Does Laravel query database each time I call Auth::user()? - authentication

In my Laravel application I used Auth::user() in multiple places. I am just worried that Laravel might be doing some queries on each call of Auth::user()
Kindly advice

No the user model is cached. Let's take a look at Illuminate\Auth\Guard#user:
public function user()
if ($this->loggedOut) return;
// If we have already retrieved the user for the current request we can just
// return it back immediately. We do not want to pull the user data every
// request into the method because that would tremendously slow an app.
if ( ! is_null($this->user))
return $this->user;
As the comment says, after retrieving the user for the first time, it will be stored in $this->user and just returned back on the second call.

For same Request, If you run Auth::user() multiple time, it will only run 1 query and not multiple time.
But , if you go and call for another request with Auth::user() , it will go and run 1 query again.
This cannot be cached for all request after first request has been made due to security point of view.
So, It runs 1 query per request irrespective of number of time you are calling.
I see use of some session here to avoid run multiple query, so you can try these code :


How to implement concurrent session filter in grails to handle multiple login session?

For example: Suppose user "" is login from one browser and performing some works. at the same time someone else login with same user "" from another browser/machine in that scenario, i want to implement following ways
if the first logged-in user is not performing any action(inactive condition) from last 3-4 mins then first user will logged-out and second user will logged-in successfully.
If the first logged-in user is performing some task (active condition) then first user should get notification that, someone trying to logged-in from another browser/machine are you agree to allow ? if first user will allow then only second user will able to login(and first user should logout) otherwise not.
Any help is much appreciated.
This is not exact solution to your problem, but definitely it will give you the clue.
In your /grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
//To enforce/restrict one session per user Starts
concurrentSessionFilter(ConcurrentSessionFilter, sessionRegistry)
registerSessionAuthenticationStrategy(RegisterSessionAuthenticationStrategy, ref('sessionRegistry')) {}
concurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy(ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy, ref('sessionRegistry')) {
exceptionIfMaximumExceeded = true //False
maximumSessions = 1
sessionFixationProtectionStrategy(SessionFixationProtectionStrategy) {
migrateSessionAttributes = false//true
alwaysCreateSession = true//false
sessionAuthenticationStrategy(CompositeSessionAuthenticationStrategy, [concurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy, sessionFixationProtectionStrategy, registerSessionAuthenticationStrategy])
//To enforce/restrict one session per user Ends
Source : seems to be jumping randomly between stories

I have two separate simple stories on my bot,
the first one takes in the word "Debug", sends "test" then runs a function that outputs context stuff to the console called test_context()
the second one takes in an address, runs a function that changes the context called new_session(), then sends a confirmation of the change to the user structured like "your location has been changed to {address}"
when I type directly into the test console it seems to correctly detect the stories and run the corresponding functions, but when I try to use it through the Node.js API it seems to act completely randomly.
Sometimes when typing in an address it will run test_context() followed by new_session(), then output no text, sometimes it will just output the test text followed by the address text and run no functions, sometimes it will act correctly.
The same behavior happens when inputting "Debug" as well.
The back end is set up correctly, as 2 other stories seem to be working perfectly fine.
Both of these stories were working fine earlier today, I have made no changes to the wit stories themselves and no change to the back-end has even touched the debug function.
Is this a known issue?
I encountered this problem as well.
It appears to me as when you do not handle setting context variables in the story from correctly (by setting them to null for example), it messes up the story. As a developer it is your own responsability to handle the story correctly "client side", so I can understand lets weird stuff happen when you do not do this. Maybe decided to jump stories to keep their bot from crashing, still remains a bit mysterious to me. Maybe your problem is of a different kind, just sharing a similair observation and my solution.
Exactly for reasons of testing I created three stories;
handle greetings
tell what the weather in city x is
identify when you want to plan a meeting
The bot is connected to facebook and I handle actions (like planning a meeting) on my nodejs express server.
I said to the bot "I want to plan a meeting tomorrow", resulting in a wit date/time. One timeslot by the way. This is going ok. Then I sent the message "I want to plan a meeting this morning". This resulted in TWO date/time variables in the context. In turn, my code could not handle this; two timestamps resulted in null (probably json message getting more complicated and I try to get the wrong field). This in turn resulted in null for the context variable that had to be returned.
So what I did is to catch the error for when the context variable is not filled and just fill in [wit.js could not find date]. This fixed the problem, even though I now of course need to handle this error better.
Old code:
'createAppointment': ({sessionId, context, text, entities}) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const myDateTime = firstEntityValue(entities, 'datetime');
console.log('the time trying to send ',myDateTime);
createAppointment(context, myDateTime)
context.appointmentText = myDateTime
return resolve(context);
New, working code:
'createAppointment': ({sessionId, context, text, entities}) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const myDateTime = firstEntityValue(entities, 'datetime');
console.log('the time trying to send ',myDateTime);
createAppointment(context, myDateTime)
context.appointmentText = myDateTime
return resolve(context);
} else {
context.appointmentText = '[wit.js could not find date]'
return resolve(context);
Hope this helps

