How to write POST / PUT requests using RestFixture - api

I am trying to use for POST request but it's failing for some reason. Looks like a service problem itself but as I am learning Fitnees, not sure if anything is wrong with the Test as well.
Can anyone please share some details, or example for POST rest request using RestFixture/Wiki format using Demo REST APIs -
My wiki based TC looks like below - (I am trying to add Customer data with ID = 20)
'''Trying to add customer 20 entry'''
!| | |
| setBody | <CUSTOMER xmlns:xlink=""><ID>20</ID><FIRSTNAME>Anne1</FIRSTNAME><LASTNAME>Miller1</LASTNAME><STREET>201 Upland Pl.</STREET><CITY>Lyon1</CITY></CUSTOMER> |
| POST | /20| 200 | | |
I am getting below Error:
<html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/7.0.26 - Error report</title><style><!--H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} H2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} H3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} B {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} P {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}A {color : black;} {color : black;}HR {color : #525D76;}--></style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 500 - </h1><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><p><b>type</b> Status report</p><p><b>message</b> <u></u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.</u></p><HR size="1" noshade="noshade"><h3>Apache Tomcat/7.0.26</h3></body></html>
Please suggest. thanks!
Updated: 6 April 2015
I was trying to add new CUSTOMER entry using POST method which was incorrect, I should have used PUT method. Today when I tried using PUT method to add new CUSTOMER entry, I got same error :(..
Looks like a problem with WEB Service only.

Is the service working normally, do you get a different response if you send the same body to it some other way? (When I send your body to the same url I get the same error.)
The error seems to suggest that the service you are calling is broken. Sometimes this can also be the result of incorrect usage.
As it stands your question seems to have less to do with FitNesse and more with the service you are using.

I've got the same error before I added setHeaders section to my wiki.
Try this after setBody:
| setHeaders|Content-Type: application/xml|
Hope this helps.


api implementation - is this the right approach ? ( Mule 4.4 )

I am implementing a GET request which needs to interact with an ERP and extract employee details .
Now the interaction with ERP is not using HTTP so it does not return status codes such as 400 etc
Any error if present is returned in the XML payload response .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8" ?>
<Details>No errors</Details>
So I have implemented it this way - where after calling ERP and receiving response I check if response contains any error ( errorCode = 0 means an error otherwise all good )
If not an error normal processing , if an error I simply set the http status to 400 and populate response with error details.
In the error flow I am NOT throwing any exception / error and simply returning a response with 400 response status and error details .
My gut feel is in this case there is no need to Raise error ( throw ) and then again catch it in error handler.
I thought it is unnecessary in this case but was looking for some feedback ?
Note - the exception handler below is meant to catch errors such as ERP is down / unavailable etc
Note - as this is more a design / approach question , am only pasting screen print of the flow and not the actual code
Please do share your feedback and suggestions
There is no mandate to use Mule Error handling to return an HTTP status, if that's your question.
Note that Mule 4 uses error handling, not exception handling, though it looks similar.
Unrelated, it is strange that you are using HTTP status 400 for a server error, when 400 is meant for bad client request. You may want to use a more proper status.

Create Refund on square_connect Ruby sdk gives INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

I am using square_connect ruby gem to refund payments.
body =
#amount_money=#<SquareConnect::Money #amount=200, #currency="USD">,
All other parameters are just as intended. I have changed Tender key too.
result = api_instance.create_refund(authorization, location_id, transaction_id, body)
ETHON: performed EASY effective_url= response_code=500 return_code=ok total_time=1.883598
SquareConnect::ApiError: Internal Server Error - {"errors":[{"category":"API_ERROR","code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","detail":"An internal error has occurred, and the API was unable to service your request."}]}
Are you sure that your tender_id matches a tender you want to refund? 500 isn't the correct response, but it seems like you are likely not selecting a correct tender to refund.
Also you should look into upgrading your SDK to the latest version.
This is a major bug in the Square Connect API. I was actually trying with a wrong transaction ID, instead of getting something like "Incorrect Transaction ID" I was getting 500 Internal Server Error.
I have been using Stripe, Payflow., Braintree and Moneris API for almost 2 years now but I have never received a 500 Internal server error for a wrong transaction Id. So Square needs to address it on urgent basis.

Paypal error 10413

I am working with the paypal express checkout API and am having issues.
I have a request like so:
I have reviewed this many times and see no error in the math, yet this is what paypal sends me.
TIMESTAMP : 2017-03-22T01:41:05Z
CORRELATION ID : e22e8009c7018
ACK : Failure
VERSION : 88.0
BUILD : 31129382
Error Code : 10413
Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
I found that PayPal responded this way because I did not include L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0 . After including that field, it was accepted. I must say that the error message sent to me lead to me to the wrong issue

Splunk rex query does not return desired result

I am looking to search for error type in my spunk. A typical error log looks like this:
ERROR 2016/03/16 22:13:55 Program exited with error Calling service: Post http://hostname/v1.21/resource/create?name=/60b80cf9-ebc4-11e5-a9cb-3c4a92db9491-2: read unix #->/var/run/program.sock: use of closed network connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Note that common part is "Program exited with error". I am looking to capture the part that follows this common part of the error message. I tried with a couple of rex expressions. Both returned different results. Importantly, neither captured the error type I have shown above. I am giving the one that worked better here.
* | rex "Program exited with error\s+(?<reason>.+)" | top reason
An example of the log it matched-
Unable to get program status, Get net/http: timeout awaiting response headers
However, it did not match log of the form-
initial ZK connection failed, stat /var/program/f47aae5c-ea42-11e5-8975-fc15b40f4cc4/srcheck/started: no such file or directory
Calling service: Post http://hostname/v1.21/resource/create?name=/60b80cf9-ebc4-11e5-a9cb-3c4a92db9491-2: read unix #->/var/run/program.sock: use of closed network connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Could someone help me understand what's wrong with my rex expression and what the right one would be so I get all possible error types?
This recipe:
"ERROR.*Program exited with error.*:.*:.*:\s+(?<reason>.+)"
will yield:
use of closed network connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
I don't have enough sample data to know if this will hold up or not. For example, I'm counting on exactly 3 colons, to get me to the interesting part. Also I don't know if you care about other things like the hostname, the fact that it's a Post, etc.. But based on your sample of 1, this answer should do the trick.

IN EAN API of Booking reservation giving error as cannot service this request.Authentication failure

While using ENA API of hotel reservation , error is coming as cannot service this request.Authentication failure. (cid=0; ipAddress=; sig=28f6ba17b4ba1d9e4c898e21c2be8802 ; time=1400160329; server=65)0ABAAA41-712E-3914-6002-0DB253901793" cannot service this request.Authentication failure. (cid=0; ipAddress=; sig=28f6ba17b4ba1d9e4c898e21c2be8802 ; time=1400160329; server=65)0ABAAA41-712E-3914-6002-0DB253901793
you can refer this link :
Expedia has endpoint problem with, Meantime we need to use in our request call.
For example:
will become
I hope this helps you!
Use to test API.
I was facing the same problem ,i found that problem was with sig value,however,i was passing false sig value.
Check to generate sig value.