encrypt password - Connect Dreamweaver to SQL server databse - sql

I am trying to set a connection between Dreamweaver and Sql server database,
i am using the wizard under Dreamweaver CS3
the wizard creates a file named connections and inside that file i have
' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' DesigntimeType="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_Q_S_Conn_STRING = "Driver={SQL Server};ServeR=\SQL08R2T_INST4;Database=XTEST;Uid= TDWEAVER;Pwd=tdweaver;"
all is working fine and i can access the database and add/delete/update records
The administrator is asking to apply encryption to the password and send him the way the encryption is performed
Can i add encryption to the password inside the Connection String? or maybe add encryption type ?
Any help please

My first question would be: Does the driver encrypt the connection to the database? If not, then what's the point of encrypting the password when the first connection publishes it as plain text on the local network?
The next question: Why can anyone read the file? If only the process can read the file, what additional security does encrypting the password provide?
For me, this feels like security by obscurity which is a valid security layer if you have covered all the other bases. If you didn't, then it's just a waste of time.


Decrypt Blowfish encrypted HSQLDB .script File

it's my first Question, so please don't be harsh if you're seeing any mistakes.
I'm creating an embedded HSQLDB via a Client.
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:"
+ dataBaseName
+ ";crypt_key=604a6105889da65326bf35790a923932;crypt_type=blowfish;shutdown=true","sa", "");
It's encrypted with Blowfish. I only defined the Key. Now i want to decrypt the .script File with Notepad++ Extensions but it asks for an IV-Key and the Salt. I haven't defined these Arguments but i need them.
Any Suggestions?
Thanks in Advance
You cannot do it directly.
Connect to the database via any client. Then use the command below for the name and location for saving the .script file in non-encrypted format.
SCRIPT 'path/filename'

Connection string with a network password

I have a problem when centralizing a database. (I will not use MySQL etc.. since this is only a small application. I will use access only.)
Problem: Code won't run because there is a password on a network.
Based on www.connectionstrings.com this is my connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\\server\share\folder\myAccessFile.accdb;
This code can access the database on a network, but only after I manually access the file and input the password.
Is there a way to input a network password using code in VB.NET?
I tried this search on this website: "access database on a network with a password in VB.NET" but no luck or my query is incorrect

Can't access encrypted sqlite database

I used Navicat Premium to create the database file and selected encrypted to put a password. Now when I try accessing the database in my vb.net program I get an error saying...
file is encrypted or is not a database
"Data Source=\\\Folder\database.db;Password=pwd;Version=3;", True
The above is my connection string (please ignore the network path =) ). Anyway, I can get through opening the connection but when reading data I get the error. I tried creating another database that doesn't have a password and it worked fine. I even copy pasted the password I have in code to navicat to make sure i typed it correctly.

PowerBuilder 12.5 tutorials

I am new to PowerBuilder Classic 12.5. I have created ado.net database profile. How can I now connect to it and create a login window to read username and password, validate and let the user access to the program.
Please help with a sample code and where do I put the codes?
Making the database connection was one of the things that took me the longest to learn, not because it's difficult, but because you do it once and don't have to look at it again.
In your code, you'll need to set the properties of the SQLCA global transaction object. If you have the connection defined in your database painter, then you can right-click on it, choose "Properties", and see what the syntax needs to be from the "Preview" tab.
This syntax will (probably) include your security credentials for the connection. You'll need to build your own userid/password prompt and parse the results into the connection string. I don't have ADO.NET installed, but here's a sample of an ODBC connection... straight copy and paste:
// Profile CINEMA3
SQLCA.AutoCommit = False
SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='DSN=cinema;UID=UserName;PWD=SuperSecurePassword'"

Global Connection from SQL Server Database to VB.NET

I want to create a global connection class from Sql server database to vb.net to make it easy in later editing the connection. Could anyone guide me the way to code both creating and calling to individual form?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Keep your connection string in your web.config file. (this gives you a single point where you can change the connection string without needing to recompile your application, it also allows you to encrypt it in the future to protect your DB server).
I'd advise against using a single "connection" object for reuse. Open and close a connection for each query or transaction.
Check out the Repository pattern instead. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff649690.aspx