noUiSlider - put date text in slider handle - slider

I have the two-handle noUiSlider date range slider working, based on the example page of its website.
I am hoping to get the date text to appear in the handles, instead of the separate spans per the source code of the example page.


When setting a date with v-date-picker v-text-field is not populated with selected date when v-mask is used

Has anyone seen/solved this issue? I have a component that utilizes v-date-picker and v-text-field. The text field is using v-mask for dynamic masking. The masking works well when date is typed in. However, when the date picker is used, it causes the text field's contents to be updated multiple times and the functions used to construct the mask are called multiple times as well. As a result, the text field ends up blank, and I get an error stating that time value is invalid.
I understand that the date picker is performing its own checks, and the format it's using for dates is different from what I need. I tried a workaround to limit the number of calls coming from the date picker and populate the text field with a saved value at the last call. But I either still get a blank field or the 'invalid time value' error.
When I set breakpoints in the masking functions, I do see the date in the text field before it disappears.

Replace a Picture in MS Word header with another in VBA

Using MS access I need to open a word document and change certain images within the header. Whilst I have the code to find and replace any text that I need, I do not quite understand how to replace an image keeping it to a specific width and height.
The header within the Word document is constructed using a basic table with 3 columns as depicted below. The image in the right hand column will need to change for a specific logo.
I have managed so far to add an image to the document using the following code which gives the expected result...
With WordDoc.StoryRanges(wdPrimaryHeaderStory)
.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:="test.jpg"
End With
I understand that this is due to me not specifying a specific location, size etc but I am struggling to find resources which would instead allow me to either remove and add a new image to the right column or just swap the images out.

How can I determine the page number of a field in MS Word with VBA?

I am using the QR-Code DISPLAYBARCODE field. I am updating all DISPLAYBARCODE with some information like date and time, additionaly I want to add the page number on which the DISPLAYBARCODE field is.
For tables I would use the range field but this is not available for fields.
Is there a way how to do that?
If you want the page number to display as part of the QR Code, you could embed a page field in the text of the code. Something like:
{ DisplayBarCode "{ Date } { Time } Page { Page }" QR \s 100 \r 0 \q 3 }
Note the quotation marks. They are necessary.
The DATE and TIME fields are the date and time when the document is printed or those fields are updated. They are not fixed timestamps.
I am working on the code for you to enter a field like the one shown.
Is that what you want?
Do you want to have the page, date, and time appear inside the DisplayBarCode field so that they show up when the bar code is read?
Do you instead of the current date and time want a time stamp for when the code is run?
What else goes in the field? The current content? Before or after the date, time and page?
Take a look at the second answer in this thread (from WillWillPower): Setting up a nested field in Word using VBA
It uses the range of the field code.

How can I check the time a cell was edited and set the time and date in other cells? Google script

I have spreadsheet and I'm basically going to use it for inventory tracking and management.
In one sheet I'll have an app on my phone fill a list when it reads
a QR code.
In the second sheet there is also a list with the
specific QR codes of each item.
I need to know when a cell in the first sheet has been updated and put that information in the following two cells.
I'm using this trigger to check if ANY cell in the document has been updated.
function cellEditTrigger()
It works fine and it runs the 'coolFunction' function. However I can't seem to be able to get the time and date for the cells that have been edited and put that information in the next two cells.
I know I could use onEdit(e), but I still can't get the information from e.range and I would like my script to not have to be bound to the Spreadsheet.
Is there any way to accomplish this?

Creating a line in an excel chart which always shoots a red line through todays date in VBA

I have a chart which I would like to always run a line through today's date after I run a Macro I am working with. I would also like it to say Today right above the chart and above the red line. I would like to code this out in VBA but I don't really know where to begin. I have the chart Does this make sense? Thanks.
Read through this and combine with =TODAY().
Edit: The specific formula you'd be using for your column of vertical lines is
=IF('cell in same row containing date'=TODAY(),MAX('range of your data'),"")
This formula will return the max from your list of data if the date in your table is today's. If you follow the instructions for option 2 from the link and create another data series for vertical lines and put this formula in that column, you will have a vertical line that is always on today's date.
One more Edit: To address having "Today" above the line, add data labels to your "Today" series by right clicking on the series and going to "Add Data Labels." Right click on the Data Labels and go to "Format Data Labels." Go to "Number" and select Custom. Enter "Today";;; into the Format Code box and click add. Your Data Labels for your blanks should go away and your date line should have "Today" over it. Format it however you wish.
And if you want to make this part of a macro, record it and play around with the code you get until you find something that works. IMO, just having this as a part of your chart is easy enough.
Last edit I swear: If your line is too fat, right click on the series/line, go to "Format Series," change the fill to a gradient, set the rotation to 180*, and play around with the stop positions and transparencies to make the line appear thinner. That's all I've got, so if I've helped in any small way, mark this as useful.