I'm using EF6 with graphdiff and EDMX and must ignore a property of a particular entity.
How should I do since even getting the property the insert or update always leave the NULL field?
The way I was able to work around this while still benefiting from the ease of GraphDiff was as follows:
Set your object equal to the GraphDiff method
Set each property you wish to ignore to .IsModified = false
user = db.UpdateGraph(user, map => map
.AssociatedCollection(u => u.UserRoles)
.AssociatedCollection(u => u.Teams));
db.Entry(user).Property(u => u.Password).IsModified = false;
db.Entry(user).Property(u => u.Salt).IsModified = false;
In my Startup.cs i have set up my default serializer with options like this
.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.DateFormatHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.MicrosoftDateFormat;
options.SerializerSettings.FloatParseHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.FloatParseHandling.Double;
options.SerializerSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc;
options.SerializerSettings.TraceWriter = new NLogTraceWriter();
options.SerializerSettings.Culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => options.SerializerSettings;
and expected anything returned from Action or coming to Action as a parameter to be serialized (or deserialized) using this setting, which is not the case. This setting only gets used when i explicitly use JsonConvert.SerializeObject() or JsonConvert.DeserializeObject() method. Is there anything else I need to set up so I don't have to use these functions explicitly in every action?
Can anyone please enlighten me on what am I doing wrong?
I was writing tests using SQLite in-memory database with XUnit and ASP.NET Core 3.1 and found strange behavior.
Lets say that we have User model and we want to change property IsActive to false:
var u = new User {Id = Guid.NewGuid(), IsActive = true};
u.IsActive = false;
// Returns false
var isActive = _db.Users.Single(x => x.Id == u.Id).IsActive;
// Returns true
var isActiveNoTracking = _db.Users.AsNoTracking().Single(x => x.Id == u.Id).IsActive;
// Fails.
Assert.Equal(isActive, isActiveNoTracking);
I get different result depending if AsNoTracking() is called or not. Why is this happening? Isn't AsNoTracking() supposed to stop tracking changes made on fetched object, not to mess with data that was already changed?
If I call SaveChanges() after changing the property then it is all good (as expected):
var u = new User {Id = Guid.NewGuid(), IsActive = true};
u.IsActive = false;
// Returns false
var isActive = _db.Users.Single(x => x.Id == u.Id).IsActive;
// Returns false
var isActiveNoTracking = _db.Users.AsNoTracking().Single(x => x.Id == u.Id).IsActive;
// Success.
Assert.Equal(isActive, isActiveNoTracking);
So I am confused, I'm not sure when SQLite in-memory actually commits changes. Sometimes you can fetch changes from db without calling SaveChanges() but sometimes you cannot.
Here is code related to db
public class SqliteInMemoryAppDbContext : AppDbContext
public SqliteInMemoryAppDbContext(IConfiguration configuration) : base(configuration)
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
var connection = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:");
// I create db context for each test like this and dispose it after each test.
var _db = new SqliteInMemoryAppDbContext(null);
So I am confused, I'm not sure when SQLite in-memory actually commits changes. Sometimes you can fetch changes from db without calling SaveChanges() but sometimes you cannot.
This is impossible. In order for something to be saved to the DB you need to call SaveChanges. What happens here is that you see local objects and you assume that they are stored in your DB. I generally suggest that you use a a DB query tool to learn how it works because it can be difficult at first.
Entity Framework has some local objects that it stores. For example at your first query.
// returns true, because it checks the db due to no tracking
_db.Users.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderBy(x=>x.Username).ToList()[0].IsActive
// returns false, it finds the local reference
_db.Users.Where(x => x.IsActive).OrderBy(x=>x.Username).ToList()[0].IsActive
As you can see from the comments above it has different behavior based on the commands. It's not about when changes are saved to the db. This happens only if you call SaveChanges. What you are confused is for when the 'queries' you write with EF look at the DB or locally.
Generally for SQL at least I like to work with SQL profiler to see what queries EF sends to the Database. For example in your case you will have a query with where and order by send to the db.
About how to understand when the db is called or not i suggest reading here.
To summarize AsNoTracking always creates the new entity which means that it will look in the db for it. Instead the other commands in your example first look locally for the object.
i have a database containing Song objects. The song class has > 30 properties.
My Music Tagging application is doing changes on a song on the file system.
It then does a lookup in the database using the filename.
Now i have a Song object, which i created in my Tagging application by reading the physical file and i have a Song object, which i have just retrieved from the database and which i want to update.
I thought i just could grab the ID from the database object, replace the database object with my local song object, set the saved id and store it.
But Raven claims that i am replacing the object with a different object.
Do i really need to copy every single property over, like this?
dbSong.Artist = songfromFilesystem.Artist;
dbSong.Album = songfromFileSystem.Album;
Or are there other possibilities.
I was a bit too positive. The suggestion below works only in a test program.
When doing it in my original code i get following exception:
Attempted to associate a different object with id 'TrackDatas/3452'
This is produced by following code:
originalFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Lookup the track in the database
var dbTracks = _session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>().WhereEquals("Query", originalFileName).ToList();
if (dbTracks.Count > 0)
track.Id = dbTracks[0].Id;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("UpdateTrack: Error updating track in database {0}: {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException);
I am first looking up a song in the database and get a TrackData object in dbTracks.