How to keep admin login when use ajaxProcess?

Module send only Ajax process to module controller every 5 seconds. After few minutes prestashop automatically logged out employee. How I can keep stay loggin?
In your ajaxProcess function, do this:
$cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;
This will refresh the duration of your admin cookie when your ajaxProcess returns, that is when the headers are sent which is how cookies get set.
Optionally you can include this code above the write() call so that the last activity time is also recorded
if (!Tools::getValue('stay_logged_in')) {
$cookie->last_activity = time();
You can see this code in action in /controllers/admin/AdminLoginController.php

MVC4 Force session update before request ends

We are developing using VS2010 and MVC4, deploying our web app on an IIS 7.5 on Windows7.
Our project has a long running process for which we want to display status and progress.
In order to accomplish this we have a small serializable class with properties that describe the current status. The long operation pseudo code goes like this:
int curentPercentComplete = 0;
EngineStatus status = new EngineStatus();
while (!done) {
status.PercentComplete = curentPercentComplete;
Session['status'] = status;
// do lengthy operation
curentPercentComplete = compute();
done = isJobFinished();
We also have an other controller action that tries to retrieve the current status from the session
which then encodes to json and returns it to the browser via an Ajax request.
Our problem is that we always seem to get the last saved data from the previous request, in other words the session object does not seem to update the Session['status'] field during the execution of the while block.
We have tried the session state mode both InProc and StateServer with exactly the same behavior.
Thanks in advance.
It turns out that the MVC framework performs a single update of the session data at the end of the request which means that only the last value is saved.
Since the "lengthy" operation is performed in a single request-response cycle, the idea of storing intermediate status information in the session is plain wrong.

Laravel, get currently logged-in users

I want to display a list of currently logged-in users in an app. I want to use Laravel Auth method. I'm looking at the API and I cannot find anything like it.
I would probably need to loop through the sessions store and then match it to a user ID. Am I right?
UPDATE: Forgot to mention, I'm storing sessions in the DB.
"Currently logged in" is something you can't do with plain old sessions. Let me explain why:
A session is a bunch of data stored at server side which is assigned to an user through a cookie. That cookie remains on user browser and so it keeps the session active. Sessions can stay "alive" months without the user even logging in.
But, it's possible to store sessions on database.
As you can see, Laravel keeps a field called last_activity and, through that field, you should be able to retrieve all sessions that had activity within the last 15 minutes (or something else, you call it).
When your retrieve those records, the data field is a serialized representation of session data. You can unserialize($session_record->data) and retrieve the user id.
Depending on your Auth driver, session's user id may have different names:
For eloquent driver, it should be eloquent_login.
For fluent driver fluent_login.
For your Custom\AuthClass, it should be called custom_authclass_login.
Assume that all http requests from logged in users are passing auth middleware, we can override terminate function like following:
public function terminate($request, $response)
Then a query like User::where('updated_at', '>', Carbon::now()->subMinutes(12))->get(); will bring all logged in user, where 12 is the lifetime of session.
Of course, for real time, we should use ajax calls every 5 seconds or websockets via pusher or other.
First create a table where the logged in user's id will be inserted
Schema::create('active_users', function(Blueprint $table)
Then in yourcontroller insert data while logging in
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
DB::table('active_users')->insert(array('user_id' => Auth::id()));
and delete the data while logging out
DB::table('active_users')->where('user_id', '=', Auth::id())->delete();
Print the online users list in your view
<ul><strong>Online Users</strong>
<?php $online_users = DB::table('active_users')->where('user_id','!=',Auth::id())->get(); ?>
#foreach($online_users as $online_user)