first query does not return a custom field, the second query does.
Query #1:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",_ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}}}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State","c_PiCustomField"]&hydrate=["State","c_PiCustomField"]
Query #2:{"_ProjectHierarchy":2222,"_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature","State":"Developing",__At: "current"}&fields=["_UnformattedID","Name","State","c_PiCustomField"]&hydrate=["State","c_PiCustomField"]
The first query uses time period: _ValidFrom: {$gte: "2013-06-01TZ",$lt: "2013-09-01TZ"}
The second query uses __At: "current"
Let's say I just create a new custom field on PortfolioItem. It is not possible to create a custom field on PorfolioItem/Feature, so the field is created on PI, but both queries still use "_TypeHierarchy":"PortfolioItem/Feature".
After I created this custom field, called PiCustomField, I set a value of that field for a specific Feature, F4.
The first query does not have a single snapshot that includes that field because that field did not exist in the time period we lookback. We can't change the past.
The second query returns this field for F4. It does not return it for other Features because all other Features do not have this field set.
Here is the screenshot:

ActiveRecord search model using LIKE only returning exact matches

In my rails app I am trying to search the Users model based on certain conditions.
In particular, I have a location field which is a string and I want to search this field based on whether it contains the search string. For example, if I search for users with location 'oxford' I want it to also return users with a variation on that, like 'oxford, england'.
Having searched the web for the answer to this it seems that I should be using the LIKE keyword in the activerecord search, but for me this is only returning exact matches.
Here is a snippet of my code from the search method
conditions_array = []
conditions_array << [ 'lower(location) LIKE ?', options[:location].downcase ] if !options[:location].empty?
conditions = build_search_conditions(conditions_array)
results = User.where(conditions)
Am I doing something wrong? Or is using LIKE not the right approach to achieving my objective?
You need to do like '%oxford%'
% Matches any number of characters, even zero characters
conditions_array << [ 'lower(location) LIKE ?', "%#{options[:location].downcase}%" ] if !options[:location].empty?