The track object is also of type TrackData and i just put the ID from the object just retrieved and try to store it, which gives the above error.
I would think that the above message tells me that the objects are of different types, which they aren't.
The same error happens, if i use AutoMapper.
any idea?
You can do what you're trying: replace an existing object using just the ID. If it's not working, you might be doing something else wrong. (In which case, please show us your code.)
When it comes to updating existing objects in Raven, there are a few options:
Option 1: Just save the object using the same ID as an existing object:
var song = ... // load it from the file system or whatever
song.Id = "Songs/5"; // Set it to an existing song ID
DbSession.Store(song); // Overwrites the existing song
Option 2: Manually update the properties of the existing object.
var song = ...;
var existingSong = DbSession.Load<Song>("Songs/5");
existingSong.Artist = song.Artist;
existingSong.Album = song.Album;
Option 3: Dynamically update the existing object:
var song = ...;
var existingSong = DbSession.Load<Song>("Songs/5");
Where you've got some code like this:
// Inside Song.cs
public virtual void CopyFrom(Song other)
var props = typeof(Song)
.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(p => p.CanWrite);
foreach (var prop in props)
var source = prop.GetValue(other);
prop.SetValue(this, source);
If you find yourself having to do this often, use a library like AutoMapper.
Automapper can automatically copy one object to another with a single line of code.
Now that you've posted some code, I see 2 things:
First, is there a reason you're using the Advanced.DocumentQuery syntax?
// This is advanced query syntax. Is there a reason you're using it?
var dbTracks = _session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>().WhereEquals("Query", originalFileName).ToList();
Here's how I'd write your code using standard LINQ syntax:
var escapedFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Find the ID of the existing track in the database.
var existingTrackId = _session.Query<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>()
.Where(t => t.Query == escapedFileName)
.Select(t => t.Id);
if (existingTrackId != null)
track.Id = existingTrackId;
Finally, #2: what is track? Was it loaded via session.Load or session.Query? If so, that's not going to work, and it's causing your problem. If track is loaded from the database, you'll need to create a new object and save that:
var escapedFileName = Util.EscapeDatabaseQuery(originalFileName);
// Find the ID of the existing track in the database.
var existingTrackId = _session.Query<TrackData, DefaultSearchIndex>()
.Where(t => t.Query == escapedFileName)
.Select(t => t.Id);
if (existingTrackId != null)
var newTrack = new Track(...);
newTrack.Id = existingTrackId;
This means you already have a different object in the session with the same id. The fix for me was to use a new session.
I am using Phalcon and have a model Order that has a one-to-many relationship with model OrderAddress. I access those addresses through the following function:
public function getAddresses($params = null) {
return $this->getRelated("addresses", array(
"conditions" => "[OrderAddress].active = 'Y'"
The OrderAddress model has a public property errors that I do not want persisted to the database. The problem I am having is that everytime I access the getAddresses function, it reloads the object from MySQL which completely wipes the values that I set against that property.
I really only want the OrderAddress models to be loaded once, so that each call to getAddresses doesn't make another trip to the DB- it just iterates over the collection that was already loaded.
Is this possible?
I suppose there's no such option in phalcon, so it has to be implemented in your code.
You could create an additional object property for cached addresses, and return it if it's already been initialized:
protected $cachedAddresses = null;
public function getAddresses($params = null) {
if ($this->cachedAddresses === null) {
$this->cachedAddresses = $this->getRelated("addresses", array(
"conditions" => "[OrderAddress].active = 'Y'"
return $this->cachedAddresses;
This could be a quick solution, but it will be painful to repeat it if you have other relations in your code. So to keep it DRY, you could redefine a 'getRelated' method in base model so it would try to return cached relations, if they already were initialized.
It may look like this:
protected $cachedRelations = [];
public function getRelated($name, $params = [], $useCache = true) {
//generate unique cache object id for current arguments,
//so different 'getRelated' calls will return different results, as expected
$cacheId = md5(serialize([$name, $params]));
if (isset($this->cachedRelations[$cacheId]) && $useCache)
return $this->cachedRelations[$cacheId];
else {
$this->cachedRelations[$cacheId] = parent::getRelated($name, $params);
return $this->cachedRelations[$cacheId];
Then, you can leave 'getAddresses' method as is, and it will perform only one database query. In case you need to update cached value, pass false as a third parameter.
And, this is completely untested, but even if there're any minor errors, the general logic should be clear.
I have a collection which is filtered at the mapping level to enable soft deletion using an "isDeleted" column in the database.
The mapping looks like this:
HasMany(x => x.UploadedFiles).Where("IsDeleted = 0")
When I set the isDeleted property for some items the collection does not automatically refresh to reflect the deletion until I reload the entity.
Is there any way to force a "refiltering" without reloading the entity ?
The Where clause in the mapping is to filter during fetching. It is not used at run-time, which is why you're not seeing UploadedFiles drop out of your collection when you set IsDeleted = true. I don't believe it is possible to refresh the collection without reloading the entity that owns it.
I would recommend expressing your intent in your object model.
private IList<File> uploadedFiles = new List<File();
public virtual IEnumerable<File> UploadedFiles {
get {
return uploadedFiles.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false);
And then modifying your mapping to access your backing field...
HasMany(x => x.UploadedFiles)
.Where("IsDeleted = 0")